
"We will help you!"

Fanchang Zongjie and the others, who were watching Li Qinghe's fight in the teaching building, were about to go downstairs.

"Don't come here, you can't deal with this monster!"

Li Qinghe held the holy sword tightly!Not daring to let go, he cut off the tentacles that were biting his ankle, and landed safely on the ground.

"You monster killed Kuroda Yoshimi. Today, I will avenge her!"

Li Qinghe inserted the holy sword on the limestone ground at an angle of thirty degrees, and quickly ran towards the withered leaf turtle monster!

The withered leaf turtle monster popped out its tongue with a "poof"!

The tongue was like a gust of wind, and it came to Li Qinghe in the blink of an eye.

Li Qinghe only had time to draw out the holy sword and block it in front of him.

"Bang" sound.

Li Qinghe was knocked away by the tongue of the withered leaf turtle monster.

"Isn't its tongue bitten off by myself? How come it recovered so quickly!"

In the blink of an eye, the tongue shot at Li Qinghe again!

Li Qinghe concentrated his attention and caught the position of the monster's tongue this time!

"Rotary Slash!"

Li Qinghe's holy sword split into hundreds of small spinning swords!

"go with!"

The holy sword turned into a torrent, piercing the tongue of the withered leaf turtle monster, and entering its mouth, piercing its head more than 30 meters away.

With a wave of Li Qinghe's hand, the small sword was spun back into Li Qinghe's hand.

Li Qinghe approached the withered leaf turtle monster, and the "swinging cut" just now consumed two-thirds of the fighting energy in his body.

The monster appears to be dead.


The dead leaf turtle monster suddenly opened its eyes, as if it had opened its mouth to swallow Li Qinghe in!

"Holy Sword - Judgment! Either you die, or I die!"

Li Qinghe said in a low voice. .

Li Qinghe entered the body of the withered leaf tortoise, inserted the holy sword into the monster's belly, and the hot holy light pierced through the body of the withered leaf tortoise monster!

Li Qinghe jumped out of the hole and passed out.

Chapter 85 Memories I Don't Want to Recall

The scene of Li Qinghe's battle was "seen" by a drone.

"Is this also the power of the shadow crocodile? It's really perfect."

In the laboratory of Sarugaku Group, Masaki Kimura watched a unicorn monster wipe out a dead leaf turtle monster with a body length of more than [-] meters.

"That doesn't seem to be the power of the shadow crocodile."

says a Mediterranean researcher.

"Isn't it the power of the shadow crocodile? I don't believe that in this world, apart from the shadow crocodile, anything else has such powerful power."

Masaki Kimura's eyes were full of desire for power.

"Continue to track down this person, he is more interesting than Sousuke Banba."

Masaki Kimura showed an evil smile at the corner of his mouth.

Li Qinghe woke up again, and saw the girl with glasses, Momose Yurina, standing beside him.

"You're awake."

Seeing Li Qinghe woke up, Momose Yurina said happily.

"Where am I?"

Li Qinghe didn't expect that after he exploded his strength, he could kill such a huge monster.

"Drink a glass of water, you're thirsty. I'll get you a glass of water."

When Li Qinghe heard what Momase Yurina said, his mouth was indeed dry.

"Well, thanks. Where are the others?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"They went to worship Shizuoka Village. The monster was killed from Shizuoka Village to the school. Except for us, there are no other survivors in Shizuoka Village. We can survive, thank you very much. "

Momose Yurina bowed to Li Qinghe.

"The whole village has been tu sha'd, it's really hateful. Fighting that monster, I'm just defending myself, not as noble as you said."

Li Qinghe took the water glass and said.

"No, you're not for yourself, you should be for a woman, right?"

Momose Yurina said.

Li Qinghe was taken aback, "Who did you hear about?"

"It's Miss Sayuri Hosokawa. She admires you very much. It can be seen that she should have a good impression of you."

Momose Yurina said.

"Oh, why didn't I see how attractive I am, how about you? Are you attracted to me?"

Li Qinghe's seemingly boastful words were recognized by Momose Yurina.

"I, I also have a crush on you. You are so handsome and capable. There are not many women in country r who would not like you. I am just an ordinary person, how can I be exempt."

"Did Banba Sousuke also go to worship?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"I went, but he has come back. As soon as he came back, he locked himself in the room, Nuo, next to you. He seems to be in a very bad mood."

Momose Yurina pointed to the next room.

