Li Qinghe said.

Seeing Li Qinghe's unfaltering expression, it was obvious that Li Qinghe was not attracted by Kuroda Yoshimi's appearance.


Kuroda Yoshimi was a little disappointed, but she still followed Li Qinghe out.

When she walked out, she wore a blindfold on her head to prevent her from remembering the way here.

Kuroda Yoshimi didn't know how long it took. After the blindfold was taken off, she found herself outside a restricted area.

"You're safe to go home. I have some things to do."

Li Qinghe said.

Kuroda Yoshimi asked, "Then can I follow you?"

"Why are you following me? It's dangerous for us to go out on business."

Li Qinghe persuaded.

"I know many places here. I can show you the way. I'm not completely useless."

Kuroda Yoshimi said that she is trying to show her worth.

"Do you know Pingnai Beach?"

Li Qinghe tried to ask.

"Of course I know this place. This place is very remote. If you ask other people, they don't necessarily know about it."

Kuroda Yoshimi was very happy that she could help Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe thought to himself, then take her with him.To be honest, encountering two monsters in a row looks very powerful, but in fact they can all be wiped out by humans.

These monsters can't affect the world, right?But what about the world's cry for help?

"Then I will trouble you, but this time the matter may be very dangerous. If you encounter danger, run away quickly."

Li Qinghe said.

"An'la, Anla, I know. Don't worry, I will run far away in case of danger."

Kuroda Yoshimi hurriedly expressed his opinion.

With the help of Kuroda Yoshimi, Li Qinghe took a lot of effort to come here.

Li Qinghe led a group of his men directly to the beach where the crime happened.

"Monster, monster! Monster!"

Just as Li Qinghe was about to run here, he heard the panicked voices of the fishermen.

"You can see monsters just here. It's interesting. Let's go and have a look."

Li Qinghe wasn't afraid at all, since he was able to make the fishermen escape, it meant that the monster was of mediocre strength.

Li Qinghe took three men with him this time, if the problem can be solved with a gun.

The three of them, plus Li Qinghe, also solved it. If it can't be solved, then run away and ask some people to talk.

Li Qinghe saw a monster shaped like water and wood, climbing up to the shore step by step from the sea.

The guards around Li Qinghe had already drawn their guns and pointed at the monster, waiting for Li Qinghe's order to shoot.

"Wait, wait. Take it easy."

Li Qinghe said this because he saw a boy charging at the monster with a harpoon!

Runtu is online!

Wow, a true warrior!Grab the harpoon and go up!

Since someone was testing the monster's strength, why did Li Qinghe do it himself?

Hearing the monster's voice, the boy "Runtu" shouted, "Get out of the way".

He rushed up at the speed of a [-]-meter sprint, and while crossing the monster, he said,

"Monster, die, die.".

"Put down your guns. This monster looks too ordinary. An ordinary person can kill it as long as he overcomes his fear!"

Li Qinghe's subordinates put away their guns and watched the boy "Runtu" fork the giant jellyfish.

Chapter 72 Dangers in the Sea

Soon, the jellyfish monster died tragically under the "fork" of the young Runtu.

Li Qinghe's eyes widened as he watched from the side.It grows so huge that even an ordinary boy can easily deal with it, so what are you doing here by yourself?

Li Qinghe thought to himself, this monster jellyfish might be some unlucky jellyfish that was washed up on the shore and lived a long time.

This kind of thing happens in every world, it's nothing new, and there's nothing to study, so I'm going to go home.

"I think it's time to come out, and the beach scenery is not bad, why don't we stay here for a day or two."

Although Kuroda Yoshimi is a little afraid of the dead tall jellyfish monsters, the environment here is really good.Right now, once this jellyfish monster is eliminated, there is basically no danger in the water.

Li Qinghe looked at the dead jellyfish monster, but felt a little uneasy in his heart, always feeling that the monster was not dead.

That night, Li Qinghe and the others found a family of local fishermen and stayed here.

After dinner, the image of the dead monster lingered in his mind, whether the appearance of this monster was a coincidence.

Li Qinghe decided to ask the fishermen in the fisherman's house where he rented to see what they said.They lived by the sea and went fishing every day, and the girl who disappeared in the news disappeared here.They should know about this.

"Hello, I have something to ask you."

Li Qinghe found the old fisherman Gao Ye Mengju.

"Are you aware of the missing girl Minato Haruka that was recently reported on the news?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"She, she just went into the sea and disappeared."

It can be seen that Gao Ye Mengju doesn't want to talk about this topic.

Li Qinghe took out [-] r yuan, handed it to Gao Ye Mengju, and said, "Actually, I am an adventurer, and I am particularly interested in those weird things."

Under the waving of the big stick of money, the fisherman Takano Mengju told the story of the incident.

That day, high school student Kenta Ichijo and his girlfriend Haruka Minato dived into the ocean to play.

The two accidentally saw a bottomless ravine appearing on the seabed.

Out of curiosity, the two approached the ravine.After watching for a while, Ichijo Kenta was about to leave here, and gestured for his girlfriend Minato Haruka to leave as well.

