There was no other way, so I had to stop, the patient needed someone to take care of him.

The whole team also had a dispute because of this. .

"We're only 50 meters away from reaching the summit, why should we stop?"

Miss Kuroda asked.

Chapter 70 Ice Teeth

"Miss Kuroda, I can fully understand your desire to climb this mountain.

But you are also a professional, not an amateur.You should know if hypothermia is not treated quickly within 24 hours!What will be the consequences. "

said the team leader.

"But, but, it is completely possible to leave one person to take care of him, and we will continue climbing.

It has been six years since my father died, and he must be waiting for me on this mountain. "

Kuroda Yoshimi sobbed and said that the reason she wanted to climb the mountain so much was to see her father's body.

"Sorry, but I am the leader of this team, and I have to be responsible for my team."

Eiichi Nakano, the leader of the team, bowed deeply to Yoshimi Kuroda.

Seeing this, Kuroda Yoshimi had no choice but to accept this fact.

Kuroda Yoshimi looked at the patient suffering from hypothermia in the tent.

"Dad, I wanted to see you."

Kuroda Yoshimi remembered the last time he met his father.Kuroda gave a music box as a gift to his mountaineering father.Unexpectedly, that was the last time we met.

The others left when they saw the hypothermia patient asleep.Only she was left in this tent.

Kuroda Yoshimi fell asleep on the spot and woke up to find that no one came to take care of the patient all night.

"Good morning."

Kuroda Yoshimi poked his head out, walked out of the tent, and found that another tent with three people had disappeared! ! !

What's going on, why did they all disappear overnight!

"What happened!"

Kuroda Yoshimi quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed the emergency number.

"I am Kuroda from the mountaineering team. I am asking for an answer. I am requesting helicopter rescue. The location is about 50 meters from the top of the mountain."

Yoshimi Kuroda pulled out a glowing incendiary stick!Waving up!This allows the helicopter to find itself faster.

But she didn't notice that there was a monster behind her, felt the heat of her body, and knocked her out with a hoof!

While in a coma, she saw the monster in its entirety.It has white hair all over its body, two rows of crooked teeth, and its huge mouthpiece is big enough for it to swallow a person!

When Kuroda Yoshimi woke up again, she appeared in a cave with a long-dried corpse and many incomplete skeletons beside her, which shocked her.

"Ah, ah."

"Yeah, I was knocked out by that monster and used it as food."

Kuroda Yoshimi calmed down quickly, looking at the wreckage around her, she already had the answer in her heart.

"Looks like I'll be like that too."

Kuroda Yoshimi said pessimistically, she glanced at the corpse closest to her again, and found that there was an open music box in the corpse's hand.This music box aroused her yearning for her father. She also gave him such a music box back then, and so on.

Dad disappeared on this mountain, but the body has never been found, and the clothes worn by the corpse are exactly the clothes his father wore before he disappeared.

Then, the result is self-evident, this body is his father's body, and he finally saw his father.

However, this side may also be the last side, and I should have the same fate as my father, being eaten by this monster.

As soon as the words fell, she saw this terrifying monster appearing and walking towards her.

In the face of life and death, Kuroda Yoshimi thought of the reason why he was attacked by the monster, but the patient with hypothermia did not follow him here, indicating that he was not attacked.

Thinking of this, Kuroda Yoshimi guessed why she was attacked, whether it was because of her body temperature.

Seeing that the monster has already forced himself.Kuroda Yoshimi had no choice but to take off her clothes.This keeps the heat down and makes the monster invisible.

However, even if she took off her clothes right away, her body temperature would not drop all of a sudden.

The monster came to Kuroda Yoshimi step by step with his sense of smell and intuition.Kuroda Yoshimi has taken off only her underwear.

At this time, Kuroda Yoshimi's heart rose to her throat.

The monster came to Kuroda Yoshimi and found that there was no heat around.

Kuroda Yoshimi could already feel the white gas exhaled by the monster, and she was trembling with fright.There are still some residual blood stains in the monster's teeth, which is very disgusting!

"Dad, help me, I don't want to die here."

Seeing her life hanging by a thread, she prayed in her heart for the blessing of her deceased father.

At this time, the music in the music box suddenly sounded, and the monster's attention immediately shifted to the music box.

The monster kicked away the music box that played the music and her father's body, and left here around the corner.

After seeing the monster leave, Kuroda Yoshimi hurried out of the cave.

"I have to get out of here, I have to save myself. But."

The roar of a monster was heard.

Kuroda Yoshimi put down the incendiary stick he was about to ignite.

Kuroda Yoshimi struggled and left here step by step.

"Bang bang bang, bang bang bang."

Kuroda Yoshimi suddenly heard the sound of gunshots. Could it be that there are other people here?

Kuroda Yoshimi walked towards the voice.He saw a group of elite fighters who were working together to hunt and kill this monster.

Li Qinghe stood aside from a distance, watching the monster get shot and fell down.

Originally, Li Qinghe didn't want to come, who would have thought that one of his subordinates who came here disappeared here.Before disappearing, the last message I sent was that there was a monster!

