
Xiao Huang couldn't even make a whining sound.Like a signal gun, other shadow crocodiles attacked one after another, attacking the villagers.

"Ah, Xiao Huang! What's wrong with you?"

When Yokoyama Yunhei saw the Akita dog being killed by the shadow crocodile, he was so frightened that he couldn't move his legs.But would Shadow Crocodile let him go because of his fear?

Seeing that something was wrong, the other villagers ran away the moment they saw Xiao Huang died!


Yokoyama Yunping let out a scream, drawing a terminator for his life.

And the other shadow crocodiles are swimming around, running rampant in the village!

But the moving speed of the shadow crocodile is obviously faster than that of the villagers.

Banba Sousuke was in the attic on the second floor, so he could see it clearly!

Shadow crocodiles can kill other creatures by attacking their shadows.For example, if it bites the head of a certain creature, then the corresponding creature's head will be gone!

"Dad, what's wrong!"

Banba Sousuke saw his mother helping his father back in the attic on the second floor.

It looked like Dad's chest was wounded and bleeding.A shadow crocodile passed through the bodies of Banba Sousuke's parents.

Banba Sousuke watched his parents die in front of him with wide eyes.

And there was a shadow lurking quietly to the attic on the second floor.It has opened its mouth wide, only one step away, only one step away, when he closes his mouth, this little man will be gone!

Banba Zongjie didn't notice the danger at all, he fell into deep grief, he regretted why he stole his mother's money, he knew he was wrong, he only wanted his parents to come back!

Now he wants to apologize to his father and admit his mistake in front of his father.How much I want to be pampered and patted by my mother, but all this can become a luxury!

A double-barreled hunting rifle hit the leg of the chair where Banba Sousuke was standing.

Banba Sousuke let out an "ah" and fell off the chair.

And the shadow crocodile, which was ready to enjoy the food, just started to close its big crocodile mouth.

Although Banba Zongsuke was not eaten by the shadow crocodile, his left eyebrow was still bitten by the shadow crocodile's teeth.There are scars with three shadow crocodile teeth.

"Bang bang bang."

"Bang bang bang."

After several gunshots, a short-haired girl drove away the shadow crocodile with a hunting gun.

The other shadow crocodiles in the village have looted all the villagers in the village except Sousuke Banba.

In other words, only Banba Zongsuke survived in the entire village.

Sousuke Banba, who was injured by the shadow crocodile, held his left eyebrow and cried out in pain.

Shadow Crocodile's genes are about to enter Banba Sousuke's brain along the wound, in an attempt to control him.

In the eyeballs of Banba Sousuke, one can see the full body form of each shadow crocodile.If nothing else, Banba Sousuke will be assimilated by the powerful genes of Shadow Crocodile!

The short-haired woman who just opened the gun pulled out a pair of short bishou, and looked at the screaming Banba Sousuke.

"Is it still infected? Hold back!"

The woman held Fanba Zongsuke to keep him from moving, and cut the shadow crocodile's bite wound into a thin layer.

90.00% of the genes that Shadow Crocodile infected into Banba Sousuke were cut out by this knife!

The black blood containing the shadow crocodile cells seemed to be induced, slowly gathered, and then slipped away.

When Banba Zongsuke woke up, looking at the lonely village, he picked up the gift box left by his mother before her death.

Banba Sousuke tore open the packaging bag and saw a toy of King Black, with a word from his father on the gift box in the upper left corner.

"Sousuke, happy birthday!"

"Dong dong dong."

The knock on the door interrupted Banba Sousuke's memories.

Banba Sousuke heard the knock on the door, closed his left eye, opened the door, and saw someone coming.

It was Li Qinghe who had been in a coma for two days.

"Are you in a better mood? Having said that, the tragedy in Shizuoka Village actually caused you to feel sad. This trip has become your nostalgic and sentimental trip."

Li Qinghe said.

Banba Sousuke closed his eyes and quickly adjusted his emotions. He has been here all these years. Others have parents, relatives and friends, but he does not.In order not to let others see his weakness, he became aloof and refused to be thousands of miles away.

If it wasn't someone who was familiar with him, he would never have known that Banba Sousuke would be a warm-hearted person.The typical face is cold and the heart is hot!

"And you, aren't you sad? Kuroda Yoshimi, aren't you going to visit her?"

Banba Sousuke asked.

"She is not dead, she has always lived in my heart. When I forget her, she will die."

Li Qinghe pulled Fanchang Zongjie to the playground passing by the school.


Li Qinghe pointed to the sun.


Banba Sousuke looked at the sun and didn't know why.

"What do you think it looks like?"

Li Qinghe asked.

Fanchang Zongsuke turned around and shook off Li Qinghe's hand, "It's boring, isn't it just a sun?"

What a cold guy, no fun at all.

Sitting here, Li Qinghe looked at the sun and said to himself,

"You know? Every time I see the sun, I think of my hometown. There, I see this familiar sun every day. Although, they are different. I told myself, I must work hard, and one day I will Will go back."

Banba Sousuke on the side was listening in the rain and mist, cooperating with the sun when you were a child and the sun when you grew up are not the same sun.The lifespan of the sun is extremely long, and a human's life of a hundred years is a drop in the bucket compared to the life of the sun.

"Call them back, let's go."

After Li Qinghe expressed his emotions to the sun, he was ready to leave this sad place.

Momose Yurina called Hosokawa Sayuri and Nogami Reika back.

