If it is in a dislocated state, the body load will be even more severe. The Zerg God will not feel sorry for the body of the firefly that he possesses, but he wants to prolong his fighting time.Try to extend the battle time a little more, so that the sun god on Tiandao can be solved.

"I am the god of battle. I live in the same era as the sun god. Do you think I will betray my companions?"

Kagami asked in a provocative tone.

"Yes, I believe you."

The Zerg God bewitched.

"I'm sorry, I'm different from you. I care about birth. We don't need you, the Zerg God, a foreign god on Earth. The two of us are enough."

Kagami Shin said.

"Kagami Shin, so you..."

Tiandao Director finally understood why he felt a vague sense of attraction in Kaga Meixin, and the same was true for Kaga Meixin.

"Yes, I am the God of Battle. If it weren't for your battle, I wouldn't be able to wake up."

The God of Battle squeezed his shoulders, "It seems that this little guy doesn't exercise enough, his physical fitness is so poor, I guess I will fall into a coma after this battle."

Tendo Souji is the god of the sun, and Kaga Meixin is the god of battle. Their titles are not because of the belt, but because they are.

That's why those Zergs saw the Koto who transformed from the head of Tiandao, and the steel fight from Kagami Shin, they were called the god of the sun and the god of battle.

"Then a new battle begins."

Tendou Souji and the newbie Kagami joined hands and held each other.

"Hmph, the new battle will end soon."

Firefly's mouth puffed up and began to accumulate energy.

"Extremely cold storm."

The firefly threw out the attack contained in its mouth at once.It was Tianchishui who injured the ten little suns of Tiandao Director General at that time.

Tiandao Souji and Kaga Meixin rushed out, but it was still a bit late.

The body was sprinkled with crimson sky red water.

"Didn't you fall into a deep sleep because of your soul? Then I will make up for you. Is it enough?"

Firefly laughed.

Sky Chishui can indeed strengthen and heal the soul, but if the moon is full, it will lose. If it is too much or too much, it is not good.

The reason why the sun god on Tiandao Shoji and the god of battle on Kaga Meixin has not been awakened, but secretly attached to them.

The fully grown Tiandao Souji and Kaga Meixin are the sun gods and the gods of battle.And the ones helping them fight at this moment are also the soul of the god of battle, and the real sun god and god of battle are Kaga Meixin and Tiandao Zongji.

At this moment, the souls of the gods on the two of them had already been glued to the Chishui. This kind of sacred object of the zerg did have merit.

Moreover, the God of Zergs also knows the efficacy of Tianchi Water very well. As a god, he also understands God, so he can flexibly use Tianchi Water.

Tiandao Shoji and Kaga Meixin had Tian Chishui on their bodies, and Tian Chishui did give their god souls great benefits.

But they are a little too short to make up, and now they have made up a little too much.

The quality and quantity of the Celestial Scarlet Water held by the Zerg God is beyond the reach of ordinary Zergs.Because the God of Zerg can be said to be the incarnation of Jiutian Chishui.

Zergs are very greedy, in order to occupy the sky red water in the universe for a long time, but the sky red water is also extremely rare in the universe.

So the zerg dedicated the collected sky red water to his god, the zerg god, and made a perfect statue.After thousands of years of worship, the God of Zerg was naturally born, and the God of Zerg was shaped by the Zerg using Tianchi water.As a result, Zerg God can produce high-quality Celestial Water by himself.

"Old man, this time is bad."

Tiandao Sousji felt weak all over, and so did Kaga Meixin, as if he was sleepy after eating and drinking enough.

"Yeah, it's over this time. I'm afraid I really have to fall with the other gods."

The fighting spirit on Kagami's body suddenly fell silent, and began to absorb the sky-red water that the Zerg God had just given them.

The situation of the Director of Heavenly Dao is a little better, but that's just a little bit better, and he can hardly keep his eyes open.

Director Tiandao barely supported himself to stand up, but just as he stood up, his body fell uncontrollably.

Firefly laughed loudly, "Hahaha. In the end I won. I won."

