Taking advantage of the situation, the Director General of Heavenly Dao jumped in front of Li Qinghe. Li Qinghe used the Kuwu Spear, pointed the blade of the ax outward, and struck the Director General of Heavenly Dao that jumped over with two consecutive axes with speed and precision.

In the process of being split into the air, Tiandao Director still continued to attack with the Kunai gun.The trajectory of the attack is quite weird.

"Shhhhhhh", Li Qinghe didn't block it this time.The attack directly by Tiandao Director General penetrated the guardrail of the expressway.Li Qinghe fell off the highway.

Li Qinghe grabbed the handle of the ax of the Kunai Spear, and swung it hard. The Kunai Spear hit the Tiandao Zongsi who had just got up with a parabolic trajectory, and the Tiandao Zongsi was smashed through the other side of the highway by the force of the Kuwu Gun. The side guardrail also fell off.

Li Qinghe and Tiandao Director General fell from the guardrail at the same time.


Li Qinghe and Tiandao Director General simultaneously used the super speed state in mid-air.

Li Qinghe slowly landed in mid-air, and precisely located the Heavenly Dao Director General on the other side.

Director of Tiandao also felt Li Qinghe's gaze.

Li Qinghe had no focus in mid-air, so he could only slowly fall to the ground. .

Li Qinghe landed before the head of Tiandao, Li Qinghe stepped on the ground, gained strength, and directly accelerated and hit the head of Tiandao.

The Director of Heavenly Dao was in mid-air, although he couldn't use his strength, he hugged Li Qinghe who hit him, and hugged Li Qinghe tightly with his arms, and finally the two fell to the ground at the same time.

Chapter 95 Judgment

Li Qinghe wanted to hold the head of Tiandao to get up, but the head of Tiandao bent Li Qinghe's left leg on his body, and it was directly stuck in Li Qinghe's gear.

Li Qinghe had no choice but to put aside the Director of Heaven and Dao, turned over beautifully with one hand on the ground, and stood up.

Although the Director of Heavenly Dao didn't get up, he used his legs to sweep Li Qinghe's feet directly, and Li Qinghe was swept down again.

The director of Tiandao took out a gunless gun and shot Li Qinghe in the chest continuously, and Li Qinghe was sent flying tens of meters on the ground.

Li Qinghe felt a tightness in his chest, "cough cough", Li Qinghe coughed twice.

As soon as Li Qinghe got up, he was slashed and flew aside by the head of Tiandao using the sword in the sword mode of Kunai gun.

Li Qinghe quickly rolled over on the ground, dodging the next attack from the Director of Heavenly Dao.

Li Qinghe yelled, "Come on." The Kunwu gun that Li Qinghe threw just now hit the head of Heavenly Dao on the back.The Director of Heavenly Dao leaned forward when he was beaten.

Li Qinghe's right hand retracted the Kunai gun.

Li Qinghe stretched out his left leg and kicked Chief Tiandao on the chin with his left toe, causing Chief Tiandao to fall over.

Li Qinghe put away the gunless gun, and pressed it on the back of the head of Tiandao, preventing him from getting up.

Li Qinghe patted the ass of Jiadou, who was transformed by Tiandao Chief Director, "I made you disobedient, I made you disobedient."

Director Tiandao felt ashamed of being spanked, and slapped the ground with both hands. Director Tiandao rolled from under Li Qinghe and left Li Qinghe.

The director of Tiandao picked up the gunless gun and pointed it at Li Qinghe who put away the gunless gun, and fired continuously without mercy.

Li Qinghe was directly sent flying by the energy bomb.

Touching his painful chest, Li Qinghe quickly stood up, quickly took out the Kunai gun, and used the sword mode of the Kuna gun to block the attack from the head of Tiandao.

With one hand, Li Qinghe supported the Kunai Spear cut down by the Director of Heavenly Dao, and the other hand turned into a fist, "riderkick."

Li Qinghe punched the head of Tiandao from under the highway to the highway.

