Chapter 91 The Lost and Found Faiz

After Kiba Yuji left, Nagata Yuka and Kaitang Naoya were left in the house.

"Hey, what are you going to do in the future?"

Kaitang also asked.


Nagata Yuka is a little cute, what should I do in the future?

"Or, what do you think of Kiba?"

Kaitang also asked.

"I feel, I feel..."

Nagata Yuka still didn't say anything, she didn't like to comment on Kiba Yuji, because Kiba Yuji was really good to her.

"Really, why do you always belong to a mother-in-law?"

Haitang didn't get what she wanted to hear from Nagata Yuka.

"If you ask me what I think of him, I think he is a big idiot. There is no reason to care about those humans so much. Humans are obviously just an ugly creature. Isn't it? You think so, right?"

Haitang put her hands on the wall and supported her forehead.

Seen from the side, Haitang Zhiya and Lao Hu are really very similar, a handsome horse.

"Mr. Haitang, you seem to be forcing yourself."

Nagata Yuka keenly pointed out Haitang Naoya's thoughts.

Haitang Zhiya: "What did you say?"

Nagata Yuka: "Mr. Haitang. In fact, you should like Mr. Kiba very much. You also hope that you can trust human beings, don't you?"

Hearing what Nagata Yuka said, Haitang Naoya's facial expression was a little unnatural, which proved that what Nagata Yuka said was right.

But how could Haitang Zhiya admit that it was his own idea,

"What are you talking about in your sleep, it's ridiculous."

"Then why did you come back here?"

Nagata Yuka asked.

Haitang Zhi, who can't say Nagata Yuka, also decides to get out of the way.

"Understood, I'll just go. I won't come to this kind of place again."

Haitang Zhi also ran out with the faiz belt.

Nagata Yuka was chasing after him while explaining.

"No, it's not, please wait a moment."

After Nagata Yuka left, Haitang no longer knew where she had gone.

Feeling guilty for saying the wrong thing, Nagata sat on a bench under a swing in a nearby park.

A group of youths who killed Matt saw Nagata Yuka who was alone on a scooter, and surrounded him.

"Beauty, why is it lonely here alone, do you need my brother to accompany you.

If you can, borrow some money to spend, even better. "

A boy who killed Matt put his face in front of Nagata Yuka.

"Okay. First, please take me to a place that is closer."

Nagata Yuka was unhappy at first, but immediately became happy, and agreed to kill Matt youth.

After following the Shamate youths to a secluded place, Nagata Yuka said with a smile: "I will play with you, and I will play to my heart's content."

After finishing speaking, Nagata Yuka transformed into a crane-shaped Orfi Enoch. After killing people, she smiled more naturally, and let out the depression in her heart.

When Kiba returned home from Zhinao Group, he saw that the red motorcycle parked at the door was gone.

Open the door, there is no one at home.It seems that Haitang took the faiz belt and went out.

At this time, he received a call from Haitang asking him out, and Yuji Kiba happily attended.

Hai Tangzhi also met Kiba Yongzhi on an abandoned dockyard.

"I think, do you know what I called you here for? It should be said that I have disliked you in real life from the very beginning.

Moreover, I also received the task given to me by the president, to destroy you. "

Haitang Zhi had already equipped the belt in advance.

"I must not be defeated by you. Otherwise, you will have no chance to stand up, and you will go further and further down the wrong path."

Hearing that Haitang wanted to kill him, Kiba Yuji still said calmly.

"You stop giving me nonsense, so I won't be as bad as you say."

Haitang Zhi also seemed a little annoyed, and pressed the 555 button.




Haitang Zhi also transformed into Kamen Rider Faiz, still pinching his fingers with his left hand, this is a small gesture unique to Haitang.

Yuji Kiba also transformed into a horse-shaped Orfi Enoch.

"Then let's get started."

Haitang also rushed forward, directly kicking Kiba Yuji in the waist.Two fists were punched out powerfully, but Yuji Kiba was only defending, not attacking.

The bigger Hai Tang is, the more boring he gets, just like a soldier beating a powerless scholar, he doesn't resist, it's better than a sandbag.

"Ah, ha!"

Haitang Naoya kicked and sent Kiba Yuji flying onto the bridge.

And Kiba Yuji just punched Haitang Naoya in the chest.

Hai Tang Zhi also retreated directly after being beaten.

"Don't underestimate me."

