After receiving an affirmative reply from Li Qinghe, the Director of Heavenly Dao returned home and waited in peace.

But the first thing he received was not the message from Li Qinghe, but Misaki Youyue riding a kabuto extender with a displeased face.It was delivered to the door of the head of Tiandao.

"Mr. Qinghe asked me to give it to you. This is the instruction manual."

After the handover, Misaki Yuzuki left.

Afterwards, Li Qinghe sent the information about Xiaogongshan's trip to the Director General of Heavenly Dao.

The director of Tiandao looked at the information passed by Li Qinghe, and left on the kabutoextenderode.

"It's here."

According to the address, the head of Tiandao quickly found the current location of Xiaogong Shanxing.

"Wife, be careful, you are pregnant with our child, how can I let you go out to buy vegetables. Let me go."

"Mr. Xiaogongshan, pay attention to safety on the road."

Then in the information Li Qinghe gave him, that man, Mr. Xiaogongshan, would leave as soon as he asked for a car.The Director of Heavenly Dao is about to follow Xiao Gongshan to leave.

Director of Tiandao suddenly saw a group of zerg rushing out, surrounding Xiaogong Shanxing and his wife who sent him to appear.


The screams of the wife belonging to Komiyayama lined up.

"Honey, what's the matter with you?"

Xiao Gongshan hurried over to support his wife.

"My stomach, my stomach hurts."

Xiao Gongshanxing's wife cried out in pain.

"You get out of the way."

Komiyayama said to the Zerg in front of him.

"I'm sorry, captain. You haven't completed the mission above for a month, so the above has revoked your captaincy. Now you are no longer our captain."

said a zerg in larval form.

"Although I'm not your captain anymore, why are you stopping me? Get out of the way."

Xiao Gongshanxing's wife was also frightened by the Zerg that appeared in front of her eyes.Although she doesn't know what her husband said to those zerg, Captain, she is also very worried about her husband's safety.

"Honey, run and leave me alone."

At this time, Komiyayama saw that his wife was so uncomfortable and thought of himself, and machismo broke out.

"Honey, don't worry, we're going to the hospital now. I won't let them hurt you."

Komiyayama said to his wife in a gentle tone.

"I asked them to come. The higher-ups think that you just want to play for a few more days. So, the higher-ups asked me to convey an order to kill her. This is a way to offset your failure to complete the task this month."

A man in a suit and leather shoes came out of the Zerg.

"Yoichi Nakajima, you don't have to worry about this matter, I will explain it to my superiors."

Komiyayama said.

"Do you think you still have the right to report to the higher-ups? The higher-ups are very angry at your dereliction of duty. Before you complete this task, you have no right to contact the higher-ups."

Yoichi Nakajima said.

"It seems that you won't do anything to the person next to you, so let me do it for you. Don't thank me."

Nakajima waved his hand, and the zerg larvae surrounded Komiyayama's wife.

"Go away."

Seeing that those Zergs were coming for real, Xiao Shangong was furious.

Komiyayama directly transformed into a poison dart frog with the same characteristics as a poison dart frog.

The poison dart frog is one of the most beautiful frogs in the world and one of the most poisonous species.Their size is very small, the smallest is only 15 centimeters, and some species can reach 6 centimeters.

Poison dart frogs are small in size, usually only 1 to 5 centimeters (05 to 2 inches), but they are very conspicuous. The color is a combination of black and bright red, yellow, orange, pink, green and blue.Inhabiting or near the ground, all belong to the poison frog family, but not all 170 species are poisonous.Poison dart frogs have some of the strongest poisons.Venom glands scattered throughout the amphibian's body produce a number of alkaloids that affect the nervous system.

The venom of the strawberry poison dart frog is smaller than that of other poison dart frog species, but the venom of the strawberry poison dart frog can cause the wound to swell and cause a burning sensation.

After Komiyayama transformed, he immediately fainted from his wife.

Komiyayama directly tore the zerg larvae that approached.

"Xiao Gongshan, I can't watch you make mistakes."

So Yoichi Nakajima transformed into a golden poison dart frog.

Hiroshi Nakajima pushed Komiyayama away.

"You killed her."

Naturally, those zerg larvae approached Komiyayama's wife again.

The director of Tiandao originally wanted to watch a good show, but now he saw this one.If you don't make a move, you won't be able to do it.


After a year, the head of Tiandao transformed into Jiadou again.

"Ah, drink!"

The director of Tiandao went down with his axe, and directly split the Zerg in the surrounding circle.

All the zerg exploded, and with the protection of the Director of Heavenly Dao, Xiao Gongshanxing's wife was naturally out of danger.

On the other side, Komiyayama pressed Yoichi Nakajima,

"Squeeze." The voice sounded.

The tongue of the strawberry poison dart frog transformed by Komiyayama hit Yoichi Nakajima with one click.

The place where Yoichi Nakajima was hit began to burn.

"You hit me. I love you so much, for you, you don't understand me."

Yoichi Nakajima's words made Li Qinghe, who was far away, feel a chill.The addiction to broken sleeves, Li Qinghe can only observe it from a distance.

