"Is it really good to pretend like this?"

Tokugawa Mitsutomo felt that it was not good to deceive the audience like this.

"The important thing is how to raise the audience's expectations."

Seiji Cangishi doesn't care so much, as long as he can attract traffic.


Tokugawa Mitsutomo echoed.

Sasaki came to the pool where the fake duck disappeared, and all the equipment of their party was placed there.

Sasao Zhengji was going to fish out the broken duck from the bottom of the lake first, but found that the broken duck had floated up from the bottom of the lake again.

"Really, you really know how to use people. Why don't you let him out? Isn't it because he is his brother-in-law. Hey, there is no big problem above, so let's make do with it and continue to use it."

Sasa Masahiro murmured, and was about to turn back.He didn't notice a huge black shadow appeared in front of him.

And Seiji Kuraishi, who set up a camera in the distance, was a little impatient after waiting for so long and not seeing Masaji Sasaki come back.

"Masaji hasn't come back like this, it's not good to ask him to do a little thing. Let's go, let's go and see what he is doing, dawdling."

Seiji Kuraishi and Mitsutomo Tokugawa came to the place where they placed the equipment, but they only saw ducks floating on the small pool, but Sasaji was nowhere to be seen.

"That guy won't get lost in the forest anymore."

Tokugawa Mitsutomo said worriedly.

"Really, no matter what you ask that guy to do, he will be so slow as to die."

Cangishi Seiji sighed, it's really unlucky to recruit such a guy, if it wasn't for the guy's low salary and willingness to endure hardship, otherwise he wouldn't be wanted.

Seiji Cangishi saw the duck on the pool and moved a little, followed by ripples in the pool.

And Seiji Cangishi also felt the ground under his feet vibrate. Could it be that there are beasts here?And the one that's not that small?

The sound of "boom" came from afar.

"What's that sound?"

"what sound?"

Both Cangishi Seiji and Tokugawa Mitsutomo heard it, which means that this is not hallucination, which is true.

And the sound is getting closer and closer to me.

Seiji Kuraishi looked in the direction of the sound, and saw the tall and big shadow, which was heading towards him.

At this time, everyone knows that they may be in danger.Kuraishi Seiji also knew, but her curiosity overcame his desire to survive, regardless of Tokugawa Mitsutomo's advice.

"what is that?"

Seiji Cangishi has already spotted the figure of the looming monster.

"Guangyou, stand by the camera behind me, please, this kind of opportunity is once in a lifetime. You should understand that if this video is uploaded, we will become popular not only in the local area, but also in the island country. Those who look down on us look at us with admiration. If you miss this opportunity, you will really regret it.”

Seiji Kuraishi said.

Faced with Seiji Cangishi's request, Tokugawa Mitsutomo, the brother-in-law, had no choice but to bite the bullet and stay.

Tokugawa Mitsutomo tremblingly pointed the camera at the approaching monster.

Driven by fame and fortune, Seiji Cangishi has forgotten the danger he may encounter.

"No, stop joking. Go, go!"

Tokugawa Mitsutomo gave up this opportunity, he swallowed, he didn't want this opportunity.

He didn't want to die here, it was too remote in this deep mountain and old forest.No one will know if he died here. There are many places where monsters can be photographed, so why do they have to be here.

Cangishi Seiji wanted to turn his head and blame Tokugawa Mitsutomo for running away.But he heard a soft sound behind him.

He turned around and saw the true face of the monster.It is a big monster with a beak and a bloated body, but the neck is as tall as a giraffe.

His brother-in-law Tokugawa Mitsutomo has been picked up by the monster.

The bird's beak had pierced the back of Tokugawa Mitsutomo's head.

"Ah, ah ah. Just kidding."

After seeing Tokugawa Mitsutomo being taken away by that monster, Seiji Kuraishi no longer cared about fame and fortune, and was all floating clouds in front of his life.Even if he wants to die, he must not die in the belly of this monster.

Seiji Kuraishi ran in the opposite direction from the monster.

And that huge monster ate Kuraishi Seiji's brother-in-law in two or three bites, and chased him in the direction he was running.

The monster seems to walk slowly, but he walks fast.It caught up to him in less than 30 seconds.

"As long as I get out, please, as long as I get out. It doesn't matter how many hits there are. It means nothing if I'm dead."

The forest in front of Seiji Kuraishi startled a flock of birds.

The monster had circled in front of him, biting him with its sharp beak. .

Seiji Kuraishi made a sharp turn and avoided Dazui.Fortunately, he saw the bird flying away suddenly, so he was careful, otherwise he would have fallen into the mouth of the monster.

But the forest road was not easy to walk. With such a sudden turn, the vines under his feet tripped him, and his glasses broke.

Chapter 69 Banba Sousuke Appears

"Oops, the glasses broke."

Seiji Cangishi is highly myopic. Even if his eyes are gone, he doesn't dare to stop. He got up and walked around, and soon saw a tree hole. He went in and thought it was safe.

However, he touched a wet object, and when he looked closely, he found that it was Sasaki who had died long ago.


He took off the video camera that Sasaki had worn around his neck, although he lost his glasses.But the camera can also be the same as the glasses.

For some reason, Seiji Kuraishi felt his heart palpitate.He looked up, and found that the monster had already opened its big mouth and was looking at him, dripping halazi from its beak.

Seiji Kuraishi screamed, lost his footing and rolled down the slope.

