"I want to eat stuffed tofu."

Tiandao Shuhua thought for a while and said.

Hearing his sister's answer, Director Tiandao sat on the sofa with a newspaper, "Why do you want to eat tofu again!"

Tiandao Shuhua sat across from the head of Tiandao, "It's the best thing to taste delicious tofu."

Director Tiandao said while reading the newspaper, "Is that so? Let's make cold tofu for today's side dish."

"But that's like an old man, but I'm looking forward to it."

Tiandao Shuhua jumped on Tiandao Director General, and took his schoolbag from the side of Tiandao Director General.

"Brother, then I'm off to school."

"Go on."

Tiandao Shuhua bounced away.

Walking out of the house, Tiandao Shuhua pushed the bicycle and looked at the sky, "This bastard, he clearly agreed to come and see me. But he hasn't contacted me until now."

As soon as Tiandao Shuhua finished speaking, Li Qinghe, who was working on the other side, sneezed, "Hey, what's going on? Who missed me?"

zect headquarters.

"Thebee has been put into use so soon, is there any change in Kamen Rider's plan?"

Tian Suoxiu asked Masato Mishima next to him in a rough tone.

Masato Mishima stood looking at the scenery outside the window and said, "Our plan has not changed."

Tian Suoxiu asked: "Then what is the purpose of thebee's appearance?"

"You should also know, I won't answer. But thebee has an important task."

After Masato Mishima finished speaking, he turned and left.

Although he lost the car and wanted to make up his mind to take away the belt of Tiandao Zongsi, it was embarrassing that he didn't know the real identity of the other Jiadou, although Yuzuki Misaki knew.

But neither Misaki Yuzuki, Kagami Shin, nor Tiansuo Xiuyi leaked the news that Tendo Souji is a Koto Ability.

So the lost car thought that he had received an order to eradicate another Jiadou, but he couldn't do it.

Depressed, he thought about making mapo tofu for his beloved subordinates, so as to alleviate the aftereffects of the last battle.The last battle with the big moth was the biggest loss for Lost Chexiang's phantom team.

Because Li Qinghe transformed into a more powerful Jiadou, Kaga Meixin didn't chase after the lost car like in the original book, insisting on joining the Phantom Squad.

Although Kaga Meixin is also yearning for the belt of the lost car, but it is only a desire for thebee belt.

Lost the car and wanted to take a basin to the place to buy tofu, but met Tiandao Zongsi who made cold tofu for his sister at night.He didn't know that the Director of Tiandao in front of him was another capable person of Jiadou.

When the two arrived at the tofu stall, the colleagues turned around and said in unison, "Buy tofu."

"Ahahaha. I'm so sorry, there's only one piece of tofu left."

The boss who bought the tofu said with a smile.

"I want to treat my dear subordinates to eat."

Lost car wanted to be the first to speak.

Director Tiandao immediately lost his car and thought, "My lovely sister is also looking forward to eating this."

"Well, hahaha."

The owner of the tofu stand was very amused after hearing the answers of the two people.

"Then buy half for each important person."

Lost the car and wanted to suggest.

"Grandma said that the one who chases two rabbits can't be one of the two."

Director of Tiandao obviously disagrees with Lost Car Xiang's proposal.

"Hahaha, what this little brother said is really reasonable."

The owner of the tofu stall pointed to the head of Tiandao and said.

"Where are you holy?"

Lost the car and wanted to look at this man who revealed an air of incompatibility with ordinary people and asked.

Director Tiandao stretched out his index finger with the other hand that was not holding the bowl, pointing to the sky.

"Walking the way of heaven, the person who is in charge of everything."

The owner of the tofu stand laughed again after hearing the words of Tiandao.

Lost Car wanted to take the bowl he was holding, and said to Director Tiandao.

"Then do you have the stamina to walk the heavens?"

"I have the gas (apparatus), and it's bigger than yours."

Director Tiandao took out the pot he was holding to hold the tofu, and put it on top of the pot that the lost car wanted to hold.

"Big, hahaha."

The owner of the tofu stand found it funny from the words of the two people.

"Since everything is said and done, let's compete. The winner will take the last piece of tofu."

Both Lost Car Xiang and Tiandao Zongsi are not short of money, so Lost Car Want to buy tofu first.The two picked a nearby restaurant, which happened to be Yumiko Takemiya's bistrosalle shop. .

"Why do you want to start a cooking showdown? Or with me, using my kitchen?"

Takemiya Yumiko looked at Tiandao Shoji and the lost car who came to his hotel for a competition.Both feel sick.

Chapter 112 Finding the Law

Most people come here to eat, but these two people are here to compete in cooking, if they don't know that these two people have no malicious intentions.Yumiko Takemiya thinks that the two of them are messing things up.

"I'm bothering you."

The lost car wanted to bow to Yuko Takemiya as an apology.

Since Yuko Takemiya knew that the two had no ill intentions, she happily watched it. Since the head of Tiandao and the lost car wanted to compete, it meant that their cooking skills must be good, otherwise, how could they have such confidence in the competition? .So let them compete.

"The referee is Xiao Xu."

Director General Tiandao added.

"Why me?"

Kusakabe Xu leaned against the kitchen door and asked with crossed hands.

"Of course, because it's your tofu."

Director of Heavenly Dao said.

"Take your time, it's not fair for one person. I suggest three people."

At this moment, Li Qinghe suddenly walked in.

"Hey, when did you come in?"

