Qianqiao said something helplessly.

"No, no, I didn't come here to fight you."

Ueno Keisumi watched Qianqiao pointing the faizhone at himself, feeling very nervous.

"Then why are you here?"

Latently take back faizhone.

"Kill him, that is, he killed my parents and attacked me. Now he is stalling for time and preparing to escape."

Nakamura Miyuki recognized Ueno Keisumi at a glance, the person who secretly attacked her.

Seeing that he was seen through, Ueno Keisumi fired a poisonous needle from his elbow based on the principle of striking first.

Originally, Qianqiao didn't want to do anything, and fought two fights with Zerg for no reason, which is not Qianqiao's style.

Although Qianqiao is very sorry for Nakamura Miyuki, but if Nakamura Miyuki is not threatened with her life, Qianqiao is not willing to make a move.

But it happened that he was unwilling to make a move, and Ueno Keisumi had already made a sneak attack first.Ueno Keisumi thought that Qianqiao had a good relationship with Nakamura Miyuki, so he thought that he had been spotted by Nakamura Miyuki, so let's fight.Seize the moment to escape.

Ganqiao raised the faizhone and smashed the poisonous needle with one shot.

Gan Qiao clenched her fists, "It's worse than my wife and children. You should die."

Gan Qiao clenched his fist, and using fiazshot, he punched Ueno Keisumi.

Ueno Keisumi knew the power of faizshot, so naturally he was not willing to try it.

Ueno Keisumi quickly backed away, dodging the blow.

Immediately following Ganqiao's successive attacks, Ueno Keisumi's transformation into a big bird retreated repeatedly, anyway, he would not come into contact with Ganqiao's attack, and would not let faizshot touch him.

Qianqiao gave up using faizshot after consecutive attacks to no avail.Using faizshot attack has some disadvantages that it will reduce the attack speed, which is the reason why Keishi Ueno can dodge the clever attack.

Seeing Qianqiao put away the faizshot, Ueno Keicheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is he going to fight himself hand to hand?"

This idea popped up in Keisumi Ueno's mind.

Skillfully took out the faizhone again.

Ganqiao keyed in 279, and Ganqiao shot a high-energy concentrated light bullet at Keishi Ueno.

At first, Ueno Keisumi thought it was Qianqiao's initial single-shot attack, and thought he could resist it.

The result is that one hit will be sent flying.

"So strong."

Ueno Keisumi was sent flying not far in front of the parked Pegasus in motorcycle mode.

Ganqiao shot at Ueno Keisumi continuously, deliberately slowing down his attack speed, so that Ueno Keisumi could know the direction of his shots and evade.

Ueno Keisumi's evasion was very successful. Under the skillful release of water, Ueno Keisumi escaped the skillful attacks time and time again.

"It seems that he is not that powerful. What is powerful is his belt. If you can get his belt."

Ueno Keisumi thought.

Ueno Keisumi didn't notice that he was getting closer to the Mobile Pegasus from the position where he was avoiding the light bullet.

Chapter 1 Understanding Tianshu Dragon

Ueno Keisumi knew what was going on behind him, but he didn't keep enough vigilance against a motorcycle that could be destroyed easily.

After Qianqiao saw Ueno Keisumi falling into his trap step by step, Qianqiao suddenly added attack speed.

This time Ueno Keisumi didn't dodge the skillful attack, he was hit by the skillful fiazhone and flew towards the mobile pegasus.

And the mobile Pegasus also changed mode, becoming a robot mode.

"Bang bang bang."

The mobile pegasus in robot mode punched Nongfu Shanquan three times in a row, knocking Ueno Keisumi from behind.

Ueno Keisumi fell heavily to the ground.

Ganqiao hurriedly came to his own Pegasus, inserted Li's energy chip from the handlebar of the Pegasus, and pulled out his beam saber.

Ganqiao used the beam saber to chop Ueno Keisumi who had just stood up on the ground with a sword.

Ueno Keisumi had no power to fight back.


Coincidentally, a slash came quickly, and the special energy brought by the slash restrained Ueno Keisumi.

"Red Blade Slash."

A red wave shot out from the ground and directly hit Ueno Keisumi who was restrained.

"Boom" sound.

So far, the three law enforcers sent by the Zerg were all skillfully killed.

"Thank you."

Nakamura Miyuki said to Qianqiao in a weak tone.

"You're welcome. Just made it."

Qianqiao saw that the Zerg that was chasing Miyuki Nakamura was killed by him, so he canceled his transformation and was about to leave.

"You go, what if there are Zergs coming to kill me again."

Nakamura Miyuki asked.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Qianqiao stopped in her tracks and asked

"Then, can I live in your home then?"

Nakamura Miyuki's face changed suddenly when she saw Qianqiao's face, and she quickly added, "I can help you cook and wash clothes at home. Just treat it as my accommodation fee, okay?"

Seeing Miyuki Nakamura's pitiful expression, Ganqiao remembered the pastoral truth of the 555 world.

At this moment, the lovely and pitiful Nakamura Miyuki and the pastoral truth overlapped together.

Ganqiao was speechless, carried Nakamura Miyuki on her back, and walked towards the home that Li Qinghe had arranged for Qianqiao.

But what Ganqiao didn't realize was that a man with almost no breath collected all the data of Ganqiao's battle and passed it back.

"Keep tracking, don't expose. For you, I used a lot of chess pieces, don't let me down."

Tianshulong ordered to the chasing zerg.

Tracking down the nimble zerg is not ordinary, it is the mantis shrimp with the same characteristics as the mantis shrimp on Earth.