This monster was also unlucky. Originally, Li Qinghe couldn't find the location of the monster, but the sound of the music box led Li Qinghe and the others to come here. It might be that Kuroda Yoshimi's father was protecting her.

"Commander, there seems to be someone there."

One of his subordinates saw Kuroda Yoshimi walking out.

Li Qinghe saw that there was a shivering girl watching him hunt and kill this monster from the far side.It's freezing so badly, why not put on some clothes.

Li Qinghe walked up to the girl and put the coat on the girl.

"Come down the mountain with me."

Kuroda Yoshimi saw someone come to save her and return her clothes. It should not be a bad person. She fainted at this moment.

When Kuroda Yoshimi woke up again, she found herself lying on a big warm bed.

"you're awake."

Following the voice, it was Li Qinghe who was guarding her by her side, not the Prince Charming sent by her father to save her.

"Well, thank you for saving me, where is this?"

Kuroda Yoshimi was about to lift the quilt, only to realize that all he had left was his underwear.

"This is at my base. I brought you back after you passed out."

Li Qinghe said softly.

"What about that monster?"

Kuroda Yoshimi asked.

"This monster is dead, and I code-named it Bingfang. Its shape resembles that of an ape, with a huge body, long and thin white hair all over its body, and long and short fangs exposed from its mouth.

It grows on snow-capped mountains, has extremely weak eyesight, relies on heat induction to search for prey, and is sensitive to sound.You are really lucky to survive in his mouth. ".

"Lucky, yes. Very lucky."

At this moment she thought of her father again.

Chapter 71 Homecoming

"It's just that this monster was killed by us. Its vitality is extremely fragile, that is, on the snow-capped mountain, its ability to hide is better.

And when this monster was taken off the iceberg by us, his body actually melted into blood.It seems that this kind of monster can only live on icebergs. "

Li Qinghe didn't tell Kuroda Yoshime that although the men who fired the shots wounded Bingya, they also angered it.

If it wasn't for Li Qinghe's transformation into Ao Fei Enuo, who resisted Bing Ya's dying counterattack, it would have been impossible for him to take away a few of his subordinates.

Fortunately, Li Qinghe knew that these subordinates were loyal to him, otherwise he would not have dared to transform in front of these subordinates.

Naturally, he didn't tell Kuroda Yoshimi about his transformation.

"Thank you for avenging my father's death. Can you go out first and bring me a piece of clothing, I, I lost my clothes."

Kuroda Yoshimi said shyly.

"I've prepared clothes for you, you can put them on."

Li Qinghe put the clothes in a box on the bed.

"I don't know what size you are, so I have one of each size. You can figure it out."

Li Qinghe went out after speaking.

Kuroda Yoshimi is indeed very beautiful, with black shiny hair, a tall and straight figure, and small piercing eyes.She is a very attractive girl.

But Li Qinghe didn't think anything wrong.Monsters in this world are still dangerous.Of the one hundred men he sent out, twenty had disappeared within a few days.

But before he died, there was only one person who sent back the news.You said that elite soldiers would die when they went out, let alone ordinary people.This world is very dangerous!

Looking at Li Qinghe who went out, Yoshimi Kuroda didn't change clothes immediately, but began to choose clothes without knowing what she was thinking.

"I changed it, you can come in."

After Kuroda Yoshimi put on her clothes, she wanted to call Li Qinghe in, but no one responded.

"Hey, isn't he outside?"

Kuroda Yoshimi guessed right, because Li Qinghe discovered another monster incident.The rogue monster Li Qinghe studied did not make any progress!

This shows that there are not enough materials for monsters, and they have to go out to find them.It's a pity that the monster on the snow mountain can't go down the mountain.Otherwise, it is another good experimental material.

Li Qinghe heard the report from his subordinates, and saw a news about a suspected monster appearing on TV.

Li Qinghe turned on the computer and searched for this news.

"The Disappearance of Girls High School Student Minazu Haruka!!!"

The official statement is that the high school student disappeared due to a typhoon, but the comments below seem a little unusual!

Comments about monsters appeared from time to time, and then were deleted immediately.It can be seen that this is the strength of the government, and the government is covering up something.

Li Qinghe directly found the place where Chunxiang disappeared in Minadu, and decided to lead the team there.

"Commander, the girl you brought back woke up, she seems to be leaving here.

But didn't you say that outsiders are not allowed to know about this place, so we didn't let her leave the room. "

A subordinate ran in to report.

"Good job, I'll go and have a look."

Only then did Li Qinghe remember that he saved a girl on the iceberg yesterday.

Li Qinghe pushed open the door and found that the girl had changed into a purple tights, and her flowing hair was casually draped.

"Sir, you are here."

Seeing Li Qinghe coming, Kuroda Yoshimi never mentioned the news that she was going out just now.As soon as she walked out of the room, she saw heavily armed soldiers guarding the door.

This place seems a bit mysterious.It seems that the prince charming that my father sent me is not ordinary.

"Let's go, you want to go out too, I just want to go out for a while, you can go home too."

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