Li Qinghe turned around and kicked the mushroom back to Jiadou, who was transformed by the director of Tiandao.

"Then I'm not being polite."

The director of Tiandao circled his arms twice, and brought the thrown mushrooms to Li Qinghe's side again.

"I want to see Chuan Chuan Xiang. How about it?"

Li Qinghe took out the Kunai gun, and activated the sword mode, pointing the blade in the direction of the mushroom.

Under the crisis of life, there was still a series of tossings. The mushroom couldn't stand it anymore, and vomited directly during the rotation.

"Fuck, don't dirty my sword."

Li Qinghe quickly moved away with the Kunai gun, while the mushroom smashed into the wall.

Li Qinghe dodges, allowing Mushroom to take advantage of the disgust in his chest and spray spores unrestrainedly at the two Jiadou, while not forgetting to take Kaga Meixin and Misaki Yuzuki with him on the ground.As for the order not to take action against Misaki Youyue, it had already been thrown to Java by Mushroom.

Li Qinghe directly hugged Misaki Youyue and used his back to block the mushroom's spore attack, while Tendou Shoji grabbed Kagami Shin with one hand and flung it to the far side with skill, so the battle could not reach place.

Li Qinghe felt a burning pain in his back.

"You are finished, my spores are also alive, and the movement of the spores will not stop until they kill me."

Sure enough, Li Qinghe felt the spores sprayed by the mushrooms on his body, and he began to feel severe pain, and at the same time, the spores also became more itchy.

Those spores entered Li Qinghe's body and began to manipulate Li Qinghe's movements.

"I am the king, no one can manipulate my actions."

Li Qinghe's orohonch physique took effect and dissolved the spores.

When Mushroom thought that Li Qinghe was under his control, Li Qinghe changed the Kunai gun into gun mode, and shot five consecutive shots at Mushroom.

Five high-explosive energy bullets hit the mushroom directly. He was surprised to see that Li Qinghe's transformed Jiadou could still attack himself without being affected: "Impossible, you were attacked by my spores, how could you be fine?"

Li Qinghe didn't reply, and the fists that got heavier each time represented Li Qinghe's attitude.

"Go to hell. riderkick."

Li Qinghe jumped up, kicked the mushroom and was hit directly by this blow, making him lose his ability to fight.

"rider kick."

Jia Dou, who was transformed by the head of Tiandao, turned around, and then kicked back, adding to Mushroom's body.


With a bang, the mushroom died.After the mushroom w dies, point your finger at the sky.

Li Qinghe blocked the shock wave with his solid juniors.

"Why are you being so nice to me."

Misaki Yuzuki asked in a choked tone.

"Because you are my woman."

Li Qinghe touched Misaki Youyue's face and canceled the transformation.

And the head of Tiandao walked up to Kaga Meixin and patted Kaga Meixin.

"Ah, what's the matter? Am I dead?"

This was Kagami Shin's first reaction.

Immediately afterwards, Kaga Meixin's forehead was shattered by Kato, who was transformed by the head of Tiandao.

"Oh, it hurts so much, it looks like I'm not dead, hahaha."

Kagami shrieked nervously.

The mimic Kato Yuki has already transmitted the data of the two battles to the Zerg headquarters.

"Now we can know the fighting ability of Jiadou, so we can make new plans accordingly."

Kato Yuki is full of expectations for the next plan.

"I don't know why you suddenly alienated me, but one thing will not change, you are my woman."

After awakening Kaga Meixin, the head of Tiandao also left on his own motorcycle.

Director Tiandao was galloping on the highway on a motorcycle, thinking about what to cook for Shuhua at night.

Suddenly dozens of heavily armed vehicles appeared behind them, quickly overtook the chief executive of Tiandao, and forced the chief minister of heaven to stop.

After Tiandao Director stopped his motorcycle, groups of ant soldiers got out of the car and pointed guns at Tiandao Director.

"Why do you want to fight?"

Director Tiandao took off his helmet, startling the zect ant soldiers surrounding him.

Jiadou's strength is well known among the ant soldiers, and the capture of Jiadou this time is also the meaning of last time.They didn't know that there were two Jiadou, but since the zect headquarters issued the task of capturing the Jiadou, these ant soldiers would complete it without hesitation.

"Put down your belt."

Misaki Yuzuki got out of the car.

"It's because of you that innocent people were killed by Zerg."

Director of Heavenly Dao asked bluntly.

Misaki Youyue was speechless at the words of the head of the Heavenly Dao, because the fact is and is indeed the case.But Misaki Yuzuki is not the mastermind, the mastermind is the dead Kato Yuki.

"It seems to be you, so I have to teach you a lesson. Although I have never hit a woman, I made an exception this time. Transform."

Tiandao Zongsi left the motorcycle and grabbed the transformed Zector, and transformed into a Jiadou directly on the motorcycle.


Yuki Kato gave the order from inside the car.

The ant soldiers surrounding Tiandao Chief Division fired immediately, and Tiandao Chief Secretary grabbed the two ant soldiers closest to him and blocked most of the bullets in front of him, and those two ant soldiers were naturally dead.

Chapter 94 The Battle of Jiadou

Director of Tiandao threw the body of the dead ant soldier on the ant soldiers in other directions.

Other ant soldiers use sword blades and Jiadou to fight in close quarters.

Director Tiandao punched an ant soldier who had slashed at him into the vehicle.

