"Here it is."

Director Tiandao didn't cancel the transformation either, riding the motorcycle belonging to Jiadou, he directly used clku's ability to move towards Xiaogong Shanxing's position.

After Xiaogong Shanxing escaped with his life from the head of Tiandao, he realized that he had nowhere to go. The only place he wanted to go was the hospital where his wife was.

"I just take one look. Just one look."

Xiao Gongshan couldn't let go of his wife, so he returned to the hospital.

Then he ran into the Director of Heavenly Dao who was waiting for him in the hospital.

"Please, let me see my wife before I die."

Xiaogong Shanxing knelt down directly to the director of Tiandao.

Tiandao Zongji gave up his plan to use the riderkick to end Komiyayama's trip.

"This is the last chance."

Director of Heavenly Dao still gave Komiyayama Xing a chance.

Suddenly there was a newborn cry.

"Congratulations, although your wife gave birth prematurely, luckily the mother and child are safe."

A nurse came out of the emergency room and reported the good news to Xiao Gongshanxing.

"I have a son, I have a son."

Xiaogong Shanxing shouted excitedly, but in a blink of an eye he thought that he would be killed by the head of heaven in a while.

Xiao Gongshan took a look at his son and his wife lying in the emergency room through the crack of the door.Turned around and left.

This time Xiaogongshan did not play tricks, but went to the nearest garage honestly.

"I'm ready. Come on."

Xiao Gong Shanxing didn't transform this time, just stood there, closed his eyes, he was ready to be killed by the Director of Heavenly Dao.

"rider kick."

Director Tiandao quickly turned around, kicked a knight, turned and left.

Xiaogong Shanxing, who was waiting for death, felt a gust of wind blowing on his face, thinking that he was dead, but found that he was not dead, and the director of Tiandao had already walked around the corner.

"The strawberry poison dart frog is dead, and the only survivor is Xiao Gongshanxing. Don't let me get the news of you killing humans again, or I will never forgive you."

The Director of Heavenly Dao left after speaking, leaving behind Xiaogong Shanxing who was grateful for the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

But although the Director of Heavenly Dao let him go, the Zerg wouldn't let him go.His newborn son, and his wife were all killed by the zerg after he left the hospital.

And all of this happened, neither Tiandao Director General nor Komiyayama Xing knew.Xiaogong Shanxing desperately wanted to tell his wife the good news and ran towards the hospital.

Li Qinghe will not interfere with the choice of the head of heaven, this is the choice of head of heaven to revenge himself.

Li Qinghe was also worried that the director of Tiandao would be blinded by revenge.However, from the choice of the Director of the Heavenly Way, it can be seen that the Director of the Heavenly Way is still the Director of the Heavenly Way in Li Qinghe's mind. .

As for what happened after Xiaogongshan's trip, Li Qinghe didn't care.

Xiao Gongshan returned to the hospital and found that the emergency room of the hospital was washed by Zerg blood.And his wife was brutally dismembered, and his son had only one arm left.

Chapter 126 The Arrogant Giant Camel Spider Worm

A giant camel spider is wiping its mouth. It belongs to the aliens who have recently awakened from a deep sleep.

The giant camel spider has the same characteristics as the giant camel spider.

The scientific name of the giant camel spider is "arachnidsolifugae", and "arachnid" means "avoiding the sun" in Latin.The scientific name is the sun-avoiding spider, also known as the sun spider, the sun scorpion, and the camel spider.Also translated on the spider.There are 1100 different species in the phylum Arthropoda, Arachnida, which is not a spider.Living in hot and dry areas, most species are golden yellow.It is called wind scorpion because of its quick action or camel spider because of its protruding head.

Living in hot and dry areas, most species are golden yellow and inactive during the day, hence their common name.Also known as the wind scorpion (because of its agility) or the camel spider (because of its protruding head).

The abdomen is hairy and round, resembling a spider; the front appendages resemble scorpions.The body length is 10-50 mm (04-2 inches).Extremely voracious, the largest species can even kill small vertebrates.The chelicerae (first pair of appendages) are large, pincer-like, and toothed.The tentacles (the second pair of appendages) are leg-shaped, with suckers at the end for predation.Hind feet have racket-shaped organs, probably sensory organs.Common in Africa, southeast to India, Indonesia, especially Celebes, and parts of the New World.

Giant camel spiders inhabit warm and arid habitats, including nearly all deserts of Eastern Europe and the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, but excluding Australia.The sensory organs function like insect antennae, and two extra legs appear, which are used to catch prey, fly or climb.The giant camel spider is carnivorous or omnivorous. Most species feed on termites, dark beetles, and other small arthropods. Although it has been videotaped that the giant camel spider can also eat larger prey, such as lizards, etc., but if eaten carelessly, It can also cause choking and death.Although they don't usually attack humans, the tentacles can penetrate human skin, causing painful itching.

"Traitor, you are here. I have to say that the taste of human beings is quite delicious. The earth is a place suitable for us to live, and the lower creatures like humans can occupy it. Since you have chosen to be with the lower creatures like humans , then let me eat you.

Those people in the hospital are full of the smell of disinfectant, which is not delicious, but the woman is still delicious, especially the child. "

As he said that, the giant camel spider picked up the half of the baby's arm that hadn't been eaten yet, and Xiao Miyayama saw that it was the half of his own child's arm.

"I'm going to kill you, kill you."

Strawberry Poison Dart Frog.

The claw of a giant camel spider.

The sound of "click, eat, click" sounded, and one of the strawberry poison dart frog's paws was directly bitten off.

In the big mouth of the strawberry poison dart frog.