After the dead leaf turtle monster attacked the village, it left only a scar on the ground, and everyone in the village was absorbed by it.

Nogami Lixiang wanted to keep teaching here, but there was no one here, no students, who could she give lectures to when she stayed here.

Reika Nogami rekindled the idea of ​​returning to the metropolis to work hard!I'm still young, and I can support myself no matter what.

In this way, a group of people took an emergency bus through the rough tunnel and returned to the city.

"Qinghe, this is my phone number."

Reika Nogami has found a job in a kindergarten, and she has grown fond of the responsibility of being a teacher.Whenever she sees the students, learns a little knowledge, grows a little taller, she will be happy for them.

Sayuri Hosokawa officially announced that she and Banba Sousuke were impossible, but she left Li Qinghe her contact information in private and took away Li Qinghe's mobile phone number.

The girl with glasses, Momose Yurina, invited Li Qinghe to visit her home, and she would like to thank Li Qinghe for saving his life.

The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid with a spring!

Li Qinghe followed Momose Yurina to her house.Before leaving, he punched Banba Zongjie Yuexiong.

Chapter 87 Opposites

Who would have thought that when Li Qinghe met Fanchang Zongjie again, they would already be strangers.

As the saying goes, men chase after women, and women chase after men. After Momose Yurina's fierce pursuit, Li Qinghe finally agreed.The two got married shortly after.

Li Qinghe's daily life is either to accompany Momose Yurina, or to search for strange beasts all over the map with his men.

The Yuanle Group also searched for and captured strange beasts, and the two parties finally met.Because of the conflict of interests, the contradiction between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger.But they have been in a state of restraint, and no large-scale conflicts broke out.

Yuan Li Group is far stronger than Li Qinghe's umbrella base. After all, it is a small world, so it is not very strong.Besides, the Sarugaku Group is not owned by Masaki Kimura alone.

The reason why he didn't do anything was because Masaki Kimura wanted to know more about Li Qinghe.

But one day, Momose Yurina, who was at home, was taken away by the Sarugaku Group.

Masaki Kimura of the Yuanle Group left a message to Li Qinghe that if he wanted to save his woman, he had to go to the Yuanle Group alone.

Li Qinghe didn't intend to make trouble at first, but he was bullied up to the neck. If he didn't do anything, the Yuanle Group would still plan to kick his nose and face!

These days, there are already more than 2000 soldiers in the Li Qinghe base.They were all accumulated little by little through the reincarnation pool, but Li Qinghe also found that the people who appeared in the reincarnation pool were all fighting types, not scientific research types.

If you want to get more scientific researchers, you have to recruit from outside.

Li Qinghe has also obtained the corpses of many strange beasts these days, and he has a certain understanding of these strange beasts.The essential attributes of the genes of these strange beasts are ordinary creatures in the animal kingdom.

In the Sarugaku Group, Banba Sousuke saw Momoze Yurina who was unconscious.

"It's despicable for you to coerce him in this way!"

Banba Sousuke said.

"Despicable, when you killed the woman with the tuning fork, you didn't use me to attract her attention, did you sneak attack from behind?

Are you not mean?To be honest, there is no difference between us, the only pity is that you softened your heart and caused an old woman to run away.You should have seen that old woman, right? "

Hearing what Kimura Masaki said, Banba Sousuke fell silent.

"Look, you chose the power of Shadow Crocodile, which is very good and powerful. In the past, to be honest, I also yearned for this kind of power. But I saw a breakthrough from him!

His strength is different from that of the shadow crocodile, but higher than that of the shadow crocodile, and can absorb the power of the shadow crocodile. "

Through investigations these days, Masaki Kimura has found out precious data about the strange beast containing the shadow crocodile gene fighting Li Qinghe.

"You said that person will come."

Masaki Kimura asked.

Banba Zongsuke said: "He will. But he doesn't have to come alone?"

"It seems that he doesn't pay much attention to this woman."

Masaki Kimura looked at the unconscious Momose Yurina and asked his subordinates to take her to the laboratory.

Regardless of whether Li Qinghe came or not, he would never return this woman to Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe brought five hundred soldiers this time, and he was not afraid of being seen by reporters, so he directly attacked the building.

Li Qinghe lurked into the Yuanle Group from another direction.

There is a clear whistle at five steps and a dark whistle at ten steps, and the guards are strict.

Hearing the sound of gunfire outside, Masaki Kimura knew that Li Qinghe had brought someone to call him.

"It's just right, let's experiment with these biological weapons of mine."

The defense forces of the Sarugaku Group quickly withdrew, and the soldiers at the umbrella base steadily entered the Sarugaku Group building.

As for the incident reported by outside news, Masaki Kimura was not worried at all.Isn't this a daily emergency training within the Yuanle Group?

What's so strange, under the use of powerful capital, all traces can be erased.

The premise is that the Yuanle Group can survive this "mini-crisis".

Li Qinghe passed through numerous surveillance cameras and came to a blocked gate.

Li Qinghe directly pinched the necks of the two armed guards guarding the gate.

The moment Li Qinghe pushed open the door, his figure appeared on the monitor in the conference room of Masaki Kimura.

At the same time, the siren beeped.

Li Qinghe saw a strange man who was hung up, beaten with green leaves and bound all over his body, even his skin was green.Really green makes people panic.

This person was not Momose Yurina, which proved that Li Qinghe was looking in the wrong direction, when he was about to leave.

Masaki Kimura has sent a protection team to surround Li Qinghe.

A door fell, tightly shut Li Qinghe inside.

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