Kagami asked angrily: "Then you just ignore it, right?"

Director of Tiandao said: "This seems to be a well-established situation."

Kaga Meixin heard from the words of Tiandao Chief Secretary that Tiandao Chief Secretary was unwilling to make a move.

"I see. It seems that I misunderstood you, so just pretend I didn't say anything."

Kagami turned around and left.

"What a guy who doesn't know anything. Really."

The head of heaven shook his head.

"I have to prove myself, I can."

Kaga Meixin took out his camera and started shooting at the crowd.

Kagami's new camera is different from ordinary ones, it can see the Zerg hidden in the crowd through the temperature.

But Kaga Meixin looked at the crowd for a long time, but did not find any zerg.

"How is it possible, I will continue to watch."

Kagami continued to search.

The mushroom that escaped could only continue to kill people.

This time Mushroom deliberately jumped to a remote corner in order to succeed in the operation and not be noticed by zect, looking for prey, and suddenly found a girl.

"You are the one."

Mushroom has been waiting here for a long time, and finally found a prey that can be shot.

Mushroom didn't know, his every move was exposed to the eyes of Misaki Youyue and the others who had been monitoring him.

"Help, help."

The girl watched Mushroom's legs go limp and collapsed to the ground.

"Is another person going to die?".

Misaki Yuzuki, who was watching the mushrooms, felt a little uncomfortable.

Originally, Misaki Youyue was not such a hard-hearted person. The reason why she agreed to this event was because of the order from the headquarters on the one hand, and because of Li Qinghe on the other hand. Misaki Youyue also wanted to become a knight and could fight with Li Qinghe However, Mi Youyue didn't want to rely on Li Qinghe's power.

Chapter 92 Kagami the spoiler

So Misaki Yuzuki participated in this operation alone.

"Let's start rescue immediately."

Misaki Yuzuki said to Kato Yuki.

"Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry."

What Yuki Kato desires is a higher status, not those ordinary people. Isn't it normal for some ordinary people to die in order to succeed?

Kato Yuki disagreed with the aid, in this case, he would startle the snake, and it would be difficult to expose himself to have been monitoring Mushroom.

Kato Yuki looked coldly at the girl who was about to be killed by the mushroom.

Under the fear of death, the girl screamed: "Help, help."

Mushrooms are not people who sympathize with beauty.

Suddenly a red motorcycle hit the mushroom instantly and flew aside.

"Go away, I'll deal with it here."

Kaga Meixin helped the girl on the ground up on the motorcycle.

"Kagami Shin?"

Misaki Yuzuki was surprised to find Kagami Shin in front of her.But what she didn't notice was a caravan outside the car she was staying in.

Adults are 1-60 mm long, generally medium in size, dark in color, mostly black or brown, often with metallic luster, a few brightly colored, with yellow mottling; the body surface is smooth or sparsely hairy, with fine lines of different shapes .

Adults are not good at flying, they are ground-dwelling, and they mostly move on the surface, move quickly, or dig tunnels in the soil, and like moist soil or places near water sources.During the day, it generally hides under trees, leaf litter, bark, moss or in caves; it has phototaxis and suspended animation.In tropical and subtropical regions, there are more species active on plants.Adults and larvae mostly feed on small insects such as earthworms, snails, spiders, and molluscs, and some species only feed on animal excrement and humus.The life cycle is relatively long, generally one generation is completed in 1 to 2 years, and the adults or larvae live through the winter.Eggs are generally laid single in the soil.The larvae have 1 instars, and the mature larvae pupate in the soil chamber.

Carabus is one of the important groups of Coleoptera, which is distributed in almost all terrestrial habitats.The carapace is closely related to the environment, and many scholars agree that it can be used as an indicator organism.Carabidae species are widely distributed, and the differentiation among various groups is relatively obvious, so it is an ideal object for the study of zoogeography.In addition, most carapaces are predatory and play a certain role in the biological balance of nature and the elimination of pests.The Venus carapace in Ziyuan country preys on a large number of Lepidoptera larvae, and is an important natural enemy of armyworm and other pests.But on the other hand, carapaces can also become dangerous pests, for example, in areas where tussah silkworms are raised, they prey on tussah silkworm larvae and pupae in large quantities.

The reason why the praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is not only understood by humans, but also by the Zerg.

Kato Yuki saw Kagami Shin went to rescue the girl and asked, "Who is he?"

"He's a member of our team."

Misaki Yuzuki said.

"Like This."

After Kato Yuki finished speaking, he watched quietly.

Misaki Youyue urged on the side: "Hurry up and save people."

"Misaki Yuzuki, since you joined zect, you are ready to dedicate yourself to the organization."

It seems Kato Yuki is not ready to save people.

Misaki Yuzuki couldn't bear it anymore, she couldn't bear to let innocent people die for her own selfish desires, let alone Kaga Meixin who had been with her for a long time.

"Then I'll save people, you stay here."

Misaki Yuzuki opened the car door and was about to go out to rescue Kagami Shin.

