Not waiting for the Mime Dancer's Burial Worm to interrupt.

"I was put in charge of this operation, not you. I have the right to do it cheaply."

The Burial Worm stomped, "I don't know good people."

From the tone of the burying insect, Li Qinghe could hear that the dancer had different feelings for the centipede transformed by the monk.

Li Qinghe looked at it and just smiled.

"Then come on. But before we go again, these two little guys can be taken away by my people."

Li Qinghe pointed to the comatose Tiandao Shoji and Kaga Meixin.


What Li Qinghe didn't expect was that the centipede rejected Li Qinghe's proposal.

"I won't give you extra time, let you wait for your soldiers. And those two people were also asked by my superiors to take them back. So..."

The monk disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was accompanied by the beaten Jiadou.


Li Qinghe activated super speed and saw the centipede punching him.

"Your strength is not strong."

Li Qinghe grabbed the centipede and flung it out.

"I know."

The centipede slowly stood up from the ground.

"I want to know how high my strength is."

The centipede's tail plunged into the ground and part of it broke off, and that part rushed to Li Qinghe's feet.

Li Qinghe's two feet were caught by the centipede, and he walked towards Li Qinghe step by step.

"Do you know? What is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. I deliberately showed you weakness and lowered your vigilance, so I can catch you now."

The centipede talked with Li Qinghe in a peaceful tone, without any fluctuations. It seemed that this was not the first time the centipede had done this.

"It seems that you think you have the chance to win."

Li Qinghe looked at his bound feet and did not resist much.

"Then let you know what anti-killing is. uton."

Li Qinghe transformed into a Jiadou, the armor that had faded from his body was retracted, and he turned into a masked form.

"Do you want to use the masked form to break free from my shackles? The masked form just strengthens the defense a little bit."

Centipede said.It seems that the Zerg has a deep understanding of the knight system, which means that Zect has already mixed in, or some high-level zects have colluded with the Zerg.

Li Qinghe didn't think about anything else, the key was to overcome the current difficulties.

And the other zergs surrounding Li Qinghe were also giggling.

"Why, are you going to fight five against one?"

Li Qinghe said excitedly.

"No, I am enough to deal with you with your feet bound."

The centipede shooed off the other zerg who were about to strike.

"He belongs to me, and I am responsible for this operation. If you want to pick my fruits, you must do the corresponding consequences."

The centipede stared fiercely, making the dancing girl and the other three Zergs afraid to move.

"That's right. Naturally, I will fully report to you for the credit that belongs to you when you go back."

The centipede's sharp claws were about to pierce Li Qinghe's transformed Jiadou's throat.


The armor on Li Qinghe's body came off again, and the impact force of those armor fragments would break the bound feet of the centipede approaching Li Qinghe by the stripped armor.

Li Qinghe turned around silently, followed by a kick, "riderkick."

Li Qinghe, the centipede, was relatively close, unable to dodge the attack, he grabbed the Burying Bug next to him and blocked it in front of him.


The burial worm died at the hands of the centipede he had a crush on.

"Damn it. You're courting death and treating her like this. Ahhh."

A praying mantis is angry.It seemed that he had an unusual affection for the dead dancing girl.

Praying mantises have the same characteristics as terrestrial praying mantises.

The scientific name is mantis, also known as knife mantis, an invertebrate and a carnivorous insect.In ancient Greece, people regarded praying mantis as a prophet. Because the forearm of praying mantis is raised like a praying girl, it is also called prayer insect.

Praying mantises are relatively large among insects, with a body length of 55 to 105 mm. The African praying mantis is the largest in the world, with a streamlined body, mainly green and brown, and also has piebald species; the iconic feature is that there are two " The "big knife", that is, the forelimb, has a row of hard serrated teeth, and the end of the big knife hook has a climbing suction cup.The head is fan-shaped and small; the compound eyes are protruding, large and translucent, mainly yellow-green, and appear black under the light at night, ocelli, with 3 small dots between the two eyes, which are ocelli; the antennae are slender; the neck can be 180-degree rotation; chewing mouthparts, strong palate.

"Miyamoto Musashi, control your brother."

The centipede said to the other zerg.

The other zerg sighed and became a praying mantis as well.

"Brother, there are so many women in the world, why do you have to find her, she is not suitable for you. What's more, he is dead."

In front of Miyamoto Musashi's praying mantis.

"Brother, I have never begged you for anything since I was a child. This time, I will ask you to let me be self-willed. Is that okay? Brother, I will listen to whatever you say from now on."

Miyamoto Musashi's younger brother knew that he couldn't beat his brother, so he could only start with emotion and knelt down to Miyamoto Musashi.

Miyamoto Musashi hesitated for a while, he only has one younger brother.Miyamoto Musashi and his younger brother are also awakened, not mimicked by Zerg.So I am very particular about emotions.

Miyamoto Musashi didn't make a move for a long time, he couldn't do it, he knew that his younger brother usually listened to him the most.After his parents were killed by zect, he and his younger brother began to depend on each other.

The younger brother is very sensible, and he has never caused any trouble or caused him trouble. To be honest, Miyamoto Musashino is not used to the way the monk behaves this time.

On weekdays, he deliberately stimulated the dancer's appetite and deliberately gave her a glimmer of hope.In fact, it is to use all available resources around you.He sees farther and deeper than his younger brother.

The younger brother was interested in the dead dancer. As an elder brother, he knew it, but he felt that the dancer was a bit contrived.So I always disagreed. Originally, he was a little happy to see the dancer's death.The younger brother would never fall in love with her again.

"Oh, it seems that you can't control your brother, so let me do it. You don't need such a brother."