Immediately afterwards, Director Tiandao directly set off a car, kicked hard with his foot, that car hit the car in front of it, and cleared a blank space in front of him.

Director of Heavenly Dao said disdainfully: "I want to leave, no one can stop me. But before I leave, I have to teach you a lesson."

Misaki Yuzuki pointed a pistol at Kato and fired continuously.

Director Tiandao continued to move forward with gunfire, as long as there were ant soldiers blocking the way between Director Tiandao and Misaki Youyue, Director Tiandao would deal with them with one punch.

Soon the head of Tiandao walked up to Misaki Youyue.The head of Tiandao lifted Misaki Youyue and held her neck tightly.

"You have to make amends to the innocent people who died."

The head of Tiandao pointed the Kunai gun at Misaki Youyue, and Misaki Youyue felt the threat of death and the preciousness of life at this moment.


The head of Tendo was hit by Koto's Ector while holding Misaki Yuzuki's hand.

The chief minister of Tiandao let go of his hand unconsciously, and Misaki Yuzuki also fell from the state of being off the ground.

Misaki Yuzuki coughed hard, breathing in fresh air.

"It's you."

The Director of Heavenly Dao is not very surprised. There is only another Jiadou who can use the same person as his own zer.

"Are you going to do it?"

The arrival of Li Qinghe's transformed Jiadou made the ant soldiers sent by zect stop attacking.They have received new orders to help the new Jiadou to destroy or capture the original Jiadou.

"Do you know what you just did to my woman? Almost killed her."

Li Qinghe asked angrily.

"I know, this is punishment for her using the zerg to lure me out and causing the death of innocent people."

Tiandao Director General said in a calm tone.

"And what about them?"

Li Qinghe pointed to the corpses of ant soldiers scattered all over the ground.

"They tried to grab me and take my belt, so I had to defend myself first. It's a pity, but at that moment, they were the enemy."

Director of Heavenly Dao said.

Li Qinghe closed his eyes and asked: "Then do you know the real truth? Are you sure she planned everything?"

"Um, I don't know what's going on, but I am Jiadou, the god of the sun, my feeling is the feeling of heaven, and my will is the will of heaven."

Director of Heavenly Dao pointed to the sky and said.

"That's not what your grandma said. I don't remember him saying that."

Li Qinghe asked back.

"This is indeed the case."

Director of Heavenly Dao said embarrassingly.This sentence came out of his subconscious mind.

"Looks like I have to teach you a lesson. You can't be a weapon without being beaten, and you can't be a weapon without cutting jade."

Li Qinghe said in a tone of hating iron but not steel.

Director of Tiandao was a little confused, "If you want to teach me a lesson, then look at your strength."

Director of Heavenly Dao pointed to the sky with one hand, "I will not lose."

Li Qinghe put Zector on his belt, "Transform."

Li Qinghe also transformed into Jiadou.This time Li Qinghe turned into a Jiadou, he felt different from before. Li Qinghe always thought that it was an accident that he could transform into a Jiadou himself.

But after Li Qinghe's transformation this time, Li Qinghe could clearly feel that this Jiadou was prepared for him personally, and he could use this Jiadou knight system to exert [-]% of his strength.

"Did I create this knight system in the future?"

This thought flashed across Li Qinghe's mind.

"Boom", at the moment when Li Qinghe was thinking, Li Qinghe was attacked by the head of Tiandao and flew to the wall with a punch.

"Kiba-kun. Are you okay?"

Misaki Yuzuki asked with concern.

The mimetic Kato Yuki was very happy, "These two battles of Kato are worth watching. Remember to transmit the battle data to the headquarters in real time."

The Zerg, who mimicked Kato Yuki's assistant, nodded, "Yes. I've already started the transmission."

On the Zerg side, on the other side receiving the transmitted data, Li Qinghe would never have imagined that it was the Tianshu Dragon who was allied with Li Qinghe.

"Oh, interesting. I didn't expect to see such a picture."

Tianshulong gave the mimic Kato Yuki an order, "Keep hiding, don't expose yourself, try to use Misaki Yuzuki's cover to sneak into zect headquarters."

Mimic Kato Yuki said seriously: "Yes."

Director of Heavenly Dao saw that Li Qinghe was absent-minded, could it be that he was belittling me?He actually dared to lose his mind during the battle.

Naturally, the Director of Heavenly Dao would not give up this opportunity. He punched fiercely and smashed Li Qinghe's transformed Jia Dou into the wall with one punch.

This was the first battle between Li Qinghe and the Director of Heavenly Dao.

Seeing that Li Qinghe was hit by him so easily, the director of Tiandao became firm in his heart that the last time Li Qinghe transformed into Jiadou could beat most of the giant spider's strength.And Li Qinghe's transformation into Jia Dou has the idea of ​​collecting the fruits of victory.

The director of Tiandao took out his gunless gun and rushed towards the wall where Li Qinghe was smashed into.

"Bang bang bang. Avalanche shooting."

Li Qinghe used a gunless gun to knock down the head of Tiandao who rushed to the ground.

Li Qinghe walked out of the broken wall, and found the energy bomb fired by the chief director of Tiandao using the Kunai gun.

Li Qinghe transformed the Kunai Spear into an axe form, and used the axe blade to block the energy bullet's attack.

Li Qinghe blocked the attack of Tiandao Director General with the Kunai Spear in the form of a hatchet.However, his body was also knocked back several steps by the shock wave of energy.

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