Kagami Shin said.

"Zerg, what's that?"

Kagami had a puzzled expression, as if she really didn't know.

Kaga Meiliang's expression made Kaga Meixin relax her vigilance, because from the bottom of her heart, Kaga Meixin really didn't want Kaga Meiliang to be killed by the Zerg.

"Brother, look."

Kaga Meiliang pointed at the two kids playing baseball next to him, diverting the topic of Kaga Meixin just now.

"We used to be like this. We played until it was dark, until we couldn't even see the ball clearly."

After speaking, Kaga Meiliang took out from his pocket the baseball that he had thrown into the fire and Kaga Meixin fished it out in time.

"Brother, this is my treasure all along. My brother has been my hero since I was a child. When my brother stood on the pitcher's mound in Jiaziquan, do you know how happy my father and I were?"

Kaga Meiliang told the past one by one, making Kaga Meixin believe that this is his younger brother Kaga Meiliang.

"Liang, you."

Kaga Meixin looked at Kaga Meiliang excitedly.

"Drip drip."

Suddenly Kagami's cell phone rang.

Kagami Ryo stood up, "Brother, I'm sorry, I have to go now."

"Can we meet tomorrow? Here."

Kagami stood up and asked.

"Okay, we must go, goodbye."

Kaga Meixin watched his younger brother Kaga Meiliang trot away.

Kaga Meixin returned to Yumiko Takemiya's shop very happily.

"Youli, sorry, I'm late."

Kagami held a bunch of things in her arms.

"It's just right, there is a party tomorrow, I bought the ingredients, and Xiaoxu will make it, it must be delicious."

Kagami Shin said.

"why me?"

Kusakabe Xu asked.

"Because only you can make such delicious food."

Kaga Meixin replied without thinking.

"You look happy."

Kusakabe Xu asked, it is rare to see Kaga Meixin so happy.

"My brother is back, my long-lost brother is back, it can't be wrong, it's my brother, it can't be wrong."

Kagami happily talked with Xu Xiabe about what to cook for the party tomorrow.

Li Qinghe came back with Misty Youyue, feeling hungry, and it was relatively close to Zhugong Gongzi.

So I came here to eat, and by the way, I can see if Kusakabe Xu has been bullied by others. The person who bullied her last time has been mimicked by the Zerg, and Li Qinghe didn't do anything. He was a human who was attacked by Zerg, so he helped.Li Qinghe can't repay grievances with kindness.

Li Qinghe just came in and found that there were not many people today, so he picked a seat and sat down with Misty Youyue.

"You pick the food."

Li Qinghe gave Misaki Youyue the recipe and asked her to order.


Misaki Yuzuki was also polite and began to order.

"Hey, why are you here?"

Kagami was a little surprised to find that Li Qinghe and Misaki Youyue came here for dinner together.

"What's surprising? People here say that the food in this restaurant is the best. I naturally came to try it. I didn't expect that you are here too. Do you work here?"

Li Qinghe asked pretending not to know.


Kagami Shin wanted to say more, "Kagami, come help."

Kusakabe Xu has already assigned Kagami a new job, mopping the floor.

Kagami pushed to the door, only to find another guest came in.

"You, why are you here? It's inconvenient here today, why did you come to eat in a big way?"

Kaga Meixin blocked the Tendou Shoji who entered the door, preventing him from being seen by Li Qinghe and Misaki Youyue.

"When people are hungry, they have to eat. Especially delicious food is needed."

The head of Heavenly Law pushed Kaga Meixin away and walked in.

Kaga Meixin came to the side of Tiandao General Director and muttered in a low voice: "Be careful, the man next to you is the recognized fighter of our zect organization. He is very powerful, last time..."

Before Kaga Meixin could finish speaking, Souji Tendō had already ordered the dishes he wanted to eat on the recipe order, "Here's for you."

The head of Tiandao ordered the dishes he wanted to eat and handed them over to Kaga Meixin.

"You, you must be careful."

Kaga Meixin saw that it was unavoidable that Chief Tendou insisted on coming here for dinner, so he could only persuade him to finish his meal quietly and leave.

"By the way, I'm going to hold a party tomorrow to celebrate the return of my long-lost brother. Do you want to come?"

Kaga Meixin asked in a low voice in the ear of Chief Tendou.

Kaga Mishin didn't even tell Zect's colleagues, but told Tendō Shoji. Kaga Mishin couldn't tell the reason for this person he didn't know very well.

Director Tiandao paused when he heard his long-lost brother, and continued to wait for the food to be served as if nothing had happened.

Of course, Li Qinghe also saw the sneaky Kaga Meixin muttering at the head of Tiandao, not knowing what he was talking about. .

Of course Misaki Yuzuki also saw it, "Kagami, so you work here at this store."

Kagami is still very afraid of her old boss Yuzuki Misaki, who led him to join zect just now.Misaki Yuzuki thinks that he has a young master's temper, so she manages Kagami a lot, and Kagami is obedient.