A middle-aged wealthy businessman who was watching the play stood in front of Miyamoto Musashi's younger brother. .

The middle-aged wealthy businessman patted Miyamoto Musashi on the shoulder.

"Since you can't let go, let me do it. Don't thank me."

Chapter 79 Revenge

After speaking, the rich businessman becomes a cicada with the same characteristics as the cicadas on the earth.

Cicadas are one of the suborders of the Insecta Hemiptera, and they are commonly known as cicadas or borrowed children.

Cicadas are a class of organisms in the phylum Arthropoda, class Insecta, order Hemiptera, and family Cicadae.There are about 3000 known species.What gives us the illusion of the short life of cicadas is their unique life cycle.Cicadas go through three stages in their life: egg, larva, and adult.In summer, fertilized eggs laid in earlier years hatch into larvae, which burrow into the soil and feed on the sap of plant roots.After the larva matures, it crawls to the ground, sheds its golden exoskeleton, and emerges as a winged adult we commonly see.Although adult cicadas only live for a few months, the larval stage can survive in the soil for many years. For example, a cicada with a life span of 6 years, its larval stage accounts for 5 years of its life.

Cicada larvae live in the soil and have a pair of strong digging forefeet.Use piercing-sucking mouthparts to pierce and suck the juice from the roots of plants, weaken the tree vigor, make the branches die, and affect the growth of trees.Usually they will stay in the soil for several years or even ten years, such as 3 years, 5 years, and 17 years. These numbers have one thing in common, they are all prime numbers.This is because the factors of prime numbers are seldom, and when drilling out of the soil, they can prevent from getting out with other cicadas, competing for territory and food.When it is about to emerge, it drills out of the soil surface at dusk and at night, climbs to the tree, then grasps the bark, and molts to emerge.

The cicada stabbed the head of Miyamoto Musashi's younger brother with one claw.Miyamoto Nobuko, who was kneeling on the ground, seemed to be waiting for death, but in fact he was also preparing for his fatal blow. He would not let the cicada kill him.

"Get lost. He's my younger brother, and it's not your turn to teach him a lesson."

Miyamoto Musashi was in hesitation at first, whether to let his brother do it or not.

Ke Chan's behavior angered Miyamoto Musashi.

"My brother, can it be your turn to do it?"

The sharp sickle on the forearm of the mantis in Miyamoto Musashi's hand pierced into the cicada and pushed Miyamoto Musashi aside.

"You're crazy, I'm the one above."

Cicada clutched the wound on her back and cursed at Miyamoto Musashi.

"No matter who you are, as long as you dare to attack my brother, you will have only one end, and that is death."

Miyamoto Musashi turned to his younger brother and said, "Brother, do what you want, and don't let your life have any regrets."


Another praying mantis kneeling on the ground.

Because he knew that the people who attacked him in the past, no matter the Zerg, were all killed by his brother mercilessly.The reason why he didn't let himself get close to the dancer was also for his own safety.

But liking is liking, and he doesn't regret his actions.

Miyamoto Musashi's younger brother, Miyamoto Nobushin, heard his brother's agreement, and happily fought towards the centipede, but he still saw what happened to the other three zerg from the corner of his eye.

Likewise, the centipede knows it too.

"Damn traitor."

The centipede resisted Li Qinghe's punch and retreated from the battle circle with Li Qinghe.

"Why do you want revenge on me?"

The centipede provoked Nobumako Miyamoto.

Li Qinghe finally understood why the centipede insisted on one-on-one with him, it was not for the sake of bullshit fairness, but because he couldn't control the people brought by his subordinates, they might take credit or stab him.

"You must die."

Miyamoto Nobushin said in a serious tone.

The centipede turned to look at Nobumako Miyamoto who was approaching him.

"For a dead person, is it worth it?"

"You hypocritical, hypocritical, hypocritical monk, you actually killed her."

Mantis has been torn to shreds.

However, the gaze cannot meet the centipede's glare.

"Didn't she like me very much? She said she would give everything for me. Now, give me your life. What do you say?"

Centipede said of course.

"Damn it, it's not worth it for her to die for a scum like you. I want to avenge her."

Miyamoto Nobushin brandished a sharp sickle.

"Ridiculous declaration. Suffer death. Compared with him, you deserve to die. Traitor."

The centipede turned to Li Qinghe and asked, "I'm taking care of the housework now, I don't think you will meddle in our Zerg's housework."

Li Qinghe is very happy to see this kind of dog-eat-dog plot.Anyway, you don't need to do it yourself, so why not have someone do it for you.

"Hmph, I don't need you to take action, I can defeat him."

Mantis pointed to Li Qinghe with one hand and said.

"I never thought of making a move."

Li Qinghe turned into a Jiadou and ran to the side, quietly watching the tail of the mantis insert into the ground again without a sound.

Immediately before Nobucheng Miyamoto made a move, his feet were restrained just like Li Qinghe at the beginning.

And on the centipede.

Starting from the part sprayed by the green thick liquid, Miyamoto's body began to petrify a little bit.

The centipede kicked the rigid Miyamoto Nobuma into pieces.

In a very simple battle, Miyamoto Nobushin had already died.The speed at which the battle was resolved was beyond Li Qinghe's imagination.

"Brother. I want you to die."

Miyamoto Musashi is now involving that cicada to make a comeback.

Cicada took advantage of the moment when Miyamoto Musashi was distracted and attacked continuously, and Miyamoto Musashi was knocked to the ground by a series of attacks.

"Aren't you quite capable? You said that your younger brother doesn't need me to teach you a lesson. Well, let the adults teach him for me."

Cicada stepped on Miyamoto Musashi.

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