The monster stuck out its long tongue and shot Sayuri Hosokawa.


Sayuri Hosokawa shielded her face with her arms, waiting to be attacked.

Li Qinghe felt a trace of Kuroda Yoshimi's breath on the monster's tongue.

It was this flea monster that killed Kuroda Yoshimi just now!

"Die, monster!"

In anger, Li Qinghe grabbed the flea monster's tongue with one hand.

The flea monster rolled its tongue around Li Qinghe's body, ready to swallow Li Qinghe alive. .

A black air appeared on Li Qinghe's body!

The tongue of the flea monster broke off as if corroded!

Chapter 82 Leaf Turtle Monster

Li Qinghe grabbed the flea monster's tongue that was about to retract.

Only then did he see clearly the image of the monster, with bubbles the size of ping-pong balls all over his body, shrinking and shrinking.

"Monster, anyone who dares to touch me! Court death!"

Li Qinghe directly transformed into the unicorn Ophelia Enuo.


Li Qinghe jumped and cut.

The holy sword split the flea monster in two, and black blood spattered!

"You, you, you are so handsome!"

Hosokawa Sayuri stared blankly at Li Qinghe who had transformed into Ophelia.She didn't think there was anything scary about Li Qinghe's transformation into Ophelia, but she thought it was very handsome?

As expected of someone who can become Banba Sousuke's ex-girlfriend!

She thought she was going to die for sure, but after waiting for a long time, she was fine. She opened her eyes and saw Li Qinghe who killed the monster instantly.

Li Qinghe didn't cancel the transformation, because he could feel that the threat around him hadn't disappeared.

Banba Zongsuke also woke up at this time, and he struggled to climb out of the car.

"This, what is this!"

Banba Zongsuke looked at the transformed Li Qinghe in shock.

"He's Kiba Kiyokawa!"

Sayuri said.


Banba Sousuke was shocked!

"Why do I smell sweet?"

Sweet taste?This is the taste of blood, okay?

Sousuke Banba had time this time, so he saw clearly the environment he was in, it was the scene of a serial rear-end collision accident!

Not far in front of him, a man whose brain had been sucked fell to the ground.He also saw the corpses left by the dead flea monsters, as well as black blood!

Through the car window, Li Qinghe saw a girl with eyes sitting in the passenger seat. She had a sweet face and long fine hair. She seemed to be in a coma, and she looked really peaceful and beautiful when she was asleep.I have to say that Two-dimensional beauties are beautiful.

Li Qinghe knocked on the glass to wake up the beauty, then slashed through the car door with a knife and pulled her out.

"Thank you."

The beauty looked at Li Qinghe's appearance, although she was a little scared, but since he saved her, it means he is not a bad person.I wanted to go to a blind date in the city, but how could I get into a car accident? It was really unlucky.

Li Qinghe felt a change in the top of his head, and pulled the beautiful woman with his eyes aside.

Another flea monster appeared.

Li Qinghe's sword-holding hand was shaking!

Li Qinghe cut off the flea monster's tongue, and the monster could only stick out its tongue.

Li Qinghe approached the flea monster, and the holy sword cut off the head of the flea monster.

The flea monster is down!


The beauty with glasses was also taken aback, what the hell kind of place is this, and there are monsters!From now on, my wife will never go on a blind date again!

Li Qinghe pulled the beauty with eyes and ran towards the exit!In front of it was the dead body of Kuroda Yoshimi who was dragged out of the window by the monster.

At this moment, Li Qinghe saw Kuroda Yoshimi lying not far in front!

Could it be that she is not dead?No matter so much, Li Qinghe woke her up by shaking her.

"Kuroda, Kuroda, what's wrong with you?"

"Kuroda Yoshimi" didn't say a word, and took a look at Li Qinghe, as if he wanted to eat him.

"Is this your girlfriend?"

The girl with glasses who was rescued by Li Qinghe asked.

Li Qinghe nodded, it seems that "Kuroda Yoshimi" must have been stimulated by something, otherwise it would be impossible to keep silent.

"Qinghe, hurry up, this tunnel is about to collapse."

Li Qinghe canceled the transformation, and the girl with glasses could see Li Qinghe's handsome face clearly.

"Unfortunately, he has a girlfriend."

At the scene of the car accident, Li Qinghe didn't find the second living person for the time being, and he didn't have time to wait for Li Qinghe to find out.

Li Qinghe rushed out of the tunnel with "Kuroda Yoshimi" in his arms.

When passing the suspected corpse of Kuroda Yoshimi, Li Qinghe paused for a moment, but he forced himself to think that Kuroda Yoshimi is in your arms, she is fine, she is fine.

When the tunnel came in, it took 15 minutes to go out.But when he went out, within 3 minutes, Li Qinghe saw the exit while holding Kuroda Yoshimi.

At the exit, Li Qinghe felt the pressure holding Kuroda Yoshimi, and it took a lot of strength to take every step.It seems that there is a magnet in the tunnel, attracting Kuroda Yoshimi and preventing her from leaving.

But who is Li Qinghe, how could he be embarrassed by this little pressure.

