Below the syringe on the nurse's tray was a scalpel.

The female nurse walked towards the unconscious Li Qinghe with a scalpel.

"go to hell."

When the female nurse's scalpel was about to fall, her hand was caught.

"Unfortunately, he can't die."

A handsome man with brown hair came out.

"when did you come?"

The female nurse asked in surprise, but she didn't see anyone just now.

"I've been here all the time. It's just that you kept staring at him, so you ignored me."

The brown-haired man slapped the scalpel in the female nurse's hand away.

"Even so, you all have to die."

An unprecedented breath erupted from the female nurse.

The female nurse directly transformed into a grasshopper with the same characteristics as the grasshopper on earth.

Grasshopper is a general term for some large songbirds of the class Insecta, Orthoptera, and Katydidae. They are larger, similar in appearance to locusts, with grass-green bodies and slender antennae.When the forewings of the males rub against each other, they can make a crisp and loud sound of "cracking".Like to eat melons and fruits, beans, etc., people raise and watch them in small bamboo cages.

Adult body color emerald green, a few light brown.There are 60 well-developed antennae, 2 compound eyes and 3 single eyes.The pronotum is broad, with a yellow border on the lower edge of the back plate.Chest web each has a pair of conical spines, with the largest spine on the hind chest.Attached type 1-4-4, 4-1 joints have pads, and the first joint of the hind foot is divided into 3 blades with pads.There are 2 on the hind tibia, 6 on the back, 2 on the ventral surface, and 4 in the middle.Hind femur slightly longer than tibia.

Omnivorous, but mainly prey on other insects.Can kill each other when hungry, generally females eat more males.Because it can prey on some pests, it should be captured and utilized reasonably.The tussah silkworm area is regarded as a pest.In terms of plants, in addition to eating various green plants, they also eat steamed buns, rice, tofu, steamed buns, fried cakes, etc.The insect's natural enemies include Beauveria bassiana, red parasitoids, and locusts, and sometimes they are killed when they prey on ants.In addition to being raised as an ornamental insect, it can also be used as a natural enemy of pests for protection and utilization.In addition, its eggs are very nutritious, with a protein content of 4949%. It is also a delicacy to eat fried eggs or fried grasshoppers.

The ant soldier guarding the door heard the sound, opened the door at once, and saw a grasshopper confronting a brown-haired man.

"Who are you, why are you not afraid of me."

Grasshopper couldn't see a trace of fear and fear in the eyes of the brown-haired man, just like seeing ordinary people.

"What about me, what a coincidence. You are just like them in my eyes. I have nothing to be afraid of."

It was Qianqiao who came here to protect Li Qinghe in secret. After Li Qinghe was injured and passed out, it appeared that the ant soldiers from Arita Xiu's small team were in charge here, but in fact this place has already been controlled by Shenglong Company.All personnel are monitored by Shenglong Company.

The reason why the female nurse just now was able to enter Li Qinghe's ward with the murder weapon is because this nurse is an awakened Zerg. come out.

This female nurse has also worked in this hospital for a long time. As a member of the Zerg who has been lurking for a long time, the Zerg activated her this time in order to kill Li Qinghe.

"Am I still an ordinary person? With such great power, I am a monster, a monster."

Grasshopper looked at his hands, as if talking to himself.

"You are still human just like me, just one of the pioneers of human evolution."

When Ganqiao approached, Grasshopper could easily shake off Ganqiao's hand, but Grasshopper did not.

"Are you really willing to believe that I'm human? I killed my boyfriend on our wedding night, and my hands are full of blood."

Grasshopper asked.

Ganqiao nodded, "You must have awakened the power in your body on your wedding night."

Grasshopper nodded, "I agreed with Kato-kun that I would give him the best things on the wedding night, but that night, I turned into a monster. Kato-kun abandoned me, and I lost my mind at that time , killed him with my hand."

Grasshopper's hand was tightly held by Qianqiao, "You just can't control the sudden power. It's not your fault."

Chapter 100 The Betrayer Grasshopper Worm

The skillful consolation made Grasshopper feel love for the first time, it is real love, love from the heart.

"Will you accept me?"

Grasshopper asked with expectant eyes.

"As long as you can find your true self, I am willing to accept you, and I also believe that you will be able to find your true self."

Gan Qiao tightly grasped the grasshopper's paw.


Grasshopper was lost in thought.

"Can I? Do I have a chance to turn back?"

Grasshopper thought to himself.

At this moment, the ant soldiers at the gate of Li Qinghe rushed in and found a man and a grasshopper.

"There are zerg, shoot."

Intensive firepower hit the Grasshopper Zerg.

"court death."

Grasshopper's eyes flashed red, activated the ability of clku, passed through behind those ant soldiers in an instant, and killed them all. The corridor was full of broken limbs and corpses.

"Sorry, it looks like I can't do it."

After finishing off the ant soldiers, the grasshopper approached Li Qinghe's hospital bed.

Coincidentally, he immediately stood in front of Li Qinghe, "What are you doing?"

"I don't want to shoot you. Get out of the way. I'm going to kill him. This is the mission."

The sharp claws in Grasshopper's hands began to gather strength.

"Can you give me face and give up this mission?"

When I saw Grasshopper by coincidence, I found that he was the same as the orhonch who suddenly gained powerful power in the world of mask form 555. As long as he got used to the power and didn't fall into the pleasure of power, then Grasshopper was still alone.

Qianqiao was not very sure, so he persuaded Grasshopper.

"Well, yes. I just pretend I didn't see it."

After Grasshopper left, Ganqiao smiled.

