Murakami Kyoji was extremely angry because of this incident, if it wasn't for Sasaki Hinako and Kageyama Yako, they would work together to persuade her.He was ready to personally kill that ignorant guy.

"Thinking, it seems that you are in a good mood recently, and you have the time to meddle in other people's business. j is just an accident, right, j."

Kageyama Yako said to J with a smile.

J didn't even raise his head, and continued to feed his little Chuck.

In the evening, the classmates and teachers from the pop-up school drove all the way in a caravan and came to the vicinity of Bajing Island Bay Paradise.

"Nishida, Nishida."

"Qinglong, Qinglong."

"Nishida, Qinglong."

After a group of people got out of the car, they searched nearby.

A beautiful woman with long hair and shawl saw Kaxia's belt with sharp eyes.

"Teacher, teacher, come quickly. Nishida should be here."

Abe Rina's shouts gathered the surrounding students and teachers together.


Seeing Xi Tian whose body was turned into ashes, the group felt sad.

"Why, why did this belt take the lives of each of their classmates. First Gao Gong, then Nishida..."

Deben Kyosuke comforted Abbe Rina, "He just went to heaven one step earlier, he is a hero."

A group of people put away Nishida Kiyotaka's coat, preparing to make a tomb for him.The body was gone, just made up with his tightest suit.

"Tell me, could it be that Truth and the others teamed up with Orfienuo... Otherwise, why would Xi Tian, ​​who is in charge of expanding the security, transform. Only we and Truth should know the place of contact."

Among the meteors, someone raised this doubt.

"Truth, it's impossible."

Abe Rina said incredulously.

"I think, let's not contact the truth for the time being! After a while, see where there is a problem. Isn't there anyone who really uses the kaixa belt?"

Even the teacher said so, and the other students in the popular school nodded, and the contact with the truth came to an end in advance.

Li Qinghe returned home after dealing with Xitian Qinglong's matter.

"Qinghe, did you find anything after chasing it?"

truth asked.

"No, that yellow faiz ran too fast. I chased it for a long time and still lost it. So, I came back."

Li Qinghe is not going to tell anyone about Xitian Qinglong being rescued by him.When Nishida Kiyotaka comes back to life in the future, he will naturally tell them.


After the truth let out an oh, he bandaged Ganqiao's arm.

"Truth, when are you going to find your father?"

Qian Qiao asked suddenly.

"Ah, this, let's talk about it in a few days. Let's talk about the belt today. My classmates sent over the pictures of the belt, which means that Dad also gave them some information about the belt.

It's just that I just called them and they couldn't get through. "

Truth said dejectedly.

Li Qinghe looked at the blurry photo and asked, "When was that photo of your class reunion taken?"

"Probably, about three months ago.

A classmate from childhood said that he would meet there in Tokyo.Although I was in Kyushu at that time, I also came, and our teacher also came, and we had a great time that day.Everyone talked about the past. "

Truth recalled.

"Where is your elementary school, Meteor School?"

"The Meteor School I attended is a private school, which is a little different from a school. Didn't I say it before, when I was very young, there was a fire at home, I lost my biological parents, and then I became an orphan .

Then I met my stepfather, who is the president of Zhinao Group, and he was determined to raise me.However, it turned out that my father had to take care of other children besides me.

They are helpless children just like me.Moreover, each of them is a person who came out of the gate of hell after encountering an accident.

When we were young, we all lived in the center that my father ran.Then, one of them studied in the private school run by my father, which was used to replace the ordinary elementary school, and there was Meteor School. "

Speaking of her biological parents, Truth still misses her biological parents quite a bit, although she has almost forgotten their appearance.

There is only one stepfather, and his love is distributed equally, which is a small share for each person.Truth naturally wanted to get more care and care from her stepfather, but unfortunately, she didn't.

"Well, that sounds like a good thing. But what kind of a man is your stepfather?"

Ganqiao shook his injured arm, it hurts so much, he has to rest for a few days.

"Although I don't see him often, he treats us very well, and his smile is very kind and kind."

No one will say that their parents are not good.Truth, too, thought his stepfather was a very kind man.

But Qianqiao doesn't think so, the president of a big company.Why spend so much energy, time, and money on cultivating the truth.

It is absolutely possible to set up an orphanage, as long as he invests money, he does not need to come forward at all.This made Qianqiao doubt the motives of Truth's stepfather.