However, when Kenta Ichijo was a little further away from the ravine, several dark green seaweeds suddenly appeared, like octopuses, bound his girlfriend and dragged him into the bottomless ravine.

Only Kenta Yicheng returned to the ground due to lack of oxygen.This is the truth about the disappearing Minato Haruka.

"Then thank you, this material can be included in my expedition book."

Li Qinghe sent the fishermen away politely.

"Could it be that the monster this time is the bottomless gully? This is where the deep ditch is. The ocean is so big, how can I find it.

It seems that we can only go to Minato Haruka's boyfriend first. "

Li Qinghe has made a decision.

Alone, Li Qinghe found Kenta Ichijo's home, and his location wasn't too difficult to find.The village is so big, everyone knows that something unexplainable has happened to him.

Li Qinghe soon came to his door, and saw a short-haired girl shopping for food at his door.

"Hello, are you Kenta's friend? Why haven't I seen you before?"

the girl asked.

"No, I'm a reporter. I heard that something unfortunate happened here, so I want to ask about the development of the matter."

Li Qinghe disguised himself as a reporter.

"Well, Kenta doesn't want to accept any interviews now, please go back."

Imada Nao, a girl with short hair, persuaded.

"Oh, I'm here as a strange friend, I just want to know about his recent situation."

Li Qinghe knocked on the door first, but no one responded.So he opened the door and walked in.

"who are you?"

Kenta Ichijo, a decadent boy, sat in the corner, with discarded beer cans at his feet.

Nao Imada, the girl behind Li Qinghe, also walked in.

"Nao, you found a boyfriend."

Ichijo Kenta said.

"Yes. She is my girlfriend. I just met her recently. I'm here to warn you that she is my woman. You should stay away from him as much as possible."

Li Qinghe created a new image for himself in a very short period of time.

"No, no, why are you talking nonsense..."

Imada Nao, who was behind Li Qinghe, was about to explain, but was stopped by Kenta Ichijo.

"I only have her in my heart, so don't come to me."

Kenta Ichijo knows that Nao Imada has been secretly in love with him, but her boyfriend has come to her door, so she should sort out the relationship with herself thoroughly.

"She has been missing for such a long time. You know, it is impossible for her to survive. The person who sent it there. You keep saying that you love her, so why did you take her there?"

Hearing Kenta Ichijo's feelings for him, he didn't respond at all.The girl Nao Imada is very sad, apart from being sad, she is also angry!

"You know what, it wasn't my fault, it wasn't my fault at all, who knew there was something there, who knew it wasn't a legend!

If only you were the one who went with me that day.You are also an ama, if that day is you. "

That woman is dead, and you can't forget her, okay, you don't like me, and you still curse me to die, okay.If you don't like me, someone naturally likes me.

The girl Nao Imada took the initiative to attach herself to Li Qinghe.

"Husband, this is my friend Ichijo Kenta. I know you need to get some inspiration from his experience. In fact, he knows everything about him. I'll tell you when I get back."

Without saying a word, Nao Imada angrily pulled Li Qinghe and slammed the door away, and dragged Li Qinghe to her house before letting go.

During the quarrel between Imada Nao and Ichijo Kenta, Li Qinghe realized that things were not simple.The disappearance of Haruka Mina, a sea girl, is not accidental, but a conspiracy.

When she just woke up, this girl seemed to know some real and interesting inside stories.

"This, this, I'm sorry. I said that in a moment of anger."

After Nao Imada apologized, he realized that something was wrong, obviously this guy took advantage of him first.

"It's okay. Since you know about it, please tell me. Don't use the rhetoric in the news, it won't fool me. "

Li Qinghe looked at the girl's house, the small attic on the second floor, the living conditions are not bad.Is it just her alone?

"Our village is called Pingnei Village. It wasn't called this at first.

But because a woman has changed, she is Tomoko Tsubouchi, the first generation of divers, and her duty is to appease the anger of the sea god.If necessary, sacrifices can be made in exchange for peace in the village. .

Ever since there were divers in the village.We can catch more fish than other villages, and there are almost no shipwrecks for fishermen at sea.It was as if he was blessed by the Sea God.

You see, the typhoon is about to blow here, but the fishermen in our village still choose to go to sea to salvage.Because the sea god will bless them. "

Chapter 73 Resurrected jellyfish monster

"However, there is only one person that the Sea God does not protect. That is the man that the diver hates the most. Therefore, if the man in the village has a girlfriend who is a diver, he must not dare to let her down. Otherwise, he will end badly.

But I don't know when it started, as long as the sea god is angry, he must sacrifice a sea girl to calm his anger.

In order to make the village more prosperous and prosperous, the village invested in the construction of the Sea Goddess Temple, which enshrines the first generation of sea women Keiko Hirachi.

In order for the haenyeo to continue to exist, the village chief went to the orphanage to pick up the girls.Then I don't know what happened.The temple was abandoned overnight.

As for us divers, we were randomly assigned to the village and lived as ordinary villagers. "

The "we" that Imada Nao said means that not only is she a diver, but everyone else is too.

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