Produced by a group.

I also know that you fought Orfienoch with this belt.And actually, that's exactly the right way to use the belt. "

Truth opened Faiz's suitcase and showed Murakami Kyoko the faiz belt.

"It's just that this belt was given to me by my father."

Since it was produced by Zhinao Group, it should be returned to the original owner.But the truth is a bit reluctant, so the attitude is a little hesitant.

"We developed this set of faiz kits to fight against Orfienuo. Your father should have protected you from Orfienuo. Send it to you as a kind of amulet.

But we can make better use of this belt and protect more people.

Besides, this belt is not your father's personal property.but we sart

Do you think the belongings of company a can be returned to our company? "

Truth hesitated for a while, and Murakami Kyoer was right.If this belt is in his hands, there will be many Orfi Enoch attacking him for this belt.

If you go to the Intellectual Brain Group, you will no longer be attacked by Orfienuo.Moreover, Zhinao Group can make better use of this belt than itself and save more people.

"I see."

Truth finally decided to return the faiz belt to Zhinao Group.

"No problem, please trust us and leave it to us."

Kyoji Murakami got the box of Faiz's belt.In this trip to Zhinao Group, Zhenzhen not only did not see his father get more information about the belt, but also gave the Faiz belt to Murakami Kyoer.

Murakami Xia'er watched the truth leave, sneered, mocking the stupidity of the truth.

"It's just a child after all."

When Truth returned home, Gan Qiao had sharp eyes and saw at a glance that when Truth left, the box he was carrying in his hand was gone.

"Truth, where's the faiz belt?"

Qiao asked.

"Here, I'll return him to the original owner."

Next, Truth told what happened in Zhinao Group.

However, after listening to the truth, her sixth sense told him that Murakami Xia'er didn't seem to be a good person.But this belt originally belonged to Truth, since Truth has made a decision, let her do it.

"Hey, what about Qinghe, when did he leave?"

Before the truth left, Li Qinghe went out.Now that he's back, Li Qinghe hasn't come back yet.

"He said he went out to do something. He didn't say anything about it."

When Li Qinghe woke up in the morning, he originally planned to go outside to look for Yuhua, or his god-sister Yazi Yingshan.

As a result, Princess Seria called her to the panspace as soon as she woke up.

"Ah, Princess Celia, you haven't finished dealing with those things yet!"

Li Qinghe saw that the Macross Fortress, which was almost in ruins, was only a large circle of "slimming", and there were still many things that had not been absorbed.

"I'm not a robot, I need to sleep too."

Princess Seria gave Li Qinghe a blank look.

"This time, why did you ask me to come?"

"Of course it's a good thing."

Princess Celia threw a small dark purple ball in front of Li Qinghe's eyes.

Chapter 67 Shadow Crocodile

"What is this?"

Li Qinghe grabbed the purple ball, and a message sent to Li Qinghe's mind.

Only then did Li Qinghe know that this purple ball contained a cosmic coordinate.As long as you crush it, you can travel to that world.

This small ball was originally in that Macross, but now it was overturned by Celia.

It's really a rotten boat and three catties of iron.There are so many surprises brought by this Macross.Moreover, this Macross Fortress has not been fully excavated, and there should be many surprises waiting for him to discover.

"This is a small world that is about to fall, and the remaining will of the world sent out a distress message. This small ball is the certificate to enter the small world. If you save this world, it is willing to sign a subordination contract with you, and it will also become yours. A new base."

Celia said.

Li Qinghe asked, "Speaking of which, what is Small World, do you want me to go in?"

"That's right. A small world means literally. For example, you are sitting in the 555 world, with many countries and complete world rules. A small world means that there is only one country.

How about going or not, don't worry.If you go to that world, you can make a request that is not too much.Just treat him as a weakened version of Shenlong. "

Celia tempted Li Qinghe.

"But, I'm going. When I come back, I don't know what the 555 world will be like."

Li Qinghe is actually very excited, but time is a problem.

"You don't have to worry about this. Entering the small world, you stay in it for three months, which is equivalent to one day in this world.

As long as you can initially alleviate the crisis in this world, you can come out.

Of course, dangers and opportunities coexist. Since you are given such great benefits, there are also dangers. If you have not stopped or postponed the demise of this world when this small world is shattered, then you will follow this world to gg.

How about it, have you thought about it, do you want to go?Only one savior is allowed in this world at a time. If someone else succeeds first, then you will lose your share. "

Princess Celia meant to let Li Qinghe go.

Li Qinghe hesitated for a while, "Okay, I don't think I will be so unlucky to die somewhere."

There is an old saying that once there is a proper profit, the capitalist will be bold.If there is a 50.00% profit, it will take risks; for a [-]% profit, it will dare to trample on all human laws; if there is a [-]% profit, it will dare to commit any crime, even risking death by hanging.

Li Qinghe was moved by what Celia said just now that he could make a reasonable wish.

After coming to the 555 world for such a long time, Li Qinghe didn't make any big noises, which caused an inevitable reversal of the plot of the 555 world.

Li Qinghe felt that doing things alone was too slow.He needs some subordinates, some trustworthy subordinates to help him achieve his great cause.

Otherwise, after the 555 plot is over, he won't be able to make any big waves.This opportunity, he wants it!