"Do you think it will be like this? Your father may have given other belts to some of the children he adopted, such as you."

Ganqiao didn't express his doubts about Truth's stepfather, he didn't want Truth to be angry.

"You can try to find out more information from the person who sent you the photo. The person who sent you the photo must have been expanded. Although he is dead, isn't there another classmate? You can ask."


What Qianqiao said made sense, Shizhen also called immediately, but no one answered after several calls.

"Can't get through."

Truth shook her head.

"If you can't get through, forget it. Let's go to Zhinao Group to find your father tomorrow."

said dryly.


Listening to the tone of truth, I feel a little reluctant. .

"You, don't you want to go to your father, or did you quarrel with your father?"

Ganqiao guessed.

Chapter 66 Return of Faiz

"How is it possible, my father and I have a very good relationship."

Truth retorted.

Li Qinghe watched from the side without interjecting.Because in fact, he knew all about the whole thing, but if he said it accidentally, he was afraid of leaking, so it was better not to talk about this kind of thing.

"Qinghe, do you think I should go find my father?"

Truth asked Qinghe.

"I think, let's go. Didn't you say that your father sent you these belts? Then you should be able to get answers to your doubts from him."

Seeing Li Qinghe, Truth also felt that he should go, so let's go.

"Ah Qiao, you can stay at home if you are injured. I will go with Qinghe tomorrow."

Truth spoke in a commanding tone.


Qianqiao didn't refute.

"Well, I have something to do tomorrow, so I can't accompany you to the Intellectual Brain Group."

Since Li Qinghe didn't want to go, the truth had to go alone.

It's not that Li Qinghe doesn't want to go, but that if he goes, the current president, Kyoji Murakami, will never show mercy, and will definitely take him down directly, leaving him ashamed.

The next day, early in the morning, Truth had to go to Zhinao Group alone with fzia suitcase.

Didn't the truth tell you that his father is the president of Zhinao Group.She doesn't know that the current president has changed, and his father Hanakata has "disappeared" to the outside world.

She didn't know, but Li Qinghe did.It is naturally impossible for Li Qinghe to slip through the net by himself.With Murakami Kyo'er's temperament, he would never let Li Qinghe go in and come out vertically.

Truth hesitated for a long time at the gate of Zhinao Group alone, and decided to go in.

Truth asked at the front desk if Hanakata was there.

"Ah, the current president of our company is Mr. Murakami."

The cutie at the front desk said politely.

"That's it, then can I meet the current president."

truth asked.

"This won't work. If you want to see the president, you must make an appointment."

Since she couldn't see the president, Truth was about to go home.

"Hello, President."

"Hello, President."

At this time, Truth saw that everyone bowed to a man who looked a lot like Ma Yun.

From the looks of it, he is the president, and he seems to be going out.

"and many more."

Truth called Murakami Xia'er.

Murakami Kyo'er turned her head and saw the truth, as well as the belt box in the hands of the truth.

"what's up?"

Murakami Kyo'er's eyes became much warmer when she saw the belt box.

"can I ask you some questions?"

Truth said.

"Well, I happen to have time. Take her to my banquet hall."

Truth followed a woman, first went to the fitting room, changed into a gorgeous white dress, and came to the banquet hall in Murakami.

"I am the new president of our company, Kyoko Murakami."

Seeing the truth, Hanakata smiled and introduced herself.

A piano piece was played, and soon the food was served by the service staff.

"How does it feel to be a princess once in a while?"

Truth was holding corn and pumpkin porridge, not in the mood to drink it.

"Then, do you know where my dad is?"

"You are a person who has a deep connection with the former president I respect very much. So I specially designed the way of hospitality.

Your father, in fact, he suddenly disappeared not long ago, so I will continue his position.Of course, we will find out the whereabouts of your father. "

Murakami Kyoer said.

Hearing the news of his father Hanakata's disappearance, Truth couldn't help but worry.

Truth "What's going on, what happened to my father, how did he disappear?"

Murakami Kyoji said, "You don't have to worry at all, we won't do anything bad. According to his personality, maybe it's just a whim, maybe he went on a trip alone.

I seem to have seen the box in your hand just now.Then can you take out the things in the box and show me? "

Hearing this, Truth became vigilant, what did he want to see.

Murakami Kyoji continued, "If I'm not mistaken, this is faiz equipment. This equipment was originally our sart

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