Qianqiao shook his head, this time he was going to make a big move.Cleverly held the leg locker (faixoter).


The crocodile Ofienuo kicked Qianqiao who fell to the ground three meters away.

Ganqiao took the opportunity to distance himself from the crocodile Ophelia Enuo, installed the leg locker on his right leg, pressed the "enter" button, and a standard hooligan squatting posture lit up.

"exceedchan (energy filling)"

The red energy enters the legs from the waist.

Right now, Qianqiao rushed towards J, and when he was not far away, he jumped high.

"Crimson Electric Drill!"

The crocodile Orfienuo put his hands away, and his thick-skinned right arm blocked the skilful knight's kick, seemingly with ease.

The crocodile Orfi Enoch hit Ganqiao directly with his left hand.

The clever crimson electric drill was broken like this.

Ganqiao felt something was wrong the moment his crimson electric drill was blocked, but now he can only fight.Unexpectedly, the Orfienuo on the opposite side is so strong that he can block his own trick.

Seeing that Ganqiao had released all his tricks, J naturally wouldn't hold back his hands, he lifted Ganqiao with one hand, and beat him with the other.

Under the series of attacks of the crocodile Ophelia, Gan Qiao had no strength to fight back and was ravaged by j.


Qianqiao was kicked through a rock display stand in the park by j.

Ganqiao's arm was wounded, and he fell to the ground clutching his arm, losing his fighting power.

J naturally will not let go of the skillful who loses combat effectiveness.

Li Qinghe was ready to transform himself to save Ganqiao, and test his own strength by the way.

But he saw a yellow knight on the elevated - kaixa!

"It's Caesar."

Li Qinghe recognized the No. 555 knight from the 2 world.

"Qinghe, run quickly and leave me alone."

Li Qinghe thought that j was going to kill Gan Qiao first, but he didn't expect that j would walk towards him.

"Bang bang."

Two energy beams hit the back of the crocodile Orfienuo.

The crocodile Ofienuo naturally has weaknesses, and the defense behind him is far inferior to the front.

It has to be said that kaxia caught the weakness of the crocodile Orfienuo by mistake.

The crocodile Orfienno turned around, and saw a yellow knight similar to Faiz on the elevated road in the distance.

After Kaxia rescued Ganqiao, she jumped off the elevated platform and rushed towards the crocodile Ophelia Enoch. .

"What the hell is he..."

Ganqiao looked at another "faiz" who suddenly appeared and was puzzled.

Chapter 64 Orpheus the Crocodile with Three Lives

The Kaxia knight dashed forward and hugged the crocodile Ofienuo, trying to throw him over his shoulder.

However, Kaxia couldn't lift the stable horse at the foot of the horse, and instead threw him into a somersault.

The crocodile Orfienuo also regained his strength, his powerful arms rounded, and he pulled Kaxia down to the ground, dragged one of Kaxia's legs, and swung it up and down like drying clothes.

Coincidentally, this is not going to work, if this continues, the other faiz will also lose.

Ganqiao took out the faizhone with one hand and pressed 106.

"burstode" (three-burst mode).

Faiz transforms into a beam gun and aims at Orfienoch the crocodile.


The attack of the crocodile Orfienuo was suspended.

Kaixa had time to breathe, and kicked the crocodile Ofienuo's hand with the other leg, freeing his legs.

Kaixa tumbling opened the distance from the crocodile Ofienuo, pulled the switch on Kaixa in his hand, pressed 106, burst mode.

A series of light bullets hit the crocodile Ofienuo.

Kaixa transforms his beam gun into a beam saber and hacks at Orfi Enoch the crocodile with a melee weapon.

Although the crocodile Orfienuo has thick skin on his arms, he looks a bit clumsy in front of the energetic Kaixa.

No matter what the crocodile Orfienuo said, he resisted a skillful big move, and his strength naturally dropped a part.

Seeing that the crocodile Orfi Enoch was exhausted, Kaxia transformed the X-shaped beam saber into a beam gun, and fired a fixed bullet at the crocodile Orfi Enoch.

Orfienoch the crocodile was chained in place.


The yellow quantum flow is introduced into X sword.

Kaixa launched a unique move - blade storm!

The golden blade pierced through the body of the crocodile Orfienuo.

The crocodile Orfienuo screamed, white flames appeared on his body, and his body was reduced to ashes.

At this time, Truth also woke up from grief, came here, and saw another "faiz."

The kaixa's shapeshifter should know the truth, and just stretched out his hand to say something.

"error, the qualifications do not match."

Electricity surged from Kaixa's body, and he ran to another place.

"Hey, Qinghe, where are you going?"

Li Qinghe chased after Kaixa in the direction he left. He was sure that Kaixa could not go far.

"I'm going to see another fazi, the truth, you will bring Qianqiao back."

It was rare that Li Qinghe was so interested, and the truth let Li Qinghe chase that strange "faiz".In case it catches up, judging from its helpful behavior, the possibility of being an enemy is ruled out. If it is not an enemy, it is a friend.

Li Qinghe didn't run for long when he saw Kaixa lying on the ground.

"I don't have enough Orfi Enoch factor on my body, so how can I use such a domineering kaixa."

