How can you degenerate to the point where you use the lives of innocent people to achieve your own goals.Does she pose any threat to you?Why, you want to kill her. "

Li Qinghe punched Banba Zongsuke on the chin.

Banba Sousuke lay limply on the ground.

"Is she innocent? Living in this world, everyone is a sinner. Anyway, she is going to die sooner or later, and now she is just one step ahead. Cough cough."

Banba Sousuke said.

"You said, I will be swallowed by the shadow crocodile. Now you, do you still think of yourself as a human being? Fanchang! I can tell you now, I am not the power of the shadow crocodile, but the power of Orfi Enoch!"

Li Qinghe seemed to want to let Banchang Zongsuke understand the power of Ophelia before he died.

Between the eyebrows of the unicorn Aufienuo, one eye opened!

Li Qinghe shook his head, "Even if I don't transform, I still have the ability to get rid of you."

Li Qinghe canceled the transformation.The eye between the brows was still there.

An ice puck appeared in Li Qinghe's hand. It turns out that my Orfienuo attribute is an ice unicorn.

"This, this is the Orfienuo he said! This is the power I want. Those dross-like shadow crocodiles can only be used to make low-level biological weapons.

This guy Kimura didn't die in vain, let me know the new power! "

A smile appeared on the corner of Chief Honma's mouth.

The head of Sarugaku Group Honma, who is thousands of miles away, is watching the battle between Banba Sousuke and Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe felt like he was being watched by someone, the ice puck directly hit the camera that Director Honma was watching.

Only then did Li Qinghe turn around,

"Let me show you my new power."

Li Qinghe saved another ice puck in his hand and threw it at Banba Zongsuke!

Banba Sousuke opened his eyes wide. He had exhausted all his strength in his transformation just now, and he no longer had the strength to fight.

This ice ball shot through the heart of Banba Zongsuke, Banba Zongsuke lifted his transformation, his heart had been shattered into ice slag, and it was only through the power of ice that Banba Zongsuke was able to persist Say these few words.

Banba Sousuke struggled to breathe, the last air.

"Can you let me die without pain? For the sake of our acquaintance."

Fanchang Zongjie pleaded with Li Qinghe.

"Before you die, tell me why you want to cooperate with Masaki Kimura, you should know that he is not a good person.

At the beginning, I recruited you, but you didn't come, why did you go to Yuanle Group?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"Because I like him, I know he is using me, and he is also planning to seize the power of the shadow crocodile. If he has the power of the shadow crocodile, we, we are the same kind of people.

In this way, we can be together. "

Banba Sousuke looked longingly at the head of Kimura Masaki who was beheaded by Li Qinghe.

"Is it for the sake of getting acquainted? Then--satisfy you."

Li Qinghe closed his eyes, everyone he knew in this world died.Banba Sousuke, he is barely half a friend.

Now it was time for this last friend to leave too.As for the relationship between Banba Sousuke and Kimura Masaki, that was their business, and Li Qinghe didn't want to comment.But they shouldn't have killed her!Then damn it!Damn it!Damn it!

The ice puck in Li Qinghe's hand was thrown out again.


Li Qinghe opened his eyes, and saw a masked old woman struggling to support herself with a short knife.

The ice ball was spinning very fast, and the ice chips froze the old woman's hand into a popsicle!

Just when Banba Sousuke thought he could survive, the puck shattered the dagger, shot through the old woman's body, and hit Banba Sousuke's head.

With a "bang", Sousuke Banba's head was smashed like a big watermelon fell to the ground.


After killing Banchang Zongsuke, Li Qinghe felt that he could leave this world at any time.

It turns out that the cancer in this world is Banba Sousuke?

And from the dead body of Banba Zongsuke, a cloud of black air flowed out, which is exactly the power of the shadow crocodile.

Not only Banba Sousuke, but also clouds of black air gushed out from the deep well where the shadow crocodile was formed.

In the whole small world, black air emerged from the land and deep sea, and they all entered Li Qinghe's body.

In the eye between Li Qinghe's eyebrows, the pupil was darker and deeper!

Suddenly accepting such a large force, Li Qinghe directly transformed into the passionate form of the unicorn Aofei Enuo!

Li Qinghe closed his eyes, and the scales on Bing Qilin's body turned black little by little, until it was completely ink-colored.

It's not over yet, the ink color sloughs off the scales little by little, and blends into the shadow.

The shadow of Li Qinghe gave new life,

"Is this the gift of the world after solving the world crisis? Do you want to get out of this world with this power? It's different from what you promised me at the beginning."

At this time, Li Qinghe could already feel the pan-space.

"I know it doesn't know what it says. So, host, take advantage of this time to absorb it and seize the dominion of the entire world!"

Princess Celia in the panspace left the panspace and appeared in this small world.

Princess Celia looked at the dark clouded sky and pulled her hand casually.

A dark shadow crocodile appeared in her hand, she ate it in one bite, and hiccupped.

"That's what the world is about.

The world, strictly speaking, is dead.Because you came too late, this world no longer belongs to humans tens of thousands of years ago.

Humans have been multiplying for an unknown amount of time, whenever humans prosper.The shadow crocodile will come out to clean up the food.It will disappear again when the number of human beings in the entire world is left with flames.

If I hadn't come, you, a white and tender pork pig, would have been eaten by it. "

"Then just now, why do I have the feeling that I can leave this world at any time?"

