After Shi Tianlian finished speaking, he saw Li Qinghe looking at him full of murderous intent.

"What are you going to do?"

"You see it."

Li Qinghe grabbed Shi Tianlian's neck with one hand, pinched it skillfully, threw it on the ground, and poured a barrel of gasoline into the convenience store.

Li Qinghe came out of the burning convenience store and saw Kuroda Yoshimi running back.Didn't you tell her to leave? Why did she come back?

"You'll be fine."

Kuroda Yoshimi saw Li Qinghe who came out safely, with some black stains on his clothes.It was evident that he had fought hard to win.

"Didn't I let you leave, why did you go and come back?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"I was worried about you. So, so..."

Kuroda Yoshimi said hesitantly.

"Understood, let's go, it's okay."

Kuroda Yoshimi followed Li Qinghe without saying a word.

After dealing with this matter, Li Qinghe wanted to track down Zongsuke's aura, but he couldn't detect it anymore.It means that Banba Sousuke is not nearby, forget it, let's wait for the next meeting.

It has been more than a month since the last time I met Banba Sousuke.

Banba Sousuke is now going to a certain ship in the Arctic Ocean.

"Mr. Banba, can you please help us develop new products for our company?"

Masaki Kimura said.

Banba Sousuke didn't understand that in country r, he was not very good at genetics research, and there were still people who were better than him.Kimura can definitely let other people join his organization, why bother to keep inviting him.

"Why are you pestering me?"

Masaki Kimura said, "Because you know the monster that appeared frequently recently."

"I'm not doing it for business, but because it's a very interesting research object."

Banba Sousuke finally couldn't bear his curiosity about monsters, and joined Masaki Kimura's Sarugaku Group

Banba Sousuke was on the cruise ship, recalling the meeting when he joined Masaki Kimura's organization.

The footsteps of the white-haired captain approaching made Banba Sousuke break free from his memory.

"Did you find what you were looking for?"

asked the captain.

Banba Sousuke said politely, "Captain, I'm sorry for forcing the boat."

"Sorry about the noise on board."

Daily greetings. .

"If there is anything needed, I will report to you."

This is just a polite remark. The facilities on this cruise ship are very complete, and he wanted to relax when he came out this time.After working for Masaki Kimura for a month, Sosuke Banba wanted to release his depressed heart.

Chapter 78 The Kun is so Big——It Can’t Be Stewed in One Pot

"Oh, it seems to be my turn today. Go ahead."

The captain left, and he was going to hold a marriage proposal ceremony in the deep sea.

"Everyone, please look at the big screen, there will be a single man making a marriage proposal soon, and the place of the proposal is actually here, in the deep sea!"

After the captain finished speaking, the camera turned to the deep-sea submarine 5000 meters below the seabed.

The sacred moment was recorded on video by the submarine operator in the submarine.

"Just like this extreme deep sea, even if there are no living creatures, even if there is only me, I will still be by your side."

The man knelt down on one knee and put the engagement diamond ring he had prepared in front of the girl.


The girl covered her mouth, suppressing the tears of emotion that were about to flow down her eyes.

She didn't expect that the unknown boy who had been waiting for her would suddenly propose to her today. It turned out that he was willing to stay in the submarine because of himself.

The girl took the ring from the boy's hand.

"Then, let's go up."

Said the submarine observer.

There is a saying that shows affection and dies quickly.

The submarine operator seemed to have seen some terrible picture, his mouth was open and he was unable to speak.

However, the live broadcast on the icebreaker stopped abruptly, and there was a snowflake.

This abnormal behavior made the people on the icebreaker very worried whether the submarine had encountered any unexpected accident.

"Mr. Qinghe, could it be that the submarine encountered that kind of monster?"

In the icebreaker, Kuroda Yoshimi and Li Qinghe also saw this scene.

This time, Li Qinghe located Banchang Zongsuke in the icebreaker heading to the polar region.

Banba Sousuke appeared here, so the monster is likely to appear here too.

Sure enough, as long as there are places where the protagonist haunts, monsters will definitely appear.Especially before, the submarine operator also set up a lot of fg.After a few waves of poisoned milk, there will be monsters instead of monsters!

"Captain, what happened?"

Banba Sousuke asked.

"The communication with the submarine was interrupted. I couldn't see the camera picture, and there was no sign of floating, but there was a distress signal. Maybe I got into some trouble."

