"How come, isn't this faiz?"

Gan Qiao saw at a glance that this was the faiz belt he used to use.

After Haitang transformed, she felt a lot more relaxed, which was much more fun than transforming into a snake-like Orfi Enoch.

Yes, just play!Haitang came out just to play, to receive training every day, it was too hard.After finally finding an opportunity, I naturally have to go out and have fun.

Haitang punched the snail Orfienuo in the face.

The snail Orfienuo covered his face, like an angry little girl, turned and ran instead of fighting.

Haitang grabs the snail Aofienuo from behind, preventing him from leaving.

The snail Ophelia slammed into the truck hard, trying to use the strength of the rebound to hold down Haitang.

But when he hit the truck, Haitang, who was holding him from behind, had let go, and the snail Orfienuo lay on the ground by himself.

Haitang also kicked the snail Ofi Enuo, the snail was kicked five or six meters away, unable to recover for a long time.

Haitang didn't care if the snail Aofeienuo came over slowly, picked him up with one hand, pushed him outside the truck compartment, and beat the snail Aofienuo like punching a sandbag during training.

The snail Orfienuo released his transformation and begged for mercy, "Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

"When you attacked them, did you think about whether to save their lives!"

Haitang lifted the snail Orfienuo and threw it to the ground.

Seeing that begging for mercy failed, the snail Orfienuo transformed again.

Behind him, the motorcycle turned into a combat robot, and the light bullet shot at the snail Orfienuo.

After firing the bullets, the battle robot punched the snail Ofienuo outside the road guardrail.

Haitang saw that the snail Orfienuo was gone, so she called it a day.If I escaped this time, I'll take care of him next time. As for the trash, I can take care of him even if I don't need faiz.

Haitang let the battle robot out of the battle form first, then out of the transformation, and left the scene with a belt on the motorcycle matched with Faiz.

Haitang never looked at Ganqiao and Zhenzhen, but Ganqiao remembered this man.

On the other hand, Haitang did not solve the snail Orfienuo, and did not complete the task.He's not going to join some bloody law enforcement team.

Haitang had read the content of the Law Enforcement Rules, but dismissed it.Law enforcement, sorry, he doesn't think he has the right to decide other people's lives!

Haitang brought the faiz belt to Kiba Yuji's home.

In order to teach Kiba Yuji and Nagata Yuka on the spot, Hokuto Shiming killed people in a cafe.

Hai Tangzhi was the only surviving person in the coffee shop, and he was brought back home by Kiba Yuji as the same kind of person.

Haitang couldn't think of a place to go, so she took the faiz belt and went to Kiba's house.

As soon as Haitang Zhiya entered the door, he crossed his legs and pretended to throw the suitcase in faiz's belt on the coffee table.

"this is?"

Kiba Yuji asked.

"This was given to me by the president of the Intellectual Brain Group. Listen well, it is to use it to eliminate those failed Orfi Enoch. How about it, do you think this job is very interesting? Do you want to try it? try."

Haitang Zhi also said.

Chapter 93 Funny than Everyday

"Anyway, at least it will never be boring."

Haitang Zhi also said.

Nagata Yuka asked: "Excuse me, the failed Orfi Enoch refers to..."

"Of course it depends on the situation. For example, Orfienuo who does not attack humans. Or, Orfienuo who wants to protect human beings. I advise you to think carefully."

Haitang Zhiya pointed to Kiba Yuji and said.

Kiba Yuji asked back: "Then you want to destroy me and Yuka?"

"This, this, of course depends on the situation."

Haitang also knew that Yuji Kiba and Yuka Nagata treated her very well.

But for a period of time after he was frustrated in life, all he got were cold looks and ridicule from others, which made it difficult for him to accept others' kindness to him for a while.

Haitang Zhiya was also said by Kiba Yuji, he asked himself, can he do it?There is no answer in his heart, and he doesn't know either!

After Qianqiao delivered the clothes and returned home, Truth and the others had been busy all day and didn't have dinner, so they made meals.

After getting to the dinner table, Li Qinghe saw Ganqiao staring at the steaming food, moving slowly, as slowly as a snail climbing a tree.

Li Qinghe picked up the stool, sat down in front of the truth, and asked: "Do you think it's a coincidence, the current state is a bit strange."

"Ah, it's like a slow motion replay, like that."

Truth carefully observes the performance of ingenuity.

"Huh? He didn't blow it this time, and drank it while it was hot?"

Li Qinghe saw the steaming hot soup that Ganqiao brought up, so he poured it into his mouth, and then spit it out, it really was a cat's tongue.Can't eat hot things.

"But what should be hot is still hot."

Li Qinghe said.


Truth hummed and saw Ganqiao pick up a sour plum.

Still slowly picked up a sour plum, but the sour plum fell on the table.Gan Qiao stared at the sour plum.

Li Qinghe asked: "What is he looking at?"

