But if animals threaten their interests, they will first eradicate the threat before continuing to live in harmony.Those who advocate the protection of animals, "peace lovers", don't they eat meat?If meat is eaten, then what is the peaceful coexistence of people and animals they advocate.

This is the attitude of Tianshulong towards human beings.That's why Tianshulong made the decision to kill Miyuki Nakamura.You must know that Miyuki Nakamura's parents are ordinary people.

"Non-my family, its heart must be different."

These words flashed through Li Qinghe's mind.

Although Li Qinghe was wary of Tiandaoshu from the beginning, he never expected Tianshulong to be so unreliable.

In Li Qinghe's heart, he unilaterally tore up the paper-like alliance proposed by Tianshulong.However, there is still something worth using on the side of Tianshulong.

Li Qinghe had a complete understanding of his attitude towards the Zerg headed by Tianshulong who leaned towards the human side.

Although Li Qinghe denies the alliance with Tianshulong in his heart, Li Qinghe will not tell him face to face that the alliance is broken. Currently, he can use this alliance to obtain the news that the zerg let him know and use it.

Li Qinghe continued to ask: "What is the status of Tianshulong?"

Nakamura Miyuki said bluntly: "He is a high-ranking member of our Zerg."

Seemingly feeling something was wrong, Nakamura Miyuki immediately changed her words: "It's one of the top executives of those zerg."

"Then how did they know that I am the president of Shenglong Company."

Li Qinghe asked this crucial question. Li Qinghe thought that he was hiding something very deep, and wondered if it was possible that he had spies of Zerg under his command.

"I don't know, and I don't know."

Nakamura Miyuki shook her head.

Li Qinghe looked at Qianqiao who was eavesdropping at the door, and asked Nakamura Miyuki, "Then what are you going to do from now on?"

"Qianqiao has already gone to avenge my parents, and I want to live in peace as an ordinary person for the rest of my life."

When Nakamura Miyuki mentioned ordinary people, her eyes showed a different brilliance.The value of losing knowledge is precious. Although Nakamura Miyuki gained the identity of Zerg, she also lost her identity as a human, and she cannot live the life of an ordinary person as before.

"As a person?"

Li Qinghe said something in a low voice.Getting up, Li Qinghe was about to leave. Li Qinghe had already asked all the necessary questions, and the remaining irrelevant questions were not considered secrets among the Zerg, and Li Qinghe could easily collect them.

"Are you going?"

asked dryly.Miyuki Nakamura next to her cast a glass window, looking at the urban Kazama coming and going outside.


Ganqiao is a person who doesn't like to talk too much.

"Tianshulong, it's really interesting. False and true, true and false, you can really do it."

Li Qinghe was indeed deceived by Tianshulong's alliance, although he knew it now.But being put together by someone, I was still upset.

Li Qinghe returned to Shenglong Company, and Tiandao Director also slowly "accidentally" came into contact with his sister Kusakabe Xu.

However, his other younger sister, Tiandaoshuhua, never forgot how she saved Li Qinghe that day.

"Why don't you come to me?"

Tiandao Shuhua held the phone, but she didn't know Li Qinghe's contact information, so she put it down helplessly.

Li Qinghe was busy dealing with government affairs at this time, so he couldn't care less.

After Li Qinghe finished his work, he received a call from Misty Youyue.

"Mr. Kiba, I'm in trouble here. They were all larvae, but one of the zergs lost its skin."

From the noisy voice from Li Qinghe's phone, one could guess that Misaki Youyue's situation was not optimistic.

The fact is that it is exactly as Li Qinghe thought.

"Okay. I'll be right there."

Li Qinghe stopped what he was doing, and first called Tianshulong to ask for information about the Zerg currently fighting.

Before the information was sent back, Li Qinghe had already boarded a helicopter and arrived at a hidden place closest to the place Misaki Youyue mentioned.

Because he was in a hurry, Li Qinghe got off the helicopter and drove a nearby motorcycle towards Misty Youyue's direction.

Misaki Yuzuki received a call from a stranger who told him that the zerg existed, but only zerg larvae.

With a dubious attitude, Misaki Yuzuki, after consulting Tiansuo Shuichi, brought a small group of ant soldiers to the place told by the phone.

