"Dad, mom."

Nakamura Miyuki returned home and found the house extremely quiet.

Nakamura Miyuki opened the bedroom door, blood flowed from the bedroom to the study.

There was no one in the bedroom, but seeing so much blood, Nakamura Miyuki already had a bad feeling in her heart.

Opening the door of the study, Nakamura Miyuki found that her father's body and mother's body had been brutally worn.

"Dad, mom."

Nakamura Miyuki covered her mouth and cried when she saw her parents' miserable situation.

"See? This is the end of betrayal."

Three figures appeared behind Miyuki Nakamura, and at the same time hundreds of zerg larvae had surrounded Miyuki Nakamura's home.

"Why, I didn't betray, why did you do this to me?"

Nakamura Miyuki roared heart-piercingly.

"There is no betrayal, hehe. Then why don't you complete the task."

A man behind Nakamura Miyuki asked.

"Law enforcer, I didn't betray the organization, I just failed the mission, why did I kill my parents."

Miyuki Nakamura couldn't stop the tears from her eyes as she watched her parents' miserable situation.

"You really don't know, or you really don't know, this operation was personally supervised by an adult. When you were able to kill, you were persuaded by a man. You gave up the mission, which can be explained by a simple mission failure ?"

The man approached Nakamura Miyuki step by step.

"It doesn't matter anymore, everything doesn't matter anymore."

Nakamura Miyuki closed her eyes, feeling inexplicably sad and indignant.

The man behind said: "That's right, it doesn't matter anymore. You can reunite with your parents with just one click."

"Did you kill my parents?"

Miyuki Nakamura asked firmly.

"Yes, but not only me, but also the two of them, they also participated."

The man pointed to the other two people behind him.

"Yes. Why, do you want to avenge your father?"

A woman in a black robe said with a coquettish smile.

"You all have to die."

Nakamura Miyuki's face turned cold, and her whole body couldn't stop shaking. It was a combination of anger, sadness, and sadness.

Miyuki Nakamura suddenly turned into a grasshopper.

"Hey, if you don't want to obediently wait to die, you have to do it."

The man and the two people behind him were all wearing black robes.


Hundreds of zerg larvae poured out from various places in Miyuki Nakamura.

"Law enforcers, don't you go first?"

Nakamura Miyuki's transformed Grasshopper said to the three people who surrounded her at first.

"No, no, I think they can take you down."

The man at the beginning said that he seemed to be the leader of this action to punish Miyuki Nakamura.

Although the man said so, the fact is that neither he nor the other two law enforcement officers were willing to fight Nakamura Miyuki in the first place.

Fighting Grasshopper Fighting Grasshopper, Grasshopper's fighting power is very powerful.

The three law enforcement officers are not usually together, but this time the operation was arranged together, and no one obeyed the other.

Because of Miyuki Nakamura's strength, none of the three law enforcers wanted to go first, because one-on-one, they were not sure of winning. It was three teams and one, although they would definitely win.

But if Nakamura Miyuki is desperate, she might be able to take one of them away.

This person could be the man, or it could be the other two law enforcement officers.So without knowing the specific combat power of Nakamura Miyuki, it is better to be cautious.

For example, using Zerg larvae to consume Nakamura Miyuki's strength, isn't the Zerg companion just for consumption for law enforcers?

Nakamura Miyuki tore apart the three Zerg that rushed in front of her.

Nakamura Miyuki's sharp claws tore apart all the zerg that rushed towards her.This is how you vent your anger.

And that's what the three law enforcers wanted.Use this method to consume Nakamura Miyuki's spirit.

Hundreds of zerg couldn't last long under the angry Nakamura Miyuki.

"Why, do you want me to make the first move?"

Ueno Keisumi said.

Ueno Keisumi is the overall person in charge of this operation, and he rarely takes action.

"Then it's up to you. I think little Miyuki Nakamura can't beat you."

A dwarf in a black robe said.

