The flat-headed brother Orfi Enoch rushed over.

Seeing that the bullets didn't work, Li Qinghe asked his subordinates to change the fire-breathing gun this time and aim it at the flat-headed brother Ophelia Enoch to continue spraying.

The blood on the flat-headed brother Orfienuo's body was already boiling. He was scared and turned around to leave.


The fireworks from the double-barreled hunting gun burst out.

The soft armor on the flat-headed brother Orfienuo didn't play any protective role this time.A bullet hole appeared in its head.

He fell to the ground and turned into ashes.

Li Qinghe looked curiously at the double-barreled hunting gun in Na Ke Lulu's hand.The eye between the eyebrows opened, and saw purple light shining on the worn-out hunting gun.

Accompanied by weapons?Li Qinghe guessed.

Na Ke Lulu noticed Li Qinghe's gaze, and grabbed the hunting gun tightly in her hand.

"I don't want your gun, you can take it. This is my contact information, complete the task as soon as possible."

Li Qinghe said.


When Na Ke Lulu saw Li Qinghe this time, she simply answered, um, oh, yes, unlike the last time, she talked so much at the first meeting.

Chapter 94 Real Thoughts

Finally, after everything was arranged, Li Qinghe chose a hotel to live in.

As for sharing a bedroom with Qianqiao, what a joke.This kind of thing is just talking.

Li Qinghe would not spend time with men.

The people from the decoration company came very quickly, filling the human-shaped hole in just one day.

Li Qinghe was finally able to rest.

Afterwards, after the three of them lived peacefully for a period of time, a phone call came.

The peaceful life was broken again.

"Truth, we need your help. See you at the Kunchuan Cafe."

This text message was sent by Abe Rina, the shooting star of truth.

Truth also has her own doubts, so she also sent the photo of Faiz's belt.

They thought it was the truth that betrayed them, or that the truth revealed their whereabouts.

However, after fleeing for a period of time, they discovered that no matter where they fled, the people of Zhinao Group would still find them.

And sent Orpheus to attack them. During this period of time, in order to resist the pursuer Orpheus, using the Caesar belt, many students were reduced to ashes.

Not every student is as good as Kiyotaka Nishida, who can defeat the crocodile Ophelia with the first use.

Many times, only two or three people can fight for a chance to escape.

But Rina Abbe didn't know that they were able to run so far and use the belt so many times, largely due to the indulgence of the Brain Group.

Xia'er Murakami wanted to see how strong this second king's belt was.At present, those experimental subjects are good guinea pigs.Or the one-time non-polluting kind.

Otherwise, you really think that the crocodile Orfienuo doesn't know how to attack first, so that you have time to transform into a Caesar knight.

Pastoral Truth finally got in touch with his classmates from Meteor School again, and they lost contact last time for some unknown reason.

"Aqiao, Qinghe. My classmate is looking for me. Who of you has time to accompany me to meet my classmate? Maybe you can get out of the order."

Truth said playfully.

"I have time."

"I have time, too."

Both Li Qinghe and Qianqiao have time, so let's go together.

Li Qinghe and the others went to the coffee shop ahead of time, took up a seat, and waited for classmate Zhen to arrive.

Soon, a beautiful girl with long hair and white clothes walked in.

She is Abe Rina, and she saw the truth as soon as she came in.



The two greeted each other warmly when they met.

Abe Rina sat across from Li Qinghe, and Li Qinghe smiled as a greeting.

"Speak the truth in this way, and you also receive the belt."

Abbe Rina took a sip of coffee.

"Well, but, why would you know? Also, why did you send a picture of the belt? I also saw a yellow faiz the other day. Who is that?"

Truth speaks out its doubts.

"It's not faiz, it's kaixa. In fact, the kaixa belt was originally sent to Gao Gong. He heard about you from our father."

Abe Rina explained.

"Then Gao Gong is Kaixa."

Truth guessed, but saw Abe Rina lowered her head with a look of grief on her face.

"Rina? What's wrong with you?"

"He is already dead. Takamiya was the first victim. After that, Nishida, he also died because of the Caesar belt."

Abe Rina tried hard to hold back her tears from falling.Speaking of which, she was able to live until now, thanks to Xi Tian and the others who sacrificed their lives, and those people protected them.


truth asked.

"Anyone who transforms into a kaixa will inevitably die afterwards. As for the details, you can ask the teacher, everyone is looking forward to seeing you."

