A group of ant soldiers had already surrounded another Jiadou and the two Zergs.

Although the ant soldier didn't know who his captain was at first, but Li Qinghe had issued an order just now, so he naturally knew who his captain was.

Chapter 89 Tracking

Li Qinghe waved his hands, "Back down, you won't be able to participate in the battle here."

All the ant soldiers began to run away from the side, pointing their guns at the head of heaven and the two zerg.

"Too slow. I need some fuel. Shoot. All attack."

As soon as Li Qinghe's words fell, the ant soldier's machine gun sword made a rattling sound, and the bullets spattered out from the muzzle of the gun.

The extremely fast bullet hit Tiandao Director General and the two Zergs.

"Damn it, don't get in the way."

The bully activated the ability of clocku, ready to kill those ant soldiers.

"If you want to kill my men, don't you have to see where I am?"

Li Qinghe punched the bull in the stomach.

"I didn't want to do it so quickly. Since you are looking for death, then I will give you a ride."

Li Qinghe threw the bull's body heavily on the ground.

With a bang, the bully exploded.

"Just you."

Li Qinghe exited the super speed state and said to the earthworm.

The chief minister of Tiandao took the ax mode of the Kunai gun and chopped the earthworm in half.

Director of Tiandao was about to leave, when suddenly he was hugged, turned his head and saw the bear hug of an earthworm, and found that there was an earthworm in front of him and behind him and laughed to himself, "Although it hurts, so this is my Talent, rebirth of a broken limb. I was afraid of pain before, so I never tried it.”

The two earthworms said with a smile in unison.

"You are afraid of pain, as a zerg, you are afraid of pain, it's really sad."

Li Qinghe made up the knife in the back.


Li Qinghe's words made the earthworm attack Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe easily grabbed the earthworm's claw with one hand, "Let me see how many times you can split."

Li Qinghe cleared the gunless gun and chopped the earthworm in front of him into ten pieces.

"Hahaha, you can't kill me."

What surprised Li Qinghe was the ten earthworms.

"Ten earthworms?"

Li Qinghe flicked his hand.

"Forget it, try the attack strength first."

Li Qinghe nimbly shuttled among the ten earthworms, and nimbly attacked, so that the rain and dew were evenly covered.

"How is it possible, ten earthworms have exactly the same attack strength. It's very strange, I don't believe it."

Li Qinghe picked up the Kunai gun and shot the nearest earthworm again.

"There is no flawless ability in the world."

While fighting, Li Qinghe thought about how to eliminate so many earthworms.

Soon, due to Li Qinghe's "little experiment".More than 40 earthworms appeared to attack the head of Tiandao.

"What are you doing?"

The Director of Heavenly Dao didn't understand Li Qinghe's thoughts in doing so.

After Tiandao found out that earthworms can split, he tried not to attack with Kunai gun, but only used fists and feet to attack.

After Tiandao Director successfully wiped out a few earthworms with his fists, he found that he was surrounded by more than 50 earthworms.

"Depend on."

Rao is the good self-cultivation of Tiandao Director-General, and he couldn't help but swear.

There were so many Zergs, Director Tiandao thought about how he had worked so hard to kill so few earthworms just now, but it was a drop in the bucket for the Zergs surrounding him.

There are more than 100 earthworms on Li Qinghe's side.

When Li Qinghe was fighting these zergs, he found that the earthworms began to consciously dodge their own attacks, trying not to be attacked by his Kunai gun.

"He can be cloned, why is he still afraid of my attack, it may be like this."

Li Qinghe suddenly understood that earthworms can be separated, but the total amount of his soul is fixed, and the body can appear indefinitely, but the more bodies appear, each body will take part of the soul.

Moreover, with the attack of earthworms, they are no longer as coordinated as before, and flaws have appeared, and the attacks are no longer continuous.

This is the avatar of Tiandao Director General who was able to kill a few earthworms with his fists just now, which is equivalent to helping the earthworms take back part of their souls.

"All the ant soldiers obeyed the order and used the blades of the machine gun swords to attack the bodies of the earthworms, trying to cut their bodies and tear them apart."

Li Qinghe's order was carried out quickly, and the earthworms had no choice but to fight the zergs hard against the attack of the ant soldiers.

"It seems that he can't activate clku's ability in the clone state."

Li Qinghe confirmed the news.The Director of Tiandao, who was fighting on the other side, also discovered this.

Li Qinghe and the head of Tiandao said in unison: "clku."

Li Qinghe used the Kunai gun to chop the nearby zerg into thousands of pieces, and the Director of Heavenly Dao was not bad at chopping the body of the earthworm into pieces.


All the earthworms started to hold their heads together and fell to the ground.

Director Tiandao carefully watched all the earthworms fall to the ground.

"jump jump jump."

Earthworms lay on the ground one by one.

Li Qinghe handed the Kunai gun to the stunned novice Kagami.

"Here you are. There are some things you have to do as a man..."

Li Qinghe patted Kagami Shin on the shoulder.

Kaga Meixin held the Kunai gun given by Li Qinghe, and pointed it at the unconscious earthworm on the ground.

"Brother, goodbye."

Kagami-shin closed his eyes and fired.