Xiao Gongshanxing seemed to have thought of something, and his attack was even more ruthless, and the move was fatal, fearing that Hiroshi Nakajima would not die.

Another blow, this time Yoichi Nakajima's chest was pierced by Yuki Komiyayama's tongue.

"Although, although I couldn't save you, I am very happy to die in your hands. You have to be careful, the higher authorities will not let you go."

Hiroshi Nakajima exploded as soon as he finished speaking.

Li Qinghe could see that Yoichi Nakajima hadn't put in a tenth of his efforts, otherwise Xiao Gongshanxing would have been killed long ago.

This may be the power of "love".

From a distance, Li Qinghe saw the Director of Heavenly Dao killing those insects, but he was merciless in the slightest.

Komiyayama turned into a rose poison dart frog and saw the head of heaven guarding his wife. .

"Your captain is dead. Leave now."

Those Zerg larvae, seeing such a situation, turned around and ran for their lives.

Chapter 125 The Decision of the General Director of Heavenly Dao

The Director of Heavenly Dao will naturally not allow these Zergs to escape, "castoff."

The head of Tiandao transformed into a knight form, "clocku." He activated the super speed, and he was about to kill those zerg in an instant.

But Komiyayama Xing activated CLKU at the same time, blocking the head of Tiandao.

"Can you spare their lives?"

"Why, you know, they were going to kill her just now. And you are also a Zerg, you must die too."

The Director of Heavenly Dao transformed the Kunai Spear into a sword form, chopped off Xiao Gongshanxing who was blocking in front of him, and then wiped out all the Zerg larvae with one move.


The larvae exploded at the same time as the speeding ended.

"It's your turn."

The Director of Heavenly Dao pointed at Komiyayama Xing with the sword-shaped Kunai Spear.

"I know I'm not your opponent, I just hope you can let me send my wife to the hospital."

The director of Tiandao pointed at Xiaoshan Gongxing's Kuwu sword, and slowly put it flat.

"You go. Remember what you said."

Director of Tiandao turned and left.

"Thank you, thank you."

Xiao Gongshan hugged his wife, got into the car and drove towards the hospital.

After Xiao Gongshan sent his wife to the hospital, he took a breath and waited eagerly for the result at the door of the emergency room.

"Do you remember what you just said?"

He found Tiandao Zongji on the seat outside the emergency room, reading a newspaper.

"It's you, I know. I've already prepared for this. From the time I almost got rid of you, I knew that there might be today. Come on."

Xiao Gongshan led the head of Tiandao to a suburban place,

"bring it on."

Komiyayama transformed into a strawberry poison dart frog,

"I'm sorry, I don't want to die yet, I still want to see my unborn son, so please die. I didn't kill you last time, so I will make up for it this time."

A group of zerg surrounded the head of Tiandao.

The director of Tiandao grabbed the Jiadou zect that came from the space, "Transform."

Director of Tiandao looked at the strawberry poison dart frog indifferently, "Dead."

He knew the strength of the head of the Heavenly Way, and since he dared to ask the head of the Heavenly Way to come out, it meant that the strawberry poison dart frog appeared behind the head of the Heavenly Dao.

The blue poison dart frog spit out blue venom directly from its mouth, which was avoided flexibly by the director general of Tiandao.

The tongue of the blue poison dart frog popped out at an extremely fast speed and hit the head of Tiandao directly on the shoulder.

The head of Tiandao was flicked by the blue poison arrow tongue, directly tied around the neck of the head of heaven, and then fell in front of the strawberry poison dart frog.

And Xiaogong Shanxing also seized the opportunity, directly pressed on the head of Tiandao, and grabbed the head of Tiandao directly with his claws.

Director Tiandao turned his head in an emergency. Although he avoided his eyes, he was still hit on the head.

Director of Tiandao pressed the zector button on his waist with one hand, "castoff."

The armor on his body was removed, and those armor fragments bounced Komiyayama away from his body.

The blue poison dart frog wanted to take back the tongue tied to Tiandao Zongsi's neck, but the tongue was caught by Tiandao Zongsi with one hand.

The director of Tiandao held the Kunai gun in the other hand, transformed the Kunai gun into an ax form, and chopped it down. With the ax down, the tongue was cut off directly.

From the broken part of the tongue, streams of blue thick liquid gushed out.And the blue poison dart frog fell powerlessly to the ground.

"rider kick."

Regardless of whether you are falsely stunned or not, Director Tiandao quickly turned around and kicked the knight directly, killing the blue poison dart frog.

"It's your turn."

Director of Tiandao looked at Xiaogong Shanxing who was about to escape.

"Hurry up."

Komiyayama asked those zerg larvae to attack the head of Tiandao, trying to escape from the head of Tiandao.


Under super speed, Tiandao Chief Division killed those larvae and zerg like cutting melons and vegetables.It was found that the strawberry poison dart frog transformed by Komiyayama had disappeared.

Director of Tiandao canceled his transformation and took out his mobile phone. Li Qinghe had just sent him a new text message, which contained the latest location of Xiaogongshan's trip.

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