Seeing that Ichijo Kenta hadn't finished speaking, Nao Imada stared closely behind her, as if she saw something terrible.

Just as Nao Imada was about to turn around, a stabbing pain came from her heart, and octopus-like tentacles pierced her heart.

When Nao Imada was dying, he finally turned his head and saw the giant jellyfish monster behind him. Why did it attack him?


Li Qinghe, who came over with an umbrella and asked her to get in the car, saw Imada Nao being killed by a giant jellyfish monster.

And Kenta Ichijo held a fruit knife, as if Sasuke possessed him, jumping and chopping with one hand!

The fruit knife drew streaks of black blood, all spurted from the wounds of the giant jellyfish.Kenta's clothes and face are sprayed with blood!

Banba Sousuke, who followed, also saw the figure of Kenta chopping up monsters with a knife.He paid more attention to the blood left by the monster, it was black!

However, when Kenta Ichijo pierced through a wound, he saw the face of Minato Haruka!

"What that man said is true. The jellyfish monster I attacked earlier was Minado Haruka!"

When Kenta Ichijo was in a daze, the jellyfish monster wrapped one of its tentacles around him, grabbed him and jumped into the sea.

Under the darkness of night, there was no way to rescue them.

Li Qinghe picked up the dying Nao Imada.

"I'm going to die, right? I, I don't want to die..."

A tear flowed from the corner of Imada Nao's eye, mixed with rainwater, and fell on the muddy ground.

Looking at Nao Imada who was taking his last breath, Li Qinghe felt a little sad.Although he only had a romantic relationship with Nao Imada, he still wanted to save her from this village.Unexpectedly, she died in the hands of monsters.

During Li Qinghe's communication with Banba Sousuke, he already knew that the monster was originally formed by Kazujo Kenta's girlfriend.

He also didn't know why the jellyfish monster attacked Nao Imada, maybe it was resentment for Nao Imada's leaving that day, or maybe it was because Nao Imada seduced his boyfriend.

Li Qinghe was planning to leave at night, but was delayed because of Nao Imada's death.

He took Imada Nao to the cemetery in the back mountain of the village.

"Whether you can live or not depends on God's will."

Li Qinghe transformed into the unicorn Orpheus, pulled out the holy sword on his back and pierced the heart of the dead Nao Imada.

Then Li Qinghe lifted the transformation, saw Nao Imada's wound slowly healed, and opened his eyes.

Li Qinghe saw that Nao Imada came back to life, and thought that she was really lucky to be able to come back to life as Orfi Enoch.

"I, it's true that I didn't die..."

Imada Nao didn't finish a sentence, her body was reduced to a pile of ashes.

Nao Imada's transformation of Orfienuo failed, and even the corpse became ashes and was blown away by the wind.

Li Qinghe sighed and returned to

"Miss Imada, she..."

Kuroda Yoshimi asked.

"She can go wherever she wants according to her own ideas. Where's Banba Sousuke?"

Li Qinghe asked. .

"I just got a call from him, so he left first."

Kuroda Yoshimi said.She is not jealous of that Imada Nao at all now, only by being alive can she have a better possession.

Chapter 75 Misunderstanding

"Let's go."

Li Qinghe was about to leave this place. The jellyfish monster dragged Kenta Ichijo and disappeared last night. No one knows when it will reappear.

Not long after Li Qinghe left, there was another commotion in the quiet village.

"It's bad, two monster corpses appeared on the beach today!"

The village is never short of spectators. Knowing that the jellyfish monster can be easily dealt with, the good-natured fishermen beat and killed the monster as a sandbag.

However, not long after Li Qinghe left.After a huge tsunami swept away the village, the tide ebbed without affecting other villages.

The village is still the same village, but the people, dogs, and chickens in it are all disappearing.

This remote village has been completely abandoned, and I don't know when it will be discovered by the next wave of guests from afar.

But no one knew that over the ocean in the village, a fighter jet dropped two Sidewinder missiles before the tsunami.After that, there was a muffled sound in the ocean, and black blood seeped out from the ocean.

Li Qinghe asked for Banba Sousuke's mobile phone number through Kuroda Yoshimi.

Li Qinghe may not know where the monster is, but where Banchang Zongjie is, there must be a monster.

After Li Qinghe and Kuroda Yoshimi left the village, they went to Banba Sousuke's current location.

"I came to such a remote country again to track down a mysterious creature that day. When you read my words, it means that I am no longer alive. The river is dangerous, so be careful."

These are the last words of E Naoki, one of those who have the same hobbies as Banba Sousuke.

Banba Sousuke came to this still remote village based on the location of the monster that Jiang Naoshu said.

Li Qinghe and the others also followed in the footsteps of Banchang Zongjie and came here.

"Why do you keep chasing him? Are you?"

Kuroda Yoshimi opened her eyes wide and looked at Li Qinghe in disbelief, but then thought of the girl named Imada Nao, and knew that she was wrong.

"You can think whatever you want. It's dangerous to follow me. You'd better leave."

Li Qinghe persuaded Kuroda Yoshimi.

"let me see."

Kuroda Yoshimi fell silent. After she got off the car in this village, she left alone.

Li Qinghe came to Fanchang Zongjie's side.

"You, why do you keep following me?"