At the same time, the moment Kagami shot, Li Qinghe and Chief Tiandao activated the ability of clku at the same time, and the two of them simultaneously used the ability of clocku, "riderkick."

The bullets of the two guns hit the unconscious earthworm.


Then Li Qinghe and Tiandao Director General lifted the speeding state at the same time.

From the perspective of the outside world, it was only a moment, that is, after Kagamixin shot, the unconscious earthworm on the ground exploded.

Kaga Meixin saw that the bully who pretended to be his brother was killed, and he actually killed a Zerg.

Kaga Meixin half-kneeled on the ground, and threw the Kunai gun in his hand on the ground.

"Brother, brother."

Kaga Meixin said loudly to the sky.

Li Qinghe canceled the transformation, while the head of Tiandao quietly left Kaga Meixin's side.

"What should pass will pass, you still have a long way to go, come on.".

After Li Qinghe comforted Kaga Meixin, he left Kaga Meixin.

The Director of Heavenly Dao disappeared from a remote corner.But Misaki Youyue quietly followed the head of Tiandao and walked over.

Chapter 90 Jiadou capture plan

However, Director Tiandao seemed to have noticed it, and quickened his pace and ran away.

Misaki Youyue hastened to catch up, and suddenly a man wearing a black cape walked up to Misaki Youyue.

Misaki Youyue quickly dodged, and continued to chase after Tiandao, to see where Tiandao was going.

"May I interrupt for a moment?"

The man stood in front of Misaki Yuzuki, but Misaki Yuzuki ignored him and went straight past the man.

The man grabbed Misaki Yuzuki's arm, "Did you act without the consent of the headquarters?"

Only then did Misaki Youyue look squarely at the man in front of her. It seemed that he was not an ordinary person, but a person from the zect headquarters.

"The battle against Jiadou is finally about to begin. I need your help."

said the man.

"Which armor?"

Misaki Yuzuki asked.

"That Jiadou who just appeared, as long as one Jiadou obeys the Zect headquarters, that's enough, what do you think?"

The man said rightly.

In a deserted corner, a mushroom chased the man in front of him.

"No, no."

The man he was chasing had the same face as him.

"Don't worry, we will be one body right away, and you will be able to survive together through me in the future."

Brown spores spit out from the mouth of the mushroom.

The man wanted to run, but he was picked up by the mushroom, and the spores were directly injected into the man's body.

And the mushroom also disappeared, slowly possessing the man.

Mushrooms have up to

In the first species, mature spores germinate into hyphae.The hyphae are multicellular, with transverse septa, elongated by the growth of the top, white, slender, woolly, and gradually become filamentous.The hyphae are conjugated to each other to form dense groups called mycelium.After the mycelium saprophytes, the thick brown compost turns light brown.The fruiting body of the mushroom resembles a small open umbrella when mature.It consists of cap, stipe, gills, ring, pseudomycorrhiza and other parts.Poisonous mushrooms can cause harm to human health, and serious cases are life-threatening.

Commonly called mushrooms are a class of fungi, the fruiting bodies of basidiomycetes.The fruiting body is the aboveground part of the basidiomycete that grows out of the ground, much like an umbrella inserted in the ground.There is also white filamentous mycelium spreading everywhere underground, which is the vegetative part of basidiomycetes, that is, non-reproductive organs.Under a certain temperature and humidity environment, the mycelium begins to form fruiting bodies when it obtains enough nutrients.The fruiting body is exposed to the ground like an egg in the early stage, and rapidly develops into a fruiting body, with a cap, a stipe, a receptacle, and a ring.The shape, size, height, color, texture, etc. of mature fruiting bodies vary greatly.The large ones can reach about 40 centimeters in diameter and 50 centimeters in height; the small ones are no more than half a centimeter in diameter and less than 1 centimeter in height.

The mushroom possessing the man is a poisonous mushroom. His spores are highly poisonous. Even if the knight is hit, he will lose his strength in a short time.Ordinary people will go into shock within 5 minutes when their body enters the spores, and then die from shock.

The man possessed by the mushroom picked up the phone, "If you weren't a member of zect, I wouldn't bother."

Mushroom is different from normal Zerg, he can enter the mimic body, so no instrument can detect it.

Suddenly a group of ant soldiers came here in a combat vehicle, they were ant soldiers from Tian Suoxiu's department.

The ant soldiers shot at the mushroom in combat formation.Li Qinghe did not directly participate in this operation, but carried out it behind the scenes.

"Squad C surrounds the rear, and Squad B draws fire from the left. Squad A monitors, and Squad A cooperates with Squad B to fire from the right."

The body of the mushroom.

It was also the first time that the mushroom suffered a regular human attack, and it didn't react immediately.

Mushroom was beaten back on the spot.

"Speed ​​up and kill him before he overdrives."

Just as the firepower of the ant soldiers swarmed up again, they wailed when they hit the mushroom.

Suddenly, a bulletproof armed vehicle rushed directly into the combat team.And blocked the side of the mushroom, as if to help him.

"Any other zerg? Throw a bomb."

Li Qinghe thought it was other zerg driving to rescue this zerg.But I'm surprised why Team A didn't send back a message about the entry of foreign enemies.

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