Since the situation is true, Misaki Yuzuki also acted.The ant soldier team went into combat mode and quickly killed some scattered zerg.

There was only the last Zerg larva left, and everyone relaxed their vigilance.

As a result, the last remaining zerg suddenly shed its skin, and the firepower of the ant soldiers failed to prevent the zerg from shedding its skin.

At the same time that the zerg shed its skin, [-] worms sprang out from a nearby corner, surrounding Misaki Youyue and the ant soldiers she brought.

"It's really easy to deceive. You can be fooled with just one phone call."

The molted zerg laughed loudly.

It seems that this operation was caught in the trap of the zerg.The zerg that Yuzuki Misaki faces is the Great Minion Moth, which has the same characteristics as the Great Minion Moth on Earth.

The female adult is hypertrophied, pale yellow or milky white, wingless, with degenerated legs, antennae, mouthparts, and compound eyes, small head, light reddish brown, with a brown ridge in the back center of the chest, and yellow hairs on the side of the chest and first abdominal segment , there is a yellow short hair band on the rear edge of the seventh abdominal segment, and the lower part of the eighth abdominal segment shrinks rapidly, and the external genitalia is well developed.Male adults are small and medium-sized moths with a wingspan of 35-44 cm, brown body and light vertical stripes.Forewing reddish-brown, with black and brown markings, basal part between r4 and r5, rs and 3 share stalk, several transverse veins between a-vein and trailing edge Hindwing dark brown, slightly reddish brown The fork-like branches of the midrib are obvious.

Chapter 1 Phantom Squad Attack

"Did you call me?"

Misaki Yuzuki, who was wearing an ant soldier's combat uniform, asked the laughing Big Minoth Moth.

"It doesn't matter anymore, come on."

The big moth didn't compare for a long time like ordinary villains, but simply asked his men to go down and kill Misaki Youyue.

Zergs flocked to Misaki Youyue. Although the ant soldiers had already opened up their firepower and killed many approaching Zergs, but this time there were a lot of Zergs surrounding them. After a while, the ammunition carried by the ant soldiers was exhausted. Empty.

In this case, the ant soldiers can only fight in close quarters, but in melee combat, humans are no match for the zerg. In close combat, the zerg pierced the body of the ant soldiers around them with their claws, and some He threw the ant soldier to death heavily.Some dragged the ant soldier's head against the wall.

The ant soldiers had no chance of winning in close combat with the Zerg.

There are fewer and fewer ant soldiers around Misty Youyue, so Misty Youyue can only wait for Li Qinghe to bring them.

After running out of bullets, Kaga Meixin dropped the useless camera, picked up the machine gun sword on the ground, unfolded the blade, and prepared to fight the bayonet.

Suddenly, a group of ant soldiers wearing golden silk threads surrounded the group of zerg that trapped the ant soldiers.

These ant soldiers carry more sophisticated weapons, and their machine guns and swords are far more powerful than ordinary zerg.

"Tug Thuk", like endless bullets, quickly wiped out many Zerg bugs.

"Beep beep."

A motorcycle came towards here, not Li Qinghe, but a knight who looked like a wasp.

He is zect's new knight - thebee.

The Hornet Knight knocked over the five Zergs blocking the way and came to the front of the Zergs.

He said to Kagami Shin, "Back off."

Kaga Meixin nodded quickly, and retreated to Misaki Yuzuki's side.

"Reinforcements? The result is the same, they all have to die."

The big minion moth said arrogantly.

And Hornet Knight got off the yellow motorcycle and turned the device on his wrist.


The Hornet Knight directly changed into a knight form.

"The wasp changes."

Mechanical words came from Hornet Knight.

"Who are they?"

Kaga Meixin looked at the newly appeared ant soldier and the newly appeared knight, full of doubts in his heart.

"Are they the elite troops directly under the headquarters, Phantom. Or is he the new knight killer bee. Thebee."

This is Tian Suoxiuyi who came in from the door and came to Kaga Meixin.


Kagami muttered in a low voice.

Tiansuo Shuichi discovered the threat Misaki Yuzuki was facing, and if there was no timely assistance, it was very likely that he would be wiped out by the zerg group this time.

