"It's nothing," Kaga Meixin said guiltily.

"Come on, you're going to work soon."

Misaki Yuzuki helped Kaga Meixin out of the siege.

At Kagami's new workplace, Tendou Sousji and Lost Car Xiang have already completed their masterpieces.

Chapter 113 Perfect Harmony

“Chinese cold tofu.”

The head of Tiandao put the tofu he made in front of Kusakabe Xu.

"I make mapo tofu."

Lost the car and wanted to put the tofu he made in front of Li Qinghe.

"Let's taste it together."

Ladies first, Kusakabe Xu put down the chopsticks first, first took a bite of the rice cooked by the head of Tiandao, and then took a bite of the mapo tofu that the lost car wanted to make.

"Xiao Xu, how are you doing?"

Yumiko Takemiya asked hastily.

Kusakabe Xu didn't say anything, just pointed to Mapo Tofu, which meant that she thought Mapo Tofu was delicious.

Lost Che wanted to say proudly: "The most important thing in cooking is perfect harny, perfect harmony."

Kusakabe Xu just took a sip of Tiandao Zongsi, and ate several mouthfuls of mapo tofu that he wanted to make when he lost his car.

"Let me taste it."

Li Qinghe took the chopsticks Kusakabe Xu was holding, and Kusakabe Xu blushed.

Li Qinghe first tasted the mapo tofu that Kusakabe Xu was satisfied with.Then I tasted the Chinese cold tofu made by Tiandao.

Li Qinghe just tasted the mapo tofu that he wanted to make when he lost his car, and he kept eating the tofu made by Tiandao.

Li Qinghe ate several mouthfuls one after another, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad. My proposal is that Tiandao Zongji win this competition."

Li Qinghe then ate the Chinese-style cold tofu made by Director Tiandao, but did not take another bite of Mapo tofu.

"Here, it's a one-to-one tie. It's still worse than Auntie Yumiko Takemiya's judgment."

Li Qinghe said while eating.

"Then I'll try it."

Yuko Takemiya tasted mapo tofu first, and then Chinese cold tofu made by Tiandao Zongsi.

"You both did a great job."

Takemiya Yumiko tasted the tofu made by the two of them one after another, not knowing which one to choose as the winner.

"Aunt Yumiko Takemiya, who do you choose to support?"

Li Qinghe also finished eating the Chinese-style cold tofu, which is not bad and can be used as a snack for his lunch.

"I choose him."

After a moment of hesitation, Yumiko Takemiya chose to lose the car.

"Well, it looks like I won."

Lost the car and wanted to get dressed and prepare to leave.

"Let me taste it."

When Director Tiandao came over, he realized that Li Qinghe had eaten up all the Chinese cold tofu he had made, and there was only a little mapo tofu left that Kusakabe Xu hadn't finished eating.

Director Tiandao randomly picked a bite of Mapo Tofu and took a bite.

"So that's it, this is your perfect harmony."

After the Tiandao Chief Director finished speaking, he frowned and sat on the other side.

"Then you, the winner, don't mind listening to our evaluation."

Li Qinghe saw the lost car and wanted to leave with the tofu, said.


Lost the car and wanted to get dressed, and sat down too.

"You speak first."

Li Qinghe pointed to Kusakabe Xu.

"Me, I don't like to eat cold food. I'm on my menstrual period these two days, and I like to eat hot food."

Kusakabe Xu lowered his head and said.

"I see."

The chief minister of Tiandao half-supported his forehead, and he actually forgot that Kusakabe Xu might be in his menstrual period.What an unqualified brother.

Don't underestimate the head of Tiandao, he has already found out that Kusakabe Xu is the remaining daughter of his parents who were mimicked.That's why he took care of Kusakabe Xu so much, otherwise why did he insist on going to this restaurant instead of going to other restaurants.

There is no love for no reason, and no hate for no reason.

"How about you, Aunt Yumiko Takemiya?"

Li Qinghe, who was the finale, must be the last to speak, so let's look at Yumiko Takemiya's evaluation first.

"I think what Kusakabe Xu said makes sense."

Yumiko Takemiya said in embarrassment.

Sure enough, you can't reason with women.

Now that he lost his car, he also understood how he won.

"Then let me talk about my evaluation. First of all, I don't like spicy food, and the first mapo tofu doesn't meet my taste.

