The scream of Santiao Shun attracted the tortoise who didn't know where the prey was fleeing.

Now that he knew where the prey was, the huge tortoise leisurely crawled towards where Sanjo Shun was.

"Be quiet."

Sanjo Shun looked at his younger brother who was frightened, his legs were limp, and kept crying, and he had the urge to throw him down.What a pig teammate, I hope monsters won't be attracted by his voice.

Sanjo Shun glanced at the remote control, his hairs stood on end!

The turtle monster, the turtle monster is just below them.

"Brother, is that monster gone?"

The younger brother Sanjo Lu asked in fear.

"Shut up, it, it's right below us."

Sanjo Shun said in the lowest voice possible.

Tian Tianlu looked down and saw the turtle monster with its mouth open and aimed at them.



There were two screams in the underground waterway, and two valid lives disappeared.This tells us a truth, there are two children in the family, and you have to buy double gifts for the children!

Sousuke Banba, who rushed to the underground waterway to look for the monster, heard the screams and hurried to the location of the victim.

Here he is, a giant tortoise monster dragging a corpse that doesn't seem ready to eat right away.

The footsteps of "tick tick tick" also attracted the turtle monster's attention to Banba Sousuke. This time Sousuke noticed two turtle shells that were a yard smaller than the turtle's back, and even smaller. turtle shell.

"This guy grows by shedding his skin."

Sousuke Banba saw that the monster was already running towards him, so he turned around and ran away.This monster is a bit big, it seems that it can't make a fuss, let's get out of the way first.

He has been able to hunt monsters for so many years, encounter so many strange things, and live up to now, relying on being cautious.

The giant mutated tortoise was chasing after him, and he would never let go of this fresh food.Such a big lump of meat, even if you can't finish one meal, you can still have another meal.

"Destroy it, hurry up!"

Looking towards the sound, he saw a person in a white chemical protective suit pointing a flamethrower in the direction of the monster.

Banba Sousuke resisted the stench of the sewer and jumped into the stinky ditch.

After he got up from the stinking ditch, an equally handsome man with short hair stretched out a hand and pulled him up.

"Kimura, it's such a waste to burn the research subjects to death like this."

Banba Sousuke turned his head to look at the giant turtle monster that had become a slag and said.

"There is something that can replace it, so let's do it."

Kimura said casually, it seemed that he really didn't care about the experimental material.

"found it."

One of his subordinates ran over with a suitcase with a doodle of apes on it, opened the box, and inside was the egg laid by the exterminated mutant turtle—the bastard.

Only then did Banba Sousuke understand that the reason why the huge tortoise didn't eat the corpse was probably to store food for the little tortoise that he hadn't hatched yet.

Masaki Kimura seemed to have purposely glanced at Sousuke Banba before closing the box.

"What are you going to do with it?"

Banba Sousuke asked.

Masaki Kimura closed the box and said, "It's a commercial secret, it's not convenient for outsiders to know. Unless, you want to use us for research."

Masaki Kimura solicited Banba Sousuke again.

Banba Sousuke shook the water stains on his clothes, "Don't make me say it again, I'm not interested in making money."

Masaki Kimura was not surprised by this result at all, and then he left.

As for Li Qinghe, who was following in the footsteps of Zongjie Fanchang, he had already remembered the scent of Zongjie Fanchang, and it was impossible for him to get rid of Li Qinghe.

But Li Qinghe received a call from his subordinates on the way.

"We're stuck in a toart convenience store..."

Before he finished speaking, the phone hung up.

Looks like it's monster time again, trapping well-trained warriors, there's definitely something special about this monster.

Li Qinghe asked a few villagers in the village, and finally found the Toart convenience store. From the outside, you could see that some shelves had fallen down and there were traces of bullet holes.

Li Qinghe wanted to push open the door of the convenience store, but he couldn't.

Li Qinghe clenched his fists, and part of one arm became a unicorn arm.

Qilin's arms were so powerful that when he lowered his claws, the iron door was thrown away, and then his arms returned to their original shape.

It is better not to be seen by these ordinary people in the form of Ophelia Enoch.

After violently breaking the door, Li Qinghe saw three people, two women, and a man who were forced into the staff lounge by the monster. They should be the waiters here.

As for the others who disappeared, they were killed by monsters.

After Li Qinghe came in, he didn't see the monster, but he could feel a threat wrapping around him, right beside him, and getting closer.

where is it!

"Be careful, the monster will be invisible."

Hearing the voice of Kuroda Yoshimi in the lounge, Li Qinghe took out his pistol.

Although the monster can be invisible, his footsteps cannot be hidden.

Li Qinghe unscrewed a large bucket of mineral water and poured it on the ground.

The monster's footprint stepped on the water on the ground, and Li Qinghe knew its location.Shooting at the monster again and again.

Black blood came out from the monster's body. Li Qinghe emptied the bullet in the gun and found that the monster was still alive and kicking.

It seemed that bullets did not pose much threat to him.

When Li Qinghe emptied the bullet, the monster's big tongue suddenly stretched out, and it was able to entangle Li Qinghe.

It seems that the monster has learned well, and he also knows how to repair the plank road and secretly hide Chen Cang.Attract Li Qinghe's attention through footprints, and finally catch Li Qinghe with his tongue.