Although Misty Youyue had just talked to Li Qinghe on the phone, it would take a long time for Li Qinghe to come over, so it is better to spend some money to hire the phantom team to help.

Of course, Li Qinghe's employment was secretly. He used it in a public phone booth without a camera, and used an onomatopoeia to change the voice.

Li Qinghe was able to contact the Phantom Squad, thanks to Li Qinghe's "unruly", one person secretly used his own portable computer, a portable computer with more than 30 years of computer technology in this world, it is still very easy to crack some so-called secrets of zect of.

So for Shenglong Company, zect, an organization whose most information is placed on computers, for Li Qinghe, the intelligence network is like a sieve.

Of course, Zerg is not as strong as Shenglong Company, although there are some Zerg in the zect organization.But those Zergs are not in important positions, and they are all in the branch of the zect organization.

So Zerg is not as powerful as Shenglong Company, and Shenglong Company's technology is at least 10 years ahead of this world's technology, and it is also a technology that was precipitated after conquering the 555 world and the bck world.

Technology is no different than others, it takes time to accumulate, and only a lot of time can improve the technology tree step by step.

Generally speaking, technology is divided into military technology and civilian technology.Technology in the Two-dimensional world like Kamen Rider World doesn't pay much attention to military technology.These worlds seem to be prosperous, but their war capabilities are weak.

This is also an important factor for Li Qinghe to lead the Red Police units to conquer worlds.

Li Qinghe made a phone call to the captain of the phantom team, Suxiang.

"Hi. Who are you?"

Lost the car and wanted to make mapo tofu for his beloved subordinates when he heard the phone ring and picked it up.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that I can solve some urgent problems for your subordinates. I heard that the parents of your subordinate Sanyuan Hirano have leukemia and are in urgent need of money. But relying on his Wages, and the subsidy of your wages are far from enough."

Flies don't bite seamless eggs. Li Qinghe has already investigated the information of everyone in the phantom team. Among them, Sanyuan Pinglang is a breakthrough. He originally thought of finding a way to recruit him in the future.

The phantom team is the trump card of the zect team, and its combat strength may not be comparable to that of the red ant team.

Li Qinghe paid special attention to this troop. If he succeeds, he can get an extra knight——thebee.

Although the phantom team is the ace team, the salary of ordinary ant soldiers is not high, except that the salary of the lost car is the highest.But he can subsidize the entire team, and he doesn't have any savings.

Lost Car wants to devote all his efforts to the Phantom Team. For him, thebee and Phantom Team are all of him.

"What do you want me to do?"

Lost Car wanted to frown and asked.

"I just want you to help my colleagues, zect's Tiansuo team. They are in danger now, so they need you to help. In return, 500 million yen will be used as a deposit. After the matter is completed, 2000 million yen will be given to you Send it over."

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, his phone beeped, and he saw that 500 million yen had just been charged into his bank card.

"Okay, I will do this even if you don't pay me. Thank you."

In addition to the usual dead salary, the phantom team will also be rewarded with zect for killing the Zerg.The higher the Zerg's strength, the more rewards you get.

Li Qinghe smiled on the other side: "You're welcome, there are still many opportunities for us to cooperate in the future."

Lost the car and wanted to say that there is no next time, but found that Li Qinghe had hung up the phone.

When the car was lost, I wanted to find the source of the phone at the first time, but then I gave up.Since you dare to call yourself, you are definitely not afraid to check it yourself.

Lost the car and thought about using the Zerg to raise money for his subordinates, but he really needed Li Qinghe's money. .

"The phantom team is leaving."

In the eyes of Lost Cars, every subordinate is a part of the phantom team, and each of them deserves all they can do to help.The Phantom Squad is a unit, not a diaspora.

Chapter 1 Unlucky Kagami

The combat vehicles of the phantom team quickly arrived at the designated position, and the soldiers of the phantom team arrived at the predetermined position neatly.

"Is there a molt zerg? No wonder you can't deal with it. But the famous Tiansuo team should have Jiadou."

In a blink of an eye, I thought it was wrong to lose my car.

"Kiba-kun went out on something, we didn't tell him about this operation."

Kagami Shin said hastily.

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