In order to regularly cleanse humans, she ended up stealing part of my theocracy and knocking me down. .

Thus, a killing machine that mixes darkness and part of light—the shadow crocodile appeared.Shadow crocodiles have no intelligence, only collective consciousness.

This collective consciousness will evolve after absorbing enough energy.

And before I was sealed, I also cursed her and let her be reincarnated with me.

But her order to let the Shadow Crocodile clean up the human beings every once in a while, but it couldn't be cleaned up completely, has survived in the Shadow Crocodile like this.

Therefore, only he and I have the ability to kill the shadow crocodile in this world.

As for Banba Sousuke, he is a shadow crocodile who has developed wisdom to steal the divine power, and the chess piece he arranged, this chess piece, allows him to go one step further.

It's just that no one thought that your arrival would make its hard work a joke.You are not from this world, and your potential is higher than Banba Sousuke, so it treats you as a pawn.I didn't hesitate to spend my origin to build a reincarnation pool for you. "

Nako Lulu said.

After Li Qinghe finished listening, he only sighed, what a pair of plastic sisters.

Li Qinghe didn't fully believe what Na Ke Lulu said, because there were some loopholes in her words.But this is not important, the problem of the shadow crocodile has been solved by himself, knowing the origin of the shadow crocodile is just a little more time listening to the story.

"Then why can't I kill your sister? You and she were both former masters of the world. Wouldn't it be a threat to me to keep you?"

Li Qinghe became murderous, no matter how beautiful a woman is, if she blocks her way, she will die!

Chapter 91 Looking for the Guardian of the Beach - Soka

"My sister and I can no longer affect your status. After tens of thousands of years of reincarnation, my sister has lost the memory of the past, and now I am just an ordinary soul without any divine power."

Nako Lulu said.

"She's right. Even if you have memories, the two of them won't affect you anymore. Leave them alone. The operation of this world is more convenient with them, and you won't stay in this world forever. But you have to sign a contract.

With them as your helpers, don't come to me for anything. "

Princess Celia took out two copies from the Panspace—the slave contract!

"These two slave contracts count as your 55 lottery cards, no interest.

I have already bound this world with Panspace, so I can manage this world well.Using it to cultivate the pan-space is much faster than trying to seize the origin by yourself.

Come on, do a good job.I am optimistic about you. "

Princess Celia encouraged Li Qinghe through her spiritual sense, and then gave Nakolulu a meaningful look.

"These two people are twins in one body. You should take good care of them. Even if they are mortals, they also have all kinds of incredible power. Subdue them with your own ability, this is my test for you. I will go back first. "

This sentence was directly uttered by Princess Celia, and she did not avoid Nako Lulu.

"You, how do you know!"

Nako Lulu feels that she has nothing in front of this cute cat.

She and her younger sister are twins, Bingdilian, who separated after becoming the master of the world.But their breaths are connected first, and they are all prosperous and all are damaged!This may be one of the reasons why her sister just sealed her and didn't kill her.

Princess Celia ignored her and went straight back to the panspace.

"Well, these are two contracts. As long as you agree to work for me, you two can still live on."

Li Qinghe gave a contract to Na Ke Lulu.

Although Nako Lulu didn't know the words on the contract, she could perfectly understand its meaning.This contract is to make her a real slave, a slave who obeys Li Qinghe's management.

"This, this is a slave contract, I will not sign it."

Nako Lulu threw the contract on the ground and said angrily.

Only then did Li Qinghe see that Yui Kobayashi, whose throat was scratched by Princess Celia, had slowly healed, and there was only a line of claws on his neck that had not completely disappeared.

"You won't die like this. If you say that the body is broken into pieces, will you die?"

Li Qinghe said to Yuyi Kobayashi who was still awake.

"No, you can't kill her. If you kill her, I will die. I sign, I sign."