Haitang also rushed up, hugged Yuji Kiba and hit him on the back, kicking him from the bridge into the water.


Haitang Zhi also equipped the faiz fist on his right hand.

"I won this time."


Haitang Zhiya yelled, jumped off the bridge, and punched Kiba Yuji.

Kiba Yuji stood there without moving, watching Hai Tang Zhi also call.

However, Haitang Naoya's gloved hand stopped an inch away from Kiba Yuji's chest.He, he can't do it.

Kiba Yuji summoned a long sword and stabbed Naoya Haitang's belt forcefully.

Haitang Zhi was also stabbed and hit the bridge.

And the faiz belt is dropped on the bridge.

"I said, you can't do it. You'd better calm down and think about it clearly."

Kiba Yuji left after finishing speaking.

And Haitang also heard Kiba Yuji's words, and fell into a coma.He lost again, and he didn't believe that there would be anyone in the world who would treat him sincerely.

After Haitang Naoya fell into a coma, Kiba Yuji went home with him on his back.

And Gan Qiao at Li Qinghe's home, in order to prove that he really has no interest in fa, left angrily.

Truth hastened to catch up.

Whether Ganqiao wants to be a faiz or not, then ask his heart.

After running and chasing, he happened to come to the place where Naoya Haitang and Yuji Kiba fought before.

Ganqiao saw the faiz belt on the ground, and the faiz suitcase not far away.

The truth behind him naturally also saw it.

"This, isn't this the fa belt? Why is it here?"

Truth said.

Qianqiao looked around, but there was no one around.However, this belt is very important, if it is taken away by others, no one can sanction those Ao Fei Enuo.

"The owner of the belt must have forgotten it."

Qianqiao didn't feel like picking up the faiz belt.

"Well, then let's take it back first. Zhinao Group is too responsible, and lost the belt so easily, how can we take on the heavy responsibility of Ofienuo.

Aqiao, it's up to you to continue being the faiz. "

Ganqiao was very happy when he heard the truth's words, he said "um" from the bottom of his heart, and went home with the truth.

But Li Qinghe, who was at home, was attacked by Ophelia.

The Ophelia who attacked Li Qinghe was the snail Ophelia who was beaten away by Haitang Naoya before.

Chapter 92 SCP Foundation

Li Qinghe was lying on the bed and watching TV chattingly.

There was a "plop".

A man wearing a black mask rolled in through the window, and just happened to fall into Li Qinghe's bedroom.

Li Qinghe and him looked at each other eye to eye!This thief, why is he so stupid, shouldn't he check whether the owner is at home before stealing something?

Now should I call the police and arrest him, or arrest him, or arrest him...

Li Qinghe fell into deep thought.

No, such a fun thing should be self-produced and sold.

"I, I'm going to kill you."

The thief said suddenly.

"You actually said you were going to kill me, here, let me give you a fruit knife."

Li Qinghe stuffed the fruit knife for peeling apples into the hands of the thief, with Li Qinghe's unfinished apples still on the knife.

"Wait for me first, I'll take a knife too."

Li Qinghe pulled out a two-meter-long machete from under the bed.This was placed in Li Qinghe's room by the previous owner. Li Qinghe thought it was useless, so he kept it under the bed.

Now it seems that it is not useless at all, at least "bullying", oh, it is a fair duel.

The thief looked at the uneaten apple on the fruit knife, swallowed involuntarily, grabbed the apple, and ate it in two or three bites.

After eating, the thief remembered that he was going to kill someone.If you kill someone, Zhinao Group will not send someone to kill you.

But this person, why is he so kind, he gave him the weapon back.

But in a blink of an eye, the thief saw the open machete in Li Qinghe's hand, and compared it with his own fruit knife.It's too short!You can still play happily, oh no, is it a happy battle?

"Okay, I can't wait to prepare for a big fight!"

Li Qinghe was waving the machete, which was a little too long and not very smooth.It seems that I will have to order a samurai sword next time.

Using one's own weaknesses to attack others' strengths is something only a sick person can do!

After the thief ate the last piece of apple peel on the fruit knife, he prepared to confront Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe couldn't wait anymore. You said you wanted to kill me, but I handed you the knife, why didn't you act.

Li Qinghe slashed at it, and the thief threw the fruit knife in his hand directly.Li Qinghe turned slightly, and the fruit knife landed behind Li Qinghe.

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