"Hey, who are you?"

Daisuke Kazama asked very annoyed.

"I am Kiba Kiyokawa, and I need your help now."

"Why should I help you? Boring phone calls."

Daisuke Kazama finished speaking and hung up the phone.

Except for Yazi Yingshan who hung up Li Qinghe's phone, no one else dared to hang up his own phone.

"Daisuke, the man said that if you don't answer his call, you will lose two important things."

Liu said cautiously.She could tell that Daisuke Kazama was not in a good mood.

"Hmph, what am I afraid of losing?"

That's what it says.But Daisuke Kazama still picked up the phone and followed the incoming call.

But Li Qinghe hung up here, Daisuke Kazama continued to call, and then Li Qinghe continued to hang up.

After three times in a row, when Daisuke Kazama was about to give up, Li Qinghe answered the phone.

"I now order you to come to this place immediately and help me."

Li Qinghe has never had a good temper with those who refuse to eat a toast and take a fine wine.

"Why am I going where? And you said I would lose the two most important things. What are they?"

Daisuke Kazama asked.

"I don't think you want to know."

Li Qinghe hung up the phone right here.

"Why, have you finished calling for help? If not, I'll give you some more time."

The giant camel spider asked very leisurely.

"There's still one call left."

Li Qinghe raised his phone.

"Then give you a little more time and call them all. I have plenty of time here."

After the giant camel spider finished speaking, he sat down on the spot.

"No need, the people I found are enough to defeat you."

As soon as the words were finished, the Director of Tiandao had already arrived on his motorcycle.


The Director of Heavenly Dao transformed directly.

"God, don't be in a hurry, this Zerg is very powerful. You wait for others first."

Li Qinghe resisted the urge of the Director of Tiandao to act immediately.

Immediately afterwards, I lost my car and wanted to ride a motorcycle, so I also rushed over.

Li Qinghe was his employer, so he had to come this time just for the money.

"Is everyone here? I can't wait."

The giant camel spider got up from the ground, ready to fight.

"Don't worry, there's one more."

But after waiting for half an hour, no one showed up.Daisuke Kazama did not come as Li Qinghe thought, but went to work at the next location with Liu.

"It seems that your guy is scared and won't come, hahaha."

The giant camel spider laughed hahaha.

Li Qinghe looked at his watch, "Since that person is not coming, let's start the fight. The three of us can beat you too. Transform."

After resting for such a long time, Li Qinghe's injuries have almost recovered.It seemed that three knights had come, but the surroundings were already full of armed forces, and Li Qinghe would not let him go.

Jia Dou, who was transformed by Tiandao Chief Director, took the lead in punching, but this punch was directly caught by the giant camel spider.


The Director of Heavenly Dao was thrown away directly.

Immediately afterwards, thebee, who had lost his car and wanted to transform, struck out, hitting the giant camel spider in quick succession.

"Didn't you eat? This is not as hard as that ax cut just now."

While the giant camel spider taunted thebee, it kicked thebee away.

Immediately afterwards, Li Qinghe directly cast off, shouting infinite combos to attack again, the giant camel spider waited contemptuously for Li Qinghe's hatchet, but this time Li Qinghe only feinted.

"rider kick."

This is Li Qinghe's killer move.

Li Qinghe's move was completely eaten up by the giant camel spider who didn't even think about avoiding it.

"castoff. Knight thrust."

Lost Car Xiang also seized this opportunity, directly transformed into a knight form, and then used a trick to successfully hit the giant camel spider.

The head of Tiandao, who was thrown away first, also directly transformed into a knight form, and wanted to make up for a knight kick.

"rider kick."

But at this moment, the giant camel spider had already reacted. It suffered two kicks from the knights, and it was also seriously injured. He paid the price for his contempt and arrogance.

How dare you eat another knight kick from the head of heaven, the tentacles of the giant camel spider intertwined, and the huge current generated directly contacted the "riderkick" of head of heaven.

As a result, the tentacles of the giant camel spider were kicked off, and it was considered to have avoided the trick of the head of heaven.

An energy ball suddenly formed in the claw of the giant camel spider, "You are the first time I have suffered such serious injuries, I will definitely not let you off next time. Just wait."

After finishing speaking, the energy ball exploded directly, blowing up Li Qinghe, the head of Tiandao and the lost car.

When the smoke cleared, Li Qinghe slammed his fist on the ground, "Damn it, let him escape."

"Thank you for this matter."

Director of Heavenly Dao canceled the transformation, "It's nothing, but that guy is very strong. Be careful next time."

Chapter 128 A Capture of Jiadou

After finishing speaking, the head of Tiandao left.

Lost Car Xiang also canceled the transformation, "If there is such a good thing in the future, remember to call me."

Li Qinghe nodded with a smile.I lost my car and thought about it.

"Oh, what a pity. He was allowed to escape."

Li Qinghe sighed deliberately, and Li Qinghe also left here after speaking.

"Ahem, if I hadn't been careless just now, I would definitely keep you all here."

From the ground that just exploded, the giant camel spider came out of the ground.

"Crimson Drill. Gold Drill."

Just when the giant camel spider relaxed, Faiz and Kaixa's nirvana hit the unsuspecting giant camel spider.

"Ah. Who is it?"

