Li Qinghe's machete was about to hit the thief's shoulder.

The thief quickly transformed into the snail Orfienuo and grabbed the machete.


The snail Ophelia easily kneaded the machete into two pieces.

"It turned out to be Orfi Enoch, boring."

Li Qinghe was not interested when he saw the transformed thief.

"Why are you not scared at all when you see me, shouldn't you run away when you see me?"

The thief bared his teeth and claws, jumping around, but saw the disgust on Li Qinghe's face!

Dog Ridi, despise me?Wait a minute, he knows about Ao Fei Enuo, is it possible that he is also the one who came to kill me with the brain set tuan ai?

An ice puck appeared in Li Qinghe's hand,

With a sound of "dong", the snail Orfienuo was kicked out of the wall.

"Oh, it's too bad. Where can I live tonight!"

Li Qinghe looked at a human-shaped hole in the wall, and wanted to cry, but he knew that he would be tricked out and beaten.

The snail Ao Feiyinuo was beaten badly by Hai Tangzhi, but he was beaten by Li Qinghe again when he didn't have enough to eat.

Li Qinghe doesn't even know his own strength now, what level is he in Ao Fei Enuo.

Li Qinghe estimated that he should be stronger than the crocodile Ophelia, especially after absorbing the power of the shadow crocodile.The mutated bloodline fused with the bloodlines of Orfi Enoch and the Asians has mutated again.

It can only be said that the shadow crocodile is 100% compatible with Li Qinghe's mutated blood, and they all need some kind of blood fusion medicine.

The injury caused by Li Qinghe's random blow was even more serious than the one that Haitang Zhiye beat him up last night.

Li Qinghe walked out of the room, and saw the thief who had been beaten out of the battle form of Ophelia.

He has lost the strength to resist, and there is still a spinning puck in his abdomen.

Li Qinghe took back the ice puck and dragged the dead dog-like snail Ophelia to Qianqiao's room.

"Tell me, what's going on, how did you come to me."

After resting for a while, relying on Ophelia's extraordinary physique, the thief recovered. I don't know how much he recovered, but he was able to speak.

The thief's name was Hino Zhengwu, and he told Li Qinghe what happened after he was beaten to death and resurrected by a passing Ophelia because of bankruptcy recently.

This man is very pitiful, not every Orfienuo likes to kill people.After some Orfi Enochs were resurrected, they were actually afraid of the power in themselves, fearing that this power would bring trouble to their lives.

There is no doubt that Hino Noono is such a person.

"Well, I will give you a sum of money. You will live in a hotel near me first. After a while, I will arrange for you to join our organization. I am the president of the sc foundation. It is also another official organization of our Orfi Enoch .

The sc Foundation is different from the Intellectual Brain Group, it is committed to the harmonious coexistence of human beings and Orfienuo.Would you like to join our organization? "

People are swordsmen, I am fish, for Hino Noon, does he still have the right to resist?

He is also very afraid of death.

"Here, President. Can your sc foundation protect me from being attacked by Brain Group?"

Hino asked at noon.

"Why, do you not believe in the strength of our company?"

Li Qinghe asked angrily.

"No no."

Hino Zhengwu left his contact information and left here.

Hino Noon, who left Li Qinghe's residence, felt bitter in his heart. It was too difficult to kill a person, too difficult!

Hino left before noon, and came back with his ingenuity and pastoral truth.

Li Qinghe didn't even have time to rebuild the wall.There is no wall, and the wind leaks at night, so how can I sleep in the cold.Besides, what if another thief comes in.

"What happened at home?"

Because the door of Li Qinghe's bedroom was not closed, Gan Qiao saw the human-shaped hole in Li Qinghe's wall at a glance.

"I said, it was an accident."

Li Qinghe said bitterly.

"Then tell me, what is the accident that leaves such a big hole in the wall? Don't you know how much it will cost to hire a decoration worker?"

The truth makes my head explode when I think of spending money!He worked hard to earn money to support his family, but Li Qinghe demolished his family like a Erha.

"Let me tell you the truth. It's like this. Just now, a man on an electric scooter didn't stop. The car overturned, but the man smashed into the wall and flew onto my bed.

I was lying here watching TV, and he was only [-] meters away from me!Almost pinned me down, and you won't see me anymore.

Later, I rushed him to the hospital.I didn't want to tell you, but I'll tell you if you find out. "

Li Qinghe spoke louder, trying to cover up his unreliable feeling of lying with his voice.

"Oh, what about electric cars?"

Qian Qiao asked at the right time.

Chapter 93 Arrangements

"Oh, his scooter is falling apart and I'm throwing it away in the trash."

Li Qinghe said.

I thought that as long as I didn't correct it carefully, this topic would pass.

Isn't there a hole in the room? It's not that the house has collapsed.

Seeing Qian Qiao and Tian Yuan Zhen looking at him with caring and mentally retarded eyes, Li Qinghe knew that his lies would not work.