Chapter 85 Kagami's New Request

In a state of anger, there are only three people who can persuade Kagami Shin, one is his father Kaga Miru, one is Kusakabe Xu, and the other is Misaki Yuzuki. It is really a shadow in my heart. He Mei meeting Misaki Yuzuki is like a mouse meeting a cat.

"Yes, I work here in my spare time."

Kagami's image in Misaki Yuzuki's heart is much better.In the past, Yuzuki Misaki joined Tiansuoxiu's team because of Kagami through his father, Kagami Ryo.She thinks that Kagami is here to be gilded, so she has always been unimpressed with Kagami.

Until seeing Kagami working here this time, Misaki Yuzuki's attitude towards Kagami changed a lot.

Kaga Meixin is also very hardworking in the zect team, but his ability to mess things up is also top-notch.Misaki Youyue really wasted a lot of energy on Tian Suo Xiuyi's entrusting this airborne young master soldier to take care of him.

Misaki Yuzuki's words made Kaga Meixin stop talking with Tendou Shoji. How dare he not answer when asked by the boss, let alone a female boss.A woman's ability to hold vengeance is very strong, and Kaga Meixin doesn't want to try it.

"Yes, I can get some salary by working here, and it can also enrich my spare time."

Kagami Shin said.

"Not bad, Kagami. Since you work here, please order us some delicious meals. For example, the signature dishes of this restaurant. I'm so hungry, Kiba-kun."

Misaki Yuzuki said in a coquettish tone.

"Kagami, I'm sorry."

Li Qinghe said politely.

"No trouble, no trouble."

Kagami quickly waved her hand and went back to the kitchen.

Kaga Meixin left from Tendō Souji's side, and hurried to Kusakabe Xu's side.

Soon Kaga Meixin came out with dishes.

"Kagami, I'm hungry too."

The director of Tiandao pushed the bowl aside, it was obvious that he wanted it too.

"But, but, only one copy is made at present."

Kagami said in a tangled voice.

"Then can you give it to me first?"

Souji Tendou stood up and wanted to put the plate in the hands of Novice Kagami on his desk.

"Did your grandpa tell you? First come, first served."

Li Qinghe's words startled the Director of Heavenly Dao for a moment.

With just this effort, Li Qinghe has already taken the food from Kagami Novice.


Li Qinghe said to Misty Youyue.

"Well, it smells so good."

Misaki Yuzuki asked about the delicious food and said happily.

"Grandpa did say first come, first served."

Li Qinghe's words made Tiandao Director realize his mistake just now.

"Time is the same for everyone. If you eat later, it is tantamount to wasting the life of the former. In a sense, it is murder."

Li Qinghe didn't move his chopsticks, but Chun Chun educated him to be the Director of Heavenly Dao.

Li Qinghe didn't take it seriously when he saw that the director of Tiandao did not take it seriously, but listened carefully to what he said.I am also very relieved in my heart that Director Tiandao is still good at listening to other people's suggestions.

Li Qinghe and Misaki Youyue finished their meal, "Kagami, come here."

Kagami walked over in a hurry.

"I paid for his meal this time, and the rest will be your tip."

Li Qinghe handed over the meal money to Kagami and left with Misaki Youyue.

When Director Tiandao finished his meal and was about to pay, he realized that he forgot to bring the money.

"Ah, indeed. I'm here to buy vegetables, and Shuhua is still waiting for me to go back to cook. My money is all spent on vegetables."

Director Tiandao looked at the vegetable basket in his hand.

"What am I doing?"

The head of Tiandao was embarrassed to eat the overlord's meal, and also embarrassed to speak, it was difficult to speak.

However, the Director of Heavenly Dao finally spoke, "Kagami, come here."

Kaga Meixin slowly came to the head of Tendō.Kagami asked:

"What's the matter, God."

"You can pay for the meal for me this time. Let it be the price you paid for this matter."

After finishing speaking, the Tendou Chief Director left without waiting for Kagami Shin's response.

"Hey, hey, God."

When Kaga Meixin rushed out, he found that the head of Tiandao had already run away with the vegetable basket, and could not hear Kaga Meixin's words.

And the director of Tiandao's face is not so thick-skinned, so he can't stop walking naturally, so he runs faster.

As a result, Kaga Meixin did not inform Director Tiandao that Li Qinghe had paid the Director General Tiandao's meals.

Tiandao Chief Director has discovered that the person Kagami Shin was chasing at the beginning, that is, Kagami Shin's younger brother Kagami Ryo, is not a human, but a Zerg.In other words, Kaga Meixin's younger brother Kaga Meiliang has been killed by Zerg and mimicked.

And the head of Tiandao also found out by accident, and originally planned to solve it secretly for Kaga Meixin for free, but this time, the head of Tiandao asked Kaga Meixin to pay for him, and he was very sorry.

So the head of Tiandao decided to perfectly solve the Zerg for Kaga Meixin this time.

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