Kiyotaka Nishida, the current pretender of Kaixa, has lost his consciousness, and he vaguely saw a person.

"If you have been using Kaixa all the time, you should be stronger than him."

Li Qinghe took out the Kaixa phone, pressed the exit button, and helped Xi Tian undo the transformation.

Kiyotaka Nishiten is a handsome boy with glasses and a yellow suit.It's a pity that anyone who has used Caesar's belt can't escape death.Now he is fast too.

After Li Qinghe helped him undo the transformation, Nishida Kiyotaka felt much more comfortable and could walk away comfortably.

Li Qinghe saw that Xitian Qinglong's state would not last until night, and besides, he was not used to meeting those people from the Meteor School, so he couldn't convince them, so that they couldn't trust Xitian to him.

In this case, Li Qinghe took off the kaixa belt and put it aside, a layer of sand covered the kaixa belt, and at the same time left Nishida's coat, forging the information that Nishida Kiyotaka was dead.It should be able to confuse the eyes of those meteor schools.

Xitian Qinglong, Li Qinghe didn't want him to die.This person, Li Qinghe is useful.

Li Qinghe grabbed Xitian Qinglong's clothes, trying to see if he could be brought into the pan-space.


Li Qinghe brought Qingtaka Nishida into the pan-space, naturally because there is vitality here.

"Princess Celia, how do you use this life support machine?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"Just open the lid and lie down in it. What's the matter, you're not sick, and that thing is useless to you now.

How do you bring people into this place and let other people know it's dangerous. "

Princess Celia was busy absorbing the "resources" of the Macross, turned her head, and saw Xi Tian who was brought into the pan-space by Li Qinghe.

"Since I brought him in, it means that he is one of my own.

I want to cultivate some cronies, I can't do everything myself. "

Li Qinghe said.

"It's a good idea, but you have to think about it."

"Well, I figured it out. By the way, can this life support machine be set to wake up?"

Li Qinghe asked, if possible, he would prefer to wake up Xitian outside.It is better for only one person to know about the panspace.

"Of course you can. If you have enough lottery cards to spend, you can exchange them for a slave card. It can be used to contract subordinates who completely surrender to you."

"How many lottery cards can be exchanged for a slave card."

Li Qinghe asked, if there is a slave card, he can force the members of Lucky Clover to sign it when he is strong enough.Isn't this cool?

"How many lottery cards are needed for the exchange of this slave card."

"Not much, not much, since you are redeeming for the first time, five low-level lottery cards. If you need fifty low-level lottery cards for the second time, if you wait until the third time, you will need five hundred low-level lottery cards."

Princess Celia said.

"Why, one slave card is more expensive than one!"

Li Qinghe can't buy it even if he wants to, because he doesn't have any lucky draw cards now.

"This is the rule that came with panspace after it was created.

As the master of the panspace, if you don't have the confidence to convince your subordinates with your own charm, you can give up this position.I'm going to look for another suitable person.

The reason why the first slave card is so cheap is that five low-level draw cards will be given to you.It is because I want you to have the first pot of gold to rise.Instead of letting you start enjoying it from now on. "

Princess Celia explained.

"Wait, you just said that the panspace was created. This panspace is not formed naturally, but man-made."

Li Qinghe got another amazing piece of information from Princess Seria.

"It's not good for you to know these things now. When you really master the panspace, you don't need me to tell you that you will understand."

Princess Celia doesn't want to explain the origin of panspace.

Li Qinghe also hid undisclosed doubts in his heart, and he will know these secrets one day.

Li Qinghe put Nishida Kiyotaka into the life-support machine, set a time limit for waking up within one year, and left the pan-space. .

Even if Nishida Kiyotaka recovered, he would not be able to wake up.You have to wait for Li Qinghe's call.

Li Qinghe didn't want Xitian Qinglong to see the pan space clearly when he woke up.Princess Celia is right, panspace must be kept secret.

Chapter 65 Orpheus the Crocodile with Two Lives

After Truth and the others left the field where Qianqiao fought, the ashes blown away by the wind after J's death gathered together again.

Thanks to the talent of the crocodile Orfi Enoch, he was resurrected.He has two lives left!

When j recovers again, he finds out that the truth is that they have long since disappeared. J lifted the transformation and found his Chihuahua (Chuck).

"Chuck, go. I'll take you to butter."

J can only care so much about Chuck.If anyone dared to disrespect Chuck, he would make that life worse than death!

The news of the failure of the j operation was quickly spread back to the lucky four-leaf clover, which caused a lot of ridicule.

Looking at J who was drinking draft beer, Zhuo Xiangyi leaned over and stroked the lovely Chuck.

"Yeah, we Lucky Clover members go out to do errands, but we can still fail. Would you like me to lend a helping hand and help you?"

Chuan Mo Yilang didn't know why, these days, Kageyama Yazi was indifferent to him.He didn't know that what he did to Li Qinghe had already been revealed.

If it wasn't for her younger brother Shun Kageyama who recently defected to the Intellectual Brain Group, killed the same group of law enforcement officers, burned the Baishui company branch, and caused a catastrophe, she would have done it long ago without caring about cleaning up Ichiro.

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