The truth is, it seems that the Grasshopper gave up the chance to kill Li Qinghe this time, but in fact it happened to save her this time.Because the ant soldiers are not the only ones protecting Li Qinghe.

A large number of red ants have already made preparations, as long as they give an order, no matter how strong the grasshopper is, they will fall here.

Li Qinghe's closed eyes suddenly opened, "Coincidentally, you saved her life this time."

Qian Qiao smiled irrefutably. "It's really a joy to be able to save the lost lamb."

Grasshopper thought he would kill Li Qinghe forcefully, but after hearing Qianqiao's request, Grasshopper's heart softened, and he let Li Qinghe go, and he let go.

Because Li Qinghe woke up very early, he was here for treatment on the one hand, and fishing on the other.To see which side would take the bait, I didn't expect it to be the Zerg.

Grasshopper gave up his mission and reported the failure of his mission.

"Idiot. This idiot, she has no idea that she let go of an enemy who has affected us so much.

Well, since you don't obey orders, then go and kill her.Waste needs to be disposed of. "

Tian Shulong said after receiving the news.The order has been issued, Tianshulong stroked his chin and began to think about where the Zerg should go.

zect headquarters.

Mishima bowed down, "I lost Kato, I'm really a formidable opponent."

In front of Masato Mishima was Kaga Miru holding a cigarette.

"Sure enough, it's still an elephant. Elephants are the most caring animals. But even elephants will abandon children who don't want to be in their arms. That's also to protect the love of the group."

"Don't worry, I'm ready for the next time."

Mishima said with a bow.

After getting rid of the infantry, Jiao Youyue received the news that Li Qinghe had been attacked, and all the ant soldiers responsible for protecting Li Qinghe had lost contact.

Misaki Yuzuki, Chief Tendo and Kaga Meixin hurried to Li Qinghe's hospital.

Director Tiandao and the others rushed to the hospital. The hospital was already in chaos. Walking into the corridor of the hospital, there was blood everywhere, and there were scattered corpses of ant soldiers.

Misty Youyue speeded up and walked towards Li Qinghe's ward.

Especially in Li Qinghe's ward, the nearby wards had been punched with several large holes, but Li Qinghe's ward remained silent.

"Could it be that Kiba-kun has..."

Kaga Meixin didn't dare to finish speaking.He didn't want to believe it either.

The Director of Heavenly Dao kicked open the door of Li Qinghe's ward.

Li Qinghe was still lying there and fell asleep.

Jiao Youyue ran up to Li Qinghe first, and stuck out her right thumb to Li Qinghe's nose.

"Breathe steadily, it's all right."

Misaki Yuzuki said excitedly.

"You get up."

At this time, Kaga Meixin pointed a pistol at Li Qinghe who was on the hospital bed.

Li Qinghe remained motionless, still pretending to be unconscious.

"Kagami Shin, what are you doing?"

Misaki Youyue stood between Li Qinghe and Kaga Meixin.

"Miss, why are all the brothers who protected him dead, but he is the only one left. Don't you think it's suspicious? It's very likely that he, he has... been mimicked."

Mimic these three words, Kagami Shin said in a very soft voice.

Thinking of the possibility of being mimicked, Misaki Yuzuki's expression also changed.Indeed, all the ant soldiers protecting Li Qinghe outside were dead, but Li Qinghe was the only one who was not harmed, which was too suspicious.

The director of Tiandao did not speak, but carefully analyzed the environment of Li Qinghe's ward.

"He's not being mimicked."

After the Tiandao Chief Director finished speaking, he took his helmet and left.

"Oh, heaven, heaven, what do you mean?"

Kaga Meixin chased Tendo Sousji out.

"That person is fine."

Director of Tiandao explained in a short sentence.

Although Misaki Youyue didn't know why the Chief Director of Heavenly Dao said this, but after hearing that Li Qinghe was fine, she stopped thinking about it and threw herself on Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe grinned in pain at the corner of his mouth.

"Kiba-kun, are you awake?"

Misaki Youyue noticed the change in Li Qinghe all at once.

"If I don't wake up again, I will be crushed to death by you."

Li Qinghe wiped Misaki Youyue's tears.

"Why are you crying? I'm fine. Let's fight hard." Li Qinghe said with a smile.

Not only did Li Qinghe's comfort not make Misaki Youyue stop crying, Misaki Youyue cried even harder.

Li Qinghe pretended to be puzzled and asked, "What happened?"

Michelle Youyue nodded, and told Li Qinghe what happened after Li Qinghe fell into a coma.

At the same time, Li Qinghe, as a capable person in Jiadou, was actually attacked. Although Li Qinghe was fine, this also reminded zect.

On the one hand, Li Qinghe was relocated to the ward, and on the other hand, there were more ant soldiers protecting Li Qinghe. Of course, as to whether Li Qinghe was mimicked, the zect headquarters has obtained the exact news through the latest detection methods. Kiba Qinghe Not mimicked.

Li Qinghe is safe, but Grasshopper doesn't know what a good opportunity Kiba Qinghe has given up with Zerg, especially Tianshulong who knows a little about Shenglong Company.There may never be another opportunity like that in the future.

Grasshopper, as an awakened person, also has his own parents, but the parents are ordinary people.The zerg wouldn't have helped them if it wasn't for the zerg by threatening the katydids.

Chapter 1 Golden Cicada Worm

At a corner, the grasshopper regained its human form.A pretty female nurse walked towards the home from around the corner.

This female nurse is called Miyuki Nakamura.His father was an attending physician in the hospital where Li Qinghe worked at the beginning, and his mother was the head nurse.

Going through the back door is not just for Ziyuan country, it is the same for all countries.

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