"Miyamoto Musashi, it seems that I have to help you."

Li Qinghe's figure disappeared with a sound.

Immediately afterwards, the cicada that stepped on Miyamoto Musashi was kicked aside.

Li Qinghe immediately stepped aside to watch the show.

"I've already helped you, it's up to you what to do next."

Li Qinghe pointed at the angry Cicada.


The praying mantis transformed by Miyamoto Musashi slowly stood up.

"My brother is my only support, my hope of survival. You have wiped out my hope."

After Miyamoto Musashi finished speaking, his aura began to strengthen.

"Stimulate potential?"

Li Qinghe has also seen the scene where the Zerg's potential is stimulated.

And the centipede would naturally not allow such a thing to happen.

"Get out of the way, didn't you say you wouldn't interfere with me?"

Centipede pointed to Li Qinghe and said.

"Okay, it'll be fine after he fully stimulates his potential."

Li Qinghe hugged it with both hands. .

"It seems that we must fight."

The centipede spat out streams of thick green liquid, and Li Qinghe quickly dodged away.

Chapter 80 Enforcers

Those places swept by the green thick liquid were all petrified.

And Miyamoto Musashi behind Li Qinghe was also swept by the thick liquid.

"It seems that you are really despicable."

Li Qinghe knew why the centipede did this.It was to force himself to leave, and let Miyamoto Musashi behind Li Qinghe be attacked by him.

His plan was very successful, because Li Qinghe didn't expect to fight for Miyamoto Musashi for a long time.After all, Li Qinghe and Miyamoto Musashi have no friendship, and this is the first time they meet.

The body of the praying mantis transformed by Miyamoto Musashi began to ossify.

Li Qinghe also saw it, but Li Qinghe was not worried, because Li Qinghe felt that Miyamoto Musashi's aura had been increasing.This shows that Miyamoto Musashi's process of stimulating his potential has not been interrupted.

However, the two Zerg centipedes farther away from Miyamoto Musashi did not have such an obvious feeling.

"Hahaha. I finally got rid of that traitor. You are good. I will reward you heavily when I go back."

The centipede was happier seeing the petrified Miyamoto Musashi, and now only Li Qinghe was left.

The centipede rubbed his wrist, "Are you going to do it? Or are you going to catch it yourself?"

Li Qinghe shrugged indifferently, "Look behind you, and then decide."

Centipede didn't believe Li Qinghe's words, "Do you think I will believe your words and look back?"

Centipede said.

"Yes, yes. Your Excellency said so."

Cicada nodded flatteringly.

"Chi." A sound.

The head of the cicada was gone, and green blood gushed out.

"Boom." With a sound, Cicada was more cautious. The moment she felt that Cicada's head was gone, she used the ability of clku to leave her original position.

He found that it was Miyamoto Musashi's mimetic praying mantis that he thought was dead just now, which was more sensitive to murderous intent, and when he felt something wrong, he immediately dodged away.

"You're not dead."

Centipede withdrew from clku and looked at Miyamoto Musashi.

"I won't die until I kill you."

Miyamoto Musashi said in a hateful tone.

"You can't kill me."

Centipede said calmly.

Just now Miyamoto Musashi had the chance to kill one of the cicadas, but between the two, Miyamoto Musashi chose the weaker cicada just now had the idea of ​​killing his younger brother, so Miyamoto Musashi judged him in his heart death penalty.But Cicada's strength is relatively weak, and he has a higher certainty of killing with one blow.

On the contrary, the centipede is stronger, more cautious, not easy to kill, and not sure about killing it with one blow.So Miyamoto Musashi chose Cicada as his target.

And that's exactly what it is, Centipede.

"That useless brother of yours who just died told me the same thing."

Centipede said.

"So it's your turn to atone."

After Miyamoto Musashi finished speaking, he was about to make a move, but found that his feet were bound by the centipede's tail.

"Let me see how you survive this time."

After the centipede finished speaking, he spit out a green thick liquid at Miyamoto Musashi from his mouth.

Miyamoto Musashi's body began to turn into stone, and the petrification speed was very fast.

"I use my natal venom, I don't believe you can solve it."

The centipede's legs are charged, ready to kill with one blow.At the same time, Li Qinghe was also monitored to prevent Li Qinghe from rescuing Miyamoto Musashi.

Li Qinghe didn't make a move. Li Qinghe knew that Miyamoto Musashi, who had unleashed his full potential, would definitely die this time, but he, who had unleashed his full potential, shouldn't be so weak.

Li Qinghe also had a choice in his heart. He had already rescued Miyamoto Musashi once, and he had unleashed his full potential and was no longer worthy of Li Qinghe's rescue again.

Just as the centipede's charged blow was about to reach the petrified Miyamoto Musashi.


The stone on the surface of Miyamoto Musashi exploded all of a sudden.

And the centipede had a knife mark on its waist.This is still him dodging at the fastest speed.

Miyamoto Musashi stamped his feet on the ground, and the restraints on his feet were released.

Miyamoto Musashi's two sickles gleamed, and his arms began to charge.

"You must die."

Miyamoto Musashi activates the ability of clku. Similarly, the fighting ability of the centipede is not strong, which is similar to Miyamoto Musashi who has not stimulated his potential.

The centipede's right claw had been cut off and fell to the ground.