After Abe Rina finished speaking, she saw a car driving by, and the driver was their teacher Tsuda Zhihong.

Truth they came in the RV.

Truth continued to talk with Abe Rina and other students, and told about Ganqiao's ability to transform.

"Is that true, because you also have a belt in your hand, so you were attacked by Orfi Enoch? But fortunately, you are fine."

Tsuda Chihiro said with emotion.

"Fortunately, there is Aqiao transforming into battle with the belt."

Truth looked at Qianqiao gratefully, if it wasn't for Qianqiao, she would have been killed by Orfienuo.

"So, do you have no symptoms? After transforming, is there any abnormality in your body?"

Tsuda Chihiro asked Qianqiao.

"No, no."

Qianqiao shook his head.

"I see. Maybe it's because the nature of the faiz and kaixi belts are different. Or, do you have any special abilities?"

Tsuda Chihiro asked again.

"Wait a minute, teacher. Even if he does, can this person be trusted?"

Yu Jiulu Tiefa, a classmate of the Meteor School of Truth, squinted at Qianqiao.

"What do you mean by that!"

Truth fights injustice for cleverness.

"I mean, he may be an undercover agent. He has gained the trust of the truth, got the faiz belt, and now he is trying to plot the kaixa belt."

Yu Jiulu Tie Fa said.

"How is it possible, coincidentally he..."

Before the truth was finished, it was interrupted by another classmate.

"All in all, we are all classmates of Meteor School. There is a bond between us that outsiders can't understand. It is really difficult to trust outsiders."

Kyousuke Deben said.

Seeing that many students said this, and other students did not object, it means that everyone thinks so.Truth didn't speak, and looked at Qianqiao with apologetic eyes.

Truth has a very deep affection for the classmates of Meteor Private School.

Li Qinghe knew the plot and knew that such a thing would happen.But if you experience it yourself, how could there be no resentment in your heart.

Li Qinghe punched Deben Kyosuke in the face.

"You guys are jealous of Ah Qiao being able to transform. Why don't you try it and see if you can transform into Fa!"

Li Qinghe's words hit the hearts of most of the meteor private school students.

Dad's belt was sent to them. I didn't expect them to be unable to use it, but outsiders could use it without any side effects.

This naturally made them uncomfortable, Li Qinghe's words hurt their self-esteem.

Others, those who pull sideways pull sideways, and those who hit black punches hit black punches.

Li Qinghe remembered Tokumoto Kyosuke who punched him in the face, Yu Jiulu Tiefa who kicked him in the chest, and Hanoi Yuki who slapped him.

Li Qinghe is not a magnanimous person, he took a fancy to this kaxia belt.

And in Meteor School, he also took a fancy to several beautiful girls.When the sc organization is formally established, he will have his own power in this world.

A man should wake up and take over the power of the world, and lie drunk on the lap of a beauty!

This was the thought born in Li Qinghe's heart when he came back from the Shadow Crocodile World.

Li Qinghe never thought that he was Liu Xiahui, after traveling through the present.I have suffered so much, so I should enjoy it.

Even for the truth, Li Qinghe is not without ideas.However, the truth is still useful to her, and it is most suitable to use her to restrain the innocence.

The adult world is never that simple!

Otherwise, why did Li Qinghe let them live in his home all the time!He wants to subdue Qianqiao for his own use.

Always remember one sentence, if you don't have anything to show your courtesy, you can either rape or steal!

Chapter 95 New Kaixa Transformers

Seeing this, Qianqiao quickly dragged Li Qinghe away.

"What are you pulling me out for? These people don't know good or bad at all."

Li Qinghe said angrily.

"But if you are inside, you will embarrass the truth."

said dryly.

"But I can't let you be bullied. You have to change your temper. If you are wronged, you can't just say nothing."

Li Qinghe said.

"I know, thank you."

said dryly.

How difficult it is to say thank you from Ganqiao's mouth, it is more difficult than a sow climbing a tree.

Li Qinghe was satisfied when he saw Qianqiao admitting his goodness.

The reason why Li Qinghe said so much just now was to pave the way for his relationship with Qianqiao.

In the caravan, the other students of the Meteor School continued to chat when they saw the troublemaker had left.

Only Abe Rina asked, "Who is that person?"

"He, he's a normal guy, he's my landlord. We live in his house now."

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