"Hey, truth, what are you holding in your hand?"

Li Qinghe saw Faiz's suitcase sharply and changed the subject.


Today I found my favorite faiz belt by coincidence, I am in a good mood, I am happy to see the human-shaped hole in Li Qinghe's bedroom, besides, this is not his bedroom, he lives by himself, not me.

"Well, we found the faiz belt back today. From now on, Ganqiao will continue to use the faiz belt. However, since Qinghe's bedroom cannot be used, tonight, Aqiao, you can spend the night with Qinghe."

Truth said.


Shout out!But seeing the fierce eyes of the truth, okay, okay.I am obedient, at worst, I will use the faiz belt a few more times in the future.

It's really a magical brain circuit!

Li Qinghe called the decoration company to repair the bedroom.Then a trip out, into "his world."

Li Qinghe came to the former underground umbrella base, and almost couldn't recognize him.

This change is too big.

The underground bases have been changed to above-ground bases!And the scale has been expanded even more.



Nako Lulu and her younger sister Yuyi Kobayashi had sensed Li Qinghe's presence when he entered this world, and rushed out to greet him.

Li Qinghe let out an "um" and entered the president's office at the umbrella base.

Fortunately, the layout inside has not changed.

Nakolulu introduced some recent events, since Li Qinghe cleared all the forces in the small world.

The order of the whole world was in chaos. Thanks to Nako Lulu's armed forces, the suppression of each city finally managed to maintain the order.And also recruited a large number of mercenaries as emergency personnel.

This world can be regarded as truly controlled by Li Qinghe, but the investigation of the world's population, economy, and affairs has not been completed.

Li Qinghe was very satisfied after hearing this, and it was right to keep the two of them.

"I need to mobilize some people from this world to my current world. You can arrange it, and it must be reliable. You can go out with me for a few days and see the outside world."

Li Qinghe said.

"Yes. But how many people do you need?"

Nako Lulu asked.

"It's enough to make a new company run. You can figure it out. Kobayashi Yui, I'll leave this to you first."

Li Qinghe patted Kobayashi Youyi's head and said.

"Yes Master."

Xiao Lin Youyi didn't have any memories of the past, she only knew that Li Qinghe killed Ying Crocodile and avenged herself, so what if she was his slave.

Li Qinghe also hesitated for a moment when he chose to transfer from Nakolulu or Kobayashi Yuyi to leave this world.But Li Qinghe finally chose Nako Lulu.

Because she was not worried, although Li Qinghe could decide her life or death with one word, but Li Qinghe didn't know if she did any tricks during his absence.

Li Qinghe didn't believe that she would not want to get rid of her slave status.You can't relax your vigilance until you completely subdue her.

Na Kelulu had a formulaic smile on her lips, and it was impossible to tell what she was thinking.

Li Qinghe still thought it would be better to take her out for a while.Wait until Kobayashi Yuyi has established a firm foothold in the small world, and then let her come back.

Otherwise, Kobayashi Yui may not be able to play Nako Lulu.

After a while, Nako Lulu selected 500 people.

"Master, the person has already been chosen."

Nako Lulu said.


Li Qinghe silently read the teleportation in his heart.

The 500 people and Nako Lulu appeared in a secluded place in Tokyo.

"You let the hackers launder a sum of money first, and then set up a sc foundation in this city. When everything is ready, you come to me."

Speaking of which, the technology tree in the small world is more advanced than that in the 555 world.In particular, these talents selected by Li Qinghe are all top players.


Nako Lulu looked at the environment of the new world with some curiosity. This world looks no different from theirs.

"Ah, monster! Help!"

Just as Nakolulu thought this way, she saw a flat-headed boy, Orfienuo, chasing and killing a long-haired fashionable girl.

"You try to get rid of him."

Li Qinghe advocated the elimination of this kind of Ofienuo who harmed human beings innocently.Once you get new power, do you forget your origins, have you forgotten your original identity as a human being?

If it is not a human being, how can it be resurrected as Orfi Enoch after death.A guy who doesn't have any gratitude and acts recklessly when he gets the power.

Li Qinghe sentenced him to death.

The fashionable woman saw 500 people lined up neatly here.

The fashionable woman ran towards this side. Those people with guns should be able to kill this monster.

"Save me, save me!"

yelled the sassy girl.

"Go and kill her."

Li Qinghe issued an order.

A group of soldiers opened fire on the flat-headed guy Orfi Enoch, who rushed towards him, not paying any attention to the fashionable woman who ran over.

The fashionable girl did not expect that she did not die at the hands of monsters, but at the hands of humans.

It can only be said that fashion girls are not lucky.If the sc foundation is established, then there is no need to kill her.Besides, it's better for an ordinary person not to know about Ophelia.

The flat-headed brother Ophelia Enoch has a lot of guns in his body, he feels like being pricked by a needle, very uncomfortable, since you want to die, then go die.

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