The captain is dead!He had a bullet in the head, whether it was suicide or homicide, it was not known.

The chief mate did not last till the last moment and died anyway.During this trip, many dignitaries and dignitaries died, and the families of those people must be held accountable!How could a good trip become the last trip? They want to pursue responsibility and hold accountable those who survived.

The captain is the first, didn't he say that he will bear all the consequences?Now that so many have died, if he doesn't bear it, who will bear it!

Li Qinghe didn't find Zongjie Fanchang, so he didn't know if he was dead or not.Probably not, he is destined to die here.

Banba Sousuke sat alone in the icebreaker at the beginning.

"Why, why was I wrong. If it wasn't for me, so many people wouldn't have died."

Today's consequences told Banba Sousuke that the constant pursuit of perfection may cause even greater losses.

Li Qinghe took care of Kuroda Yoshimi for half a month, and finally waited until she fully recovered.

"Don't blame Banba Zongsuke, he is such a person, always wanting to help more people, but never considering the result."

Kuroda Yoshimi said.

Since Kuroda Yoshimi strongly demanded not to avenge her, Li Qinghe had no choice but to expose the matter like this.

"But, if it wasn't for him, you wouldn't be hurt. You almost died this time. How does it feel to brush shoulders with death?"

"I feel that there is nothing wrong with me. You see, I can get out of bed and walk around. It's fine."

Kuroda Yoshimi said with a smile.

The relationship between Li Qinghe and Kuroda Yoshimi has gone a step further after experiencing a life-and-death crisis. Both sides can feel each other's love, but they are both waiting for the other to take the first step.

When Li Qinghe continued to deepen his relationship with Kuroda Yoshimi, the cell phone rang.

"Hi, I'm Sosuke Banba."

"Banba, I almost lost Kuroda because of you."

Li Qinghe didn't contact him now, it was too dangerous to follow him.There is no great luck, let's investigate a little bit in peace.

The encounter with Gu Kun that time also shocked Li Qinghe.Even on land, Li Qinghe couldn't handle a monster more than [-] meters away.Li Qinghe can only protect himself.

After encountering Banba Zongsuke several times in a row, the monsters he encountered became more and more perverted. Li Qinghe wondered if it was the next monster. He even lost the ability to protect himself.

Li Qinghe didn't want to take the initiative to find Banchang Zongjie now.

"I'm sorry, it was my fault last time."

Banba Sousuke apologized as soon as they met.

"If it wasn't for Kuroda, who insisted on not letting me take revenge on you, I would have wished to beat you hard!"

Hearing Li Qinghe's blunt tone, Banchang Zongsuke gave a wry smile.The methods he said were all made after careful consideration, but who knew that they would not affect the huge bone kun.

Li Qinghe asked, "What do you want from me?"

"I, I want to ask you and Ms. Kuroda out, and I sincerely apologize."

Banba Sousuke said. .

"Okay, let's make an appointment to meet."

When Li Qinghe answered the phone, he turned on the speakerphone.Kuroda Yoshimi also heard it, and she was willing to accept Banba Sousuke's apology.If she hadn't met Li Qinghe, the person she fell in love with might have been Banchang Zongjie.

Chapter 81 The Missing Kuroda Yoshimi

Li Qinghe brought Kuroda Yoshimi to the place agreed by Banba Sousuke.


As soon as Kuroda Yoshimi met, she shouted happily, not mentioning the attack of the deep sea bone kun before.

Li Qinghe saw a woman next to Banba Zongsuke, Sayuri wearing a white hat.

"What happened last time..."

Seeing that Kuroda Yoshimi was fine, Banba Sousuke finally felt a little less guilty.

"I don't blame you, no one knows that monster will appear later."

Kuroda Yoshimi said.

"You bastard. She doesn't blame you, but I do!"

Li Qinghe came over and punched Banba Zongsuke, but was held back by Kuroda Yoshimi.

"Mr. Qinghe, don't be angry, didn't you promise me?"

Kuroda Yoshimi quickly persuaded.

"Banba, Kuroda is fine this time, otherwise, I..."

After being punched by Li Qinghe, Banchang Zongsuke felt much better.I'm afraid that Li Qinghe has been holding back, and it would be much better to let it out now.

Sayuri on the side looked nervously at Banba Sousuke and Li Qinghe who were about to fight as soon as they met.Fortunately, they didn't fight.

"It's alright."

Sayuri took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood from Banba Sousuke's mouth.

"it's okay no problem."

Banba Sousuke shook his head.

"Zongjie, didn't you say you wanted to take us on a tour? Is there somewhere to go?"

Kuroda Yoshimi asked.

"Yes, Zongsuke and I are going to Shizuoka Prefecture. There is a school teacher there who is my friend. She will be our guide this time."

