"Kiba Kiyokawa, this is an order from above."

Tian Suoxiu handed over a transfer order to Li Qinghe.

Misaki Youyue hurriedly asked: "Mr. Tiansuo, why didn't you tell me about this?"

Tian Suoxiuyi didn't say much, "This is an order from the headquarters, and you must carry it out. The orders from the headquarters are sacred."

Li Qinghe accepted the transfer order with a blank face, "Oh, to teach the trainees? This is also a good place."

Li Qinghe smiled.

"Did it say when to leave?"

Misty Youyue asked with concern, she really didn't want Li Qinghe to leave.

"Leave when I see this transfer order."

Li Qinghe folded the transfer order casually and put it in his trouser pocket.

"I haven't seen it yet, have I?"

Tian Suoxiu silently acquiesced to Li Qinghe's actions, while Misty Youyue hugged and ran away Li Qinghe happily.

"Sorry, I'm late."

At this time, Kagamixin rushed over.When the number of people arrives, we can talk about business.

Tian Suoxiu said:

"We need a new strategy to attract this zerg."

Kagami analyzed, "Since this zerg only attacks brides and grooms, why don't we let Misaki Yuzuki and I, no, Kiba-senpai, hold a wedding ceremony, or in the church that was attacked last time What do you think about attracting that zerg?"

"I have no opinion."

Li Qinghe definitely agrees with this matter.

"Misaki, how are you?"

Tian Suoxiu asked.

For this operation to be successful, Misaki Yuzuki's consent must be obtained.


Misaki Yuzuki nodded shyly.

"That's settled then."

Since both parties agreed, Tian Suoxiu made a decision directly.

Originally, Li Qinghe also thought at the beginning, to attract the Zerg to appear through this wedding, and then destroy her.But seeing Misaki Youyue's shy expression, Li Qinghe changed his mind.

Li Qinghe will hold this wedding successfully and give Misaki Youyue a perfect reply. As for the tasks and so on, let's talk about it.I'm leaving anyway.

This sudden transfer must be because Li Qinghe's secret control of the Tiansuo team was known by the zect headquarters.

Although there is no impenetrable wall in the world, Li Qinghe wants to know who secretly passed the news from the wall to the people outside the wall.

By transferring Li Qinghe, it can make up for the lack of strength of other zect branches, and it can also prevent Li Qinghe from secretly controlling the zect Tiansuo branch.

Since zect solved this problem by transferring away from Li Qinghe, it means that zect headquarters does not want to clean up the field and build a branch.Otherwise, it would not be such a gentle move.

Li Qinghe realized that he underestimated zect. As the largest official force in the world of Kamen Rider Kato, it spread all over the world. Since zect was attacked when it was founded, zect headquarters has never been invaded by Zerg or other forces. Although Li Qinghe It is possible to know the headquarters of zect through technology far beyond this world, but just knowing is useless, because it is impossible for Li Qinghe to destroy the headquarters of zect, so that the zerg will focus all their attention on their own Shenglong company.

Eliminating zect is currently out of date. Once zect is destroyed, the order of the entire world will be greatly affected, and the situation cannot be stabilized within a short period of time, and this period of time is likely to be a period of rapid development of Zerg, besides, zect headquarters really wants to be eliminated. ?

The director of Tiandao returned home, saying in his heart that happiness is fake.He began to think about what to do for dinner, but he agreed to make cold tofu for his sister.

Tiandao Shuhua saw that her brother was a little unhappy, "Brother, what's wrong with you? You don't look happy."

Director of Tiandao said truthfully, "Sister, I went to buy tofu today, it's sold out."

"Brother, you lied to me again. Isn't this the tofu you sent someone to bring back to me?"

Tiandao Shuhua pointed to a large piece of tofu in the kitchen and said.

"Oh, that's, that's..."

Director Tiandao began to think about when he asked someone to bring back tofu for his sister. After thinking for a long time, he never asked someone to bring back tofu for his sister.

"Brother, go make cold tofu, I like the rice cooked by my brother the most."

Tiandao Shuhua pushed the head of Tiandao into the kitchen, and went to the study to do homework.Director Tiandao simply stopped thinking about who brought the tofu to him, and started making cold tofu for his sister.

On Li Qinghe's side, after setting up the situation, the only thing left was to wait for the wedding to proceed.Suddenly Li Qinghe's cell phone rang,

"You should have seen the transfer order, so please go to the trainee base immediately."

Li Qinghe could hear the voice of Masato Mishima from the voice.

"Well, yes, but I will go there immediately after this wedding, not now. You will never leave such a big regret in my life."

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for Masato Mishima to say anything.

"Dum, thump, thump, thump, thump."

The familiar voice was still the priest from last time.

Li Qinghe walked forward step by step, holding Jiao Youyue's arm.

Suddenly bursts of applause broke out, and the ant soldiers in charge of the ambush almost came out.

"The way of heaven."

Kagami saw at a glance that it was the head of Tiandao, and was very anxious in his heart: Didn't I tell him not to interfere with this guy?Why are you here again.

Director of Tiandao said to Li Qinghe and Misty Youyue: "You two really match well."