"Are you going to disobey the orders of the headquarters? If you go on like this, it will make..."

Yuki Kato shouted.

"I didn't disobey the order of the headquarters. The headquarters ordered me to bring back the Jiadou belt and I will do it. But please don't use the mission as an excuse to use chicken feathers as arrows and disregard the lives of others. Don't forget the original intention of establishing zect What is it!"

After Misaki Yuzuki finished speaking, she hurried out.

Kaga Meixin's situation is not very good.

While Kaga Meixin rescued the girl, she also exposed herself to the mushroom's sight.

"Since you saved him, it's up to you to replace him."

Mushroom watched the girl leave without catching up, but looked at Kagami Shin.

"I'm going to kill you, you ugly zerg."

Kaga Meixin took out his pistol and shot wildly at the mushroom.

But his firepower couldn't effectively suppress the mushroom zerg and jumped in front of Kagamixin, and the mushroom slapped the pistol off Kagamixin's hand.

Mushroom raised one paw, and pressed Kagami Shin to the ground with the other.

"Go to hell, it's the first time I've killed someone with my claws."

Mushroom raised his hand and was about to lower his paws, the destination was Kagami Shin's chest.

Kagami closed her eyes, knowing that she was doomed.

"Bang bang bang."

The mushroom stopped what it was doing, and looked up towards the direction of the attack.

"I have to say, woman, you are very courageous."

Mushroom stopped attacking and threw Kagami Shin aside.

Kaga Meixin passed out from the fall.

"I like a dedicated person like you the most. I hope you are better than him."

Mushroom pointed to Kagami Shin who was on the ground.

"Even if I die, I still have to protect my teammates."

Misaki Yuzuki said firmly.

Mushrooms mockingly watching

Misaki Youyue, "I really don't know that you people think this way. You are all willing to give your life for others."

"Although I am dead, my teammates will avenge me."

Misaki Yuzuki also took out a pistol and fired continuously at the mushrooms.

"Oh, really?"

Mushroom said meaningfully.

Misaki Yuzuki asked, "What do you mean?"

The mushroom jumped in front of Misaki Yuzuki and knocked Misaki Yuzuki into the air. Misaki Yuzuki's right arm was directly broken.

When Mushroom was preparing for Ko Misaki Yuzuki, he suddenly stopped his actions.

"Damn it, I can't kill you."

When Mushroom was about to kill Misaki Youyue with this sentence, he received a message from Bu Jia.

After Misaki Yuki left Kato Yuki's car, Kato Yuki cursed behind his back: "Stupid woman."

"Actually, you are even more stupid."

Kato Yuki turned around quickly when he heard the voice, and found that the little assistant beside him had died.

And Bujia is sitting behind him.

"You, how did you get in here?"

Kato Yuki asked nervously.

"For you idiot, I don't need to tell you."

The armor mimics Kato Yuki.

"It's disgusting, I still want to have sex, but I can also try as him. Then my first target is - Yuzuki Misaki."

The Buccaneer immediately passed this information to the mushroom through the special fluctuations that belonged exclusively to the Zerg, which had already been known by the Zerg.And the people in the armor.

Chapter 93 The counterattack of Tiandao General Director

It's just that this time the action is quite special, because this time zect still wants to get the Jiadou belt. Zerg is also very curious about the mysterious Jiadou belt. If you can get it back and study it carefully, say Adventitious Zerg can also be used.

Currently, knight belts can only be used by humans and protozoans, but Zerg cannot be used.

So Bujia wanted to use the energy of zect to get the Jiadou belt, and his plan was also approved by the upper management.What's more, Bujia still wants to have an intimate wish with Misaki Youyue after thinking about this incident.

Mushroom gave up on killing Misaki Yuzuki, so it's better to kill Kaga Meixin, anyway, I have to kill one.

Mushroom came to Kagami Shin, ready to make a move.

The mushroom's mouth began to gain momentum, and the moment it was about to spew out spores, Jiadou's zector hit the mushroom, and the spores that were about to spew out were swallowed into his stomach.

Fortunately, the spores are spit out by the mushroom from its own body, and the return of the spores to the body can be regarded as returning to the place of origin.

But just like a person swallowing something spit out, nausea and discomfort are certain.This has caused the mushroom to be unable to spit out spores in a short period of time.

"Even dare to move my woman, you are impatient. Transform."

Li Qinghe put Zector in his belt.

"How did you come?"

Misaki Yuzuki asked.

"My woman is in danger, how can I ignore it as a man."

Li Qinghe pointed to a wall behind the mushroom.

"It's all here, don't you come out and meet?"

Mushroom didn't react, a wall behind him was shattered, and a fist hit Mushroom's body directly.

It's Tiandao's transformed Jiadou. Although Tiandao knew that this might be a trap set by zect for himself, but for Kaga Meixin, Tiandao decided to take action.

The mushroom was immediately sent flying to Li Qinghe's side.

"Let's go."

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