"No, I'm no match for you in marksmanship."

The squad leader shook his head.

"Then faster than assembling firearms?"

When Li Qinghe finished speaking, he had already disassembled the gun in his hand into parts.

"No, I know it's better than marksmanship, and I don't have your gun faster than assembling a gun, but as an ant soldier, you need to wear a thick combat uniform to fight, even if you are a capable person in Jiadou.

So a good body is very necessary.So I'm going to wrestle with you. "

The captain of the small team challenged Li Qinghe.

"To be honest, I'm really not interested in accepting your challenge, but since you will be led by me in the future, I still have to show you my skills."

Li Qinghe turned around and walked towards the fighting ring, followed by the captain of the small team.

somewhere in the dark.

A middle-aged man with a fat head and big ears was yelling at his subordinates. He felt that cursing and cursing were not enough to relieve his anger, so he beat him up.

Hitting and hitting, I couldn't control my transformation.Becoming an earthworm has the same characteristics as earthworms on earth.Earthworms, commonly known as earthworms or eels, are representative animals of the phylum Oligochaeta.Earthworms are saprophytic animals. They live in a humid environment and feed on decaying organic matter. The living environment is full of a large number of microorganisms but they rarely get sick. This is related to the unique antibacterial immune system in the earthworm.

In scientific classification, they belong to the unidirectional worm order.The body is cylindrical (different from the cylindrical shape of linear animals), symmetrical on both sides, and has a segmented phenomenon: it is composed of more than 100 segments. After No. 11, there is a dorsal hole in the center of the back of each segment; there is no bone, Belongs to invertebrates, bare body surface, no cuticle.Except for the first two segments of the body, all other segments have setae.Hermaphroditic, heterozygous fertilization, the egg cocoon is produced by the ring belt during reproduction, and the next generation is reproduced.

Chapter 83 Kaga Meiliang's younger brother

"You are such a bunch of trash, you actually let the Holy Grail be taken away by Shenglong Company. Forget it, I have to do it."

As Earthworm was about to leave, he received a phone call.

"What, don't go to trouble with Shenglong Company, go to Kaga Meixin? Well, I understand, I'll go right away."

The earthworm turned back into the fat middle-aged man just now.

"Come with me, you are failing this time, so you don't have to come back."

The zerg have launched a new operation.

On Li Qinghe's side, he also accepted the fight initiated by the captain of the small team with great interest.

Li Qinghe hung up his coat, while the captain of the small team was wearing a thick ant soldier uniform.

Li Qinghe started with a straight punch, hitting the captain of the small team, knocking him back again and again.

The captain of the small team wanted to grab Li Qinghe's hand and throw him on his back.

But Li Qinghe punched continuously, each punch was extremely fast and powerful.The captain of the small team had no chance to grab Li Qinghe's fist.

Three consecutive punches hit the team leader's chest, abdomen, and waist respectively.

Especially the last blow to the waist is the most powerful.With one punch, the team leader immediately fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Why are you hitting so hard?"

Kaga Meixin was also here, watching Li Qinghe's battle with the team leader.

And Li Qinghe's vigorous fists quickly ended the fight.Although Kaga Meixin is also yearning for Li Qinghe's fighting ability, he is more concerned about the safety of his companions, and thinks that Li Qinghe's shots are heavy.

"Don't worry, I punched hard just now, but it just made him unable to get out of bed for a week. There are no sequelae."

Li Qinghe's words relieved Kaga Meixin's doubts.

Seeing that Kaga Meixin had cleared up his misunderstanding, Li Qinghe didn't explain much, picked up the clothes, put them on, and pulled Misaki Youyue away.


Kaga Meixin wanted to stop Li Qinghe, but she didn't know what to say to Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe turned his head and asked, "Kagami, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, nothing."

Kagami Shin said hastily.

Tiansuo Shuichi also looked at Kagami Shin.

"Kagami, work hard."

Misaki Yuzuki patted Kagami Shin on the shoulder.

Kagami watched bitterly as Li Qinghe dragged Misaki Youyue out in a cool way.

This time, Li Qinghe took Misty Youyue to the newly developed Century City by Shenglong Company to relax and relax.Li Qinghe had exhausted a lot of energy during the series of battles. Naturally, with the company of beautiful women, he could relax himself better.

After Kagami Shin completed the daily training at Shuichi Tasho's zect, he hurried to Yumiko Takemiya's shop to help.

"Kagami, what happened to you last time, you suddenly left without saying goodbye. You didn't answer my calls."

Yumiko Takemiya reprimanded with a concerned tone.

"This, this, I don't know too well. Ah, you called me, why don't I know."

Kaga Meixin quickly took out her mobile phone, and found that there were multiple missed calls from Yumiko Takemiya.

"Sorry, I was wrong. I was probably too sleepy to notice."

Kaga Meixin gave Takemiya Yuko a ninety-degree bow, expressing her apology.

"It's okay, I will tell you when I go out later, don't worry Yuli and me."

Yuri is Kusakabe Xu's nickname.

"Yes, yes, I know. I will never leave without saying goodbye in the future, so I will let you bother."

Kagami continued to apologize.

"Then you don't go to work yet."

Kusakabe Xu came out and said to Kaga Meixin.

"Yes Yes."

Kaga Meixin hurried into the kitchen to help Kusakabe Xu wash the dishes.