How could Li Qinghe let himself be eaten, and his legs were tied into a horse stance.Don't let yourself be dragged by the monster's tongue.

Li Qinghe pulled out the military dagger from his clothes, and ruthlessly pulled at the monster's tongue that was tied around his waist.

A stream of black blood spurted out, and the monster howled. While withdrawing its tongue, it quickened its pace and slapped Li Qinghe with its paw, and threw it on the door of the lounge like a bowling ball.

When you eat fish, if you get stuck by a fishbone, will you have the urge to throw the fish away!It's just that people are rational creatures and can restrain their impulses.

The iron door of the lounge was knocked out of a human form.

Li Qinghe hurriedly left the iron gate before the monster attacked next time. .

The monster's next heavy blow smashed open the iron door of the rest room, and with all its strength, it landed on another unknown girl.

The girl screamed, and her head was twisted off by the invisible monster.The invisible monster also showed its prototype, and was going to eat the girl first to restore its strength.

Chapter 77 Deep sea monster!

"Get out of here!"

Li Qinghe stood at the door of the lounge, confronting the monster.

Li Qinghe could feel the threat from the monster, and this invisible chameleon monster could also sense the threat from Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe seemed to be seriously injured, but during his contact with the monster, a rather weird energy entered his body.

Li Qinghe felt that this energy was recovering from his injuries.

Kuroda Yoshimi believed that Li Qinghe would not harm her, so she hurried out of the lounge, and sure enough, the chameleon monster did not attack her.

"Get out of here first, don't look back. I can deal with this monster alone."

In the face of great fear, Kuroda Yoshimi left the Toart convenience store without looking back.

The chameleon monster also lost patience, ignored Li Qinghe, and ate the unknown girl first.

Seeing Kuroda Yoshimi evacuate and leave, and the body of the chameleon monster merged with the air again, Li Qinghe couldn't bear it anymore!


The unicorn Ophelia strikes out!

Li Qinghe pulled out the holy sword behind his back.

"Accept the judgment of the holy sword."

Li Qinghe planted the holy sword heavily on the ground, and the dazzling white light pierced through the entire convenience store.

The chameleon monster hidden by Li was stimulated by the strong light and appeared directly.

Li Qinghe immediately pulled out the ribs embedded in the waist at the ribs, "Monster, you can die."

The ribs pierced into the head of the chameleon monster, black blood sprayed everywhere, and the black blood splashed on Li Qinghe's body was absorbed by Li Qinghe.

After the dazzling light dissipated, the monster fell to the ground and died.

Li Qinghe took the initiative to touch the monster's body with his hand, and the dead chameleon monster shrunk little by little, returning to its original size.

"You, you, what monster are you?"

The only surviving man in the convenience store looked at Li Qinghe who had become the unicorn Ophelia.

Li Qinghe lifted the transformation and felt that his condition had never been better.It seems that there is something in this monster, which is very good for the evolution of Ofi Enoch.

"You were that man just now."

After Li Qinghe lifted his transformation.The convenience store staff breathed a sigh of relief, it's good to be human.He was really afraid that the invisible and cannibal monster on his front foot would die, but a more powerful one came in the end.

"Well. It's all right. Tell me what happened."

Li Qinghe asked.He is very interested to know what happened to this convenience store.

"Okay. Okay."

The convenience store man told the story of the incident.

After Ren Ishida sent a customer away, the other two, Hitoshi Noguchi and Tsuyoshi Naito, who also work in the convenience store, walked over with smiles.

"Hey, Lian, I'm off work, you can add a warehouse to the drink."

Naito Tsuyoshi, who had a pockmarked face, finished speaking, opened the door of the convenience store and left.

Ishida Ren walked towards the warehouse, and another Noguchi Jin who was also a convenience store worker.

"I'm off work first too, Xiaoishida, keep on working hard."

Jin Noguchi also left the convenience store.

"It's obviously a job for three people, so it's such a jerk to arrange for me to be alone. Get off work so fast, hurry up!"

Ishida Ren cursed, obviously this is not the first time this happened, who made him cowardly and made these two people go too far.

Another girl walked into the convenience store, acting a little sneaky.This caught his attention, and he saw the girl stuff a lipstick into his pocket.

How did she steal something!But, should we call the police? If we don't call the police, the lost goods and money will be charged to their staff.But if you call the police, it will ruin the girl.

Immediately afterwards, an equally beautiful girl came in at the door, and there were three bodyguards behind her to protect her.

Li Qinghe understood that that girl was Kuroda Yoshimi.

Just when Ren Ishida was in trouble, Hitoshi Noguchi stumbled in.Shouting, "Don't kill me, don't kill me, don't find me..."

But there was obviously nothing behind him.

A shadow covered Jin Noguchi, the lights of the convenience store suddenly went out, and the door of the convenience store was also closed.

The body of Noguchi Jin, who was crying in fear, suddenly floated in the air.A chameleon monster appears and eats him.

After discovering the danger, the three soldiers protecting Yoshimi Kuroda shot at the first time. Although they injured the monster, they also angered it.

Under the sneak attack of the invisible monster, all three soldiers died.But the remaining three people were also able to enter the lounge and temporarily avoid danger.

It wasn't until Li Qinghe came that the danger was relieved.It's just that the girl who stole the lipstick died a pity.

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