In the end, it proved that Li Qinghe's method was correct.

The bone kun at level 99 still had a little time to catch up with the submarine.Now the submarine slowed down and was caught by Gu Kun directly!

Chapter 79 Controversy

Gu Kun grabbed the submarine and stuffed it into his mouth, as if he wanted to eat the submarine as a big fish.

At this moment, everyone's hearts are tense!

Seeing the beeping alarm on the submarine, it means that the hull of the submarine is under tremendous pressure and is about to be overwhelmed.


The girl cried out loudly.There were big beads of sweat on the boy's head, dripping down little by little.

The boy looked at Gu Kun's huge eyes, his heart skipped a beat, and he pressed the blue button.

The searchlights overloaded and illuminated Gu Kun's eyeballs.

Gu Kun was taken aback!

Seizing this opportunity, the boy steered the submarine upwards.

Gu Kun was furious, the little bug dared to tease him!A large skeleton hand grabbed the submarine.

The submarine moved a little, and left from between Gu Kun's fingers, thanks to the fact that except for the head and body, the rest of Gu Kun was made of bones.

The people on the icebreaker felt relieved when they saw that the submarine was out of crisis again.

The boy in the submarine believed Li Qinghe's words and accelerated forward.But the monster's size is too big, and it is more familiar with the marine environment!Open your arms, like a swimming champion swimming, and catch up.

The speed of the monster is obviously faster than that of the submarine!But if the submarine can find a way to stop the monster's footsteps, then it is likely to float to the surface before the monster catches up.

So, the submarine aimed its searchlight at Gu Kun's eyes, slowing down its speed.

The lights of the submarine suddenly dimmed.

The boy relaxed and thought to himself, let you chase me, if you catch me, I will let you hehehe.

Joy begets sorrow.

"No, the battery is low. What should I do?"

the boy asked nervously.

Seeing that "Food" was about to flee, Gu Kun decided to make a big move!

Gu Kun's eyes were red, and he gave me a mouthful!

Strong sound waves emanated from the bone kun, shaking all the icebergs on the sea surface, and the fragmented icebergs smashed into the sea surface.

Another part of the iceberg hit the icebreaker, and the people on the ship were also shaken by the sound waves.

Even after such a distance, they all have such a strong power, which shows how powerful this sound wave is!

"Don't let them come up! Captain, give up the guidance of the submarine immediately."

Li Qinghe said decisively.

"What? Stop guiding, isn't this hurting them?"

The captain shook his head again and again.

"You have also seen that this monster is so powerful in the deep sea. If this monster catches up, can you make sure that it does not surface.

If it can surface, then those of us on the ship will have to be buried with those on the submarine.Instead of this, it is better to sacrifice the few to save the many. "

After Li Qinghe said this, most of the people on the boat who came here to play were dignitaries and dignitaries, so they naturally took their lives more seriously.It's okay if it's nothing to do with them. Once their lives are involved, they are more anxious than anyone else.

These people all supported Li Qinghe's approach and asked the captain to stop towing the submarine immediately. As for the personnel in the submarine, they were willing to pay the Japanese government relief money!

The boy in the submarine also heard the conversations of the people on the icebreaker, and did not expect that those people were going to abandon them.

They want to live, and they can earn a lot of money if they can live. They don't want any comfort money, they want to live!

"I, I want to live, I want to live..."

The boy was in a mess, and when he heard the crying of the girl next to him, he slapped him.

"Why are you crying? You're not dead yet. When you die, some people will cry for you at the funeral parlor!"

The girl was stunned by the boy's slap.

"If it weren't for you, how could I have come to this broken submarine, how could I have faced such great danger. Crying for your numbness!

Before marrying you, I have to die here, you are such a loser!Whoever marries you is unlucky! "

Hearing the boy who just proposed, he showed such a face in an instant.

The girl's face was shocked. After all, she was not a human being.It's a good thing I didn't marry him, otherwise how would I know that he has such a face.

"Captain, you can't give them up. They have been working for the government, serving the people, and we can't chill their hearts."

Banba Sousuke strongly advised the captain to stand his ground.

The captain looked at Sousuke Banba, and then at the objecting gazes of the others.

"Okay, keep towing the submarine. If something happens, I'm responsible!"

said the captain loudly, and with the prestige he had accumulated over the years, he suppressed all dissenting voices.

Hearing that the captain was not ready to give up on himself, the boy ignored the crying girl, turned off the searchlight, and continued to float toward the sea.

But without the obstruction of the searchlight, Gu Kun's speed became faster!Soon the submarine was caught up.

But at this time, the submarine was only more than 100 meters away from the sea surface.

"Turn on the sonar and send a distress signal to the monster!"

Banba Sousuke said!

"No! If the power is cut off, you will kill them like this!"

Li Qinghe said.

Originally, the boy in the submarine believed Li Qinghe's words, but since he heard that Li Qinghe advocated abandoning them, he dared not listen to Li Qinghe's words anymore.Let's fight, if you succeed, the motorcycle will become a three-wheeler!

"Send it. The sonar signal is the voice of those guys. It might make him mistake you for a companion. There is no time to hesitate. Send it quickly."

Banba Sousuke said.

Right now the power of the submarine is running out, either continue to go up, or send a distress signal.pick one of two.

