"Then leave here first. Let's go to the surrounding villages and take the car there to go back."

Banba Sousuke said.

The nearest village to Li Qinghe and the others is Shizuoka Village.

The group walked for about two hours and saw Shizuoka Elementary School.Seeing that it was very close, I walked to Shizuoka Elementary School for another half an hour, and it was really a dead horse.

This is the elementary school that Sayuri Hosokawa proposed to go to at the beginning, and there are her classmates there.

"Let's go there and rest for a while."

Sayuri Hosokawa said.

A group of people arrived at Shizuoka Elementary School. At this point, the school had already closed.Fortunately, Sayuri Hosokawa's old classmate Reika Nogami has been living in the school.

Sayuri Hosokawa took out her phone and called Reika Nogami.

Soon, Nogami Reika came out.She is the only teacher and headmistress at Shizuoka Elementary School.

Li Qinghe saw the principal of Shizuoka Elementary School. He was not very old, but young, with delicate skin, fair skin and beautiful appearance. He didn't look like he came from the countryside at all, he should have come from the city.

I don't know how she gave up the good life in the big city and came here to work.

"Sayuri, what's wrong with you?"

Nogami Reika looked at the group of friends dressed like refugees brought by Sayuri Hosokawa.

"It's hard to say. Do you have a room here? Let my friend rest here for a night."

Sayuri Hosokawa said.

"Yes, come with me."

Shizuoka Village used to be a large village. Later, with the advancement of urbanization, the students in the village, first in high school, then in elementary school, gradually moved to the city.

In the end, only the kindergarten and the first and second grades remained in Nuoda's school, and the rest of the classrooms were all idle.

There are nine children in Shizuoka School, and all the courses are taught by Reika Nogami.

There are quite a lot of empty dormitories in Shizuoka Elementary School.

In the evening, Nogami Reika, Hosokawa Sayuri and Momose Yurina lived together and listened to her talk about the dangers encountered along the way.

But Nogami Lixiang listened to this as a story, and she didn't think there would be any monsters in the world.

And Fanchang Zongjie lived with Li Qinghe.The two of them had nothing in common, and they both lay on the bed without talking to each other.

One night passed.

Several people went to the school cafeteria and started cooking.Li Qinghe and Fanchang Zongjie were in charge of finding firewood, while the girls began to prepare water and rice.

After hearing the breakfast bell, all the students rushed over to eat.

Only then did Li Qinghe understand why Nogami Lixiang cooked so many meals.

"Hello, Nogami-sensei."

"Hello, Nogami-sensei."

"Well, students, let's start dinner."

Listening to the innocent voices of the students, Li Qinghe and the others felt as if their hearts had been washed.

After breakfast, Li Qinghe and the others began to clean up the dishes.After packing up, sit in the back row of the classroom and listen to the class.

Shizuoka is too remote a place, the bus here only comes every two days.

Only the bus leaving Shizuoka passed this afternoon.

Time passed quickly, and soon the school was over.

Li Qinghe's bus was delayed today, because the tunnel passing through Shizuoka collapsed, and the engineers were rushing to repair the tunnel, so the bus would not arrive until tomorrow.

Li Qinghe and the others continued to live here.

"Nogami Lixiang, you are from the city. How did you come here to teach? Does your family agree?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"There are no students here, and I'm not afraid to tell you. I'm not actually a teacher here. I came here because I escaped marriage.

At the beginning, I came to the school by accident and saw a letter placed on the teaching desk on the first floor.It was a letter from the last teacher leaving.

Later, I chose to inherit the responsibility of the last teacher and continue to complete the teaching work.Originally, I wanted to leave after working for a while, but as I got along with the students, I found that I couldn't bear them.

In this way, I settled down here and took care of the students' breakfast.As for wages and so on, they are all the old people in the village. Those who have money will give money, and those who have things will give things.Finally, the school was maintained.Anyway, enough to eat and drink

Although I didn't get used to it at first, but after a long time, that's it.

They also know that I am not a teacher, but they still regard me, a college student in the city, as a teacher.You said, how could I leave the children behind. "

Nogami Reika said.

"You are still as kind as ever."

Sayuri Hosokawa said with emotion.

"I'm not as good as you say. Me, I just like the kids here."

Nogami Reika said.

"This is all the money I have on me. You can spend it. You have been out for so long, and you haven't contacted your uncle or aunt. The style of your clothes was out of fashion a few years ago."

Sayuri Hosokawa took out all the money in the wallet and put it in the hands of Reika Nogami.

"Thank you. I dare not tell my family. If I tell them, my parents will definitely take me back. They want me to marry a rich man in their eyes, so as to make up for my younger brother. .

You also know, I used to have a boyfriend, but my parents disliked that he didn't have a house, so they forced me to break up with him.That was the day I ran away from home.

And my younger brother can support himself now.When I was in college, I never spent money from my family, and even sent money home.However, I can't decide my life's happiness just like that.Me, I am not reconciled. "

Chapter 84 Combat

Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and it is inconvenient for an outsider to intervene.In any case, Reika Nogami's act of volunteering as a Shizuoka Elementary School teacher is worthy of admiration.