"I think I'm too talented to make a move, why don't you make a move, that's all."

Ueno Keisumi immediately said to the short man who urged him to make a move.

"I think……"

Before the short man could say anything more, another black-robed woman, Aso Wuka, agreed with Ueno Keisumi.

"Okay, then I'll come."

At this time, more than half of the ant soldiers brought by Ueno Keisumi were already dead. If they didn't make a move, all the zerg would die in the hands of Nakamura Miyuki.

In this case, it is not conducive to sneak attack.

So the short man in the black robe shook his black robe and went out.

"Since you want to die so much, I'll give you a ride."

After finishing speaking, the short man in black robe transformed into a golden cicada with the same characteristics as the golden cicada on earth.

The adult golden cicada has a body length of 40-48 mm and a wingspan of 125 mm.The whole is black, shiny, and has a metallic luster.Compound eyes light reddish brown.There are yellow-brown spots in the center of the front edge of the head and above the cheeks.The mesothorax is broad, with a yellow-brown "x"-shaped bulge in the center.The fore and hind wings are transparent.Forewing leading edge light yellowish brown, base black, subfrontal chamber black, forewing base 13 black, wing base chamber black, with a light yellowish brown spot; hindwing base 25 black, wing veins light yellow and dark black.Feet pale yellowish brown.Males have syllables in the first and second segments of the abdomen, females have no sarcasms but have auditory organs, the abdominal flap is very underdeveloped, and the ovipositor is prominent and developed.Eggs oblong, slightly curved; about 25 mm long, 05 mm wide; milky white, shiny.The nymphs are yellowish brown with wing buds and can crawl, and the forefoot of the first instar is obviously digging; the last instar nymph is 35 mm long, yellowish brown, with digging forefoot, and the wing buds are very developed.

Adults often inhabit tree trunks and branches, and have the habit of fighting fire at night.The life span is about 3 months. It has wings and can fly. It lives by sucking the juice from the young branches of trees with piercing-sucking mouthparts.After mating, the female cicada inserts the 1-2 year old 2-thick twig xylem with the ovipositor before laying eggs, and then lays the eggs.The fossa is closely connected, arranged in a single or double row, and a few are arranged in a curved or spiral shape. Generally, there are about 150 eggs in the oviposition branch.The branches above the spawning part will wither and die soon after spawning, which will cause great harm to the trees.

Jin Chan sneakily approached Nakamura Miyuki from behind. .

After seeing Nakamura Miyuki kill a Zerg Larva again.

Jin Chan stared with bated breath, and began to wait for Miyuki Nakamura's next attack.

Chapter 1

Nakamura Miyuki killed another Zerg at a very fast speed, but Jin Chan still didn't make a move because he didn't find a suitable opportunity to make a move.

"This is the moment."

Just when Nakamura Miyuki's transformed grasshopper was killed, there was a little gap in the middle.

Jin Chan was keenly aware of it, and seized the opportunity.

"Go to hell."

Jin Chan's back.

Nakamura Miyuki was blown away at once.The moment Nakamura Miyuki was beaten into the air.

Ueno Keisumi, who had been silent for a long time, did it.Keisumi Ueno is a bumble bee that has the same characteristics as bumble bees on Earth.

The island bumblebee is an extremely venomous bee-like animal.Adult island bumblebees are about 16 inches (4 centimeters) long and have a wingspan of about 25 inches (6 centimeters).This bumblebee is called the "big sparrow bee" by the local residents of the island country.

Abilities: Poison Stinger and Jaws of the Finch.When in action, the ability is only to stab and kill dangerous creatures with the bee needles in both hands. black creatures until death.Later, it derived a medium-range strike that shoots a poisonous needle (the poisonous needle can be regenerated), and the hornet jaws that grow from the elbow to tear.