Banba Sousuke was very puzzled. Ever since he met him, this man has been "never forgetting" himself. Could it be that he is waiting for himself to think about it?

Thinking of this, Banba Sousuke felt a little shuddering, and it was justified to leave this crazy man as soon as possible.He went directly to the underground waterway where Jiang Zhishu was killed.

Li Qinghe and Fanchang Zongjie also thought wrongly, but how can this be explained.I'm really not that kind of person.

When Li Qinghe hurried to catch up, he thought of Kuroda Yoshimi who had left.

"You three, go protect Kuroda Yoshimi."

Troubles come out of poor mountains and bad waters.In a strange place, it is better to be careful, otherwise it is easy to be killed.

Li Qinghe followed in the footsteps of Banchang Zongjie alone.Zongjie Fanchang made various detours and sprinted in an attempt to get rid of Li Qinghe.

But if you want to find out the truth that led to the demise of the small world, it is easiest to find it here at Banchang Zongjie. How could Li Qinghe let go!

Also near the sewer, there is also a pair of brothers and teenagers playing with a remote-controlled plane. Cameras are installed on the remote-controlled plane to observe the surrounding situation.

"It's amazing, we are here."

As the elder brother, Sanjo Shun plays with his younger brother's new toy, and he can't put it down.

"Shun, it's my turn to play."

Sanjolu sat on the ground, watching his brother play with the remote control plane, a little uncomfortable.Didn't you mean to play for a while? I've been playing for two hours, and I'm almost out of battery.

"I'm not finished yet, don't be angry, didn't my mother tell us to play friendly together?"

Sanjo Shun continued to operate the remote control aircraft without looking back.

"I want my mother to buy this for me, and give it back to me."

Seeing that his brother didn't play with him, Santiao Lu became angry, and hugged Santiao Shun from behind, trying to take the remote control away.

Santiaoshun naturally refused, he hadn't played enough yet, the two brothers fought.

After the second remote control plane lost control, it floated down from the sky and landed in the ditch.

"Ah, my remote control plane!"

Sanjo Shun happened to see the remote control plane fall into the sewer.


Santiaolu and his brother didn't care about fighting anymore, and the most important thing was to find the remote control plane as soon as possible.This is what his mother bought for him today. If he loses it, he will definitely be beaten today.

The two ran towards the place where the remote control plane fell.The remote-controlled plane followed the water all the way into a deep tunnel.

Because there is a camera and a locator on the remote control, it is impossible to lose the remote control.

The two walked into the tunnel, the sun was no longer able to shine in, and they walked forward relying on the flashlight they carried with them.

In the dark environment, even two people feel scared, and a mouse passes by from time to time.

"Shun, why don't you just forget it. Mom will be angry if you don't go back after walking for so long."

As the younger brother, Santiaolu retreated. It was so dark inside, it was terrible.Even if I lose the remote control plane, it's better to be beaten up by my mother than to be here.

"Idiot, if I don't get it back, I will be angry too."

As an elder brother, Santiaoshun is wrong to compete with his younger brother for toys, and he lost the toy because of him, so he doesn't know if his younger brother can't hit him when he goes back.But I absolutely cannot do without a meal of fried shredded pork with bamboo shoots.


Sanjo Lu saw a faint light shining down from above, but the area that could be illuminated was too small to dispel the darkness at all.

"Where does this light come from?"

Sanjo Lu stayed where he was, looking at the top of his head.


Unable to hear his younger brother's footsteps, Santiao Shun saw his younger brother staying where he was, so he called him up quickly.In this dark environment, two people need to take care of each other even more.If it is lost, it is really difficult to find it again. It is only possible to let the search and rescue team come in.

"what is that?"

After walking for a while, Santiaolu saw what looked like a turtle shell floating in the ditch, but the turtle shell was a bit too big, and there were spines of different lengths growing on the turtle shell.

Sanjo Shun pointed the flashlight at the "turtle shell" and said, "It looks like a turtle shell. But there is no turtle that big. The smell is so stinky."

Sanjo Lu suddenly said in surprise, "I found it, I found it, and it doesn't look bad."

Sanjolu saw the lost remote control plane floating towards him, so he was about to go over to get it.

"Wait, I didn't manipulate it."

Santiaoshun held back his younger brother with cold sweat on his face.

"Then, then why...".

Before Sanjo Shun finished speaking, he saw a monster that looked like a giant bastard appearing.Its tortoise shell has a remote-control plane hanging from the spines.

Now the truth came to light, it turned out that this huge turtle monster was floating towards me with the remote control plane!

Chapter 76 Eggs

Soon, the whole picture of the monster appeared in front of them.


The two screamed.


The two turned around and ran. The elder brother ran faster. He ran while looking at the remote control.He can detect the monster's distance from them through the camera on the remote control.

Walking, they saw the small hole with a beam of light that the younger brother saw before.When I got closer, I saw that there was a ladder that could be climbed up, but why was there a light on it.Too late to think so much.

"Brother, let's hide there first, you go up first!"

Santiao Shun asked his younger brother to step on his shoulders, and then he climbed up too.


Suddenly, his brother yelled.

Sanjo Shun looked up, and there was half a corpse in the shadow above his head, and the light emitted here was from the searchlight carried by the corpse.

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