Sayuri, who has a good relationship with Banba Sousuke, said.

"Shizuoka? That's a poor county."

Kuroda Yoshimi said.

"Well, but the environment there is beautiful, very suitable for tourism."

Seeing Sayuri repeatedly admiring this place also aroused Kuroda Yoshimi's curiosity.That place should be good.

"Qinghe, what do you think?"

Kuroda Yoshimi asked Li Qinghe for his opinion.

"I, as long as you are happy."

Li Qinghe said.This is undoubtedly agreed.

Li Qinghe and Kuroda Yoshimi got into Banba Sousuke's car, and Sayuri sat in the passenger seat.

"Let me introduce myself first, my name is Sayuri Hosokawa."

Sayuri sat in the passenger seat.

"My name is Kiba Kiyokawa."

"My name is Kuroda Yoshimi."

The three of them briefly introduced their identities respectively.

The group officially set off for Shizuoka.

After driving for an unknown amount of time, Li Qinghe and Kuroda Yoshimi got a little tired and closed their eyes to rest.Inside the car, it became silent.

"Sayuri, it's almost time to arrive in Shizuoka."

Banba Sousuke patted Sayuri who was dozing off.

Sayuri opened her eyes,

"Ah, sorry, I fell asleep before I knew it. Have you reached Shizuoka yet?"

"No, not yet. Just cross the county line and you'll be in the small town where the elementary school is located. Looks like you're tired. Are you busy with work?"

Banba Sousuke asked.

"Well, I'm unexpectedly tired. Although I have a title of geologist or something, it's actually the same as when I was a student. How are you?"

Sayuri asked.

Banba Sousuke said, "Just like in school, I was treated as a weirdo."

Hearing Banba Sousuke's words, Sayuri chuckled lightly,

"That's right, using the reason of the appearance of an unknown monster to bring your ex-girlfriend to this deep mountain forest is really no different from when you were a student."

"Ah, are you Banba Sousuke's ex-girlfriend?"

Kuroda Yoshimi had already woken up during the conversation between the two.

"That's right. Banba Sousuke and I met in high school. You should be his classmate in college."

Sayuri said with a natural expression.


Kuroda Yoshimi said.

"Why, did it make you unhappy?"

Banba Sousuke came out with Sa Yuri this time, but he actually wanted to repair his relationship. Most of his classmates of the same generation were married and had children.I'm still alone, it's time to think about the big things in my life.

And Sayuri is the woman with the most temperament to him among all the women he has ever met.If it wasn't for graduating from high school, because Sayuri's parents didn't agree, they might be husband and wife now.

But it's not too late now. Sayuri's parents fell ill and died successively a few years ago, and Sayuri hasn't talked to anyone these years, and she's still alone.

"Did it upset you?"

Banba Sousuke thought to himself, did he say something wrong.I feel like I have to stay single forever, did I say something wrong?

"No, hehe. This suits your style very well."

Sayuri smiled coldly, Banba Sousuke still didn't understand the real reason why he broke up with him in the first place.

The atmosphere fell silent.

Soon, they entered a deep tunnel, but this tunnel, why is it not displayed on the navigator, it must be newly built.

Banba Sousuke entered without thinking too much.

"Why is this tunnel so deep?"

Sayuri asked suspiciously.It has been driving for almost half and 15 minutes, why is it still in the tunnel.

Sayuri opened the map to check the map, and suddenly the tunnel vibrated.

"Is there going to be an earthquake?"

Banba Sousuke has a calm face, as an islander, he can live until now.He didn't know how many earthquakes he had experienced.

It's just that the earthquake felt a little strong.The tunnel collapsed directly, and collapsed.

Banba Sousuke didn't have time to think about anything, so he overturned.

During the rollover, Kuroda flew through the shattered window.

Li Qinghe was also woken up at this time, and habitually touched the people around him, only to find that Kuroda Yoshimi had disappeared, leaving a big hole in the window.

Li Qinghe's physical fitness is much stronger than that of Banchang Zongjie.

Li Qinghe quickly climbed out of the car and saw Sayuri Hosokawa struggling to get out.

Li Qinghe pulled her out.

"Sayuri, have you seen Kuroda Yoshimi?"

"She, isn't she with you? Why is she missing!"

Sayuri asked in surprise.

Through the dim light in the tunnel, Li Qinghe was able to see clearly that there was a long bloodstain on the ground, extending from Banba Zongsuke's car to the distance.

After Li Qinghe became the original Ophelia, his eyesight has been greatly strengthened.At the end of the blood trail, a man with a shrunken headshot appeared.

Li Qinghe saw that the clothes and bag on that person were exactly the same as the missing Kuroda Yoshimi.That crocodile leather bag was chosen by Li Qinghe!


Li Qinghe shouted and was about to rush over when a flea monster appeared above his head!

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