Kaga Meiliang still smiled like sunshine.

"Did you kill my brother?"

Kaga Meixin took out a pistol from his body and pointed it at the bully.

"Really, don't make me repeat it so many times. I am your younger brother Miyo Kaga."

The bully turned into Kaga Meiliang again.

"Why do you have my brother's memory, and you know what my brother knows?"

Kagami shrieked.

"As long as the imitation becomes a human being, his memory will also be inherited."

Kagami said with a smile.

But Kaga Meiliang said a little less, if he wants to inherit the memory, he needs to kill the person he said mimicked.

Kaga Meiliang took out the baseball in front of Kaga Meixin who was pointing a gun at him.

"So I am Ryo himself."

Kaga Meiliang walked towards Kaga Meixin step by step.

"Don't come over, if you come over again, I will, and I will shoot."

Kagami-shin backed away while talking.

"Kill me, brother, can you do it?"

Kagami asked with a smile.

Kagami Shin's hand holding the gun was shaking, and he couldn't fire.

"If you kill me, will the bright memory in my body also disappear? Brother, I don't want to disappear, I want to be with you. Brother, do you have the heart to kill me?"

Kaga Meiliang said in a coquettish tone.

As for Kaga Meixin, his fighting spirit disappeared because of his brother Kaga Meiliang's call. He didn't want his brother's last memory to disappear too.

Kaga Meixin unconsciously put down the hand holding the gun, and didn't dare to look at the zerg that mimicked her younger brother Kaga Meiliang.

"My friend also wants to imitate you, brother. But don't be afraid. It's just a slap, it doesn't hurt. In this way, you can be with me from now on, oh you."

Kaga Meiliang's voice of "Together, together." hypnotized Kaga Meixin not wanting to wake up.

And Kaga Meiliang approached Kaga Meixin step by step, getting closer.

"Even if my brother dies, he can become a Zerg and continue his life. Come with me. Let's play baseball together."

Kaga Meiliang stretched out her hand to Kaga Meixin.

"Bang" a gunshot sounded.

Awakened the addicted Kagami Shin.

Kaga Meixin looked in the direction of the shot, and it was Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa who fired the shot.

"Damn it, I hate having outsiders interrupt my plans the most."

Kaga Meiliang turned into a bully in anger.

Kagami Shin looked at Kiba Kiyokawa who was walking towards him.

"How did you come?"

Li Qinghe confronted the bully and forced him to leave Kaga Meixin's side.

Without saying anything, Li Qinghe punched Kaga Meixin down to the ground.

"Bastard, look at how many brothers died because of your cowardice."

Kaga Meixin looked in the direction Li Qinghe was pointing at, and it was at the very beginning that the first batch of ant soldiers were killed by the bully using the clocku ability.

"Everyone is born equal. Why do you ask these brothers to be killed by Zerg because of your selfishness. Is your brother worth more than so many brothers?"

Li Qinghe kicked Kagami Shin who was on the ground in frustration.

Li Qinghe threw the pistol Kaga Meixin dropped on the ground in front of Kaga Meixin.

"If a wolf eats a person and puts on that person's clothes, is that wolf a person?"

Li Qinghe walked up to Kaga Meixin and blocked the bully for Kaga Meixin.

Li Qinghe's words made Kaga Meixin wake up.His younger brother was like the one who was eaten by wolves in Li Qinghe's mouth.Li Qinghe compared his younger brother to a wolf.

Even if a wolf eats a human and puts on human clothes, it will not become a human.

In the same way, after Kagami Shin's younger brother was killed and mimicked by the zerg, he was no longer his younger brother Kaga Meiliang, but just a shedding zerg.

Thinking of this, Kaga Meixin stood up from the ground, took a pistol and shot at Kaga Meiliang's transformation bullshit again and again.

"Go to hell, monster that killed my brother, bang bang bang."

Kaga Meixin crazily shot at Kaga Meiliang's transformed cowboy again and again.

"Brother, how can you treat me like this, I'm so sad."

The bully tries to hypnotize Kagami-shin again.

"You, not my brother, you are a monster."

Kagami said with a firm tone.

"Oh, why is it so boring, it seems that we still have to do it."

The bully sighed.

"Come on, I'm going to kill my brother Kaga Meixin. Get it over with quickly."

After the bully finished speaking, a group of worms in the form of pupae jumped out of the haystack.

"Did you come out?"

Li Qinghe clapped his hands, and groups of ant soldiers came out from all over the street, and opened fire on those zergs.

One by one, the zerg was killed by the ant soldiers who set fire. .

"Forget it, I still have to make a move."

The bully was ready to activate the ability of clocku immediately.

Chapter 88 The cai'ce of two Jiadou

"Puff puff."

Three times in a row, the bully tried to start the clku, but was interrupted by a sudden gunshot.

"Grandma said that people will be weak because they love others, but this is not shameful, because this is not real weakness, right. Only those who know weakness can be truly strong."

Koto, transformed by Tendo Souji, walked towards Kaga Meixin coolly.

"It's you."

Kaga Meixin immediately recognized the voice of Tendou Sousji from the voice.

Kaga Meixin didn't expect Tendou Souji to be able to transform. He thought that the last time Tendou Souji transformed Koto was blown up by Zerg, he couldn't transform.

Li Qinghe didn't expect the Director of Heavenly Dao to come out so boldly. Li Qinghe didn't believe that Director General of Heavenly Dao didn't know that zect would come here to set up an ambush.

The Heavenly Dao Director General's transformation now undoubtedly tells others that there are two Jiadou in the world.Because everyone in zect knows that Li Qinghe can transform into a Jiadou.

In this way, it will undoubtedly tell the world the existence of the two Jiadou.