But the boy decided to choose both, and if the distress signal didn't work, he chose to float as far as possible.

Maybe monsters can't see the light.In the seawater of 200 meters, sunlight can still shine in.

The boy pressed the dark blue sonar, sending out a strong distress signal.

Gu Kun froze for a moment, could this little thing be his own kind?But why I can't understand what I said, why is it not the dialect here!

And it's so small, it's still the same kind, so eating it should be a great supplement.It wasn't like that when I was a child.

Gu Kun moved the dragon to suck water, trying to suck the submarine into his mouth.Submarines now need to consume more power if they want to surface.

And not far in front of the icebreaker, a vortex appeared!This was caused by Gu Kun's inhalation!

The icebreaker began to move away from this vortex, and the people on board panicked.

The people on board, those with high status, have sent bodyguards to stop the captain's behavior.

The submarine can no longer be towed. The result of this going on is just like what Li Qinghe said, the people on board will be buried with the submarine!

Fortunately, the submarine finally stopped at 80 meters above sea level because of a power outage.

"Captain, I order you to stop! Stop now!"

The bodyguards of the rich have pointed their guns at the captain's head.

"Even if I want to stop, I have to give me some time to operate."

The captain looked at the submarine that had stopped under the water and gave up the rescue.Even if it is towed, the submarine needs to actively float up!

It's like falling in love, if one party walks 99 steps, but the other party refuses to take a single step, then it's a fart relationship!

Chapter 80 The Fragility of Life

When Gu Kun heard this suspiciously similar voice at first, he was indeed taken aback for a moment.But he quickly realized that he didn't have such a similar kind, and he didn't speak the same language!

In the bone kun clan, it is possible to sense each other's existence.It is not easy to meet the bone kuns whose body sizes are too large. Once they meet, the small bone kuns have to become the food for the big ones.

No matter what, this little "Bone Kun" can't slip out!

When a person barks like a dog, can the dog understand what he is saying, or can he make the dog think that the barking person is his own kind?

Neither can!

Banba Sousuke's plan might work for creatures with extremely small brains.But this monster is so big, do you think his brain will be smaller than that of a human being?

Gu Kun saw the submarine stopped, and fished it with one hand.The little thing won't run away this time, let's accept our fate!

The monster put the sub in its mouth little by little.And in the submarine, only boys are alive now.He had killed the girl and the unconscious sub operator.

Anyway, they are all dead, so go and end their lives yourself.It's just, how should I commit suicide!

And the connection between the icebreaker and the submarine was completely broken.

After eating this "little bone kun", the 99-level bone kun dived into the deep sea contentedly.

However, because the submarine imitated the high-power sonar emitted by the bone kun before, it attracted a 20-meter-high bone kun.

This bone kun came out of the iceberg, and it has been sleeping on the iceberg until it was awakened by the "pseudo-kind" just now!

The newcomer Gu Kun saw the icebreaker not far from him.I thought to myself, just after waking up, there is food, which is great.

The new bone kun, more than [-] meters long, jumped off the iceberg and landed on the ice in front of the icebreaker, but the ice was a bit thin, so the two legs of the bone kun were directly inserted into the ocean, leaving only the body above the waist. parts.

This bone kun was not far from the icebreaker. Seeing so many people on board, it grabbed a dozen people with its two hands and put them in its mouth.

"What are you still doing, run away!"

Hearing Li Qinghe's shout, the first mate was glad that he was not among those caught by Gu Kun.

The captain stared blankly at the newly-appeared Gu Kun, but did not move his hands.

It was still the chief mate who operated the icebreaker, and quickly reversed, without even caring about the steering.

The armed personnel on the ship took out their guns and aimed at Gu Kun and fired immediately to stop Gu Kun from advancing.

The bullet hit Gu Kun's body without leaving any traces!Gu Kun's big hand swung again, this time to catch the shooter.

"Fire the torpedo and drive it to the bottom of the ocean."

The first officer ordered the other pilots to launch two U90 torpedoes.

The torpedo hit Gu Kun's waist, this time it wasn't like a bullet, it didn't hurt or itch.

The bone at Gu Kun's waist was broken.

"Attack works! Keep firing torpedoes."

Four more torpedoes were launched to Gu Kun's waist.

Gu Kun's ribs have been completely broken!

Gu Kun's eyes turned red quickly, and he let out a mouthful!


The sound waves passed over the icebreaker directly, and more than half of the people on board vomited blood on the spot, and some people bleed to death from seven orifices.

"Go, go."

The first mate still breathed a sigh of relief, not dead.Controlled the icebreaker and left here at maximum speed.

Li Qinghe was fine, alive and kicking.But Yoshimi Kuroda fell into a coma and was dying.

After sending out this blow, the bone kun seemed to have exhausted its strength, and did not pursue it any more. Instead, it jumped into a nearby iceberg and continued to sleep.

The icebreaker sent a request for help back to the home country.Soon, another icebreaker nearby rushed over to accommodate the injured.

Kuroda Yoshimi was given emergency treatment, but fortunately his life was saved.In comparison, other sequelae are nothing.

After Li Qinghe visited Kuroda Yoshimi, he came to the captain's room angrily, opened the door, and a bloody smell came.

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