At this time, the time for Tiandao Zongsi and Li Qinghe to use super speed has just ended, Misaki Youyue only saw a Jiadou standing still.

"Who are you."

Misaki Youyue couldn't tell which Jiadou was transformed by Li Qinghe, and which was transformed by Tiandao Zongsi.

"Cough cough."

Kato, the only one standing in Misaki Yuzuki's eyes, coughed twice.He came directly to Misaki Youyue and aimed at Misaki Youyue with a Kunai gun.

"Let her go. God, what are you doing."

Kagami's angry voice was suddenly heard.

And Tian Suoxiu's small group of ant soldiers also came here soon, pointing their guns at the head of Tiandao.

Li Qinghe felt the joy in the head of Tiandao the moment he knocked the head of the sky away, and immediately knew that he might have been tricked.

With the help of Li Qinghe's fist, the director of Tiandao rushed up the highway.But Li Qinghe could only rely on the nearby points of strength to keep rising and finally turned over.

"Let him go."

Li Qinghe's transformed Jia Dou appeared.

"Kiba-kun, don't worry about me."

Misaki Yuzuki said loudly.

"Release your transformation. Throw the belt over, there is only one Jiadou."

Director of the Heavenly Dao said, pointing at Misaki Youyue with his gunless spear.

"it is good."

Li Qinghe directly canceled the transformation, and threw Jiadou's belt to the Director of Heavenly Dao.

"God, do you know what you're doing?"

Kaga Meixin rushed to the head of Tendo, but was knocked unconscious by the transformed Koto.

"I know what I'm doing."

After the Tiandao Director finished speaking, he shot Li Qinghe, and the shot pierced through Li Qinghe's abdomen.

Li Qinghe was thrown away by the huge penetrating force.

"Let her go."

In the angry tone, the voice of Shuichi Tiansuo can be heard, coming in person.

"It's not that much trouble."

At this time, the mimetic Kato Yuki appeared, pointing a gun at the unconscious Kaga Meixin on the ground.

"Give you a chance, either you surrender or kill him."

Mimic Kato Yuki is about to shoot.If the head of heaven does not agree to surrender, then the false will become true.

The head of Tiandao didn't go to gamble, but threw down the Kunai gun, and found that the ant soldier was pointing partly at himself and partly at Kaga Meixin, and he didn't relax his vigilance.

Director of Tiandao sighed and gave up resistance.He didn't know why he gave up resistance for Kaga Meixin.

Misaki Yuzuki escaped from the hands of the head of Tiandao, and the head of Tiandao automatically canceled the transformation.

The belt of the head of heaven was taken away by the mimic Kato Yuki, while Misaki Yuzuki ran up to Li Qinghe who was seriously injured by the gunless gun, looked at Li Qinghe who was vomiting blood, and shouted: "Call the ambulance, Call an ambulance quickly. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's my waywardness that hurt you."

Misty Youyue hugged Li Qinghe and cried.

The ambulance hadn't arrived yet, but Li Qinghe was sent to the vehicle by the ant soldiers in time, and drove towards the hospital at high speed.

Misty Youyue looked at Li Qinghe, and couldn't stop blaming herself.

"It's okay, don't worry."

Mimic Kato Yuki comforts Misaki Yuzuki.He put his hand on Misaki Yuzuki's shoulder.

Misaki Yuzuki broke free from the imitation Kato Yuki's hand calmly.

The mimic Kato Yuki also wanted to take away the belt of Jiadou that Li Qinghe had just dropped, but was stopped by Tian Soshuichi with a gloomy face.

"Kiba Kiyokawa is a member of my team, so naturally I will be responsible for everything about him."

The mimic Kato Yuki can't reveal his identity yet, otherwise he can slaughter everyone here now, but in this case, the identity he tried so hard to hide will be exposed, and it's not worth it.

The mimic Kato Yuki still wants to take a long line to catch big fish, so he can't be short-sighted.