Li Qinghe struggled to carry her out of the tunnel.

As soon as he got out of the tunnel, Li Qinghe put down "Kuroda Yoshimi" without any image, and lay down in front of Kuroda Yoshimi, panting.

And Sousuke Banba, Sayuri Hosokawa, and the beauties with eyes were waiting for Li Qinghe in front of the tunnel.


A fighter jet flew across the sky, and the fighter jet dropped a missile, which blasted into the tunnel with incomparable precision.

Everyone was blasted by the missile, and the intense white light that appeared made them close their eyes.

When Li Qinghe opened his eyes, the lower body of "Kuroda Yoshimi" was pressed down by the collapsed tunnel, and a mass of black blood stains appeared.

It shouldn't be, I obviously pulled "Kuroda Yoshimi" far enough from the entrance of the tunnel, but how could she be crushed by the collapsed tunnel!

"Black blood!"

Sousuke Banba was the first to discover the anomaly!

Li Qinghe also noticed an abnormality, the collapsed tunnel suddenly went up again!Moreover, the tunnel turned into a huge withered leaf turtle, and "Kuroda Yoshimi", who was crushed to death with a broken leg, became a broken tongue!

This shows that the corpse with the crocodile leather bag I saw is the real "Kuroda Yoshimi".

Li Qinghe understood the reason why "Kuroda Yoshimi" was crushed and broke his leg.Because the dead leaf turtle monster has to retract its tongue when it is attacked by missiles.

But the rate at which the missile descended was so fast that it recovered only a little.So the remaining part was bitten off by itself!

No wonder when I carried "Kuroda Yoshimi" out before, the more I got to the entrance of the tunnel, the harder it was!

Li Qinghe went berserk and transformed into the unicorn Ophelia Enuo!Fuck your sister's big monster!

Just think about the size of a monster that can turn its mouth into a tunnel!

The dead leaf turtle monster stared at its broken tongue, and there were marks on its body that were injured by the missiles dropped by the previous fighter jets.

"This should be the withered leaf turtle monster."

Because the dead leaf turtle imitates earthworms to prey by wiggling their tongues!The "Kuroda Yoshimi" I saw before was just a mimicry of the monster's tongue.

The withered leaf turtle monster stared at Banba Sousuke without making a move first.

This monster is only a head smaller than the level 99 bone kun that I met in the deep sea before.

Li Qinghe jumped directly onto the monster's face, and thrust his sword into the eyes of the withered leaf turtle monster.

A stream of black blood rushed to Li Qinghe's body like a rain of swords, knocking Li Qinghe more than ten meters away.

The withered leaf turtle spit out seven or eight scrapped cars from its mouth, and pressed down Li Qinghe who had fallen to the ground.

When Li Qinghe got up again, he pushed the car that was pressing on him away.The dry leaf turtle monster has sunk into the ground.


Li Qinghe said bitterly!

These monsters also took Kuroda Yoshimi away this time!

"Qinghe, don't be too sad! It's not you who died, as long as you're alive!"

Banba Sousuke said. .

But is it really appropriate to use this sentence to comfort?

Hosokawa Sayuri gave Banba Sousuke a blank look, his girlfriend died, so you are looking forward to his death so much.

Chapter 83 Kindness

When Li Qinghe heard Fanchang Zongjie's comforting words, he was so angry that he just wanted to kill him.

"I'll kill you sarcastic bastard!"

Seeing that Li Qinghe was angry, Banba Sousuke quickly moved behind Sayuri Hosokawa.

The girl with glasses and Sayuri Hosokawa hurriedly stopped Li Qinghe, for fear that Banba Zongsuke would be beaten to death by the angry Li Qinghe.

"Mr. Qinghe, don't be angry, don't be angry. Zong Jie said this to comfort you, and has no other meaning."

Li Qinghe canceled his transformation, and really wanted to kill Banchang Zongsuke.

The more Li Qinghe thought about it, the more angry he became. If Yoshimi Kuroda hadn't accepted his apology this time, she wouldn't have been killed on the way to travel.

After Li Qinghe calmed down for a while, his anger also subsided.

He can't be blamed for this incident, Banba Sousuke also kindly asked Kuroda Yoshimi to come over to relax.But who can tell what happened on the road, it can only be said that Kuroda Yoshimi's life was too bad.

The flea monster inside the withered leaf turtle took her away without catching anyone, alas.

Seeing that Li Qinghe was no longer angry, the girl with glasses took the initiative to come over.

"Don't be too sad. People can't be resurrected after death. I think you should live well for her."

The girl with glasses said.

"I'm fine, thank you. Aren't you afraid of me?"

Li Qinghe asked, but Kuroda Yoshimi's departure still made Li Qinghe unable to let go for a long time.

"You are a good person, why should I be afraid of you. I think you are so handsome. My name is Momose Yurina. I heard from them, is your name Kiba Kiyokawa?"

Momose Yurina took the initiative to introduce.


Li Qinghe nodded.

"Let's get out of here, these cars are unusable."

Momose Yurina had already tried those cars that hit Li Qinghe, and they were all scrapped.The car engine won't start.

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