Seiji Cangishi thought to himself, it's always safe this time, safe, he is a little thirsty, and he is going to drink a few sips by the river.

From the reflection in the river, he saw the monster, now behind him!

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

These three screams were Seiji Kuraishi's last words, and the three-person live broadcast team was wiped out.

At this time, Li Qinghe also heard Seiji Kuraishi's screams.

"These guys won't all die inside."

Li Qinghe guessed.After all, the information given by Princess Seria is incomplete, only a part of the information related to the protagonist Banba Sousuke, which is not complete.

Li Qinghe probably knew that the protagonist had an indissoluble bond with the so-called shadow crocodile.He didn't know exactly what the situation was.

The camera on Seiji Kuraishi was thrown out of the restricted area.

Li Qinghe was about to pick it up, but was picked up by a handsome man. Unfortunately, there was a scar on his forehead in front of his left ear, which made his handsomeness a little bit lower.He is one of the protagonists that Princess Celia transmitted to Li Qinghe——Banba Zongsuke.

"It seems that it is still late, and they still can't save them."

Banba Zongsuke sighed, took the camera in his hands, and looked at Li Qinghe, who was sitting outside the restricted area.

"Why are you planning to go in and play around? I advise you not to go in."

Banba Sousuke said.

"It's not that I'm waiting for the people inside to come out, but looking at the current situation, it seems that the people inside can't get out. Let me know my name is Kiba Kiyokawa."

Li Qinghe didn't expect to meet him here.

Banba Sousuke also extended his hand enthusiastically, "Hello, my name is Banba Sousuke."

Just when Li Qinghe was about to say something to Banchang Zongjie, his cell phone rang.

Banba Sousuke answered the phone, "Hello."

"Mr. Banba, where are you now? The students are waiting for you."

On the phone, a girl said in a complaining tone.

"Or, you can teach me first."

Banba Sousuke said.

"I can't. You'd better do it yourself."

"Okay, I'll go back as soon as possible."

Hearing Banba Sousuke's unreliable words, the girl on the other end hung up the phone directly.

The girl on the other end of the phone is Makoto Yoshino, a student of Sousuke Banba, and she respects him very much.

Banba Zongsuke gave a wry smile, his head hurting at this moment.

"Ah, ah."

Li Qinghe asked with concern, "What's wrong with you?"

"I, I'm fine."

When Banba Sousuke said the first me, he had a painful expression, but when he said the following words, he said it with a wicked smile and a happy tone.

"Sorry, I'm going back to teach the students. This is my business card. If we have time, let's talk again."

Banba Zongjie politely gave Li Qinghe a business card, and left with the camera in his arms.

"Let's go now. But fortunately, someone detected the mine and proved the fact that there are monsters in the restricted area."

Li Qinghe's base is not far from this place, for this monster.Li Qinghe still wanted to see him.

Li Qinghe dialed the phone number of the base and dispatched fifty heavily armed soldiers.

Li Qinghe was at the back. Since the monster was able to throw the camera out of the restricted area, it meant that it was not far from here.

And as a giant monster, his footprints are the most obvious trace, even if he is extremely good at hiding, this is the same.

Following the huge footprints, Li Qinghe and the others found the monster hidden in the bushes.

This time Li Qinghe was lucky, the monster ate three people in a row and was lying down to rest, enjoying the sweet afternoon.I haven't eaten such delicious food for a long time. It would be great if I could eat it every day.

Seems to be the smell of food.After Li Qinghe and the others surrounded the monster, the monster also found Li Qinghe and his men who surrounded it.

The shape of this monster resembles Brontosaurus, but it is different from Brontosaurus. The creature is carnivorous, with a bird's beak on its head. It is huge but agile.

It can move on land and underwater to stealthily hunt its prey.Li Qinghe gave him a code name - Numa.

The monster stood up. Although it was full this time, it didn't mind preparing for tonight's meal and this week's meal.


"Bang bang bang, bang bang bang."

The nanny looked strong and strong, but its thick hide could not prevent the bullets from entering his body.

Li Qinghe prefers dead monsters to studying living ones.Because there was no threat like that, the subordinates let go of the fight.

The monster was knocked to the ground without any effective resistance.This monster is just very troublesome to unarmed ordinary people.

"take away."

This monster was solved so easily.It made Li Qinghe feel a little unreal, and he was ready to transform into Ophelia.As a result, this guy is a paper tiger who can't even hold a bullet.

But his vitality is so strong that his body has been pierced by bullets.The three "foods" that had just been eaten in the body were also cut open by military daggers and buried on the spot.The purpose is to prevent the poor horse from gaining energy from them.

Not long after Li Qinghe led the team to leave, another group of heavily armed soldiers also rushed here.

"Report, the target has disappeared, and traces of ammunition were found at the scene. It should be that it has been captured. The other party should be a professional mercenary, and the other party's traces cannot be traced."

After reporting the information, the team leader of the pair of videos got permission and led the team to call it a day.

If Li Qinghe and the others were too late, they would have collided with this pair of soldiers.

Li Qinghe locked Nuoma in a laboratory in the underground base, and asked scientists to start researching this monster code-named Nuoma.

Li Qinghe went out, continued to follow the monster's footsteps, and tried to meet Banba Zongsuke in Duo.

At the foot of Hushi Mountain, a five-member mountaineering team is climbing the highest mountain in this island country.Only 50 meters away, you can climb up.

However, just so close, one person in their team fell ill, hypothermia, which dragged down the entire team.

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