The captain said with some concern.

"Can anyone hear me? This is the cab."

Fortunately, not long after, the picture of the submarine came.What appeared was the boy who had just proposed and now operated the submarine.

"Please calmly report the situation."

Said the first officer on board.

"My girlfriend and I are fine, but the operator passed out, what should we do?"

There were big beads of sweat on the boy's face, which showed that the situation was urgent.

"Have you sent a distress call?"

the mate asked.

"SOS? No, I didn't."

said the boy.

"Don't worry, I will drag you up slowly, and you will operate the submarine. You first press the red button to display the searchlight."

The first officer began to teach the boy how to float the sub.

"Red, the red button?"

The boy has no idea what the buttons mean, but now it's just a gamble.The chief mate has no conflict of interest with himself, and will not harm himself.

The boy pressed the red button, and at the same time as the searchlights were turned on, a distress signal was sent out.

"Very well, the distress signal has been confirmed, and it is starting to float."

The submarine began to float up a little bit.

"what is that?"

Like the submarine operator who passed out before, the boy glanced out of the glass and saw a dark thing gradually approaching.

"First officer, there seems to be something approaching outside the submarine."

The boy said in fear, and hurriedly asked the first officer for help, and the girl in the submarine was paralyzed aside.

"What, want to see what's displayed on the dive's outboard camera, then shake the right lever to turn the camera."

This time the command was given by the captain, who had many years of marine experience.

The current situation is grim, and the order to rescue the submarine is currently issued by the captain.

Following the captain's order, the boy turned the black rocker.

The camera outside the submarine transmitted the captured images to the icebreaker.

"What is that, why is it all red!"

The first officer said in surprise.

"Keep turning the camera, don't stop, what you see is only a part."

"I, I understand."

Just a part is so big, how big should the whole be?

The boy turned the joystick in fear, and soon the whole picture of the monster came out.The red thing is the big mouth of a huge humanoid skeleton monster, which is seventy or eighty times the size of a submarine!

Submarines are in danger!

"That monster, that monster! How can there be in the sea..."

Banba Sousuke felt the aura of the shadow crocodile from the giant underwater monster!But, such a deep seabed, how could it be! !There are strange beasts!



After seeing the full size of the monster, the man and woman in the submarine who had just proposed marriage turned pale with fright!Can such a big monster really escape?

Li Qinghe immediately said, "Wow grass!"

Is this Kesulu, or Leviathan, or Dagon!Or Antarctic man-made!

Li Qinghe doesn't know what the monster below eats to grow so big, and with such a big body, Li Qinghe couldn't help but think of a sentence, there is a fish in the North, and its name is Kun.

The Kun is so big that it cannot be stewed in a pot.This shit is bone kun, but compared to kun's ultimate evolution - Xie Guangkun, it's just an appetizer.

"This, this is too dangerous, or, or, let's leave."

Kuroda Yoshimi grabbed Li Qinghe's hand in fear.

The size of the chameleon monster I encountered last time was nothing compared to the monster in the water.

"Calm down, calm down. This guy will treat active people as prey, pull the lever and slowly leave."

Fanba Zongjie didn't care about anything else, so he said quickly.

"It's late, let them leave faster."

Li Qinghe's voice came from the crowd.

"It's you? Don't make trouble, I'm saving them."

Banba Sousuke frowned and said.

Li Qinghe pulled Kuroda Yoshimi to the captain, "Listen to me, if you want to survive, run immediately and speed up."

Li Qinghe's suggestion and Banchang Zongsuke's suggestion are two completely different choices. If you choose the right one, you will be born. If you make a wrong choice, you have to see how the stomach digestion ability of that huge [-]-meter monster is. up.

But to grow so big, the digestive capacity of the stomach will not be smaller than Kun's.

The boy in the submarine was caught in a decision, and finally he chose to listen to Banba Sousuke's suggestion, lucky to think that the monster hadn't found the submarine yet.

The boy didn't dare to look at the monster outside the glass, and muttered, "Slowly, slowly."

The speed of the submarine suddenly slowed down.

Li Qinghe spat out two words, "Stupid!"

Since the monster is chasing towards the submarine, it proves that the monster has discovered the submarine and is still not running away.Waiting for others to eat.

From Li Qinghe's point of view, this is like deception.Do you think that with your back to your body, Gu Kun won't eat you? ?

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