Nako Lulu returned to her body and became an old woman. She picked up the contract on the ground, picked up Kobayashi Yui's knife and scratched her finger, and signed her name reluctantly.

For this name, you can sign Nako Lulu, you can sign Kobayashi Yui, even you can sign cats and dogs.But as long as you sign it, this contract will apply to you.

Seeing that Na Ke Lulu had signed the contract, Li Qinghe waved his hand, and the energy of the world poured into Na Ke Lulu.

After becoming an old woman, she became a beautiful girl again!It's the same as her appearance just now, so it looks comfortable at least.

To increase the lifespan of people in this world requires the loss of the origin of the world.Without any great credit, Li Qinghe would never use this source to continue the lives of people in the small world.

This is also why these two women have had a great effect on Li Qinghe, otherwise he would not have done this.

"This is the benefit of working for me. Work hard and do a good job. I will keep you alive forever, so you don't have to go through reincarnation."

Hearing Li Qinghe's words, Na Ke Lulu gave a wry smile and nodded, one moment and another.If it wasn't for her and her sister fighting for the theocratic power in the world, they wouldn't have become like this, benefiting Li Qinghe the fisherman.

In fact, she lied to Li Qinghe about something.But the past is not important anymore. Is it still useful to talk about those things?

After the contract was signed, Li Qinghe felt that he could decide Na Ke Lulu's life or death.

"Okay, let your sister sign the contract too."

Li Qinghe handed over another contract to Na Ke Lulu.

Li Qinghe was already ready, and Nako Lulu was ready to tear up the slave contract and not give in.Although, the contract cannot be torn off.

"Isn't this contract only voluntary to sign?"

Nako Lulu asked.

"Slave contract, there is no such thing as a voluntary person who is signed! If you really meet such a person, why waste the contract?"

What Li Qinghe said is very reasonable, this contract is like the law, it can only take effect on those who do not obey the rules forever, it is not even as good as toilet paper to those who obey the management.

To be honest, just now Li Qinghe was ready to forcefully sign the contract according to Na Kelulu.It's easy to kill Nakolulu.But if you really want to kill her, you don't need to waste so much talking.

Nako Lulu pressed Yui Kobayashi's bloody handprint on the contract.

Li Qinghe harvested another slave!

"Okay, since you are more familiar with this world. Then, when I'm not around, you and your sister will be responsible for managing this world."

After Li Qinghe knew that the time ratio between this world and the outside world was one to one, he urgently wanted to go out.

Li Qinghe handed over the important task of being the second in command of the world umbrella base to Na Ke Lulu and her sister, and let them completely rule the world first.

In this world, after the loss of government and various organizations, the phenomenon of Daqiang has already occurred.In the future, the rules of this world will be formulated by the umbrella.

After explaining clearly, Li Qinghe left this world directly.

After Li Qinghe returned to the 555 world, it was already late at night.

Li Qinghe took a taxi and returned home.I saw the hanging calendar, which showed that more than three days had passed since I left.

That is to say, he spent almost a year in his own small world.After staying in that world for a long time, there is always a sense of unreality.The people I know are far away from me one by one.

It's just that, on this big night, why is there no pastoral truth and cleverness!What did they do?

Li Qinghe called Truth through his landline at home.

"Hey, Truth, where did you and Qianqiao go?"

Gan Qiao was driving the truck, Zhen Zhen was sitting in the co-pilot seat, Gan Qiao looked listless.

"You said, can't this dress be delivered tomorrow? It has to be delivered at night."

Qianqiao complained.

"Ring bell bell."

"Ring bell bell."

The phone rings, and Truth picks up the phone,

"Hey, it's Qinghe. You're back. Ganqiao and I showed up to deliver clothes. Why did you go these three days?

Ah, Orfienoch! "

Before he finished speaking the truth, Li Qinghe heard a screeching sound of brakes on the other end of the phone.

Li Qinghe reckoned that Truth had met Ophelia.