Li Qinghe was rushed to the hospital and received emergency treatment.

But the Director of Heavenly Dao also suddenly fell into a coma.However, Misaki Yuzuki was worried that it was a trick by Chief Tendo, so he still refused to let Chief Tendo go to the hospital.

Regarding this decision, Tian Suoxiu did not object, but Kaga Meixin was awakened again, and learned that his good friend Tiandou Sousji was caught because of him, and he blamed himself very much.

"If it wasn't for me, Tiandao wouldn't have been caught."

Kagami Shin thought.

In order not to affect the morale of the zect ant soldier, the news that Li Qinghe's transformed Jiadou was seriously injured was not distributed, even Kaga Meixin didn't know about it.

Director Tiandao woke up again and found himself tied to a chair.Misaki Yuzuki held the whip and waited for herself to wake up.

"Wake up, there is no need to pour cold water on him."

After Misaki Youyue finished speaking, she slapped the head of Tiandao with a whip.

There was a red mark on the head of Tiandao.

This is the first time Misaki Youyue has used a torture device, if it hadn't been for the chief minister of Tiandao who injured Li Qinghe, Misaki Youyue would not have done this.

Misaki Youyue pointed a gun at the head of Tiandao Chief Director, "Tell me, who are you and why do you have another Jiadou belt."

"I'm thirsty, I want a drink of water."

Director of Heavenly Dao said. .

"Drink water, okay, this basin of water is yours."

Misaki Youyue asked his subordinates to open the mouth of Chief Director Tiandao, and poured water into Li Qinghe's mouth with a water basin.

Chapter 96 Contest

The director of Tiandao wanted to resist, but he was helpless, his stomach was swollen from being drank by a basin of water.

"My stomach hurts, what did you put in the water?"

The Director of Heavenly Dao curled up and asked.

On the other side, moths have been reporting what happened here to Tianshulong.

Moths have the same characteristics as moths on Earth.

Moths, insects of the order Insecta Lepidoptera, are mostly nocturnal and like to gather in bright places, so there is a folk saying that "moths jump into the fire and burn themselves".Plants provide a variety of food sources for moths when they are young. The larvae and adults of moths are also one of the main food sources for insectivores such as birds, reptiles, and amphibians, forming an important food chain in nature.

Moths belong to the order Lepidoptera, most of them are nocturnal, and most of them are nocturnal animals, which shows that moths do not circle lights because they love light.Moths have siphon mouthparts, and the mouthparts are specialized as straws. Moths mainly feed on the juice of plants. They will not go to street lamps to prey on small flying insects. Humans have also ruled out the possibility that moths are attracted to light because of food.

"It's nothing, just added a little laxative."

Misaki Youyue also thought of a way to teach Tiandao Director a lesson. Who told him to injure Li Qinghe so badly? If he didn't get the exact news from the hospital and Li Qinghe's body was fine, Misty Youyue would have put it in the water. It's not a laxative, but something like sulfuric acid, which is guaranteed to make the head of Tiandao fall into his soul.


The director of Tiandao clutched his stomach, thinking that it really is the most poisonous woman's heart.Women are the last to be offended.

"Let me go to the bathroom."

The cold sweat dripped down the head of Tiandao Director General.


Misaki Yuzuki actually disagreed.

"Then I'm going to drag you here. You have to think about it."

The Director of Heavenly Dao said in a threatening tone.

"That's up to you. Anyway, it's still in your pants. When you pull it in your pants, I'll just watch you in the monitoring room."

Misaki Yuzuki said teasingly next to the head of Tiandao.


The belly of the chief minister of Tiandao turned upside down again.

"But if you want to go to the toilet, it's not impossible."

Misaki Yuzuki added.

"Tell me, what conditions are needed."

The Director of Heavenly Dao couldn't hold back any longer.

"Answer me a few questions. If you are satisfied, then I will let you go to the toilet."

Misaki Yuzuki said with a smile.

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