Misaki Yuzuki's smile looked so terrifying to the head of Tiandao at this moment.

"You, you can ask. But you can only ask one question, if there are more, I don't need to answer you anymore."

The Director of Heavenly Dao endured extremely hard.Director Tiandao's attitude was very clear. He asked too many questions, so naturally he couldn't help but pull himself down in his pants.

"Where did you get your belt, who gave it to you. Why you can use it."

Misaki Yuzuki combined three questions into one.

"I can only answer one, my belt was given to me by someone else."

The Director of Heavenly Dao fell silent after finishing speaking.

"Who gave it to you?"

Misaki Yuzuki asked.But Misaki Youyue saw that the head of Tiandao didn't want to get in at this time, and it might be counterproductive to force it any further, and she didn't want to talk to a person who shits in his pants.

"You two take him to the bathroom and follow closely. Make sure you don't let him go."

Misaki Yuzuki ordered.

Director Tiandao was dragged into the toilet by two ant soldiers.

"Well, it's very comfortable."

Director Tiandao closed his eyes and began to enjoy the joy of this moment.

As for the invitation to the Wanhua Exhibition, because of Kaga Meixin's sudden departure, Kaga Meixin's plan to accompany Kusakabe Xu to the Wanhua Exhibition was aborted.

When Director Tiandao came back after going to the toilet, there was already a glass of water and special antidiarrheal medicine on the table.

Director Tiandao didn't hesitate, and took the medicine with water.Sure enough, the specific medicine had obvious effects, and Director Tiandao felt that his stomach was no longer uncomfortable.

Misaki Yuzuki continued to start her own interrogation, in order to restrain the head of Tiandao.Director Tiandao's hands were handcuffed behind his back. In order to prevent Director Tiandao from secretly unlocking the handcuffs, three ant soldiers stood behind Director General Tiandao and kept monitoring Director Tiandao.

There was a suitcase in front of Misaki Yuzuki's desk.Inside is the koto belt that Misaki Kato Yuki gave to Misaki Yuzuki.

Misaki Yuzuki continued to ask, "Is that you?"

The director of Tiandao blinked, "Stupid question, you ask the sun, are you the sun?"

The meaning of Tiandao Chief Secretary is to admit the fact that he is Jiadou.

"Then why do you have a belt?"

Misaki Youyue continued to ask without changing the medicine.

"Another stupid question. You ask the sun why you shine."

We all know that the sun is a star, and stars naturally shine.Tiandao Zongsi means that he is a Jiadou, so he has a belt.

Misaki Youyue saw that Tiandao Shoji was so uncooperative, and took out the Jiadou belt.

"This is the knight's belt."

Misaki Yuzuki installed a Kodo belt on herself.

"Transform. Transform, transform."

Misaki Youyue said three times in a row, transforming, but the Jiadou belt is still the Jiadou belt, without any change.


The head of Tiandao sneered when he saw Misaki Yuzuki who tried to use the Jiadou belt to transform but failed.

"It doesn't seem to work."

Although Misaki Youyue knew that there was a high possibility that she would not be able to transform into a Jiadou, she still had to give it a try before giving up.I don't cry when I don't see the coffin, but now I'm down to the Yellow River, and I give up.

Misaki Yuzuki put the Jiadou belt back intact.

On the other side, Kaga Meixin thought of a way to save Tendo Shoji.

Kaga Meixin found Tiansuo Shuichi, "A person I know was arrested because he was suspected of being Koto, what will happen?"

Tian Suoxiu replied while working: "The headquarters will judge."

Kagami took off his helmet, and hastily added: "But he's not Koto, he's just involved."

"Including this, the headquarters will judge."

After Tian Suoxiu finished speaking, he continued to work.

Kaga Meixin continued to ask: "Then Mr. Tasho, do you know Misaki Yuzuki has joined another group?"

Tian Suoxiu took a sip of coffee, "Of course."

After Kagami's search was fruitless, she dragged her motorcycle and left.On the way, Kaga Meixin was thinking: "It is very possible that the Director of the Heavenly Dao has already joined zect, and that might be it."

Just like that, Kagami-shin returned home.

As for the head of Tiandao, Misaki Youyue held a zect base of the head of Tiandao.Zerg has been densely surrounded.

The zerg below waited until the moths arrived and started to move.

Suddenly, Tiandao Director-General's cell phone rang.

"Huh? Who's calling?"

Misaki Yuzuki picked up the mobile phone of Tendou Souji.It shows that the caller is my sister.

Director of Tiandao, "Take the phone, please, it's time to make a call."

"What?" Misaki Youyue stood up, patted the table, and said loudly, "Don't tease us, you were arrested by us."

"Say anything else and I'll hang up."

Misaki Yuzuki said.

Misaki Yuzuki finally compromised, and put the mobile phone next to the head of Tiandao. .

"Brother, what are you doing here?"

Tiandao Shuhua looked at her watch, according to the previous time, her brother should have come back long ago.

Chapter 97 Assault on Heaven

"I was chatting with a fool who was in love troubles, and it turned out to be too long-winded. I will go back later today. It seems that you have to cook by yourself."

Director of Heavenly Dao said.

"Ah, ah, ah, it's not that I don't know how to cook, you should come back early."