Yumiko Takemiya watched Kusakabe Kusakabe and Kagami Shin's unusual exchange, and laughed.

Yumiko Takemiya knows Kusakabe Xu, for some reason, Kusakabe Xu doesn't like to communicate with people very much, and Kagami Shin is also a boring gourd, Kusakabe Xu does whatever he says.

In Takemiya Yumiko's eyes, Kaga Meixin is the man most worthy of entrusting Kusakabe Xu.

Kaga Meixin is hardworking and capable, and she doesn't lose her temper. The most important thing is to listen to Kusakabe Xu's words, and she will definitely live a happy life with Kusakabe Xu in the future.

After Kaga Meixin got off work, she wandered aimlessly in the street alone.

Suddenly someone bumped into him, and Kagami was knocked to the ground. He was about to see who it was, but found a man in a baseball uniform passing by him.

"Brother, brother."

Kaga Meixin stood up from the ground and hurriedly chased after that person.

As for the younger brother Kagami was talking about, he quickened his pace and left.

Kaga Meixin chased after him while shouting.

"Why is it him?"

It just so happened that the head of Tiandao went out to buy groceries, and found Kaga Meixin, a man with whom he had met a few times.

Originally, the head of Tendo heard that Kaga Meixin called his younger brother, and thought that Kaga Meixin and his younger brother had a conflict.Compared with Tiandao Souji, he doesn't know Kagami's new information.

But behind Kaga Meixin, there are several sneaky people following Kaga Meixin.

"Huh? Interesting, go and have a look."

Tendo Souji follows Kagami Shin's stalker.

Kagami soon caught up with his younger brother, "Brother, is that you?"

Kagami Shin put his hand on his younger brother Kagami Ryo's shoulder.

"Brother, it's me."

Kagami turned around with a very sunny expression.

"Brother, I haven't seen you for so long. Where have you been? Do you know that my father and I are very worried about you?"

Kaga Meixin said hastily.

"Brother, if you believe me, don't ask me where I'm going, okay?"

Kagami said with a serious face.


Kaga Meixin hummed all over, and stopped talking.

Kaga Meixin recalled the scene when her younger brother was with her.

Because of a car accident, Kaga Meixin's younger brother Kaga Miru's hand was disabled, and he was no longer as flexible as before. Kaga Meiliang had the idea of ​​giving up his baseball career.

Kaga Meiliang threw her favorite baseball into the fire, and her baseball jersey was also ready to be thrown into the fire.

Kaga Meixin grabbed the baseball jersey that Kaga Meiliang was about to throw, covered the fire with soil, picked up the hot baseball, and ignored the burnt hand.

At that time, he said to his brother: "Brother, how can you give up your dream."

Kaga Meiliang said sadly: "It's no longer necessary. The doctor said that my hands can no longer move normally."

Kagami Shin pulled Kagami Ryo up, "How will you know if you don't do it?"

Kaga Meiliang pushed Kaga Meixin away, squatting on the ground: "Stop talking."

"I'm your older brother, why would I not care about you, you are my younger brother. Even if you can't be a pitcher, there are other positions. You can't give up." Kaga Meixin handed over the burning baseball to him after dissipating heat in his hands. Kaga Miliang's hand.

"It's agreed."

Kaga Meixin and Kaga Meiliang agreed.

"Hmm. I see, brother."

Kaga Meiliang was encouraged by his brother Kaga Meixin to arouse his fighting spirit.

Kagami stood up and embraced Kagamiri.

Chapter 84 The Discovery of the Heavenly Dao General Director

"Brother, I believe you can do it."

Kaga Meiliang is also very upbeat, just like what Kaga Meixin encouraged, although her hand is disabled, she still does not give up her dream and works hard every day.

But on a stormy night, my younger brother went out to practice and never came back.

When Kaga Meixin went to find his younger brother, he only found the baseball cap that his younger brother often wore hanging on the fence.Kaga Meiliang's protective gear for catching the baseball in his hand was emitting white gas.There are three scratch marks on it.

"Liang, where are you, Liang."

In the entire training ground, Kaga Meixin was left crying heart-piercingly.

This is Kaga Meixin's last memory of his younger brother Kaga Meiliang.

Kaga Meixin suspected that his younger brother might be killed by the Zerg, so Kaga Meixin hated the Zerg very much, and wished to wipe them all out.This is the real reason why Kaga Meixin gave up her good life and joined zect, just to eliminate the Zerg.

Of course, if the younger brother Kaga Meiliang is not dead, he can still find his younger brother with the help of zect.

"Brother, why don't you speak?"

Kaga Meiliang saw that her brother Kaga Meixin was silent, so she pushed him.

Kaga Meixin woke up from the memory, "Ah, brother. It's good that you come back. It's good that you come back. I believe father will be very happy too."


Kaga Meiliang stretched out her little finger with one hand, Kaga Meixin also stretched out her little finger, and began to pull the hook like before.

"Brother, why did you disappear?"

Although I can't ask my younger brother Kaga Meiliang where he went during this time, but Kaga Meixin can start from other places, this is the ability that Kaga Meixin learned from zect.

"I'm not as strong as my brother, and I'm tired of everything."

Kagami said with a cynical attitude while swinging on the swing.

"Then why didn't you leave any messages. I thought you were killed by the zerg."

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