"Haha, I've been looking for you for a long time, and finally you've been caught."

Masaki Kimura took Banba Sousuke to the blocked location of Li Qinghe.

Locking Li Qinghe there was just an expedient measure, and the soldiers nearby couldn't stop Li Qinghe at all.It will take some time to mobilize troops from other places.

"You ruined my plan, but it's good. As long as you let him out, you can still let him escape."

The man in green broke free from the chain and fell to the ground with ease.

During the time he was imprisoned, he had already used vines to get closer to the place where the cloned shadow crocodile was stored.

The cloned shadow crocodile came from the egg of the blood turtle that wiped out the dragon in the sewer last time. After artificial breeding, it has perfectly become the ultimate life form.

In order to imprison the clone shadow crocodile, he illuminated it with 360-degree lights.

But because the green leaf man manipulated the plants and attacked the light control equipment, resulting in insufficient light, the clone shadow crocodile escaped.

Masaki Kimura just celebrated that he found the experimental subject of his dreams.However, it happened that the cloned shadow crocodile disappeared.

"Quickly send the suppression squad to search the building, and he must not be allowed to leave."

Masaki Kimura was a little panicked. Once the cloned shadow crocodile left his control, this perfect cloned shadow crocodile would continue to evolve and become a shadow crocodile more powerful than the original shadow crocodile.This is a disaster!

But who would have thought that the cloned shadow crocodile would follow the green leaf man's vines and come to the green leaf man's prison.

A huge black egg appeared in front of Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe touched the black egg, and the clone shadow crocodile directly entered Li Qinghe's body

Li Qinghe faintly couldn't control his strength,

"I seem to be full!"

Li Qinghe transformed into the unicorn Ophelia, but this time he had more tattoos on his body.

Li Qinghe clenched the unicorn's arm tightly, and punched at the gate.


With a sound, a casserole-sized fist appeared on the door.

Wood Yagui, who was waiting for someone outside, was taken aback. Let the non-human beings deal with it.It's better for me, the people who eat melons, to hide and watch the show.


A big hole appeared in the outer wall, and a strange beast shaped like a dragon blood turtle attacked here.

Masaki Kimura quickly asked the suppression team to attack the "bad guy" who broke in.

The strange beast this time is stronger than the strange beast encountered in the sewer last time, and its body is more bloated.

Masaki Kimura hurriedly left here, there are so many people guarding here, after the monster is dealt with, he can come back to clean up the mess himself.

Chapter 88 Runaway

Although this dragon-blooded tortoise is not weak, under the strong firepower of suppressing the replacement team, it quickly rushed to the street.It's just that the dragon blood tortoise still caused some losses to the suppression team.

After the soldiers took care of the dragon-blooded tortoise, Masaki Kimura came belatedly to clean up the scene.

"Open the door. There are enough people."

Masaki Kimura saw the marks of dozens of fists protruding from the gate, and took two steps back, letting Banba Sousuke stand at the front.

"Okay, have the miscellaneous fish besieging the company been cleaned up? Sure enough, these things are still quite useful, much better than humans."

Masaki Kimura hung up the call from the person in charge below.Rearrange the layout and surround the gate with man-made strange beasts similar to velociraptors.

With so many defense forces, it should be safe.Masaki Kimura said heartily.

Kiba Masaki pressed the gate button and pulled up the gate that blocked Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe's transformed Qilin Ao Fei Yinuo half-kneeled on the ground.

"Kill, kill, kill."

The image of a shadow crocodile appeared in Li Qinghe's eyes.

Li Qinghe turned into the form of a beast and activated Orpheus Enoch's passion.A unicorn beast lying on the ground rushed towards the outside suppressing team against the bullet.

Those biological weapons that Masaki Kimura placed high hopes on were researched step by step by Director Uemotoma, whom he despised.

It's just that those velociraptor-like monsters couldn't even stop Li Qinghe's move, and the genes of the shadow crocodile inside their bodies were swallowed up by the unicorn Aofei Enuo.And the velociraptor monsters were reduced to ashes one after another.

The bullets from those assault guns and rifles hit Li Qinghe's body, but did not affect him in any way.

Li Qinghe slapped his backhand, and a life disappeared.

It didn't take long for the suppressive reinforcement team sent here to die.

Only Banba Zongsuke was left standing aside, without making a move.

"Enough. You stop, if you don't stop, you will be completely swallowed by the shadow crocodile."

Fanchang Zongjie stood in front of Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe slapped him flying with his paw.

Sousuke Banba saw that his words didn't make sense, so he had no choice but to do it.

Banba Zongsuke fell to the ground.

Then use fighting to end it all!

Banba Sousuke let go of the suppression of the shadow crocodile gene, and instead took the initiative to absorb the power of the shadow crocodile.

Banba Sousuke became extremely scary, and the spot on the center of his left eyebrow spread to his whole body, and his hands became black claws.

Those spots, if you zoom in, they are not spots, but... eyes!