The centipede didn't even bother to pick it up, so it dodged to the other side to avoid Miyamoto Musashi's attack.

The centipede knows that the strength obtained by stimulating the potential will not exist for too long. As time goes by, the strength of Miyamoto Musashi will gradually decline, and it will be time to fight back.

But the question is whether the centipede can persist until that moment, but Li Qinghe probably won't be able to persist.Because the centipede is inconvenient to move, naturally it cannot avoid Miyamoto Musashi's next attack, so it can only wait for the neck to be killed.


Miyamoto Musashi's sharp sickle was caught by a man in black.

"Enforcer, let me kill him, I am willing to go back and accept punishment."

And the man in black stretched out his hand, no, it was a claw.

A whipless scorpion blocked the sickle cut by Miyamoto Musashi with its strongest poisonous scorpion tail.

Whipless scorpions have the same characteristics as whipless scorpions.


1 order of the class Arachnida.The body is flat, 4-45 mm long, and the front body is wider than long, covered by a carapace.8 eyes: 2 middle eyes, 3 lateral eyes in each group.The rear body has 12 segments, the first segment forms a ventral stalk, and the rear end of the body has no whip (see picture [African whipless scorpion]).There are about 1 species, and there is no record in Ziyuan country.The 60-segmented chelicerae of the order Aflaschia resemble those of spiders in shape and function, but there are no venomous glands inside.The tentacles are divided into 2 segments: basal segment, trochanter, femur, tibia, base tarsus, tarsus and posterior tarsus. There are sharp protrusions on the inner edge of the femur and the following segments for predation.7st pair of legs slender.The tibia and tarsus are divided into many segments, which have sensory functions, and usually one extends forward and the other extends to one side of the body for exploration.The last 1 pairs of walking legs are each composed of 3 segments, with 7 claws at the end, and some have claw pads.

"You have committed a capital crime, which is unforgivable."

The whipless scorpion pulled Miyamoto Musashi aside with a fierce whip.

"Master Law Enforcer, I know, but please let me avenge my brother, I am willing to go back and accept the punishment."

Miyamoto Musashi asked.

"Impossible, it's your fault. I've seen it clearly from the side. From the beginning, you spoiled your brother too much and let him fight against his own people.

But you are conniving. You cruelly killed cicadas and the same kind, which is an unforgivable crime.Do not listen to the orders of the superiors and act without permission. .

Do you think I have a reason to forgive you? "

Whipless Scorpion asked.

Chapter 81

"Hey, mantis, didn't you see that the law enforcement officer was deliberately delaying time? When your time is up, you will probably die. Pity your dead brother."

Li Qinghe "kindly reminded" Miyamoto Musashi on the side.

"So it is."

Miyamoto Musashi stood up, "Master Law Enforcer, please get out of the way, after killing him this time, I will go back and plead guilty."

Whipless Scorpion shook his head, "In front of me, don't try to be presumptuous. I originally wanted to wait until your potential was exhausted, but I didn't expect to be seen through by this person, so let's do it. Are you going to catch yourself without a fight, or should I make a move?" .”

Miyamoto Musashi released his own anger, "Damn you all, my brother, my poor brother wants you to accompany him together."

Miyamoto Musashi's two sharp sickles once again showed an attacking state.

While Li Qinghe was watching the play, he began to quietly contact his subordinates. He must have been hindered for not coming for such a long time.

Li Qinghe found out that his subordinates were intercepted.Groups of zerg began to intercept their own backup troops.

Zerg worms blocked their backup troops one by one, and there were also fading zerg involved in the battle, which was the reason why the backup troops couldn't arrive in time.

But Li Qinghe was not worried, because the Red Police soldiers would not let themselves down.

"The blue ant army is activated."

Li Qinghe activated the Blue Ant Troop, which is rarely activated at ordinary times.

The strength of the blue ant army is much higher than that of the red ant army.

The blue ant army is currently dominated by dragon knights.The newly added technology can form a short-term enchantment, and the zerg cannot use the ability of clku in the enchantment.

After Li Qinghe gave the order, he continued to watch what the so-called law enforcers should do next.

"Miyamoto Musashi, now I'll give you a chance to make a contribution. Kill him or take him back. I can give you a good word in front of adults."

The law enforcer, Whipless Scorpion, saw Li Qinghe watching a show, and wanted to bring trouble to the east.If possible, he doesn't want to fight against Miyamoto Musashi who has exploded to his full potential.

If he could wait until Miyamoto Musashi and Li Qinghe had a big fight, then no matter who wins, he could reap the benefits.

The reason why cranes and clams compete for the fisherman's profit is not only known by the Ziyuan people, but also by the insects.

"Okay, but I have to kill him first."

Miyamoto Musashi pointed to the wounded centipede, who was almost useless in combat.

"Almsgiver, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. You should rest assured of the hatred in your heart and take refuge in me."

The centipede's two paws are folded together, which is awkward no matter how you look at it.

"Alas, didn't you take refuge in my Buddha? How did you become a refuge in you?"

Li Qinghe shouted at the centipede.

"Taking refuge in me is taking refuge in my Buddha, there is no difference."

The centipede's shameless words made Li Qinghe retreat.

People are shameless and invincible in the world, but trees without bark will surely die.The centipede is sure to die.

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