"Idiot, I was once nominated as a reserve cadre of law enforcement officers."

In fact, since the strawberry poison dart frog came here, most of what he saw were hallucinations.When he came here, he had already fallen under the illusion of the giant camel spider.

It's all fake except that it's true that his wife and his newborn son were eaten by giant camel spiders.

It seems that the strawberry poison dart frog fought, but in fact he didn't make any movements at all. The only movement was to put his claws into the mouth of the giant camel spider.

After cleaning up the traitor among the zerg, Xiao Gongshanxing, the giant camel spider continued to eat the remaining half of the baby's thigh in its mouth.

"It stands to reason that I shouldn't interfere with the cannibalism of your zerg, but you shouldn't be cannibal."

Li Qinghe walked out of the shadow step by step.

"Hehe, humans are born to be the food of our zerg."

The giant camel spider's eyes glowed green, and Li Qinghe immediately saw that the environment around him seemed to be different.

Li Qinghe also knew about the giant camel spider's battle.

Li Qinghe is different from ordinary people, he is very resistant to illusions.Li Qinghe also thought that the giant camel spider was an illusion at first, but it was not just a simple illusion.

"Sure enough, it's not a simple illusion."

Li Qinghe looked around at the features that seemed to be exactly the same as before.

"It's a neurotoxin."

Li Qinghe reacted immediately, the giant camel spider paralyzed the opponent's vision by releasing neurotoxin.Rather than a simple illusion.

But knowing is one thing, the solution is the real thing.Now that I am standing there without moving, it is estimated that the giant camel spider is staring at me for something delicious.

Li Qinghe remembered the special healing effect of the Jiadou World Belt, and tried it as a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Just when the giant camel spider was about to swallow Li Qinghe's head in one gulp, Li Qinghe grabbed Zector with one hand.

"Almost capsized in the gutter, although I still have a backup plan, but since I can solve you, there is no need for a backup plan."

"You are the first to wake up from my illusion."

Li Qinghe didn't explain, "Transform."

Li Qinghe directly transformed into Jiadou.

"Infinite Combos", Li Qinghe took out the hatchet transformed by the Kunai gun, and slashed at the giant camel spider's tiger body with extreme speed, and the hatchet exploded with unprecedented momentum.

"Didn't you eat? With such a little force, even my skin can't be cut."

The giant camel spider directly knocked Li Qinghe tens of meters away with one claw.

"Really strong."

This was Li Qinghe's only thought.

"Do you think you can defeat me if you break my illusion? I am far stronger than the cadres. If I don't eat too many of my kind, if they are afraid of me..."

The giant camel spider teleported to Li Qinghe.

It's true teleportation, not speed.

But Li Qinghe didn't panic, "Then try knight form. Castoff."

The armor on Jiadou's body suddenly fell off, and the giant camel spider didn't move at all.

One paw directly lifted Li Qinghe's transformed Jiadou, and threw Li Qinghe out.


In the state of being thrown into the air, Li Qinghe directly activated the super speed.

But Li Qinghe was still being kicked away, because the giant camel spider entered the clocku state faster than him, and kicked Li Qinghe's body again.

Li Qinghe was kicked away again in clku.

Li Qinghe hadn't reacted in the clku state, and his body remained in the air.


With the final blow, Li Qinghe was directly thrown out of the clku state.

Li Qinghe was in pain all over, and he canceled the transformation.

"What? Give up resistance?"

The giant camel spider said with a mocking tone. .

"I'm just making a phone call."

Li Qinghe took the phone, "Heavenly Dao, come and help me, the location has been sent to you."

Chapter 127 Calling for Help

During this process, the giant camel spider watched Li Qinghe make a phone call.

Immediately afterwards, Li Qinghe called the captain of the phantom team, Xiang Xiang.

Lost Cars is currently debugging the battle simulation of the phantom team that has replenished a large number of new players.

"Drip la la, drip la la."

The lost car wanted to pick up the phone, "Hi, I'm Kiba Qinghe, and I've already placed a sum of 1000 million r yuan on your card."

The lost car thinks that money is needed now. On the one hand, the training of new players requires a lot of money. On the other hand, the Phantom Squad was wiped out last time because of their own reasons. Most of the players died. Their pension zect was given to There are not many, so if you want to make up for your mistakes if you lose your car, you need a lot of money.

"What do you want from me?"

Lost the car didn't want to refuse, he felt that it was just right to take this group of team members out for actual combat.

"Come and fight with me. There is a Zerg that is very strong. This time, you don't need to lead any team members. Otherwise, I won't pay any extra money for those players who die here. This is the position."

He lost his car and thought that he was still willing to believe Li Qinghe's words, so he lost the desire to have his phantom team accompany him to fight together.

Immediately afterwards, Li Qinghe called Daisuke Kazama, the only surviving member of the Kazama family.

"who are you?"

It was not Daisuke Kazama who answered the phone, but a little girl.

"Please hand over your phone to Daisuke. I have something to say to him."

"Daisuke is busy right now, so I can convey something on your behalf."

said the little girl.

"You give him the phone now. If he is still unwilling to answer the phone, then you tell him that he will lose the two most important things."

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, he waited here for Daisuke Kazama's reply.

"Daisuke, call. I want to call for you."

The little girl is named Liu.

Daisuke Kazama is doing makeup on a beautiful woman at this time, and he hates it most when someone interrupts his work during his work.

If Liu doesn't give him a reasonable explanation, then he will definitely get angry at Liu.

"Liu, what's the matter, didn't I say not to call me during working hours?"

Although Daisuke said so, he still answered the phone.

"Daisuke, I'm sorry."

Liu said in a low voice.

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