"Then who else has the same identity as you and is also a diver?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"There are five divers in Yuan Village, but three escaped. They are all afraid that if the sea god is angry one day, they will be sacrificed.

It was just me and Ichijo Kenta's girlfriend Minato Haruka.She is the ama who was sacrificed this time. "

Nao Imada said.

"Then the others escaped, why didn't you escape. Aren't you afraid of death?"

Li Qinghe continued to ask.

"Afraid, why not. The three children we thought escaped, in fact, none of them escaped.

Where exactly they are now, I don't know, but they are definitely dead.

The whole village knew the identity of our haenyeo, and they all watched us and wouldn't let us go out.

Besides, I'm an orphan.If you don't have any relatives or friends outside, you might as well just stay here.

The Seagod's wrath only comes once every few decades, maybe we won't be able to wait for the Seagod's wrath until we die. "

Imada Nao said with a wry smile.

"This is your foster home, right? Where's your stepfather and stepmother?"

"After the death of Minadu Chunxiang, they thought I was an unknown existence, so they moved out. They announced to the public that I went on a trip."

Nao Imada said.


Nao Imada heard Li Qinghe sigh.

"Why are you sighing, are you pitying me? That's unnecessary. I'm used to it too. Now I'm really alone."

"It's not that I thought, if you encounter the anger of the Sea God again. You are so beautiful, it would be a pity to be sacrificed to the Sea God."

This is true, people love beauty.Li Qinghe naturally likes beautiful women.

"Tonight, just me tonight."

Imada Nao said shyly.

Hearing Li Qinghe praise herself, this was the first time she was praised for her beauty since she was a child.

The people in the village looked at themselves with monster eyes all day long.

Just because I am a diver, the only one who doesn't look at me strangely is Minato Haruka's boyfriend Ichijo Kenta.Now in the eyes of this foreigner, he saw his own beauty.

"You haven't finished telling the story of Naidu Chunxiang, so naturally I won't go back."

Li Qinghe said.


Nao Imada thought that Li Qinghe agreed, but in fact Li Qinghe did not refuse.I am neither a eunuch nor Liu Xiahui.If he refuses, he will act as if he is not good enough. How can a man say that he is not good enough.

"A few days ago, a fisherman in the village went out and did not come back. It was determined that he had suffered a shipwreck, which meant that the Sea God was angry. A sea girl had to be sacrificed.

originally.I was actually chosen that day.Kenta Ichijo is a villager, and he insisted on keeping Minadu Haruka.The people in the village also agreed, so they didn't tell Minado Haruka about the sacrifice.

Although we are divers, we don't know anything about sacrifices.We just need to jump into the sea.

But why me, I don't want to die, I want to live.So, I hid that day, I hid in the Goddess Temple and did not come out.

Under pressure from the villagers, Kenta Ichijo left with Minato Haruka.Then came the news that his girlfriend had been shipwrecked.

I didn't come out until then.Although they were angry, they didn't do anything to me. They said a few words indifferently, I am the only sea girl in the village, they have no choice, in case they encounter the wrath of the sea god again.They can't find a second diver right away.

Only the haenyeo recognized by the haenyeo temple are the real haenyeo, and not everyone can be a haenyeo.But the Haenyeo Temple has been abandoned, so the only haenyeo in this village is me. "

Only then did Li Qinghe understand the ins and outs of the whole matter.It should be that Kenta Ichijo couldn't bear the pressure of the people in the village, so he took his girlfriend to the sacrificial place.

This also explained why he kept a distance when he saw the deep ditch.And after his girlfriend was pulled into the ditch, he was the only one who came back.Sea God is very "picky eater".

Li Qinghe spent the night at Imada Nao's house that night.

Kuroda Yoshimi, who lived in a fisherman's house, waited all night but did not wait for Li Qinghe to come back. His subordinates said that he had gone out to do errands.But I don't take myself with me when I do things.Doesn't this girl have any charm at all!

Li Qinghe was eating breakfast at Nao Imada's house.

"If you weren't a virgin, would the Sea God still want you?"

Li Qinghe joked.

"When you eat a sow, do you care whether she has had piglets?"

Nao Imada's words choked Li Qinghe.The words are rough and the rationale is not rough.

Since the death of Feng Chen Qingxiang, this is Li Qinghe's feeling of warmth again.

"Go back and rest, I'll wash the dishes."

"No, no, just sit down. When are you going to leave?"

Nao Imada asked.

"All the truth is clear, then leave today. Are you willing to leave here with me? Those people in the village can't stop me."

Li Qinghe said.

"Is it really possible. Would you like to take me out of here?"

Nao Imada's eyes lit up when he heard that Li Qinghe was willing to take him away.She has been staying in this place for 18 years, and she has long wanted to go out and have a look.Now I can finally go to the bustling city outside with the person I like.


Li Qinghe didn't want her to stay here anymore. From the perspective of Asphalt and He, Sea God's anger was like a person catching a cold. He might catch a cold once a month, or he just recovered, but the next day he caught a cold again.