In this case, the existence of the Director of Heavenly Dao will be exposed, but Li Qinghe thinks that this is also done on purpose by the Director of Tiandao.He wants the world to justify his existence.

Kagami Shin stared blankly at the Tendou Souji who had transformed into a Koto.

Not only Kaga Meixin, but Zect also discovered a new armor. After all, Li Qinghe hasn't transformed yet.

"Did I read it wrong?"

Tian Suoxiuyi looked at the newly appeared Jiadou with piercing eyes in his command room.

"Did I read it wrong last time? Is it another Jiadou battle?"

In the videos collected by Tian Suoxiuyi, only the battle between the soul of the sun on Tiandao and the soul of battle on Kaga Meixin, and the battle with the later ambush Li Qinghe because of the Holy Grail.

But because of their supernatural powers, Tendou Souji and Kaga Meixin made it impossible for the camera to see the specific face of the battle.

And Li Qinghe's battle was also fought directly through Jiadou, at least the video did not show the scene of Li Qinghe transforming into Jiadou to fight.

At that time, Zect only knew that Li Qinghe could transform into a Jiadou, so he didn't know that the Director of Tiandao could actually transform into a Jiadou, so Tian Suoxiu mistakenly thought that it was Li Qinghe who was a Jiadou.

Although the facts were true, there was no surprise at the time, because the appearance of another Jiadou, the Chief Director of Heavenly Dao, undoubtedly helped Li Qinghe get rid of a trace of suspicion.

Did I really guess wrong last time?Tian Suoxiu guessed.

However, Tian Suoxiuyi still kept his eyes on the battle situation, and soon saw that the chrysalis-shaped insects were blown up one after another.

And the remaining few zergs were still stubbornly resisting.

"Looking for death. You ruined my plan, so you can die."

The bully roared angrily.

But the output is not achieved by roaring, the bully is indeed unable to beat Jiadou.He was beaten all over the head by the head of Tiandao.

"It seems that you can't do it. Would you like me to help you?"

A shapeshifting dragon has the same characteristics as a chameleon on Earth.Some species have a helmet-shaped head, and some species have conspicuous headgear, such as three long horns protruding forward, and the males are more prominent, which may be used to defend the area they occupy.If other males invade, the dominant male will stretch his body, bulge his throat, and stand up or shake the head fur. If he still can't scare the opponent away, he will rush to bite his jaw.Various body color changes are different, and the mechanism of color change is: the autonomic nervous system controls the cells (melanocytes) containing pigment granules, and diffuses or concentrates the pigment in the cells.Many species can turn green, yellow, beige or dark brown, often with light or dark spots.Color changes are determined by environmental factors such as light, temperature, and emotions (scare, victory, and defeat).The common belief that chameleons change color to match their surroundings is a misconception.

Chameleons are reptiles, very peculiar animals with features and behaviors suited to arboreal life.The body length of the avoidant is about 15-25 cm, the side of the body is flat, there is a spine on the back, and the occipital part of the head has a blunt triangular protrusion.The limbs are very long, and the fingers and toes are merged into two opposite groups. The first three fingers of the forelimbs form the inner group, and the fourth and fifth fingers form the outer group; the first and second toes of the hind limbs form the inner group, and the peculiar three toes form the outer group. Good for holding branches.Its tail is long and can wrap around branches.It has a long, sensitive tongue that sticks out beyond its body length.

"Why don't you help out here, and kill that Jiadou with me."

Kaga Meiliang's transformation into a bully is becoming more and more irresistible to Tiandao Souji's transformation into Koto.

The director of Tiandao used the Kunai gun to throw the bully and lay on the ground.

"I'm so happy to see you being pinched on the ground like a bug."

Earthworms emerged from mounds above the ground.

Then came a group of ant soldiers brought by it, which emerged from the hole in the ground and fought with the ant soldiers brought by Li Qinghe.

In close combat, the ant soldiers were no match for the zerg, and many zerg killed the ants.

Seeing this situation, Li Qinghe couldn't hold back anymore. Although each zect branch can rely on its own merits in destroying the zerg in exchange for the entry of new ant soldiers, otherwise the zect branch will face the zerg every time. How did you persevere after sacrificing many people?

It is by virtue of the achievements of eliminating the Zerg that the zect organization has formed a virtuous circle, and this has been able to continue to grow.

If Li Qinghe didn't care about it, all the ant soldiers brought by Li Qinghe would probably be here.

"It's time to fight again."

Li Qinghe pointed to the sky with one hand and grabbed his own zector.


Li Qinghe put the zector in his hand into his belt.

Li Qinghe also transformed into Jiadou.

"What, two Jiadou?"

Tian Suoxiuyi was in the command room, clenched his fists, thinking about something.

After Li Qinghe turned into a Jiadou, he kicked away the ordinary Zerg around him with one kick.

"Die. clku."

Li Qinghe transformed into a knight form, and the thick protective armor on his body bounced off directly.

Li Qinghe transformed the Ku Wu gun into a sword mode, one knife at a time.Many zergs around Li Qinghe were killed. With Li Qinghe's participation in the regiment, the morale of the zect ant soldiers brought by Li Qinghe was greatly boosted, as if they had a backbone, their combat effectiveness doubled.

"Squad C defends and takes the wounded out of the battle. The first team completes the zigzag battle sequence and continues to attack in three stages."

After clearing out the miscellaneous soldiers, Li Qinghe looked at the Director of Heavenly Dao.At this time, the Director of Heavenly Dao was fighting against two Zergs alone.

"It seems that I don't need to make a move."

Li Qinghe began to help the ant soldiers eliminate ordinary zerg.Soon the zerg brought by the earthworms were all killed except it.

"Captain, please instruct."

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