Kaga Meixin could also hear the delivery of the zerg and zect ant soldiers below, which belonged to the sound of machine guns and swords, how could Kaga Meixin forget it.

Kaga Meixin didn't care so much, the first task in his heart is to rescue the Tiandao chief minister who was arrested because of himself.

Kagami ran too fast, took off his helmet, and found a single ant soldier.

Kagami asked, "Where is the man you caught?"

The ant soldier didn't speak, but pointed his machine gun and sword at Kaga Meixin.

"your name."

Kaga Meixin saw the machine gun sword pointed at him, and said falteringly: "Kaga, Kaga, Kaga Meixin."

"Is that so, say you like fish or pork."

The lone ant soldier asked Kaga Meixin.

Kaga Meixin felt something was wrong, the voice seemed to be the voice of Tendou Souji.

"it's me."

The head of heaven took off his helmet.

Back to just now.

On the way back to the interrogation room, Misaki Youyue heard the gunfire of the ant soldiers fighting the Zerg, leaving only two ant soldiers to monitor the Tiandao Chief Director.

Misaki Youyue was worried that the Zerg might come to snatch Jiadou's belt, so she immediately took the ant soldiers to support.Because Kato Yuki, who had just mimicked, decided to send the belt back to zect headquarters first.

Kato Yuki had just left after choking to death, but for the safety of his belt, Misaki Yuki stepped up to catch up.

And the two ant soldiers who stayed behind to monitor the Tiandao General Director have been subdued by the Tiandao General Director.Director of Tiandao took away a set of ant soldier combat uniforms and got out. .

Unexpectedly, he ran into Kagami Shin who was looking for him on the stairs, so he came up with the idea of ​​teasing Kagami Shin.

When Jiao Youyue went downstairs with the ant soldiers, she found the corpses of the ant soldiers everywhere.And there were a lot of zerg behind her, let the ant soldiers she brought down deal with it.

Chapter 98 Step Armor Worm

"Come on, come here."

Mimic Kato Yuki and his assistant shouted at Misaki Yuzuki.

Misaki Yuzuki had no time to worry about the safety of other ant soldiers, so she hurried into the car of the mimic Kato Yuki.

By the time Tiandao Shoji and Kaga Meixin went downstairs, the Zerg had already evacuated, leaving behind a pile of messy corpses.

"Jingle Bell."

Kagami Shin's phone rang, and Kagami Shino answered it, it was Tiansuo Shuichi who came.

Kagami Shin thought it was Tian Soo Shuichi who criticized him for being reckless, but he did not expect Tian Suo Shuichi to send the two photos on Kagami Shin's phone with a serious attitude.

"The people in these two photos have already been killed."

Tian Suoxiu said.

Misaki Yuzuki followed the mimic Kato Yuki and his assistant into the car, followed by the Zerg who was thrown away by them.

After Kato Yuki received the picture of Tiansuo Shuichi, he knew that the two people in front of Yuzuki Misaki had been mimicked by zerg, and he was very anxious, worried about Yuzuki Misaki who had just left.

Mimic Yuki Kato said in the car, "It seems that the Zerg wants to take the knight belt from us, and we must not let the Zerg take it away. I think the belt should be sent to the headquarters now. What do you think? Woolen cloth?"

Misaki Yuzuki nodded, "Well, it's safe to send the belt to the headquarters."

Mimic Kato Yuki ordered his assistant to drive the car to the headquarters. "Then let's do this first."

Mimic Kato Yuki has the location of the zect headquarters in his mind, but the zect headquarters will keep moving. This is also the countermeasure that zect came up with after being attacked by Zerg.

However, under normal circumstances, the zect headquarters is too secretive to be known to outsiders, let alone Zerg?

Although Yuki Kato came out of zect headquarters, he didn't know the location of zect headquarters.

Because Misaki Youyue got the belt, the headquarters gave her a place to deliver the belt to the designated location.And Misaki Yuzuki told the news to the mimic Kato Yuki.

For some reason, the Zerg side knew that entering the zect headquarters required a special inspection. If it was full of Zergs, it might be detected.If someone leads, maybe you can get in.

This is the idea of ​​the Zerg side. Although the Zerg also wants this Jiadou belt, but once they enter the zect headquarters using this belt as bait, they can get more.

Zerg will not let go of the Jiadou belt. Since the Knight's belt of Tiandao Chief Director cannot be obtained, another belt is also available.

For the Zerg side, it was still possible to investigate the location of the hospital where Li Qinghe was staying.

A group of zerg had planned to flood into the place where Li Qinghe was being treated.

Director Tiandao, who was wearing an ant soldier combat uniform, saw the information, and combined with his own thoughts, "It seems that he has noticed the zect headquarters."

"Headquarters? No one knows the location of the headquarters."

Kagami said doubtfully.

"I will definitely be able to, as long as I can become a member of the zect headquarters and be led by Yuzuki Misaki."

The Director of Heavenly Dao said in an affirmative tone.

"Be sure to return the belt to the headquarters before the zerg attack again. Miss Misaki, contact the headquarters immediately."

Mimic Kato Yuki said to Misaki Yuzuki.Although the Zerg didn't know the location of Zect's headquarters, they could reverse-locate the location of Zect's headquarters through Misaki Youyue's contact with the headquarters. This was the real purpose of the Zergs to keep Misaki Youyue.

If the mimic Kato Yuki cannot enter the zect headquarters as an internal response, then the Zerg will storm the zect headquarters.Speaking of which, it has been a long time since the Zerg attacked the zect headquarters last time.

Misaki Yuzuki is preparing to contact the headquarters.

At this moment, Misaki Youyue's phone rang, and Misaki Youyue answered it casually.

"I'm Kagami, please listen to me calmly, the two people with you are, you escaped with a belt, as long as you can escape, someone will help."