Pairs of opened eyes stared at Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe's unicorn Ao Fei in Nuo's beast form seemed to be suppressed, and he retreated directly.

"Is this the power in you? I don't want to fight you. Hand over Momose Yurina, and I'll leave."

Li Qinghe regained his sanity.

"You don't want to fight with me, and I don't want to fight with you, but this cannot be decided by you and me."

Banba Sousuke said helplessly.

Li Qinghe asked: "What do you mean by not letting you decide?"

"That's because, of course, it's up to me to decide."

Timber Yagui said arrogantly.

He came out from the corner, and there was another hostage, Momose Yurina, in his hand.

Momose Yurina was still in a coma, and there were more than a dozen guns behind her, making Li Qinghe not dare to act rashly.

"I don't know you, why do you target me like this. Let my wife go, come to me if something happens."

Li Qinghe said.

"Of course it's for you. Otherwise, why would I arrest your wife? You just need to untransform, obediently listen to us, and be a quiet experimental subject. Then your wife, I will naturally let her go. She treats us It's of no use either."

With a hostage in hand, Masaki Kimura dared to show up in front of Li Qinghe.

"If you let her go, I will catch her without a fight."

Li Qinghe said.

"If you let her go, my bargaining chip will be completely gone.

I don't know if Banba Zongsuke can beat you, but I like to do things that are sure, even if Banba Zongsuke can't beat you, I have double guarantees to ensure that you can't escape from here.

let you go?I remember that the message I left for you was to let you come to Yuanle Company alone, but you came down with your hands.

Your integrity deserves my doubts, so it makes it hard for me to trust you.How about this, let me say a compromise plan, you let me draw a tube of blood first.

After the blood is drawn, I will release your wife first.But you also have to keep your promises.

Be an experimental subject obediently, don't worry, we won't kill you.An experimental subject like you is unique in the world. "

It seems that this is a good plan.Li Qinghe came here mainly to save people, not to kill people.

"Okay, I'll trust you once."

Li Qinghe agreed to this plan.

Whoever let himself have the handle in the hands of Masaki Kimura, as long as she let Momose Yurina go, I have plenty of ways to deal with him.

It turned out that he had taken a fancy to his Opheenoch bloodline.However, the success rate of this bloodline is extremely low even in the 555 world, let alone in this small world where Orfi Enoch does not exist.

It is estimated that the probability of transforming into Orfi Enoch is infinitely close to zero!

Seeing that Li Qinghe agreed, a female nurse came to Li Qinghe with a syringe.

Li Qinghe canceled the transformation. In the transformation state, the needle cannot penetrate into the body.

The nurse drew a full tube of blood and came to Masaki Kimura.

Masaki Kimura looked at the tube of blood greedily.This is a good start for him to control the abilities beyond Shadow Crocodile.

Masaki Kimura never thought of having a living experimental subject. A dead experimental subject is safer and more obedient.Inside the Yuanle Group, there are many corpses of exterminated strange beasts.

Too dangerous experimental subjects, such as Li Qinghe.Masaki Kimura is not inclined to capture alive because of the high risk factor.

"Open the gun."

Masaki Kimura waved his hand, and the sniper who had already ambushed on the building in the distance shot through Li Qinghe's head with a bullet!

In an instant, all the firepower was concentrated on Li Qinghe.

"Clap clap clap."

"Bang bang bang."

There were countless bullet holes in Li Qinghe's body.

Li Qinghe fell to the ground, with such serious injuries, it seemed that he would not survive.

"I am a person who likes the beauty of adults. I promise you, so I won't make a mistake."

Masaki Kimura took out his pistol and aimed it at Yurina Momose's head.

"Bang" a gun.

Momose Yurina was shot and killed by him!

"You, how could you kill her! Kiba Kiyokawa, you have already cleaned up. She is just an ordinary person, and she is not a threat to you."

Banba Sousuke canceled the transformation and picked up Momose Yurina's body.

"You know, I like experimental subjects who are not threatening, you are too dangerous."


A gun hit Banba Sousuke in the heart.

Banba Sousuke clutched his heart, "Why, why?"

"Because you're not dead, I can't sleep."

Masaki Kimura laughed.

Chapter 89 "My" World

No one noticed that Li Qinghe, who had already been beaten out of the field, had transformed into the unicorn Aofei Enuo at some point.

Li Qinghe pulled out the holy sword, rushed behind Masaki Kimura, and chopped off his head with one blow.

Masaki Kimura lost consciousness until his eyes went dark.He didn't even know when he died!

Banchang Zongsuke is no better than Li Qinghe. If he is seriously injured in human form, then this injury will have a great impact on his strength after transformation.

But Sousuke Fanba forcibly transformed, and slowly got up from the ground.

"Although I know I'm going to die, I still can't do it if I give up struggling and waiting for death."

Li Qinghe stuck the holy sword on the ground.

"For the sake of getting acquainted, I don't need this holy sword anymore. I think your blood is dirty, and I don't want to dirty this sword.

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