Who knows when the sea god in this area will get angry next time!

"It's not good, it's not good. The monster has appeared on the beach again!"

The talkative fishermen of the village talked about it.

Li Qinghe was determined to take a look. It seemed that there was something wrong with that monster.

It should not be some long-lived jellyfish that was washed ashore.Because this kind of example is generally a special case!

Li Qinghe and Imada Nao came to the beach and found that his subordinates and Kuroda Yoshimi had also arrived here. .

Li Qinghe looked at the monster. This monster seemed to be the same as the one that was stabbed to death by that boy yesterday.

Could it be that the monster didn't die, but the monster's body was hacked to pieces yesterday.It doesn't matter if you don't die, just use your vitality to be tenacious, let's go on.But when I saw it today, I couldn't even see the injury.Very weird.

Chapter 74 Accident

"Were you with her last night?"

Kuroda Yoshimi saw Imada Nao holding Li Qinghe's hand.


Li Qinghe did not deny that he had nothing to do with Kuroda Yoshimi, so there was no need to explain.

Imada Nao also saw Kuroda Yoshimi, and the two regarded each other as potential opponents.

"It's him again."

Li Qinghe saw the boy who came to kill the giant jellyfish monster yesterday, who was also the boyfriend of the missing girl Minado Haruka, and rushed over again with a harpoon!

The boy Runtu is here again!

Yicheng Kenta still had beads of sweat on his head, which showed how fast he was running.

"You monster, how dare you come here! Damn, hate. Beast, beast, beast!"

Kenta vented his anger at losing his girlfriend on this giant jellyfish.

Originally, Li Qinghe wanted to see if the giant jellyfish had made any progress this time.In the end, it was still the same as before, without any resistance, he was killed by Kenta Ichijo.

This time, Ichijo Kenta was afraid that the giant jellyfish would not die, so he found gasoline and poured it on the monster, intending to burn the monster's body.This time, I don't believe that this monster can be resurrected.

The body of the giant jellyfish was very large, but by the time the body was burned, it was already afternoon.The burned remains of the giant jellyfish remained in the pit.

"All of this is the fault of that monster. I want to make that group of monsters disappear, all of them."

Kenta Ichijo watched the monster burn out before preparing to leave.

At this time, a man appeared and said with a sigh.

"I'm still one step late after all."

The person who came was Sousuke Banba!



Li Qinghe and Kuroda Yoshimi shouted at the same time.

Banba Sousuke saw the man he saw at the entrance of the restricted area last time, and the other was his college classmate Kuroda Yoshimi!

Just how they got together.

"Do you know Banba Sousuke?"

Li Qinghe didn't expect that Yoshimi Kuroda would know Sosuke Banba.

"Of course, he and I are college classmates."

Kuroda Yoshimi glanced at Imada Nao disdainfully.In this matter, I overwhelmed her, the children in the village are not as knowledgeable as they are.I really don't know why Li Qinghe fell in love with this girl.

"who are you?"

As soon as Kenta was about to leave, he was stopped by Banba Sousuke.

"The person you burned may be the person who disappeared at this seaside before."

Banba Sousuke said.

"What are you talking about, how is it possible?"

Ichijo Kenta absolutely didn't believe it.

Until Banba Sousuke took out a photo, this photo is also a giant jellyfish, but it has been dissected.Inside the jellyfish is the structure of the human body, but the arms and legs are all developed into a network of veins.

"Impossible, impossible."

Kenta Ichijo shook his head desperately, and ran towards his home.He already vaguely had an answer, but he didn't want to admit it.

"Zongsuke, we meet again."

Li Qinghe said.

"Well. Why are you here? It's very dangerous here. For ordinary people, it's better not to come into contact with these things.

Ms. Kuroda, we haven't been in touch for a while.Nice to see you again. "

Banba Sousuke chatted with Kuroda Yoshimi, and Li Qinghe interrupted from time to time.But Imada Nao couldn't say a word.

"I'll go back and pack up the things I want to take away when I leave."

Nao Imada talked to Li Qinghe and returned home.

Not long after Kenta got home, it started to rain outside.

He fell into confusion, was he really not at fault at all?

"Uh uh, ang, ang."

It seemed that the sound of a whale roaring came from outside the door.My family lives by the sea, so it's normal to have this sound, right?Kenta comforted himself.

But Cheng Kenta held the fruit knife in one hand, pushed the door open and looked outside.It turned out to be Nao Imada.

Why is she here? Doesn't she have a boyfriend? Why is she still looking for herself?

"Kenta, this is the last time I'm looking for you. I'm leaving here, and I hope you can find new happiness too."

Before parting, Nao Imada thought of his old friend Kenta Ichijo, so he went to see him specially.

She will leave the village in a while.She believed that Ichijo Kenta would not inform the people in the village.

"I'm leaving, it's fine to leave. You should also pay attention..."

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