"Come on."

Coincidentally, if you lose the battle, you don't lose anyone, so you agreed.

"Aqiao, do you know fencing?"

On the way to the fencing gym, Truth asked.

"Isn't it just killing people? What's the problem?"

Truth feels ashamed after listening to the clever words.How could fencing be as simple as Gan Qiao said.

This fencing, both sides use foil.For Ganqiao, there is no difference between epee, foil, and saber. He is confident that he can win.

The foil is a pure stabbing weapon.Only the tip of the sword is effective, and the rapier is invalid.The effective hit site is the torso.

The effective part of the hit is covered by metal clothing, so that the electronic equipment can separate the effective and invalid hits.

Foil competition also pays attention to hitting priority.In this case, it is difficult to distinguish the priority of hitting. If the sword touches the arm sometimes, it is an invalid part in foil.

Gan Qiao and that person put on the protective gear before the match started again.

Truth said to "Caojiaya": "However, you have really changed. We used to get along very well."

"I told you, I don't know you."

"Caojia Yaren" said helplessly.

"That's good, I will forget the name Sogaya in the future."

Seeing that the "Caojiaya people" didn't want to talk to themselves, Truth became angry.

"Are you mistaken? My name is not Soka Masato, but Soka Ichiro."

"Caojiaya people" said.


Truth looked at Soka Ichiro.

"The grassy man you mentioned is there."

Soka Ichiro pointed to the person who was competing with Ganqiao.

Truth blushed a little, it turned out that she made a mistake.Coincidentally, why can't you ask for the full name when you ask for the name, it's tricking me.

Gan Qiao and Cao Jia Ya point their swords at each other.After putting on the protective gear, I heard Cao Jiaya say "start".

The game officially begins.

Gan Qiao made a strong attack first, stabbed the foil twice, and when it was about to fall on Cao Jia Yaren's shoulder, Cao Jia Ya's foil had already pierced Qian Qiao's heart.

The metal armor made a beep of "Del".This represents a point for the Sogaya.

The two separated and continued to come again.Gan Qiao swallowed her saliva, she must be faster this time, striding forward three times in a row.

As for the Cao Jiaya, when he stabbed for the last time, he shot suddenly and hit again.

Sogaya scored another point.

Li Qinghe, who was wandering around the campus, received a call from Abe Rina.

"Mr. Qinghe, please come here, we have been attacked by Ophelia, in..."

Li Qinghe hung up the phone and went directly to the scene of the incident.

Going back to fifteen minutes ago, other students at the Meteor Private School in the RV discussed Kaixa's solution.

They wanted to keep this belt, but they didn't dare to transform themselves. No one knew if they could be as lucky as Li Qinghe.But if it is handed over to outsiders, they feel a little unwilling.

"This belt, if we can't use it, we might as well give it to Orfi Enoch."

Niwa Daisuke said.

"Then why not give it to Mr. Qinghe. He can use this belt to transform."

Abe Rina asked.

"What nonsense are you talking about. He is an outsider, how can this belt be given to him, the belt was sent by Dad. We continue to keep the belt, this is what Dad wants."

Kyousuke Deben said.

Seeing that the students had disagreements over the belt again, Kimura Shinmi felt a little irritable and got out of the RV.

"Xinmei, wait for me, you go there."

Hiroshi Yamamoto, who had a crush on her, also got out of the car, but he didn't notice the crocodile Ophelia hidden behind the door of the RV.


Hearing the sound of closing the door, Hiroshi Yamamoto turned his head and saw the crocodile Ophelia, shouted, and pushed Kimura Shinmi to the crocodile Ophelia.

The crocodile Ophelia was not polite, and after piercing Kimura Shinmi's heart with his tentacles, he pierced Yamamoto Hiroshi's head.

The scream of Hiroshi Yamamoto made the other students in the RV leave the RV from the driver's seat.

When Li Qinghe dared to come, only Abe Rina and Tokumoto Kyosuke were left, and everyone else fell to the ground.

"Qinghe, belt."

Abbe Rina snatched the belt box from Tokumoto Kyosuke, and fitted the kaixa belt on Li Qinghe's waist thoughtfully.

Chapter 1 The power of the shadow crocodile = the power of the king?

Li Qinghe took the Kaixa phone and inserted it into the card slot.

"standgby {on standby}."



Li Qinghe transformed into Kaixa, holding the Kaixa blade in his hand, and walked towards the crocodile Ophelia.


At the beginning, let's start with a few light bullets.

Li Qinghe twitched the rear gate of the blade gun to fill the dan yao.

"bsterode{rapid-fire mode}"

More than a dozen light-emitting bullets hit the crocodile Orfienuo.