Truth said: "He seems to be looking at sour plums."

Suddenly, Ganqiao smiled, and the whole person seemed to be stupid.It's not an exaggeration to describe it as a loss of soul.

"Hey, let him go on like this. I returned the faiz belt to Zhinao Group. Tonight, Aqiao and I went out to deliver clothes and met Ao Fei Enuo.

As a result, someone who used the fiaz belt appeared and beat off Orfienuo.When she came back, Ah Qiao became like this. "

Truth said.


Li Qinghe said in a long tone, he understood why Qianqiao behaved like this.

You said a knight lost his belt and couldn't transform, is he still a knight?For a knight, losing his belt is like losing his soul.

"Be quiet."

Truth covered Li Qinghe's with his hands.

Li Qinghe nodded.Truth was so frightened that she quickly withdrew her hand, her face blushed, she didn't even eat, and went straight back to her room.

Gan Qiao picked up the sour plum for the second time, but it was not secure, and the sour plum fell on the dining table again.

Ganqiao started the third time to pick up sour plum...

After that, there will be a fourth time, a fifth time...

The next day, Li Qinghe learned from Zhenzhen that in order to make ends meet, she and Qianqiao decided to set up a laundromat.Anyway, the house is big, so we can do this.

As a result, several washing machines were placed in the home.

Li Qinghe also wanted to learn how to work, so he started to see how Ganqiao worked.

"What are you looking at?"

Truth for breakfast, asked after washing the dishes.

"I'm watching Ganqiao ironing clothes. Ganqiao is working hard."

Li Qinghe said.

As a result, I saw dry skillful slow motion repeated in general.

"Well, but his movements are not so neat. And you see. The electric iron is not plugged in. How can he iron clothes!"

Truth pointed to the plug of the iron, and sure enough, it had already been separated from the power strip.

"Look, what is he looking at again?"

Seeing Qianqiao, Li Qinghe raised his head 45 degrees to look at the sky.However, looking up 45 degrees, is the ceiling.

"No, he didn't look at anything, he just stood there in a daze."

Truth said.

"That's right, Ah Qiao must really miss the time when she was a faiz."

Li Qinghe said.

"Well, he might still want to be a faiz."

Truth looked at Ganqiao who was in a daze, and felt a little regretful. She regretted returning the belt to Zhinao Group. It’s not bad to let Ganqiao keep using it. They are all working for justice. What’s the difference?

Originally, Ganqiao was deaf to the outside world, but finally heard faiz.When he came back to his senses, he said proudly,

"You two are sneaking around there, what are you talking about. Don't make guesses there. I don't have any attachment to faiz. How can you understand it?"

Because of the reason why Haitang Zhiya brought the faiz belt home, Kiba Yuji decided to go to Zhinao Group to ask.

Intellectual Brain Group, the president's lounge.

"Yuji Kiba, I finally met you, I've always wanted to see you.

After you have experienced life and death, with your own strength, you awaken as the original Opheono.

Original Orpheenos are really rare, but you refuse to do the work of attacking humans.Can you tell me why? "

Murakami Kyoer sat on the sofa and asked.

"Because I've always been human."

Kiba Yuji said that he firmly believed in this.

"I still have this kind of illusion occasionally. To be honest, it's rare for a stubborn person like you.

But since I am the current president, I will not allow you to live like this anymore. "

Hearing Murakami Kyoji speak to himself in an orderly tone, Kiba Yuji was very disgusted.

"Why do you need your approval? And what is the conspiracy of this company."

"I don't know, this is what I can tell you. Human beings are born crying, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. But whether you die laughing or dying crying, it depends on yourself."

What Murakami Kyoji said is already obvious, forcing Kiba Yuji to make a decision!If you firmly believe that you are a human being, there is only one way to die!

"I firmly believe that I am human."

Kiba Yuji said firmly.


Murakami Kyo'er shook her head, "They're some low-class stuff again."

Murakami Kyoji was already impatient, if it wasn't because Kiba Yuji was a rare original Orfi Enoch, he would never waste his precious time to see him.

Unexpectedly, Yuji Kiba didn't wink at all!

Murakami Kyoji decided to give him another chance, and it was also the last chance, because of Yuji Kiba's original identity as Orfi Enoch.

If Kiba Yuji doesn't cherish it any more, then let's die.

"I'll give you a few more days to think about it, and you can think about it carefully."

Murakami Kyoer said.

"No, I just want to think about it for two days, three days, two years, and three years. The answer is the same. I firmly believe that I am human."

After Kiba Yuji finished speaking, he left the Intellectual Brain Group. This time, he didn't get the answer he wanted.

But he knew what he should do, he couldn't let Haitang Zhiye become that kind of person!

"Hmph, that's hopeless. Just let the trainee law enforcement officers destroy it."

Murakami Kyoer directly gave orders to Haitang Naoya.

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