With a sound of "chi", the Kunai gun pierced the firefly, and exploded full of doubts.And the Zerg God attached to him is because of the body of the firefly.

So the Zerg God died with the Firefly.

What was different this time was that after the firefly zerg exploded, it left behind a fist-sized crimson cup similar to a drinking cup.

Li Qinghe's transformed Jia Dou picked up the drinking cup on the ground. .

The information about the cup immediately appeared in Li Qinghe's mind.

The "Holy Grail (True)" can absorb the essence of cosmic energy to produce Tianchi water.

Chapter 77 Centipede Worm

According to earth time, one-fifth of a small cup of Tianchishui can be produced in a year, and it can be filled once every five years.Unused Celestial Water will be automatically stored in the Holy Grail.

Li Qinghe read my information, this holy grail is still a space treasure, the harvest is really good, but it's a pity that it can only store Tianchi water.But that's not bad, Li Qinghe doesn't know how to store Tianchi water yet.

Moreover, the arrival of the Holy Grail made Li Qinghe no longer need the Tianchishui in the hands of Tianshulong.

Because the quality of Tianchi water produced by Holy Grail is better and better, and the production is stable without being controlled by others.

The head of Tiandao saw that the god of zerg who had been enchanted by the firefly died, and he also became cold.And passed out with confidence.

"These two little guys are really worrying. Fortunately, I came early."

Li Qinghe was too far away from the place where the Heavenly Dao Chief and Zerg God fought.

Even if Li Qinghe stepped up the accelerator, it was too late. As for calling the plane, it was fine, but when the Black Hawk helicopter came here, and then picked up Li Qinghe and walked together, it took about the same time as Li Qinghe drove over, so there was no need for that at all.

Especially when I saw the light over the entire city, it disappeared for a moment. Although the light came back later, this light was a little different from the previous light.

Li Qinghe didn't know what happened in front of Tiandao Chief Director, but such a big situation showed that the battle was fierce.

Li Qinghe found that the method of flying was not feasible, and began to change to another method. Suddenly Li Qinghe found that his thinking was limited.This world is different from the previous time, the time particles in this world are extremely active.

After Li Qinghe put Tian Chishui on Tiandao Zongsi and Kaga Meixin, his anxiety suddenly increased.

The palpitations in his heart made Li Qinghe immediately transform into Jiadou and use the ability of clocku to come here.

It was discovered that the Zerg God was going to execute Tiandao Zongji and Kaga Meixin, how could this be possible.

"Put it down, it doesn't belong to you. The Holy Grail belongs to us zerg."

Five Zergs appeared behind Li Qinghe, and they surrounded Li Qinghe together.


This is Li Qinghe's reply.

Li Qinghe also keenly felt that someone was watching him secretly, to be precise, the Holy Grail in his hand.

Li Qinghe could feel that the person who was spying on his holy grail was very familiar.

Li Qinghe "hehehe", so that the Zerg around him didn't know what he meant when he said hehehe, although he could hear something wrong from Li Qinghe's tone.

But those Zergs surrounding Li Qinghe are very well informed. They know that there are two Jiadou, especially the Jiadou transformed by Li Qinghe is extremely powerful, and killed many of them not long ago. .

"What the hell do you mean?"

A bald monk calmly put down the wooden fish, waiting for Li Qinghe's explanation.

"I mean……"

Li Qinghe shook his head.

"He must be unwilling. Let's kill him now, what do you think?"

A dancing girl twisted her slender waist and cast a wink at Li Qinghe, but she did not hide the murderous intent towards Li Qinghe in her eyes.

"Don't worry, wait for his statement."

The bald monk looked at Li Qinghe calmly.

"You are an awakener."

Li Qinghe asked the monk.

"Benefactor, I am indeed an awakened one. I don't know how you can tell."

The monk's tone was very peaceful, and he didn't seem to have any thoughts of fighting.

"The breath on your body is the breath of an eminent monk who has received incense in the temple for many years. Although mimicry can obtain memories, the breath on your body cannot be perfectly mimicked.