Yumiko Takemiya asked.

"After I came in, I found that there was no waiter, so I went to the kitchen to check first, and found that someone was going to try tofu cooking. In my opinion, it is unfair to judge by one person. It is entirely possible that the competition may be caused by personal taste. injustice."

Li Qinghe is the all-day watcher of Tiandao Chief Director and Tiandao Tree Flower. Regarding the tofu dispute between Tiandao Chief Secretary and the lost car today, Li Qinghe also wanted to come and see. Li Qinghe didn't want Tiandao Tree Flower because of his The elder brother Tiandao Zongsi lost the game and couldn't eat tofu at night.

"You are?"

The director of Tiandao and the lost car thought of Li Qinghe all at once.

He lost his car and thought that Li Qinghe was the leader of Zect Tianxiu's small team, but the director of Tiandao was much more responsible for Li Qinghe's opinion in his heart, he could feel Li Qinghe's love for him.This made him very puzzled.

"Then who is the third referee?"

I lost the car and wanted to take a look. The currently confirmed referees are Li Qinghe and Kusakabe Xu.

"Since you're using Aunt Yumiko Takemiya's kitchen, it's okay to let Aunt Yumiko Takemiya be the referee."

Li Qinghe suggested again.

"That's what I bought randomly for food."

Kusakabe Xu said in a low voice.

"As expected of Xiaoxu, the tofu selection is really good. Please look forward to my masterpiece. Yes, let Auntie Yumiko Takemiya be the third referee."

Director Tiandao took a closer look at the tofu to be used in the competition and said full of praise.

"Then let's begin."

I lost my car and wanted to say.

Director Tiandao and Lost Che wanted to take off their coats at the same time, and started to make tofu.

In a church far away, a couple of newlyweds in the church are having the most sacred moment in their lives. Since then, they have linked their lives together and lived together.

"Dum, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump.

As the holy song sounded, a couple of newlyweds stood together in the church.The groom lifts the bride's veil.

The priest swore. "

The moment the groom lifted the veil, he saw that his bride looked exactly like him.

"Ah ah ah."

The bride with the same face as the groom smiled at the groom, and then directly turned into a peacock mantis shrimp with the same characteristics as the peacock mantis shrimp on earth.

Appearance: The body is dark green, the scales of the antennae are orange-red, the outer edge of the end is black, the front edge of the carapace has black and brown honeycomb lines with white edges, and the 3 pairs of thoracic feet and predatory claws are red.This species is the brightest of all mantis shrimps and is very popular in the aquarium trade because of its color and large size.In addition to the bright body color, the difference from the Mantis Shrimp is that the inner edge of the predatory claws has only 2~3 teeth, while the mantis Shrimp has more than 5 small teeth and the Mantis Shrimp. The difference is that the central ridge on the caudal peduncle is low and thin.

Ability: Mantis shrimps have amazing eyesight, so research on them is under development. Mantis shrimps have a visible range of ultraviolet and infrared rays that surpass humans and insects, and even radio waves can be seen. There are such sayings, and human beings Glasses can only distinguish three colors, but mantis shrimps can distinguish twelve colors. In addition, mantis shrimps are the only creatures on the earth who can see circularly polarized light added to natural light and applied to digital technology. The good eyes that we can’t explain in the human sensory world, why only mantis shrimps (even if they don’t have such eyes and are already very strong in combat) have become like that in the vast seabed, the detailed reason is still unknown

"Ah ah ah."

The groom saw the peacock-tailed mantis shrimp and punched it out, directly pulling out the groom's heart and crushing it.

The people in the whole church fled in all directions, and the Peatail Mantis Shrimp seemed to enjoy it very much, and left after killing the groom.

Speaking of the other side, Tiandao Zongsi and Lost Che want to make tofu at their best.

Li Qinghe could already smell the fragrance.

"It would be great if only one of the two was willing to work here."

Takemiya Yuko whispered next to Kusakabe Xu.

"That's right, in this way, Kagami Shin can be fired."

Kusakabe Xu's words made Yumi Takemiya regret what she said.

And Misaki Yuzuki and Tiansuo Shuichi rushed into the place where the tragedy happened in the church.

"Incredible incidents have occurred frequently recently. It is necessary to summarize the characteristics and find out what the Zerg did!"

Tian Suoxiu looked at the processed scene and said.

"It seems that it is imperative to find out the law of action of the Zerg."

Misaki Yuzuki looked around with graceful steps.

Kaga Meixin squatted on the ground and searched for information as much as possible.

"If you master the laws of the Zerg, you can prevent the crime of the Zerg before it happens. You can use these rules to kill more Zerg."

Tian Suoxiu began to think about the law of the Zerg's actions, and he learned the law from the information that the headquarters just gave to each branch.

"If you find a pattern, can you kill more zerg?"

Kagami Shin heard what Tian Suoxiu said, killing more Zergs, remembering that her younger brother was killed by Zergs and imitated, and also used the memory of her younger brother Kaga Meiliang to mimic herself, Kagami There was a lot of anger in Xin's heart.

"Go to Tiandao and ask, maybe you can..."

Kagami stood up, approached Yuzuki Misaki and said in a low voice, but was interrupted by Yuzuki Misaki before finishing speaking.

"Thebee has been sent from above, and our team is required to cooperate with Thebee. It is best not to have too much contact with him."

"what happened?"

As a protozoa, Tiansuo Shuichi's hearing is still very keen.

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