The giant camel spider's eyes scanned the surroundings, and found a red knight and a yellow knight in front of him.

"It's faiz, and a yellow knight. Never seen one."

The giant camel spider clutched its right chest, where faiz and kaixa's trick just passed.

"A sneak attack."

The giant camel spider spit out green blood from its mouth, and fell to the ground exhausted.But neither faiz nor kaixa came close.They all took out their guns, activated the burst mode, and prepared to shoot and kill the giant camel spider.


Suddenly the giant camel spider disappeared, and at the same time, Li Qinghe who blocked the giant camel spider's sneak attack for Faiz and Kaixa also disappeared.

This is enough time for Faiz and Kaixa to react.

The cleverly transformed faiz directly installed the faixalex watch-like widget on his arm.

"Acceleration Form. (alexfor)"

Kaixa and Qianqiao transformed from Xitian also used super speeding abilities.

"Twelve Crimson (Gold) Drills."

The giant camel spider.

The broken tentacles on the head of the giant camel spider grew again, and the electricity released from the tentacles directly formed a super strong ion protection net.

Twelve crimson electric drills and gold electric drills were blocked outside the protective net and could not enter.During this period of time, in the eyes of the outside world, it was just a matter of a moment. The electric drill rotated around the protective net 24 times in a moment, but there was no progress.

After the giant camel spider persisted for a few minutes, it let out a scream, and at the same time its ion protection net also stopped functioning.Now the twelve crimson electric drills and the twelve gold electric drills all hit it.

The giant camel spider had endured so many attacks, its body fell down involuntarily, and its consciousness fell into a deep sleep.

"Bring it back."

Li Qinghe canceled his transformation, and looked at this zerg with fiery eyes. He was still thinking about which zerg he chose as his research object, but the giant camel spider bumped into it.The strength is not weak, and it has been squeezed out by the same kind.

So Li Qinghe set up this bureau, and this bureau invited Tiandao and the others from Li Qinghe, which was the first step.

As the knights of the Kabuto world, their nirvana has a higher bonus in this world than the 555 world.

Therefore, it is necessary to borrow the power of Tiandao Shoji, Lost Car Xiang, and Kazama Daisuke to injure the giant camel spider.

The only thing Li Qinghe didn't expect was that Daisuke Kazama didn't give him face at all and didn't come at all.Originally, I thought that Daisuke Kazama would be used as a long-range force to support him.

Fortunately, because there were only three knights, each of the giant camel spiders performed a nirvana attack, which really injured the giant camel spider, and the injury was not serious.

Originally, Li Qinghe was still thinking about how to get rid of the Director of Heavenly Dao and the lost car, because if the fight continued, the zerg might be killed, which was not what Li Qinghe hoped.

Fortunately, this giant camel spider put a smoke bomb on its own, and hid in the ground cleverly, thinking that the most dangerous place is the safest place.

It never expected that Li Qinghe had already controlled the entire situation in this area, and it was not found in other places.

Then it meant that it didn't leave, but Li Qinghe also pretended to think that it had left.After dismissing the Chief Director of Tiandao and the thought of losing the car, he also left.

Then the giant camel spider, who thought he had escaped and was determined not to underestimate his opponent next time, came up from the ground.

At this moment, he thought that there was no one outside, so he completely relaxed his vigilance and covered his injured wound.

In the end, they were attacked by Ganqiao and Xitian's transformed Faiz and Kaixa.

The giant camel spider wanted to activate clku's ability to make a comeback, but just after this plan was implemented, Li Qinghe, who was also in the clku state, discovered it and blocked its blow.

The giant camel spider gave Qianqiao and Xitian enough time to react.But Li Qinghe didn't expect that the giant camel spider's tentacles, which were kicked off by Qianqiao, could grow again, and formed an ion protection net through it.

Fortunately, in the end, the giant camel spider was seriously injured, fell into a coma, and was taken away by Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe brought the giant camel spider to the secret room of his underground base in Tokyo, and began to study the giant camel spider.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

Some things happened in the past two days. For example, the head of Tiandao killed a zerg that was killing people everywhere the day before yesterday, and then the news spread that the head of Tiandao got the kabuto belt and transformed into a armor again.

Therefore, Lost Car Xiang also received a new task, "Lost Car, the headquarters has issued a new order for you, kill this newly appeared Jiadou, and then get back the belt."

Lost Car wanted to be honest and didn't want to accept this order, but this order was issued by zect headquarters, and he was required to execute it. If he couldn't do it, then the captain of the phantom team should be replaced.

"God, I'm sorry, I don't want to leave here."

Lost the car wanted to say silently in my heart.

Although I don't know the residence of Tiandao Director General, it is not difficult to know the location of Tiandao Director General next time. As long as there are murderous zergs, then Tiandao Director General will appear in nine out of ten.

Lost Car Wanted to submit his battle plan this time, although Lost Car Wanted to get the belt of Tiandao Director General last time, and handed it over to the people sent by the headquarters.

But those people were killed by Li Qinghe on the way to exchange Jiadou belts.And this belt also returned to the hands of the Director of Heavenly Dao by coincidence.

However, zect headquarters' spying on Tiandao's belt has not diminished but increased.

"The molt zerg has appeared in the b3 area and needs to be supported."

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