Abe Rina saw that other students around her were looking at her, and seeing a lifesaver, she also decided to go all out.

On the second hit, Abbe Rina reacted.

Wait, this person's body temperature is normal, and it hasn't been turned into ashes until now.

Abe Rina touched Li Qinghe's forehead, it was normal.

"Are you okay?"

Abe Rina asked.

Seeing that he couldn't pretend anymore, Li Qinghe stood up slowly. Although the last blow of the crocodile Ophelia did not kill him, it really hurt.

"Why didn't I die, I'm fine, I'm fine, truth, you see, I'm alive and well."

Li Qinghe said in pretended surprise.

When Truth saw that Li Qinghe was not dead, the stone in her heart also fell to the ground. She thought she was going to lose a good friend again.

Only Abe Rina remained suspicious of Li Qinghe, as if, it seemed that Li Qinghe was feigning surprise now.However, how could it be possible, how would he know that he would not die when he transformed into Kaixa.

"Beauty, is what you just said true?"

Li Qinghe asked Abe Rina.

"Ah, this..."

Abe Rina was a little entangled, and just said it in front of everyone.But I don't have a deep impression of this man, and I don't know much about him. It's only the second time I met him, so why did I just agree in a daze.

Isn't it a little bad to regret it now? Then wait a while and get to know this man. If he is not my type, then we can break up peacefully.


Abe Rina nodded. With so many people watching, it is always not good to regret immediately.


The hurried motorcycle came, and everyone saw that it was Qianqiao who came in a hurry.

Kimura Shinmi, another short-haired beauty on the RV, picked up the kaixa belt that fell on the ground.

"This belt, we can't transform. Now. Only you can transform..."

Kimura Shinmi is about to hand over the kaixa belt to Li Qinghe.

"and many more!"

Chapter 98 The Passing Belt

It was Tokumoto Kyosuke who spoke.

He straightened his collar and continued: "Is it wrong to hand over the kaix belt to this man now? We don't know what kind of person he is yet.

In case, he came to play the double reed together with the Orfienuo just now to deceive everyone, he wants to take the kaix belt. "

"How can you say that! He just risked his life and saved all of us. If it weren't for him, we would all have died at the hands of that Orfi Enoch. He didn't have to do that at all. Orfienuo killed us, just take the belt away."

It was Abe Rina who spoke.

"Ah, you haven't passed the door yet, why are you speaking for your future husband.

He was the one who insisted on transforming just now, and we didn't want him to transform. Besides, if Orfi Enoch killed us, wouldn't he kill him? He was just saving himself.

Besides, I didn't have time to get the belt to transform just now.Niwa Daisuke and Yamamoto Hiroshi were all ready to transform themselves to save everyone, but he was one step ahead of them. "

Ogawa Yishui stood aside and said in a strange manner that he did not approve of handing over the kaixa belt to others.

Li Qinghe laughed when he heard Xiao Chuan Yishui's shameless words.Just over the crisis, he crossed the river and demolished the bridge, saying that I can do it, and I can save everyone.It is useless to belittle Li Qinghe's behavior.

This behavior of keyboard warrior reminded Li Qinghe of a sentence.

In reality {crisis}, I swallow my anger and dare not insult others. On the Internet {post-crisis}, I strike hard and insult netizens, with high spirits!

The sky did not give birth to me as a keyboard warrior, my spray is like a long night through the ages.key!The top of the fairy, proud of the world, there is a sky with my keyboard, there are 300 million keyboard immortals in the world, you have to lower your eyebrows when you meet me, I am the emperor of the keyboard, and I will suppress all enemies in the world, who is called invincible.

Which word is undefeated, keyed to the law of freedom.key!The key of the big plate comes from the sky, and the words will never return when the torrent is buckled. When the yin and yang are in reverse, use my magic key to clear the sky, and the key to good fortune in the sky.

Most of the people in Meteor Private School are on Xiaochuan Yishui's side.

This belt was given to them by his father, although only Li Qinghe can use it now.But since Li Qinghe has no side effects when using it, it means that this belt can still be used by someone.

It's just that I still don't know the prerequisites for using this kaix belt.Anyway, this kaixa belt cannot be taken away by others, maybe I can also transform through the kaixa belt without side effects.

Ogawa Yishui also has the idea of ​​transforming in his mind.Being able to transform into a kaixa means gaining great power.With power, you can do whatever you want.

"What do you think?"

Abbe Rina looked at the other surviving students.

Another male classmate stood up and said, "I think, since the kaixa belt was handed over to us by our father, we should decide his right to use it.

Although we can't transform now, we can't tell in the future.And I don't know if there is anyone among us who can transform into Kaixa. I also feel a little inappropriate to hand it over so hastily.

Why don't we cast a vote and see what everyone thinks.

If we really can't change our bodies, then it won't hurt to give this belt to him.Maybe after handing it over, we all got rid of the crisis of life, no longer being chased by Ophelia, and we can continue to live a peaceful life. "

What this student said was reasonable, and the other students echoed it.