"Thank you."

Li Qinghe said with a smile.

"The zerg happen to be here too."

Director of Heavenly Dao said.

"Well, I know, thank you."

Li Qinghe held Misty Youyue's arm and continued to hold the wedding ceremony.

But the zerg in the dark are no fools.That Zerg, confidently eats the bait, and then leaves calmly.

Chapter 115 A Teammate Like a Pig

The reason why the peacock mantis shrimp is called "peacock mantis shrimp" is that in addition to its peacock-like appearance, the main reason is that it hunts like a mantis.After tens of millions of years of evolution, the grazing limbs (the second pair of jaws) of the peacock mantis shrimp have evolved into a pair of powerful "spring iron fists".When the prey is approaching, it will use the pair of elastic front claws to knock down on the prey, and more than once, the peatail mantis shrimp will give more chases depending on the situation. It is a very smart carnivorous animal , just like a boxer using a jab to attack an opponent quickly, but the jab of the mantis shrimp is more powerful and faster.

"If you want to fuck me, then see if you can fuck me. You wouldn't even dream of who I'm imitating this time?"

The Peatail Mantis Shrimp was very satisfied with his mimicry status this time.

Li Qinghe didn't seem to know anything about what was about to happen, he still held Misty Youyue's arm and continued to go to the place of the witness.

"God, why are you here?"

Kagami couldn't help asking.

"Leave the rest to me, call me to say hello to him."

Tiandao Director General wore Yishen's white dress and left gracefully.

"Next the bride and groom exchange rings."

Li Qinghe and Misty Youyue exchanged rings, and the wedding was still going on step by step.

"Please groom to lift the veil from the bride. You can kiss each other."

Li Qinghe lifted the veil from Misty Youyue's face.

"It's okay, I have everything."

Li Qinghe's words reassured Misaki Youyue.

At this time, the choir began to sing and recite, and there was a peaceful atmosphere.

"What the hell, there are no Zergs at all."

Kaga Meixin took a special camera and scanned around for a long time, but there were no zerg.

"Could it be that the Zerg has escaped?"

Kagami grumbled.

And the missing car on the side began to wonder if the zerg knew about this operation, so they hid and ran away.

Li Qinghe immediately hugged Misty Youyue tightly.

"Close your eyes, I'll surprise you later."

Li Qinghe spoke to Misaki Youyue in a gentle tone, and at the same time kicked the godfather away, and the Director of Heavenly Dao wore the godfather's clothes to replace the godfather from the beginning.He continued in a loud voice:

"You are the same as under the blue sky, and you should turn into the light that shines on the earth."

With his back on his back, Li Qinghe snapped his fingers.


"Open your eyes."

Evenly distributed flowers were scattered on the choir above Li Qinghe and Jiao Youyue, which just formed a heart character.

Misaki Yuzuki slowly opened her eyes, saw the shape of the flowers on the ground, and felt very happy.

"I'm leaving, but before I go I'll give you a flawless wedding."

Li Qinghe blocked the line of sight from the side of Jiao Youyue, where was the godfather that Li Qinghe pushed away at the beginning.

"Damn it, how did you find me?"

The godfather had a ferocious expression on his face. It turned out that he was the Peacock Mantis Shrimp hiding here.

His voice was completely drowned out by the chants of the choir above.

So the godfather stopped hiding and transformed into a peatail mantis shrimp.

"God, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Li Qinghe said to the Director of Heavenly Dao who acted as the witness of the marriage.

Director of Heavenly Dao originally planned to deal with this zerg by himself, but after hearing Li Qinghe's request, he didn't know what was going on in his heart, so he agreed to Li Qinghe's request.

"The zerg have appeared."

The ant soldiers hidden here swarmed out, and the appearance of this group of ant soldiers reminded Misaki Youyue that she was still on a mission.

"Please go out and fight."

Li Qinghe said in a slightly cold voice.

But this time the ant soldiers are not Tian Suoxiu's unit, but the phantom team of Lost Cars.Naturally, he would not listen to Li Qinghe's words.

"What are you? This operation is to kill this zerg..."

A member of the phantom team was dissatisfied with Li Qinghe's words before he lost his car and wanted to speak.


The teammate was punched flying by a flashing red figure.

That peacock mantis shrimp is angry, I am the protagonist, how can you steal my limelight.

The Peacock Mantis Shrimp ran towards Li Qinghe.


When Tiandao was impatient and ready to transform, he lost his car and wanted to transform, and became Thebee.

Even though Su Xiang didn't know what Li Qinghe was doing, he didn't have a dispute with Li Qinghe under such circumstances. Li Qinghe was not only his savior, but also his benefactor.

Thebee grabbed the peacock-tailed mantis shrimp and was attacked by the ant soldiers of the phantom team before it stood up.

"Do you think you're the only one? Come on."

Peatail Mantis Shrimp pointed to the choir above Li Qinghe and said.But the choir above was unimpressed.

If it wasn't because this peacock-tailed mantis shrimp was too cautious, and even his subordinates didn't know where he was, Li Qinghe would have already secretly dealt with him.

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