"If you go this time, I will naturally not help you. This is part of the world plot that I spent a lot of effort to obtain. It is a reward for you to draw Macross this time."

Princess Celia moved to Li Qinghe's shoulder, and touched Li Qinghe's eyebrow with her fingertips.

"This time, I think I can probably come out alive."

After Li Qinghe received the message from Princess Seria, he became more confident.

Li Qinghe crushed the purple ball, and a purple vortex appeared, sucking him in.

"Meso, I need a Red Police base vehicle!"

As soon as Li Qinghe entered this world, he came to a purple space, which was within the will of the world.Li Qinghe directly expressed his wish.

Meso is the name of the world will of this small world.

"Sorry, this, I can't do it. My current ability can give you a reincarnation pool, and I can reincarnate thirty soldiers who have been trained for many years every day.

At present, a mature underground base with a capacity of 500 people has been prepared for you. "

Li Qinghe knew that this was the greatest benefit that the will of the world could give him.


Although Li Qinghe was disappointed that he couldn't get the Red Police Base Vehicle, the Reincarnation Pool, which functions like a barracks, is also good.And it also comes with a small base.

The reincarnation pool also has a function, that is, ten dead people can be put into the reincarnation pool, and a soldier will be reincarnated.

Li Qinghe opened his eyes again and came to his base.

This is a semi-military and semi-technical base.

There are [-] soldiers in the base, and [-] logistics personnel and scientific research personnel.

The reincarnation pool is a machine that turns into a huge pyramid.

Li Qinghe put his finger on the console, and a thin needle protruded from it to extract Li Qinghe's DNA.Now the Reincarnation Pool completely belongs to Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe left the Reincarnation Pool and began to visit other places in the base.People in the base, whenever they saw Li Qinghe, called him Commander.It seems that the loyalty of these people should also be helped by the will of the world.

Li Qinghe learned that this base also produces firearms, clothing, and food.Completely self-sufficient, Li Qinghe's worries about the new soldiers' lack of weapons and combat uniforms can be regarded as solved.

Li Qinghe named this base - Umbrella Base.From this, we can see how ambitious Li Qinghe is.

Then, it's time to get down to business.

Li Qinghe accepted the message from Princess Celia.In this world, strange beasts and spirit bodies run rampant.

This world is an island-themed world.The world is as big as the island country is.

Li Qinghe understood how small the small world was.

In such a strange world, there are naturally many loopholes in the rules and regulations. Li Qinghe doesn't have to worry about checking passports or anything.

Li Qinghe sent 100 people from the base to the outside world to obtain information.He also went out for a walk, maybe the will of the world just happened to arrange him and the protagonist together.

Li Qinghe walked out of the base and came to the ground.

That's right, this umbrella base is an underground base.

Li Qinghe happened to come out with a hundred soldiers to see the situation outside.

Li Qinghe left in one direction, and the hundred soldiers also left in a different direction. If they encountered "special" circumstances, they would contact the umbrella base.Then contact yourself through the umbrella base.

Li Qinghe walked and came to a sign that said "Restricted Area".

The restricted area is surrounded by barbed wire, but upon closer inspection, a small opening has been pulled open, allowing one person to enter.

In this restricted area, someone has already entered.

Li Qinghe looked at the footprints on the ground that hadn't disappeared after entering the restricted area.

Three pairs of different shoe prints mean that three people entered.Just don't know how early they got in. .

There are only footprints going in, but no footprints coming out.Then wait for them here, it is impossible for them to spend the night inside.

Restricted area, restricted area, since there are warning signs posted, there must be something inside that you don't want people to know.

Chapter 68 The Dead Can't Stop

Li Qinghe sat down at the entrance of the restricted area.Started to wait for the three people who went in to come out.




It seems to be the sound of a dinosaur or an ostrich howling.Accompanying it, of course, was the scream of a person.

"Oh, this is an accident."

Go back to the trio that entered the box at the beginning.

These three people are Sasa Masaji, Tokugawa Mitsutomo, and Cangishi Seiji.They are members of the vast crowd of live broadcasters, and they dream of being popular. They come here to shoot "monsters", which may attract a lot of viewers.Man-made monsters, of course.

No way, they can't see the real "monster".And they don't believe in real monsters at all.

This time they came to the restricted area because some netizens once said that there are monsters in this restricted area.After that, the netizen disappeared.

Of course, these three people didn't believe the monsters that the netizens said.But all came here, and they saw that the environment here was not bad, so they cut off the surrounding barbed wire.

I have to say that this environment is really suitable for shooting the kind of monsters they need.

This time they brought an artificially assembled duck, which was the "monster" they were going to shoot this time, let the duck float on the water, and started shooting an alternative "Nile monster."

With their working attitude and the fake pictures they took, it would be hell if they could attract people.

"Hello, my name is Seiji Cangishi. This time, we came to an uninhabited island where unknown creatures lived in the ancestors. What are the unknown creatures? We must find out the truth about them. Respect Please look forward to.

Look, there's no doubt it's a dinosaur.Dinosaurs that should have been extinct are now right in front of our eyes.Ah, what about the dragon.No way. "

Suddenly, the fake "dinosaur" fell into the enlarged version of the "bottom of the lake" (actually it was just a pool).

Cangishi Seiji was their leader, and directly asked Sasaki Masaji to retrieve the duck.They also have a spare fake duck.

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