After Shadow Crocodile's will to the world was "eaten" by Princess Seria, a miniature image of a white jade unicorn appeared on Li Qinghe's body and entered the sky.

As long as Li Qinghe closes his eyes, he can feel every plant and tree in this world, which is equivalent to opening the whole picture perspective.He can barely control the climate, but as for other abilities, he doesn't have them yet.

"Your feeling is correct. You left this world and entered its stomach directly. If it hadn't been eager to eat you, I wouldn't have caught you out so easily."

Celia gave Li Qinghe a blank look.

Chapter 90 The True Origin of Shadow Crocodile

Li Qinghe is now just like a child holding a heavy machine gun. He can touch the machine gun, or pull the trigger to kill people, but he can't disassemble or replace the parts.

"This world has overdrawn its source for the growth of Shadow Crocodile for many years, and now it has become an empty shell. It looks prosperous on the outside, but it is empty inside.

Something has to be let go.According to your current ability, you cannot solve the crisis in this world.I can only abandon the car to keep the handsome, and keep some core things. "

Li Qinghe carefully observed "my" world.

This is indeed the case. Although the Shadow Crocodile has been wiped out as a whole, the shortfall caused by the Shadow Crocodile raging the entire world for tens of thousands of years cannot make up for it at all.

The world can no longer support the survival of so many creatures.Those gigantic monsters in the deep sea, the thousand-meter-high dragons under the mountains and swamps!

It is unimaginable how much energy it takes to keep them alive.

And these creatures, because of the complete fusion of the shadow crocodile genes, the genes in their bodies cannot be absorbed by Li Qinghe, and they are in a hostile relationship with Li Qinghe, the current master of the world.

They will definitely come out to do evil after they realize that the shadow crocodile world has disappeared.

"I need your help. I want to abandon the huge creatures in this world that contain the shadow crocodile gene, as well as those secret forces. It's okay if the world is smaller, but it must be fully controlled by me!"

Li Qinghe said.

"it is good."

Princess Celia jumped onto Li Qinghe's shoulders, linking the spiritual power of both parties together.

Li Qinghe can easily control the whole world at this moment.

Li Qinghe first directly eliminated the huge creatures with shadow crocodile genes in the deep sea and mountains, as well as the land below.

Then, all organizations and governments that study the power of shadow crocodiles in this world are also eliminated.

Strange beasts and people from different organizations who were expelled from the small world, such as Director Honma of the Sarugaku Group, who also fantasized about possessing the power of Orfienuo.These people and strange beasts were thrown out of the world, and turned into ashes within a second.

In this way, the territory of the entire small world was reduced to one-thirtieth of its original size.

Before the separation, some cities in the small world were built on the backs of monsters!It can be seen that strange beasts occupy a large proportion in this world.

"Okay, you go to deal with the follow-up work. I'm a little tired, I have to go back and have a good sleep. From now on, this world will become your back garden.

By the way, I forgot to tell you that the time flow ratio between this small world and the outside world has returned to 1:1. "

Princess Celia tore a hole and was about to enter the hyperspace.

"Why, why are they all dead! Am I late?"

At this time, a girl with a tuning fork in her left hand and a samurai sword in her right, with a purple veil, ran over in a hurry. The back of her sword was engraved with connected squares, and there were dozens of knife marks on her two arms. .

"Oh, so it's the reincarnated Lord of the World."

Princess Celia noticed the girl and the old woman who was lying on the ground.

"What a cute cat!"

Yuyi Kobayashi was fascinated by Princess Seria standing upright on Li Qinghe's shoulder.


Princess Celia hated people calling her a cat the most, and she tore Yui Kobayashi's throat with one paw.

Kobayashi Yuyi fell to the ground in disbelief.

"Leave my sister alone. She's a child now and doesn't know anything."

Daoguang appeared on the old woman who fell on the ground, and she became the image of a short-haired woman.

The delicate oval face makes her look extremely elegant and refined, her pair of slender eyebrows are cut like a lancet, and her big eyes seem to express endless love and grievances, but they are also lively, and her red lips are like cherries in early summer , It is simply "the lips are bright on the outside, and the teeth are fresh on the inside".

Fair skin is like the first auspicious snowfall, smooth and translucent, and can be broken by blowing bombs!

"It's so beautiful!"

Li Qinghe sighed involuntarily.

"What's beautiful, is it as beautiful as me?"

Princess Celia has already jumped onto Li Qinghe's shoulder again, slapping Li Qinghe awake with her paw!

"Ah, of course you are beautiful."

Li Qinghe, who had a strong desire to survive, naturally flattered Princess Seria.

But what I thought in my heart was, that woman was right, you look very cute, but sincerity has nothing to do with being beautiful!

"you are?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"I am the previous master of this world. She is my sister."

Nako Lulu dotingly looked at Kobayashi Yuyi who fell to the ground.

"You, the Lord of the World? Then why are you like this now? You are just a special soul now."

Li Qinghe asked.

"It seems that the changes in this world are caused by the two of you. There are things like Gu poison in every world. But you are the only one I have ever seen that can cause such a catastrophe."

Princess Celia said in a mocking tone.

"That's right. The disaster in this world is caused by me and my sister.

Because of this world, human beings are developing too fast, and the development of human beings inevitably causes damage to the environment, and there is no reverence for the existence of gods.

My sister and I are born creator gods.I am the master of light, and she is the master of darkness.In her opinion, the moths of humans need to be cleaned up from time to time, but I don't allow her to do that.

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