Nogami Reika didn't make any pretense, and directly took the money from Sayuri Hosokawa.

In poor places, every penny counts far more than in cities.

Nogami Reika was about to say something when she heard the flustered crowing of a hen.

She raises three hens, which can produce three eggs a day.Every two days for breakfast, each student will have an egg subsidy.

Looking at the happy smiles of the children, Reika Nogami is sweeter than eating honey.Seeing that the children are growing up day by day, their nutrition cannot be interrupted.

Nothing will happen to these three hens.Nogami Reika went out and saw two children teasing the hen by the chicken coop.

"Sorimachi Koji, Niwa Daisuke. Why haven't you two returned today?"

"Mr. Nogami, we don't have any farm work to do today, can we play a little longer at school?"

Koji Sorimachi rubbed the back of his head and asked embarrassedly, every time he saw the beautiful and gentle teacher Reika Nogami, he would blush.

"Well, here's a box of volleyballs, you two can practice and have fun."

Sorimachi Koji said.



Koji Sorimachi and Daisuke Niwa hummed.


Koji Sorimachi and Daisuke Niwa felt a tremor under their feet.

Nogami Reika also felt it, and shouted,

"The earthquake is coming. Get down!"

Li Qinghe who was in the classroom ran out one after another.

As soon as Li Qinghe walked out, he felt the vibration became stronger.The teaching building has tilted slightly, becoming a dangerous building, but luckily it didn't collapse.

Shizuoka Elementary School has experienced earthquakes before, but they were all small earthquakes. Obviously, the earthquakes this time were much larger.

Fortunately, there was an earthquake for a while, and it stopped shaking.

Suddenly, a tentacle broke through the ground, startling Nogami Reika.

This tentacle was very close to the chicken coop, and the three hens seemed to feel the danger, cooing.

The crocodile tentacles bit Sorimachi Koji's body and dragged him into the ground.

"Kang Zhi! No!"

Niwa Daisuke took two steps back in fear, and with a swipe, another tentacle stretched out, dragging him into the ground as well.

And the tentacle that stretched out at the beginning cut the chicken coop into pieces and ate the three hens inside.

"do not want!"

Nogami Reika ran towards Niwa Daisuke's position, but was thrown to the ground by Li Qinghe.

The monster's fourth tentacle appeared in the position where Nogami Reika was just now. She almost, almost followed in the footsteps of the students.

"Lie down here and don't move, I'll clean him up."

Li Qinghe transformed into the unicorn Aofei Enuo. He has already observed that the monster's body is hidden in the ground, with many tentacles extending out.

On each tentacle, there is a crocodile mouth, sharp and full of teeth!

This kind of monster should rely on hearing to judge the location of the prey on the ground, and then attack.

Li Qinghe used himself as a bait, stomped the ground vigorously, and quickly jumped to another place.

Sure enough, a huge crocodile-mouthed tentacle appeared at the place where Li Qinghe stomped the ground for the first time.

But the dead leaf turtle monster does not have only one tentacle.

Li Qinghe transformed into a unicorn, Ophelia, took out the holy sword and slashed at the tentacle that appeared first.

Unexpectedly, the second tentacle of the withered leaf turtle monster had already located the position where Li Qinghe landed for the second time.The crocodile's mouth directly clamped Li Qinghe's leg, preventing him from jumping.

The crocodile's mouth clamped Li Qinghe's leg, trying to drag Li Qinghe deep into the ground!

Holding the holy sword in his hand, Li Qinghe slashed at the tentacle on his leg.

But then a third tentacle appeared, pinching Li Qinghe's holy sword, preventing him from watching it!

"How many tentacles does this monster have?"

Li Qinghe gave up the holy sword, and took out the rib that was inserted into the rib with his left hand!Stab hard into the crocodile tentacles clamping his legs!

The tentacles of the crocodile's mouth gushed out a stream of black blood, then let go of its mouth, and retracted into the ground.

But at this time, there were a total of three other crocodile mouth tentacles, biting towards Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe used the ribs as a dagger, and threw it directly into the mouth of the crocodile closest to him!

The ribs flew out of the tentacles, and nailed to the wall of the teaching building in the distance without any loss of strength.

The other two tentacles of the withered leaf turtle monster with its teeth and claws stopped moving and fell to the ground weakly.

The last two tentacles struck, one up and one down towards Li Qinghe's neck and footsteps.

Li Qinghe quickly backed away, moving his legs towards the place where the holy sword landed.With a flick of the right foot, the holy sword was delivered to the hand!

"Come on, you bloody monster!"

Li Qinghe shouted, got up from the ground, kept his neck away, avoided the attack of that tentacle, and cut off the tentacle directly at the same time!

The last crocodile tentacles had already bit Li Qinghe's foot.

"Ow, ooh, ooh!"

The dead leaf turtle monster hiding in the ground broke off one of its tentacles, screaming in pain.

The dead leaf turtle monster was swinging its body underground, causing the ground to vibrate violently!

The withered leaf turtle monster surfaced little by little, and Li Qinghe was suspended in the air by the last tentacle.

The other two stabbed tentacles can no longer bite, but they can still be used as whips!

"Qinghe, Qinghe!"

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