Kaga Meixin didn't know that his younger brother was a Zerg.To be precise, Kaga Meixin was hypnotizing herself, forcing herself to believe that her younger brother, Kaga Meiliang was still alive.Instead of being killed by Zerg.

For this reason, Kaga Meixin is also planning to hold a party to welcome his younger brother back.

In the evening, Chief Tiandao rode a motorcycle and stopped on Misaki Youyue's only way to get off work.

"You're the one who was at the restaurant last time"

Misaki Yuzuki's memory is not bad, and he recognized at a glance that the man riding a motorcycle in front of him was the man who had dinner with Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa last time.

The head of Tendo did not answer Misaki Yuzuki's inquiry, but said to Misaki Yuzuki: "A man who claimed to be Kagami's new younger brother appeared. Don't you think it's too coincidental? You can check it with the power of zect. "

After speaking, the head of Tiandao left on his motorcycle.

"Hey, wait."

Misaki Yuzuki wants to get more information from the mouth of Tendo Souji.

In the afternoon, Kaga Meixin came to the zect branch where he worked, Tian Suoxiu's small team.

"Kaga Meiliang is your long-lost brother two years ago, right?"

Misaki Yuzuki asked.

"Yes. Kaga Meixin is a bit bored, I don't know why Misaki Yuzuki asked this.

Misaki Yuzuki continued:

"According to the investigation and estimation of the headquarters, the possibility of being mimicked by the Zerg is extremely high."

After hearing Misaki Yuzuki's words, Kaga Meixin was stunned. He couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to believe that his missing brother had been killed by Zerg and mimicked him.

"Kagami, don't get involved in this matter, we will be responsible."

Tian Suoxiu said.

After hearing Tiansuo Shuichi's words, Kaga Meixin asked: "Why, why didn't you bring me, please let me participate too.".

Misaki Yuzuki put a hand on Kagami Shin's shoulder, "If there is a chance, can you kill the Zerg that looks the same as your brother? And that Zerg probably got your brother memory."

Kagami opened her eyes wide, and said seriously, "I can do it."

Chapter 86 Kagami Ryo

"No. You'd better give up."

Tian Suoxiuyi just didn't allow Kagami Shin to make a request.

The zect organization and the zerg fought countless times, and many of them had the zerg imitate the relatives of ordinary zect soldiers.

At that time, they also promised that they would be able to fight, but when it came time to fight, the will to fight suddenly disappeared, and there was no way to attack relatives who had the same appearance and memory as their relatives.

So the final result is that they are also mimicked by Zerg.

Li Qinghe patted Kagami on the shoulder, "Kagami, can you do it? Let me ask you for the last time, look into my eyes and speak. You know, fighting will kill people, maybe your hesitation caused A group of combatants all died.

You look into my eyes and say out loud, can it be done. "

Li Qinghe dragged Kaga Meixin in front of him.

Kagami Shin wanted to say what she could do.

But Kaga Meixin looked into Li Qinghe's eyes and couldn't speak.

"Could it be, can I really not do it?"

Kagami fell to her knees on the ground in pain.

"This time I propose to let Kaga Meixin be my deputy and participate in this battle. I will take action in this operation. Even if something happens, I will be able to ensure the completion of the mission."

Li Qinghe said to Tian Suoxiu.

Tian Suoxiu still believed in Li Qinghe's strength. Since Li Qinghe said so, it would be unreasonable to disagree.

Although Tiansuo Xiuyi is a protozoa, he has integrated himself into human society for so many years on earth.

Li Qinghe's words stunned Kaga Meixin, who was squatting on the ground, he didn't expect Li Qinghe to speak for him and let him participate in this battle.

"Thank you, thank you. Really thank you."

Kaga Meixin stood up from the ground and said excitedly.

Kaga Meixin still believes in the strength of the zect headquarters, although he does not want to believe that his younger brother Kaga Meiliang was mimicked by the Zerg, until the last moment, before seeing the truth, Kaga Meixin is not willing to believe himself brother was mimicked.

"I let you participate in this battle, but are you ready to attack the Zerg that mimics your brother?"

Li Qinghe deliberately emphasized the word Zerg.

"Yes, it's the Zerg. If my brother is mimicked by the Zerg, then the Zerg that mimicked my brother is the murderer who killed my brother."

Kagami Shin said to herself.

"Yes, that's right. I also hope that Brother Ling is still alive, but forget it, you will know the truth at that moment."

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, he left. He wanted to get all the content of this Zerg operation from his allied Tianshu Dragon.

Kagami Shin couldn't accept the sudden news just now, and asked Misaki Yuzuki in a serious tone: "Misaki, why are you investigating my brother?"

"It was the man who was at the shop where you worked that day who told me on his motorcycle. He asked me to look it up."

Misaki Yuzuki stroked her hair and continued to work without turning her head. Now that Kagami's new matter has been confirmed, she can start her own work.

"It's him, it's him."

Kaga Meixin finally knew what was going on, and he kindly told him that his younger brother was back, but he didn't expect that the head of Tiandao would expose that his younger brother was a Zerg.

Kaga Meixin didn't want zect to intervene in his younger brother's affairs, but at this point, he could only hope that his younger brother was not a zerg.

Kaga Meixin followed the agreed place, and he prepared to come to the agreed place with his younger brother Kaga Meiliang.

As a result, on the flyover, I saw the Director of Heavenly Dao who had been waiting for a long time.

"Congratulations, you've been excluded from the investigation. Okay, let's go back to the party."