Sure enough, Pastoral Truth saw an Orfi Enoch blocking the way!

Chapter 92 A new enforcer?

Li Qinghe still doesn't know that Truth has handed over the belt to Zhinao Group.He thought to himself, since he happened to be wearing a faiz belt, it would be a disaster for Orfi Enoch who met him.

I don't know how that unlucky Orfienuo bumped into Qianqiao.

After Ganqiao stepped on the brakes urgently, he hurriedly said: "Truth, belt!"

Truth let out an "um" and touched the box.

Oops, the faiz belt has been returned to Zhinao Group.

"Ah Qiao, the belt is gone."

Truth said coyly.

"Ah, what!"

Ganqiao just remembered that the belt is no longer in the hands of truth.This is how to do!

Orfienoch the snail is a poor creature who came back from the dead.

Before he was killed by other Orfi Enoch, he was a young entrepreneur who was in debt and bankrupt.After his resurrection, he escaped from all his past.Like a beggar, he earns his living by begging and stealing.

He was threatened by sartdy just now, if he doesn't complete the killing mission, Brain Group will clean him up.

He had died once, knew the pain of death, and he didn't want to die again.

So he decided to listen to sartdy - to kill.A dead fellow Taoist would not die a poor Taoist. It is better to die by others than by oneself.

It's just, killing, every time he thinks about this heavy topic, he doesn't know what to do.He is just an ordinary person, how could it be possible to kill someone or something!

The snail Orfienuo has always been difficult to get rid of. He was at a loss, walking on the road in the middle of the night, but he didn't want to see an approaching truck, and he was the only one.Can't wait any longer!

The snail Aofei Enuo didn't know when the Brain Group would kill him, so he had to kill him before the Brain Group cleaned him up, even if it was just one!

So, the "unlucky" Ophelia that Li Qinghe was talking about, they ran into each other just like that.

"Damn, what to do!"

Truth has seen the snail Orfienoch walking towards the van step by step.

Continuing to stay in the car can only wait for death, Gan Qiao pulled Truth out of the car, and was about to throw it out of the car and escape.

Suddenly a red motorcycle stopped, this motorcycle looked familiar.

Sartdy felt that if he didn't put some pressure on the snail Orfi Enoch, he wouldn't kill people.

So a trainee law enforcement officer with a faiz belt was sent to give the snail Orfi Enoch a warning.

Speaking of which, since Li Qinghe killed the law enforcement officers of that class, Hinako Sasaki, the law enforcement officer, has become a polished commander again!

The failure of the law enforcement team made Murakami Kyoer a little unwilling.

He decided to use a different method to train new law enforcement officers. How can law enforcement officers fight without seeing blood? A trainee law enforcement officer, Ophelia, actually defeated four trainees, Ophelia!

Are the four Orfienuos all pigs?

Therefore, the new law enforcers were equipped with faiz belts to cleanse those disobedient and not attacking humans.

The person on the motorcycle took off his helmet, he is——Haitang Naoya.

One of the test subjects who was killed by Hokuto in the coffee shop became the snake Orfienuo after awakening.

It's a pity that right and wrong were born with Orpheus, but it's not easy to become Orpheus.Even if he is a natural Ophelia, he has improved a little bit from the bottom.

Snail Orfienuo: The eyes can scan the surroundings in all directions.The weapon is a blunt instrument-shaped left wrist, and is good at sneak attack tactics.Can also climb vertical walls.

The order Haitang Zhiya received was that if that snail, Orfienuo, hadn't killed anyone yet, then go and teach him a lesson.If you are killing people, then do not perform the task and wait for the next order.

However, Haitang Zhiya wondered how he would listen to the so-called orders. When he saw the snail Orfienuo appearing, and when he was about to attack Qianqiao and them, he rode a motorcycle and stopped in front of the snail monster.


Haitang Zhiya pressed the faiz command and transformed into Kamen Rider fa!

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