Anaphylactic shock, being run over by bees twice in a row is quite bad. Even if there is only one shock, there are about [-]% of the cases, which increases the mortality rate by [-]%. The numerous bioactive amines in the liquid will make the toxin more Effective circulation, of course, if it is pierced above the head, the death rate will increase sharply.

Ueno Keisumi shot a poisonous needle from his elbow and pierced Nakamura Miyuki who was knocked into the air.

The venom of the poisonous needle entered Miyuki Nakamura's body, and Miyuki Nakamura's body began to feel the strength weakening.

"not good."

Although Nakamura Miyuki was eager for revenge, but after killing so many Zergs, the anger in her heart was vented a lot.

Nakamura Miyuki began to rationalize, looking around, thinking about how to escape.

Soon Nakamura Miyuki found a route for herself.

Nakamura Miyuki from the house right away, did I do it? "

Jin Chan looked at Ueno Keisumi with dissatisfaction.

"I am the overall person in charge of this operation. I was worried that you would let her escape alone. Sure enough, my worry became a reality."

Big Sparrow Bee said sadly.

"Then I'll go after it first."

Jin Chan blocked it.

"Don't be so anxious. Nakamura Miyuki has already been hit by my poisonous needle. She can't run very far. Going up now will only cause her to fight back when she dies."

The big bird bee also made the same reason when he heard it, and he swept around casually.

"Hey, where's Aso Wuhua?"

Jin Chan found that the Aso Wuhua who had just set her up was gone.

"I've arranged for her to follow Miyuki Nakamura."

Ueno Keisumi said.


When Jin Chan heard this, she didn't know that she had been deceived, and said that she was worried about Miyuki Nakamura's counterattack when she died, probably because she was afraid that she would take his credit.

Jin Chan has long heard that Aso Wuhua and Ueno Keisumi have an affair, and now it seems that it should be true.

The more Jin Chan thought about it, the more angry she became, and when she turned around, she slapped Ueno Keisumi with her paw.

Ueno Keicheng's elbow was caught off guard by Jin Chan, and he fell to the ground.

"It seems that you are disobedient, so just kill you, say that you died in the line of duty, and leave the credit to me and Wuhua."

Ueno Keisumi pierced the golden cicada lying on the ground with one claw, and was pierced without any accident, but there was no explosion, only a page of wings appeared.

"Is the golden cicada shedding its shell? Hmph."

Ueno Keisumi also followed the path of Aso Kirika.

On Jinchan's side, she observed the message Aso Kirika left for Ueno Keisumi, and followed her all the way.Due to negligence, Jin Chan still caught up with Aso Wuhua.

Nakamura Miyuki chose a direction at random and ran, because there were no ordinary Zergs blocking her, so the journey was unimpeded and she walked very smoothly.

But as time passed, Nakamura Miyuki felt more and more that her power was about to disappear.All the strength is about to disappear.

"I can't die, I can't die, I can't die here, I have to avenge my parents."

Nakamura Miyuki walked forward with such a belief, and her unintentional route coincided with the route of Li Qinghe's new hospital.

Li Qinghe saw Qianqiao playing with his mobile phone boredly, "Qiao, you can go out for a walk, don't stay here all the time, it's too boring. Now let Zhuomo protect me, you go out and relax."

Qianqiao nodded and left.

After experiencing many worlds, Li Qinghe's Red Police base has never stopped researching and developing belts, especially the Red Police base has obtained the information that Li Qinghe once participated in the production of belts in zect.

On delta, kaixa, a, and syga, axel, which is a similar watch accessory, can be used for speeding.

The belt has been upgraded, and it can use its own energy to distort the space around itself, achieving the effect of slowing down time, but the energy consumed in this way is extremely objective, and it is a desperate practice.

Once you can't kill the enemy in a short time, you will be forced to quit the transformation after the energy is exhausted.

Moreover, ordinary red ant soldiers are equipped with other functions. When gathered together, they can use the resonance effect to form an energy seal. Within the energy seal, the zerg cannot use the ability of clku.

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