"No problem, you'll know it when you see it. And people, they won't be so fickle."

Truth said.

In this way, a group of people came to Luquan Gakuin University where Sogaya was.

Ganqiao stopped the motorcycle by himself and started to look for someone at the school.

Li Qinghe and Zhenzhen came by taxi, so they got there first.

The truth went directly to the Academic Affairs Office, where they were looking for the Cao Jiaya they were looking for.

"Yes, Sogaya."

Truth said, pointing to the names on the roster.

"Second year, belongs to the sword club."

Coincidentally, he also came to the Academic Affairs Office at this time and went to the Jianbu teaching building.

There is a class of students in it, wearing white training clothes and receiving training.

"Put the action right, forward, forward, forward! Stab, stab again!

Back off, stab.Back up, back up. "

The teacher taught the students in f language. Flickr is the official language of fencing.You must know that fencing originated in country f.

"Well, sorry, we're looking for someone named Soka."

Ganqiao asked the kendo trainees who were resting around.

"Oh, look for Caojia, he's over there."

Truth looked in the direction pointed, and saw a team of trainees who were practicing against each other.

Both of them wore protective gear on their heads, and Truth intuitively recognized that the one on the left was "Saugaya".

But is this kind of blind guess really reliable?

"Mr. Qinghe, Ah Qiao, can you two avoid me for a while? I have something to say to Cao Jia later."

Now that the truth has been said, Na Ganqiao and Li Qinghe can only go out first.

After the two men finished their training, they took off their headgear.

Truth chased the man on the left and ran out.

Li Qinghe and Gan Qiao were wandering around in Luquan Academy.

Gan Qiao really deserved to be a person with full Lu Chi attributes, he and Li Qinghe walked together, and they could both get lost.

If you get lost, just get lost, he still can't find the way back.In this way, Qianqiao came to a racetrack.

Accidentally, Ganqiao stepped on horse dung.

"It's dirty."

Gan Qiao rubs the horse dung on the shoes.

"This dilapidated school is quite big, no matter how you run, you can't get out."

A series of unlucky encounters caused Qianqiao to complain non-stop.

Ever since I came to this school, I got lost first, and then stepped on this horse shit. Enough is really enough!

The clever complaint was heard by the man on the horse closest to him.

"Your tone is not good. If you go out to society, you will suffer a lot. I advise you to change your temper."

said the man on the horse.

Qianqiao was not very happy, and was educated.

Ganqiao immediately retorted: "You don't need to be so troublesome, I was born like this. You should worry about you, don't be kicked by the horse."

Ganqiao not to be outdone, came with a horseshoe warning.

The man on the horse was about to say something.A tennis club student ran over,

"Minister, do you have time? You can come and guide our practice."

"Well, I'll be right there."

The man got off the horse, stroked the horse's mane, looked at the horse's hooves from time to time, and was told by Gan Qiao.The man is really afraid that the horse will kick him suddenly, he is really a man who makes people feel intimidated!

The man left the equestrian field, wiped his hands, and headed to the tennis practice field.

On the other side, Truth invites "Cao Jia Ya Ren" to the tennis training ground.

"Grass Kaya" was sitting on the stairs, wondering what this strange woman was looking for?

Could it be her long-lost sister?It's still the object I fell in love with many years ago.However, I am the only son, and I have always kept myself clean.

Only boyfriends, no girlfriends.There are so many hot boyfriends in the world, what kind of girlfriend are you looking for?

Truth is also looking at "Cao Jia Yaren". I haven't seen him for a few years, and he has become a little unfamiliar to himself. He is styling his hair with chicken feathers. When the wind blows, his hair flutters like chicken feathers.

"Long time no see, Soka-kun. I have a lot to say to you, but why didn't you attend the class reunion?"

The atmosphere was a little awkward, and Truth spoke first.

"What are you talking about!"

"Cao Jia Ya Man" looked puzzled.

Class reunion? what?When is the class reunion, this girl is probably my classmate, but I don't remember him at all.From childhood to adulthood, he was surrounded by boys.Where did the girl come from!

"You don't understand what it means?"

The truth is because Abe Rina once said before that the Cao Jiaya people don't want to see them, so the "Sau Jiaya people" are now saying that they pretend not to know her and don't want to see her. It makes sense to think about it this way.

So the truth thought it was a lie of the "saugara man", so he asked him what he meant by doing so.

"I really don't know what you're going to say, I don't even know you."

The "Grass Kaya Man" had a confused expression on his face.

"Could it be that you have some secret? What are you hiding?"

truth asked.

"I'm really not interested in talking to you anymore, I have to go back to practice."

"Caojiaya" is sure, the person in front of him may be a crazy woman, anyway, I don't know her.

Truth grabbed him, "Wait, wait."

"Let go, don't bother me, okay?"

The "saugaryas" pushed the truth to the ground.

This scene happened to be seen by Qianqiao who rushed back from the other side.

"what are you doing?"

Cleverly grabbed the "Cao Jia Yaren",

Chapter 100 True and False "Caojia"

"What do you want?"

Qianqiao asked angrily.

This person is obviously Truth's childhood playmate, and this time he came here specifically to find out about the situation, but now he treats Truth this way.

If he is not a classmate of truth, his fist has already been beaten.

"You are Soka, right?"

Qiao asked.

"What happened."

Coincidentally, I saw the man on horseback from the racetrack coming over.

"Minister, these people don't know what they are doing, they want to hinder my practice."

"Saugaya" explained.

Hearing "Cao Jia Ya's" explanation, that person grabbed Gan Qiao's hand that was holding "Cao Jia Ya's" clothes, and twisted it.

"Ah, it hurts."

Gan Qiao tried hard to pull it back, but it was useless.

"you again."

The man shook off his skillful hand.

"What's the matter!"

Ganqiao shook his hand, it hurts, that guy hit really hard.

"It's not okay to argue with someone, no matter what the reason. Because you're an athlete."

The man said to the "Saugaya".

"Then why don't we try sports."

Gan Qiao stared at the man's eyes.

"Sakaka-kun, if we win, you have to tell those secrets."

Seeing that Truth is so confident, he also believes that he will win.

"I've said it all, I don't know."

The tone of "Casaja Yaren" was full of boredom.

"I will take the place of the challenge of truth."

said dryly.

"Then I will also play for my lovely junior, and you and I are really destined, what event should we choose?"

said the man.

"Any project is fine, just see how I frustrate your spirit."

Gan Qiao raised her head and said, Gan Qiao is a little bit shorter than that person.

"Ha, come on then."

Now that Ganqiao has said so, that person thought, then I will be impolite.

The two first started to compete in tennis.

Gan Qiao took the tennis racket of the student next to him, threw the tennis ball upwards, and then swung the tennis rack hard.

The man let out a "huh", not because he didn't catch the tennis ball, but because he didn't see the tennis ball hit from the dry racket.

Ganqiao showed a confident smile, seeing my handsome movements, I must have been energized by me.

It's just that the tennis ball thrown above his head landed on Ganqiao's right hand and bounced in due course.

The man opened his mouth in surprise!

Did you just play tennis with a frying pan?How come you can't even hit a tennis ball.

"What the hell is he doing? Captain."

"Saugaya" asked.

"God knows".

said the man.

You can even see the truth of not understanding the rules, and you can't compare to that person. You can't even serve, so how dare you dare to play the game.

Competing with a layman who doesn't even know how to serve, does winning prove that he is good at it?

That person looked helpless, so let's change the game method.

"It seems that you may not be very good at this event, so let's change to another event, fencing. You will know how to do this, one of the compulsory items in university."

the man tried to ask.

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