Peacock Mantis Shrimp.The body length can reach up to 18 cm, and the appearance color is very bright, consisting of red, blue, green and other colors.It is a carnivorous arthropod that resembles a peacock in appearance.The scales of the antennae are orange-red, the outer edge of the end is black, and the front edge of the carapace has a black and brown honeycomb pattern bordered with white. The front pincers strike the prey.

It lives at the bottom of the sea, often living in crevices and caves on coral reefs, and can also live on the bottom of gravel or shells.Carnivorous, it mainly preys on slow-moving gastropods, bivalves, and crustaceans at the bottom of the ocean. It can be fed with animal foods such as fish and shrimp in captivity.

The reason why it is called "peacock-tailed mantis shrimp" is that in addition to its peacock-like appearance, the main reason is that its hunting method is like a mantis.After tens of millions of years of evolution, the grazing limbs (the second pair of jaws) of the peacock mantis shrimp have evolved into a pair of powerful "spring iron fists".When the prey is approaching, it will use the pair of elastic front claws to knock down on the prey, and more than once, the peatail mantis shrimp will give more chases depending on the situation. It is a very smart carnivorous animal , just like a boxer using a jab to attack an opponent quickly, but the jab of the mantis shrimp is more powerful and faster.

Li Qinghe soon got the news from his subordinates that Qianqiao had rescued a Zerg, and he brought the Zerg back home.

Li Qinghe looked at Miyuki Nakamura in the photo, "So it's her."

Li Qinghe naturally recognized that this was the zerg that Qianqiao persuaded to kill him.Originally, Li Qinghe didn't think Qianqiao would be successful, but he didn't expect that Qianqiao would have such a great personality charm, and he could convince that zerg so easily.

But since he convinced the Zerg, Li Qinghe didn't pursue it any further.

However, Li Qinghe really didn't know about Qianqiao being followed.That tracker was too stealthy.

"It seems that we can get some news about Zerg from this woman. Tianshulong is too unreliable. He agreed to make an alliance, but he hasn't sent Tianchishui yet."

Li Qinghe's injury was indeed serious, but Li Qinghe's physique is the king of orhonch, so his recovery ability is top-notch.

After a short period of treatment, Li Qinghe's injury was almost healed.

Li Qinghe left as soon as he said, staying in the hospital was too boring.

Li Qinghe drove to Ganqiao's home.

Li Qinghe saw the female zerg that he had saved so skillfully at a glance.

"Why, don't you welcome me to come in and sit down?"

The person who opened the door was very clever.

To be honest, Ganqiao didn't want Li Qinghe to come in, but it was really too difficult for Ganqiao to refuse others.

Gan Qiao shook her head, but let Li Qinghe in.

Li Qinghe entered the room and found that Nakamura Miyuki was cleaning the room.

"I came here to get some news from her."

Li Qinghe gestured with his eyes, which meant Miyuki Nakamura.

"Are you going to take her back for interrogation?"

Gan Qiao stared at Li Qinghe and asked.

"No, here, I have no ill will toward her."

Li Qinghe said with a smile.

Li Qinghe's words made Ganqiao relax his vigilance, he was worried that the girl would be taken away for interrogation by Li Qinghe.

Ganqiao walked to Miyuki Nakamura and said, "He has something he wants to ask you."

The moment Nakamura Miyuki started from Li Qinghe, she felt that Li Qinghe's gaze was always on her, and it seemed that she was looking for her.

After listening to Qianqiao's words, Nakamura Miyuki put down the rag in her hand, washed her hands, and went to a quiet room to wait for Li Qinghe.

"Are you here to catch me?"

Nakamura Miyuki said the same thing again.

"No, what am I arresting you for? I came here to understand something with you. Relax and say what you have."

Li Qinghe's words made Nakamura Miyuki heave a sigh of relief, she also knew that Li Qinghe didn't come to arrest her, otherwise it would not be just one person who came to arrest herself.

Nakamura Miyuki spoke first, "What do you want to know from me?"

Li Qinghe frowned, thought for a moment and asked, "Do you know Tianshulong?"

"Tianshu Dragon?"

Nakamura Miyuki whispered.

"You know him?"

Seeing Miyuki Nakamura's surprised tone, Li Qinghe guessed that Miyuki Nakamura might know Tianshulong. .

"I know him, I am his subordinate."

Miyuki Nakamura laughed at herself.

Chapter 1 The Great Minion Moth Worm

"Oh, so that said, was it also his order to assassinate me last time?"

Li Qinghe thought about it for a while, and thought of this possibility.

"Well, yes. I am a natural awakener. Although Tianshulong is a mimic human being, he has always maintained a friendly attitude towards human beings. Therefore, I am willing to join the faction that is inclined to human beings represented by him."

Miyuki Nakamura said.

"But if that's the case, why did he kill me?"

Although Li Qinghe had some guesses in his mind, he still needed Miyuki Nakamura to confirm.

"Because you are the leader of humans who is most likely to guide humans to defeat the Zerg. Therefore, I was sent to attack you. If you die, Shenglong Company will have no leader, and the dragons will have no leader. The ability to threaten the Zerg gone."

Nakamura Miyuki explained.

Li Qinghe also understood that although Tianshulong is willing to maintain friendly exchanges with humans, everything is based on the fact that humans cannot threaten the Zerg.

Li Qinghe also understood what the so-called faction leaning towards human beings meant.It is possible to live in harmony with humans in the absence of threats from humans.Just like humans and beasts, some people advocate the protection of animals.

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