Apparently the crocodile Ofienuo also recognized it, and this time the shapeshifter was the same as last time.Although I don't know why he didn't die, but I don't seem to be his opponent.

The crocodile Orfi Enuo turned his head to look at Tsomo Ichiro and Kageyama Yako who were watching the theater in the distance, forget it, let's play for a while.

The crocodile Ophelia pulled out his door machete and placed it sideways in front of him, blocking Li Qinghe's bullet.

The crocodile Ophelia directly knocked Li Qinghe down.

Li Qinghe didn't drop the sword this time.

The blade gun hit the belly of the crocodile Ofienuo, turning the Kaixa blade gun into a gun form.



The crocodile Orfienuo was directly bounced off by the lightsaber and let out a scream.

Li Qinghe held Kaixa's hilt upside down, turned the Kaixa lightsaber from his right hand to his left hand, and swiped twice in an X shape across the mouth of the crocodile Ophelia Enoch.

The crocodile Aofei Yinuo covered Yuexiong's mouth, and hit Li Qinghe with the big door knife in his hand like a sledgehammer.

In terms of pure strength, Li Qinghe couldn't compare to the crocodile Ofienuo. This guy is really strong.

Li Qinghe stretched out one arm to support the door machete, preventing it from falling.But the crocodile Ophelia's strength increased little by little, and Li Qinghe lowered his body slowly.

"Boom." A kick.

Li Qinghe was kicked and flew aside, quickly transformed the lightsaber into a light gun, filled it with light bullets, and fired at the chasing crocodile Orfi Enoch continuously.

After the crocodile Orfienuo was attacked, he quickly protected his upper body with a door machete.

Li Qinghe also took advantage of this time to stand up.

Li Qinghe was about to make a big move, but at this moment, the crocodile Ofienuo retreated step by step with a door machete.

"Why did you let me go!"

The crocodile Orfienuo released his transformation and came to Kageyama Yako and asked.

"Continue to fight, and your life will be gone again. Didn't you notice that his strength is improving a little bit?"

Kageyama Yako said.

j just hit the top, it's not that he doesn't know this.Just continue to fight, it may be a lose-lose situation.

In fact, Yazi Yingshan stopped the fight between j and Li Qinghe because he didn't want his younger brother to be seriously injured.The minor injuries caused by the battle just now are nothing to Orfienuo.

Seeing the crocodile Orpheus leaving, Li Qinghe canceled the transformation. If he was blocked from forcing his big move just now, his belt might be knocked off, so he can only temporarily transform into the unicorn Orpheus to fight .

This was not what Li Qinghe hoped for.If he and the crocodile Ofienuo really fight, the outcome is [-]-[-].

Li Qinghe lifted the transformation and handed the kiaxa belt to Abe Rina.

Li Qinghe saw the dying Kimura Shinmi.

"Are you all right?"

Li Qinghe asked with concern.

"We're fine, but luckily you came in time."

Abe Rina said.

"If you had come earlier, those of our classmates would not have been killed."

Deben Kyousuke questioned Li Qinghe angrily.

Li Qinghe frowned slightly, saving him even saved him from trouble.

It is a disaster for such a person to remain in the world.

Li Qinghe was already thinking about how to use the next Ophelia to artificially disappear this guy.

"How can you say that, thanks to Qinghe..."

Abe Rina said for Li Qinghe.

"I forgot, you two are together. Bring the belt, I'll keep the kaixa belt."

Kyosuke Deben snatched the kaixa belt box.

If it weren't for the fact that Abe Rina was watching, Li Qinghe would have been ready to silence him.

"Rina, it seems that this girl can still be rescued. I'll take her to the hospital."

Li Qinghe put the short-haired beauty Kimura Shinmi on his shoulders, took a taxi, and went to a nearby hotel.

"Fortunately, the body still has temperature, it can be heated..., so young to die, why don't you make some contributions before you die."

Li Qinghe put Kimura Shinmi on top, isn't this not very good.

"Um, did you save me?"

Kimura Shinmi suddenly opened her eyes and jumped Li Qinghe, why did she feel like she was caught doing something bad.

It's a pity, seeing Kimura Shinmi wake up, Li Qinghe sighed.

For those killed by Orfienuo, the second resurrection is either really resurrected or only a momentary resurrection.

"You, you're dying, and now it's just a flashback. Do you have any last wishes?"

Li Qinghe said.

"My, my last wish is to continue to live and find a handsome husband like you. It's a pity..."

Kimura Shinmi said.

"Well, then I will fulfill half of your wish."

Li Qinghe said.

"You, want to save me?"

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