As soon as Misaki Yuzuki hung up the phone, he found that Misaki Kato Yuki's assistant had pointed a pistol at Misaki Yuzuki.The mimic Kato Yuki also turned around.

"Unfortunately, we have a better sense of hearing than humans."

Mimic Kato Yuki smiled grimly, and said in his heart: "It's not bad to have a car shock in the car, rape first and then kill. Hahahaha."

Mimic Kato Yuki has been imagining Misaki Yuzuki's resistance for a while.

"Ding ding ding."

Mimic Kato Yuki heard the sound of a gun hitting the car body from the car, and had no time to react, only felt the car body vibrate.

Mimic Kato Yuki and his assistant fell to the ground at once.Mimic Kato Yuki can see in the rearview mirror that it is an ant soldier on a motorcycle firing at his car.

And Misaki Yuzuki took out Jiadou's belt from the box, jumped out of the car with the belt.


Mimic Kato Yuki could only watch Misaki Yuzuki leave the car.

Misaki Youyue got out of the car and found a man riding a motorcycle in front of him.

"You are?"

"Why don't you know me so soon? I will pay you what I owe you, and the meal you invited."

Misaki Yuzuki immediately recognized the voice of Tendo Souji from the voice.

Misaki Youyue knew that she had done something wrong, and solemnly picked up Jiadou's belt.

Misaki Yuzuki said, "This belt is for you."

Director Tiandao took off his helmet, smiled and brought over his belt.

The annoyance in Kato Yuki's heart, who was sitting in the car mimicry, is self-evident.

Suddenly his assistant stopped the car.

Mimic Kato Yuki asked, "What's wrong?"

"Look, someone is blocking the way ahead."

The assistant pointed to the front.

Mimic Kato Yuki saw that it was the ant soldier who just attacked the car. Although he was wearing an ant soldier's costume, it looked like a motorcycle.

The mimic Kato Yuki and his assistant got out of the car.

Director Tiandao threw his helmet aside at once.How could the mimic Kato Yuki not recognize that this was the man he caught at the beginning.

Mimic Kato Yuki tilted his head, "Sure enough, you are Koto."

After finishing speaking, the mimic Kato Yuki changed into a step armor.

Groups of Zerg also rushed out from nearby.

"Let you know the rays of the sun."

The director of Tiandao grabbed the Jiadou Zector who traveled through space and came to his side with one hand.


The head of Tiandao turned into Jiadou, and the head of heaven used the kunai gun to blow up the fastest two pupae-shaped zerg, and then Tiandao Shuhua changed the kunai gun into a hatchet mode.

The Director of Heavenly Dao moved through the pupa-shaped Zergs nimbly, attacking the Zergs around him with one axe.However, the Zerg in the form of a pupa failed to attack the Director of Heavenly Dao.

The Director of Heavenly Dao rushed out of the pile of Zerg larvae all at once, and all the Zerg larvae exploded. .


Tendou Souji pulled Zector at his waist to start super speeding.The armor of the body bounced off at once, pushing away the infantry armor that had already used super speed to attack him.

Chapter 99 Skillful Shots

In the super speed state, all the nearby ships stopped moving, and the sea water stopped changing.

Tiandao Zongsi and Bujia jumped to the nearby container at once, punching and kicking.However, in this state, the infantry is empty.

The chief minister of Tiandao uses the sword-shaped Kunai spear, as long as the armor is cut with a knife.

The Bujia was angry, and used the sharp thorn in his hand to hit the head of Tiandao Chief Secretary, knocking Tiandao Chief Secretary to the ground.

The Bujia stabbed the fallen Tiandao Chief Secretary with a sharp blade.He wanted to cut it down, but was blocked by the director of Tiandao with a gunless gun, and was kicked away by the director of Tiandao.

"One. t, three. riderkick."

Director Tiandao turned around and gave a roundabout kick, which just happened to hit the pounced infantry and was wiped out by the blow.

Kaga Meixin, who was watching the battle, asked Misaki Yuzuki, "Should I still report to the headquarters?"

Misaki Yuzuki smiled and said, "Of course."

When Misin Kagami heard Misaki Yuzuki's answer and was about to continue defending Tendo Shoji,

Misaki Youzuki added this sentence, "But I will say this, the person I am looking for is not Kato."

Kagami smiled happily when she heard that.And Tiandao, who had dealt with the Bujia, also heard Misaki Yuzuki's words.

"It seems that as the sun god, I sometimes make subjective mistakes."

The head of Tiandao canceled the transformation, and he knew that he had misunderstood Misaki Youyue before.He thought it was Misaki Youyue's order, but after going through this incident, he figured it out. This is a Zerg conspiracy, and Zect headquarters is also involved.It's not that the little Misaki Youyue can make the decision, and Misaki Youyue is just following orders.

Just like what Li Qinghe said, you must know the truth of the matter and not rely on your own subjective thoughts to judge.

Director Tiandao thought that Tiandao Shuhua was still at home, so he drove towards his home on a motorcycle.

The situation on Li Qinghe's side was much more complicated. Li Qinghe was receiving treatment in the hospital alone.However, a group of zerg directly killed the hospital because Li Qinghe was a capable fighter.

Li Qinghe had a ventilator mask on his mouth, and there seemed to be no one around him.

A female nurse mimicking Zerg approached Li Qinghe's ward.

"Please stay."

The ant soldier at Li Qinghe's door stretched out his hand to stop the female nurse from advancing.

"I am the patient's caregiver."

said the female nurse.


After the female nurse showed her ID, she was allowed to enter here by the ant soldier.

The female nurse approached Li Qinghe's bedside.

"It's really too handsome. If you are not a capable person in Jiadou, I really don't mind taking you as my male favourite."

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