"God, you bastard. You bastard, why do you tell others about my brother? If my brother is a Zerg, do you think I will let him go?"

Kaga Meixin questioned while holding up Tendo Souji's tie.

"Yes, that's it, you can't face this reality."

Director of Heavenly Dao said with a reasonable expression.

"To shut up."

Kaga Meixin recalled that when she was questioned by Li Qinghe, whether she could attack her younger brother, and she couldn't answer, she suddenly felt a little embarrassed and couldn't accept her cowardice.

Kagami Shin punched the corner of Tendou Souji's mouth.

The head of Tiandao directly swung over and punched Kaga Meixin at the corner of the mouth.

Kaga Meixin was directly knocked to the ground.

"I want to fight with you at any time, but now tell me where your brother is, and I will kill him."

Kaga Meixin suddenly remembered Misaki Yuzuki's judgment given by the headquarters.

"If my younger brother Kaga Meiliang is a Zerg, then he will kill my real brother. I, I will not spare him. I can kill him without you. I should end this Everything, I joined zect just for this. You know, you don’t need to take action.”

Kagami Shin said seriously.

The head of Tiandao looked at the serious Kaga Meixin and compromised, "Okay, as you like."

After seeing Kaga Meixin leave, Tiandao Chief Director, a man in black followed Kaga Meixin.

"This kid is actually playing for real."

Director Tiandao touched the blood from the corner of his mouth.

The head of Tiandao followed the person who was following Kaga Meixin, and walked directly.

Kaga Meixin knew that what Tiandou said was reasonable, but he just couldn't believe that his younger brother was a Zerg.

Kaga Meixin came to the place agreed with his younger brother Kaga Meiliang on time.Kaga Meixin squatted on the ground, thinking for a while what to say when he saw his younger brother, what should he do if his younger brother is really a Zerg, should he kill him?But do you do it yourself?

"elder brother."

Kaga Meiliang waved her hand and ran towards Kaga Meixin.

The arrival of Kaga Meiliang interrupted Kaga Meixin's thinking, Kaga Meixin stood up and looked at the younger brother who was getting closer.

"You're here."

Kagami Shin said.In fact, he didn't want his younger brother to come here, because if he came here, he could judge whether he was his younger brother.If it's a zerg, then...

Kaga Meixin didn't think beyond that direction.

"Of course, who made me miss an appointment two years ago."

Kagami said with a smile on her face.


Kagami Ryo spoke while recalling.

"You know? I waited here all day. I've been missing something since you disappeared, something important."

Kagami recalled.

"I'm sorry bro, I've given up on baseball since then, sorry."

Kaga Meiliang apologized to Kaga Meixin.

Kagami shook her head, expressing that she didn't care.

"But I won't run away anymore. I'll go back and talk to my dad."

Kagami said. .

"Is what you said true?"

Kagami asked happily.Immediately afterwards, Kaga Meixin grabbed Kaga Meiliang's shoulder, "You are Liang."

Chapter 87 Worm

"What did you say?"

Kagami said with a smile.The two were full of warmth.

Li Qinghe had already located Kaga Meixin through the locator on Kaga Meixin's body.

Li Qinghe stopped delaying after the ant soldier had arrived at the reserved location. Li Qinghe was sure that Kaga Meixin's younger brother Kaga Meiliang was the Zerg.So Li Qinghe directly ordered, "Attack."

"Da da da."

A group of ant soldiers came out neatly, aiming at Kaga Meiliang with their machine guns and swords.

"Have you been targeted?"

Kaga Meiliang looked at the ant soldiers without fear, and seemed to have already made preparations.

"Brother, what's going on, who are they?"

Kagami asked.


However, the ant soldiers are ready to fire together.


Kaga Meixin ran to the ant soldier, trying to prevent the ant soldier from shooting.

However, he didn't know that the moment he turned around and organized the ant soldiers to shoot, Kaga Meiliang behind him had already transformed.

Kaga Meiliang turned into a bull has the same characteristics as a bull on Earth.

The bullhead has a large head, hemispherical, or slightly triangular.The compound eyes are very large, and some males have eye contact or detachment eyes; they often have hairs, and often have green, red and other metallic flashes; the single eye sometimes disappears.The tentacles are long or short, and most of them protrude forward, with two distinct segments at the base and 3-8 segments at the end to form horns.The mouthparts are suitable for gnawing and absorbing.The lower jaw is broad-leaved; the lower jaw is 2-segmented and has hairy flakes; the upper jaw is powerful; the lower lip or beak is straight and short or slender.The chest is big and hairy.The wings are large and transparent, or colored.There are two submarginal chambers, five posterior chambers, the base chamber is large, the gluteal chamber is generally closed, the anterior vein surrounds the entire wing margin, and the axillary valve is large.The foot is strong, the tibia is sometimes flat and wide, the middle tibia has two spurs, the hind tibia sometimes lacks the spur, and has claw pads and interclaw protrusions.The abdomen is wide and hairy, flat, with 7 segments, and the copulatory organs are concealed.Eggs are long and needle-shaped, stacked into blocks and covered with jelly, and are easily parasitized by black egg wasps, and are often mistaken for egg masses of Chilo borer.

Taking advantage of the moment when Kagami Xin blocked the gun, the bully turned into a transformation, and directly used Clocku's ability to knock down all the ant soldiers in front of him.

After knocking down the ant soldier in front of him, Niu Manghe didn't undo his transformation.

Kaga Meixin couldn't believe it when he saw the bully that his younger brother had transformed into.

"elder brother."

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