Tiandao Shuhua said.

"Well, well. Hang up first."

Tiandao Shuhua hung up the phone.Misaki Youyue picked up the phone, "Here, I hung up. You should continue to explain."

Director Tiandao clutched his stomach all of a sudden, "Hiss, my stomach feels uncomfortable again, what medicine did you give me?"

Director Tiandao clutched his stomach, as if he was going to the toilet.

"Okay, okay. You two still take him to the bathroom like you did just now."

Misaki Youyue still asked the two ant soldiers to take Tiandao Zongsi to the toilet.

Tiandao Director General smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth.

"Please let me have the best pork cutlet rice bowl. Huh?"

Director Tiandao came back from the toilet and said.

It happened that Misaki Youyue was also hungry, and by the way, I asked the ant soldier to bring a portion of rice with pork chops.

The Heavenly Dao Director-General ate it with relish.

"Zect has several teams."

Director of Tiandao asked while eating.

Although Misaki Youyue bought rice, she didn't feel like eating, "So what."

"There is no connection between each other?"

Director of Tiandao continued to ask questions, as if he didn't care about the fact that he was arrested.

Director of Heavenly Dao asked: "Does the headquarters know what you have done?"

Misaki Youyue couldn't help but stood up again, and patted the table, "I should be the one who should ask the question. Be honest."

Misaki Youyue slapped the table heavily again, and the ant soldier behind Tiandao Chief also put his machine gun and sword on the safety, pointing at Tiandao Chief.

"It's full and delicious."

Director Tiandao wiped his mouth because of eating.So Misaki Yuzuki gave him freedom and released the handcuffs of the head of Tiandao.

Kaga Meixin rode a motorcycle and searched around to see where Tendou Souji was hidden.

Kaga Meixin couldn't find it because of headless flies.In the end, Kaga Meixin decided to go to Tian Suoxiu to find out.

"Mr. Tasho, you should know where Misaki is now."

Tian Suoxiu looked at the small files of the Zerg in the past, and said, "So what if I know?"

"Stop Cape."

Tian Suoxiu shook his head, "You can't go against the orders of the headquarters."

Kagami Shinichi heard Tiansuo Shuichi's dogma and said excitedly: "Headquarters, headquarters, I'm talking about Yuzuki Misaki. What Misaki did was wrong. A real partner should correct her, I don't want to be a liar .”

Tian Suoxiu asked rhetorically, "Then tell me honestly, is the man captured by Misaki a Jiadou?"

Kaga Mixin was unable to answer for a long time, but Tiansuo Shuichi had already got the answer from Kaga Mixin's performance.

"Please, tell me where Cape is. Please."

Kaga Meixin bowed [-] degrees to Tian Suoxiu.

Tiansuo Shuichi still relented, and told Kagami Shin about Misaki Yuzuki's location.

Kaga Meixin rode a motorcycle, speeding up to the place where Tendou Souji was being held, and his obsession with rescuing Tendou Souji deepened in his heart.

Downstairs where the head of Tiandao was imprisoned, an ant soldier was diligently looking around when he suddenly found a yellow toy duck.It is the kind of wind-up, the duck walks automatically.Suddenly fell down the stairs.

The ant soldier took two steps down, without noticing that there was another person behind him, and immediately restrained the ant soldier.

"do not move."

Kaga Meixin pointed the pistol at the ant soldier's heart, and successfully entered the building where the head of Tiandao was held.

And Misaki Youyue's interrogation of Tiandao Director-General here was fruitless. On the contrary, Tiandao Director-General learned a lot about zect. Although the information was not considered confidential, it still made Misaki Youyue very upset.

"Misaki Yuzuki, Kato is calling you."

Misaki Youyue stopped the interrogation of Chief Tendao, and asked his subordinates to pressure Chief Tendao to leave.

Misaki Yuzuki entered Kato Yuki's office alone.

"Miss Misaki, I am very disappointed in you. If this continues, you can go back."

Mimic Kato Yuki said.

Misaki Yuzuki asked, "What do you mean?"

"Hmph, as long as the belt is with us, then he will never be able to transform into a Jiadou."

Mimic Kato Yuki said proudly.

"End the boring interrogation and start the painful interrogation."

The mimetic Kato Yuki stretched out his hand towards Misaki Yuzuki's chest, but Misaki Yuzuki shrewdly avoided it.

"I'm going down first."

Misaki Yuzuki could see the desire for herself in Kato Yuki's eyes, the kind of pervert's eyes looking at her, wishing to eat herself.So Misaki Yuzuki left in a hurry.

"Hmph, no matter how you run, you are still my prey. As long as this operation is over, I will fuck you to bed."

Kato Yuki, who is mimicking, is lewd.

The ant soldiers who are in charge of guarding the building have already started fighting with the Zerg downstairs.

The Zerg that came this time was too sudden, and there were a lot of them. They quickly broke through the lines of defense. Coupled with the leakage of secrets by the mimic Kato Yuki, it would not be too easy for the Zerg to break through here.

Kaga Meixin successfully knocked out and changed into the combat uniform that hijacked and beat the ant soldier just now, and climbed up the stairs.From time to time, Kagami could see the small team coming down the stairs in a hurry.

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