Although I only took a small bite, your perfect blend of Mapo Tofu can't taste the unique taste of tofu at all.According to your current experience, you have experienced too little, you will not understand now, but you will understand in the future. "

Li Qinghe got up, came to the head of Tiandao, and patted the shoulder of the head of Tiandao.

"It's not a good thing to have a strong personality. Shuxiu is better than Linfeng. You must learn from him."

Li Qinghe pointed to the missing car.

As a result, the Director of Heavenly Dao pushed away Li Qinghe's hand on his shoulder without showing any trace.

"That's right, if you learn to compromise, it won't be you anymore."

Li Qinghe smiled, ignored the astonishment of the Director of Heavenly Dao, and left.

After thinking about it, I finally understood how I won. Although I won, I felt a little depressed. The moment I took the tofu, I thought about it and suggested: "It's better to take a piece of tofu as I suggested at the beginning. Divide the tofu into two pieces."

The Director of Heavenly Dao crossed his arms, "Didn't I say that? Those who chase two rabbits will not be able to get both rabbits. It means that there will be no compromise."

"Excuse me, ugh. What happened?"

At this moment, Kaga Meixin came to the store, and found the Tendou Sousji and the missing car Xiang who were at a loss.

"Since you said that this is up, I'll take the whole piece."

Lost the car is not the kind of person who puts a hot face on other people's cold ass, and took away the piece of tofu that was a bet at the beginning.

"Oh, wait a minute."

Kaga Meixin took a look at Tiandao Souji, and chased after the lost car that had left.

"Wait a minute, we are now searching and investigating the behavior of the Zerg. Is there any way to accurately predict it?"

Kaga Meixin chased after her out of breath and asked.

"Yes, be careful. The success or failure of our combat troops depends on your usual investigations. Please work hard."

The lost car wanted to encourage Kaga Meixin.

"Ding ding ding."

Kagami's new cell phone rang.

Kagami Shin picked up the phone, "Hello."

"We know how the Zerg acted this time."

Misaki Yuzuki told Kagami Shin the news on the phone.

"I'll come over now."

Kaga Meixin, a hard-working child, had just arrived at Yumiko Takemiya's restaurant from Zect's Tian Suoxiu branch, and had to rush back immediately without stopping.

At this time, Li Qinghe also received a call from Misty Youyue, "Qinghe, I need your help this time. I have discovered the law of the Zerg's actions this time."

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

Li Qinghe turned around and drove towards Tian Suoxiuyi's zect branch.

"Yes, we have Mr. Lost Car here."

Kaga Meixin had already anticipated the scene where Thebee, who had lost his car and wanted to transform, killed the one that he had discovered the pattern.

"Is it a zerg?"

Behind Kaga Meixin came the voice of Tendo Shoji.

"God, I have something to tell you."

Kaga Meixin turned and said to the Tendo Chief Director.

"Now we have Thebee, we don't need you anymore. Zect has sent out new orthodox knights again."

"Interesting, new knight. So what's the status of the Jiadou in your team?".

Chief Heavenly Dao asked.

"Senior Kiba, the headquarters has issued a transfer order to transfer him to other teams to be responsible for support."

Chapter 114 Decoy

As Kaga Miru's son, Kaga Mishin, he got information faster than Tasuo Shuichi and Misaki Yuzuki, and even Li Qinghe didn't know about this news.

"oh, I see."

The head of heaven is about to leave.

"Heaven, don't get involved in the Zerg business in the future. If you have thebee, you will be fine. As an ordinary person, you don't need to participate in the Zerg battle. You have to take care of the tree flower."

Kagami Shin said in a hard tone.

"Who was chosen to be thebee?"

Chief Heavenly Dao asked.

"This is zect's confidential matter."

Kaga Meixin refused to disclose information about the loss of the car.

"Is that the guy who likes balance and harmony?"

Although Kaga Meixin didn't say anything, Tiandao Souji intuitively guessed that thebee was a capable person.

"Please stop in moderation. In short, don't intervene anymore."

Kaga Meixin said a little unhappy.

The Tendou Chief Director directly affirmed his own thoughts from Kagami Shin's tone.

After Kagami finished speaking, she left.

"Still an interesting guy."

Tiandao Souji obviously didn't take Kaga Meixin's words to heart.

The head of heaven left.

Li Qinghe drove back to zect's Tiansuo team.

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