However, this vote is not taking place now, but at a later date.And the result of the vote, huh, huh, Li Qinghe had already figured out what the result would be.

What if after handing over the kaixa belt to Li Qinghe, Ao Fei Enuo continued to hunt them down.

Some of them are still thinking about giving the belt to Orfienuo, in exchange they can survive and resume their old lives.

Really stupid!Since I can grab the belt directly, why compromise with you.

In a word, other students in this class regard the kaixa belt as the public property of their own Meteor School.

The suggestions of Kimura Shinmi and Abbe Rina were overwhelmed in front of everyone.

Thus, the kaixa belt just passed by Li Qinghe.

"Hey, it's just the last step. These goddamn troublemakers."

Li Qinghe glanced at Tokuben Kyosuke angrily, if not for what this guy said, the kaixa belt would have been handed over to him.

Li Qinghe hid the murderous intent in his eyes, his face was indifferent, it seemed that what everyone said didn't affect him.

Ogawa Kazusui took the box containing the Kaixa belt to the car.

The truth is on the side, telling him what happened before Gan Qiao came.

The classmate who happened to have no idea of ​​the truth is such a person.


Abe Rina said apologetically.

"I didn't lose anything, but I gained a sweetheart."

Li Qinghe took down Abbe Rina's opponent.

Abe Rina shook it twice, but it didn't come back.With a thin skin, she let Li Qinghe do it, but her impression of Li Qinghe was not very good.It was the first time I met someone, that's all.

Afterwards, other members of the Meteor Private School packed up the clothes of the teacher and Shindao Takahisa, and dug a pit on the spot to bury them.As for the ashes, in the wilderness, the wind is not small.

After such a long time, Ashes didn't know where to go.

"Mr. Qian, I'm sorry, we actually suspected you."

Kimura Shinmi apologized to Qianqiao.

"It's nothing to mind. From your standpoint, Qinghe and I are indeed outsiders, and you are right."

Ganqiao patted Li Qinghe on the shoulder, telling him not to be angry.

Just kidding, how could Li Qinghe not be angry!Although Li Qinghe had already regarded these people as dead.


Hiroshi Yamamoto, who was sitting in the driver's seat, suddenly honked the horn of the RV.

"Damn it, what should we do in the future, even the teacher was killed by them."

"The teacher died so suddenly, he should know some news and hasn't had time to tell us."

Kyousuke Deben said.

"There are fewer and fewer people around me. I think we should look for those classmates who can't be contacted. Maybe they will know some clues."

Abe Rina said.

"That's the only way to go, so let's find the Sokaya man at the class reunion first. Truth, what do you think?"

Ogawa Yishui asked.

"Yeah, let's find him first. Soka didn't attend the class reunion. Since he didn't attend the reunion, why is there his signature on the commemorative signature plate. I believe there must be some secret in it. Have you got in touch To Soka?"

Truth nodded and asked.

"Well, yes, we got in touch. But I don't know why he doesn't know why, I don't think he really wants to see us."

Tokumoto Kyousuke took out the phone book, which contained Soka Masato's phone number.

"Don't want to see you?"

Truth asked suspiciously.

"Well, for the specific situation, maybe after meeting, ask him."

Truth said.

Chapter 99 Fated Encounter

"Then leave it to me."

Truth took up the task.

Li Qinghe looked like he almost got the kaixa belt, but in his heart, 1 alpacas ran past.

However, fortunately, a "girlfriend" falling from the sky is not considered nothing.Li Qinghe comforted himself like this.

"Let's go, Qinghe."

After the discussion, Truth was ready to leave.Seeing Li Qinghe and Abe Rina still "love each other", I don't know why they are a little jealous.

Truth didn't know why, but the picture of Li Qinghe "" her palm came to mind.Shaking my head quickly, what am I thinking about.

Yes, I'm still single, how can you have a girlfriend.

Truth dragged Li Qinghe away.

And after seeing Li Qinghe leave, Abe Rina felt a little lost in his heart, wait, what am I missing?I'm so beautiful, it's not like no one likes me.

Truth and the others took the information they got from other students and looked for Sogaya.

The address and phone number of the Caojia people are all known.

Because of the heavy rain that afternoon, Zhenzhen didn't go to school and stayed at home.

"Well, the truth. Are we going to investigate that Sogaya man?"

Li Qinghe asked.

There was a thunderous "click".

Everyone who was eating was startled, but You Ganqiao was not affected at all.

"heavy rain.

So what kind of person is he? "

Li Qinghe asked.

"Although I haven't seen him for a long time, I still remember that he was a very cowardly person when he was in Meteor Private School. He was often bullied by others, and he always asked me to find a way to save him."

The truth tells about how she was a big sister when she was a child, Cao Jiaya was bullied by other classmates, and she helped in the past.

The problem is, that was when I was a kid!

"Is it really okay? You haven't seen each other for so long."

Ganqiao asked while blowing on the hot noodles.

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