I see you don't seem to want to fight, so why are you here? "

Li Qinghe asked curiously.

"The benefactor is really careful to observe. I came this time, and it was just a favor. That person asked me to take back the Holy Grail in your hand. It will not have much effect on you humans."

The monk tried to persuade Li Qinghe.

"How do you know that it doesn't have much effect? ​​I think it has a great effect."

Li Qinghe played with the holy grail in his hand, throwing it up to catch it, throwing it up and catching it again, he was not afraid of the holy grail falling to the ground and breaking.

But the five humanoid zergs around were staring at the Holy Grail in Li Qinghe's hand, afraid that Li Qinghe would accidentally drop the Holy Grail on the ground.They care too much about the Holy Grail, and they forget that the ability to use clku can catch the cup, and they also forget that they can use clku to snatch the Holy Grail.

The fact is that the hardness of the Holy Grail is very high, even if it falls from a height of 100 meters, it will not be damaged at all.

"Then the benefactor is not planning to return it to us."

There was a hint of anger in the monk's tone. Anyone who spoke earnestly for such a long time, but failed in exchange, would have anger in his heart.

The monk at this time is like this, "Then don't blame the poor monk for being rude."

The monk suddenly seemed to be transformed into a glaring King Kong.

"I just said that there is no need to talk so much nonsense, just do it directly."

The enchanting dancer snapped her fingers and exited the mimicry.

Dancing Girl is a Burial Bug with the same characteristics as Burial Bugs on Earth.

Burying insects are also called burial armor and hammer armor.Belongs to the largest order of insects - Coleoptera, Buried Armadae.There are about 175 species of insects in this family worldwide.This is a carrion beetle with a "dedication spirit", which is not only reflected in its diet of animal carcasses, but also in its social custom of raising its young by hand next to the buried carcass .

When burying insects eat animal carcasses, they always dig the ground under the carcass, and finally they will naturally bury the carcass in the ground, so they get their name.

Li Qinghe looked at the dancer who had transformed into a burial bug with great interest.

"I said, why are you so good at perfume? It turns out that you want to use your own perfume to cover up your stink."

The burial bug's eyes could shoot fire, "You're looking for death, I'm going to tear you apart."

"Donor, give you another chance, give us the Holy Grail in your hand, and we can reward you."

The monk held back his anger and said again.

"Can you give me any remuneration, status and money? Then I really don't need it. What do you say?"

Li Qinghe shrugged.

The monk listened to Li Qinghe's words, and the top monk didn't refute, because the facts were indeed like that.

The monk clasped his hands together, "The poor monk started killing today."

The monk also transforms to have the same characteristics as the centipede on Earth. .

Centipede is a carnivore with flat and long arthropods, each segment has a pair of feet.Originated in the Silurian period, there are still [-] species alive today.Like arthropods, known as multi-arthropods.

The centipede is flat and long, 9-17 cm long and 05-1 cm wide.The whole is composed of 22 links, and the last section is slightly smaller.The two segments of the head are dark red, with 1 pair of antennae and poisonous hooks; the back is brownish green or dark green, shiny, and has 2 longitudinal ribs; the abdomen is light yellow or brownish yellow, shrunken; from the second segment, each body The nodes have 1 pair of feet, born on both sides, yellow or reddish brown, bent into a hook shape.Brittle, fractured section.The gas is slightly fishy, ​​and has a special pungent odor, and the taste is pungent and slightly salty.The quality is better if the body is dry, the body strips are complete, and the head is red and the body is green.

Chapter 78 Infighting

Centipede is a commonly used medicinal material, warm in nature, pungent in taste, and poisonous.It has the functions of relieving wind and relieving spasm, attacking poison and dispelling stagnation, dredging collaterals and relieving pain.It is used for convulsions in children, convulsions, crooked mouth and eyes due to apoplexy, hemiplegia, tetanus, rheumatism, sores, scrofula, and snake bites.

"Centipede? Don't you three change?"

Li Qinghe looked at the other ones who had not transformed and asked.

"No need, I can do it alone."

Centipede said.

"But the higher-ups asked us to work together..."

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