"It seems that the incident that happened in Shizuoka Village brought up something in his heart that he has been reluctant to mention. Everyone has his own secret in his heart, and that may be his secret."

Li Qinghe said.

Li Qinghe: "How long have I been in a coma"

Momose Yurina: "Not much, not much, that is, more than two days."

Li Qinghe thought to himself, isn't this too long?It's been two days!

Sousuke Banba saw the tragedy in Shizuoka Village and thought of his past.At that time, he was still very young.

"Looking up at the sky like today reminds me of the events of that day."

On his eighth birthday, he stole five hundred yuan from his mother to buy snacks.It turned out that my father found out, but he still didn't admit that he was wrong.

Can taking your own mother's money be called stealing?

Banba Sousuke said plausibly at the time that he didn't realize his mistake at all.

Because he didn't realize his mistakes, his father locked him in the house and didn't let him out until he really reflected on his mistakes before allowing him to come out.

"The child's father, today is the child's birthday, how about this..."

Banba Sousuke's mother tried to get the child's father to release Banba Sousuke first.Anyway, today is Sousuke Banba's birthday.

"Dad, Dad, I know I was wrong, let me out quickly, let me out..."

Banba Sousuke slapped on the door inside the house.

Banba Sousuke has already made an appointment to travel with his little friends Sugii Hikaru and Shuyamaguchi today.

But what he promised, obviously couldn't be realized.

"Leave it alone..."

Banba Sousuke's father and Banba Sousuke are exactly the same, with extremely tough personalities!

In country r, the man is the head of the family, and this matter was finalized by Banba Sousuke's father.

Banba Sousuke's mother glanced at Banba Sousuke who was locked in the small attic on the second floor, and shook her head, indicating that she did not break.

Sousuke Banba saw that crying could not change the outcome of this incident, so he wiped away his tears and came to the window sill of the small attic on the second floor, where he could see the scenery outside the village.

Today is his birthday, but he can't go out, it's not as good as usual.

Banba Sousuke saw Uncle Yokoyama Yunhei walking in the fields with his Akita dog in the village, yawning.

Suddenly, holding the Akita dog in his hand, he seemed to smell something unusual, and forcibly pulled Yokoyama Unhei towards the distance.

"What's the matter, Xiao Huang?"

Yokoyama Unhei asked while running.

And in a blind corner that can't be seen under the attic, Banba Sousuke's father took out a blue gift box.

"In about two hours, get that kid out and give him this."

The father's love is like a mountain, and his love is deep. He may not be able to express it in words, but he will prove his responsibility as the head of the family with his actions to support the whole family and teach the underachievers.

Banba Sousuke's father gave the gift box to his mother.

"So you were prepared."

Banba Sousuke's mother happily took over the box.Compared with her father, she showed more obvious concern for Sousuke Banba.

When you were young, when you asked your child’s father and mother, who do you like to be with more, most of the children’s answers were mother.

However, when the child grows up, the answer is not necessarily.

"Here, here, Xiao Huang has been heading in this direction, barking non-stop."

Yokoyama Yunping looked towards the jungle on the edge of the village.

Xiao Huang's cry also attracted some villagers to stop and watch.

"It's really rare, this little Huang is called like this!"

Yokoyama Yunhei said to the surrounding villagers.

"What the hell?"

The surrounding villagers saw Xiao Huang's dog teeth intertwined and vicious, as if he was about to bite someone.

Suddenly, a shadow appeared in the jungle, slowly appearing.

"Hey, why can I only see the shadow. What is this?"

The villagers wanted to see what the thing that reflected the shadow looked like.But I didn't see it all the time, I only saw the shadow growing out little by little.Formed a long crocodile mouth.A shadow monster with shark wings.

This is Shadow Crocodile!When the shadow crocodile does not open its mouth, it looks similar to a sea cucumber.

This time, it was not a shadow crocodile that attacked Zongjie's village in Fanchang, but a group of them.

People in the village don't know it, it's Shadow Crocodile.Curiously watching the shadow crocodile, they didn't notice that other shadow crocodiles had already surrounded them.

"What is it exactly!"

Seeing the shadow crocodile come out, Xiao Huang called "hardworking" even more.

Chapter 86 The Mysterious Daughter

Soon, the villagers will have no curiosity, as they are about to dog lead!

The Shadow Crocodile opened its mouth wide, aiming at Xiao Huang's head.

Xiao Huang no longer yelled loudly, but was a little afraid to whine.

The shadow of the shadow crocodile has covered the shadow of Xiao Huang's head.

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