Kimura Shinmi asked excitedly.

This silly girl, who was killed by Ophelia but not transformed into a "failure" of Ophelia, who can save her, why didn't she think about the second half of the sentence...

But Kimura Shinmi understands this way, then, let's try.However, Li Qinghe didn't know how to save her.

Li Qinghe thought of the power of Shadow Crocodile, wondering if this power could save her.

At this time, Kimura Shinmi seemed to have reached her limit, and her face was ashen.

Li Qinghe put his hand on Kimura Shinmi's forehead.

Li Qinghe's shadow turned into a unicorn, which merged into Kimura Shinmei's body, came out after a while, and continued to turn into Li Qinghe's shadow.

Kimura Shinmi's complexion gradually returned to ruddy.

Kimura Shinmi felt her body was about to die just now, but just when she was completely gone, Li Qinghe pulled her back from the gate.

"Thank you."

Kimura Shinmi said gratefully.

"Thank you so much, just be practical."

Compared with Kimura Shinmi's ruddy complexion, Li Qinghe's complexion was much paler.


Kimura Shinmi asked suspiciously.

In a blink of an eye, Li Qinghe knocked her down.

An hour later, Kimura Shinmi cried and cursed Li Qinghe.

"You bastard. Saved me, just treat me like this? Although I have a crush on you, you already have Abe Rina."

"Men, always eat what's in the bowl and look at what's in the pot. Get dressed and get out of here with me."

Li Qinghe said.

"I'll go back, how can I explain it to Abe Rina?"

It turned out that Kimura Shinmi was worried about this.

"Do you think you can go back? You are now Offienuo. If you insist on going back, you can only say in front of her that you were stunned by Ofienuo and did not die.

You should be praying now, I came fast enough that Abe Rina didn't have time to check your wound.Otherwise, do you think that a person who has been pierced through the mouth of the moon can survive intact? "

Li Qinghe said.

"I, I became Orfienuo? Impossible."

Kimura Shinmi shook her head.

"Uh, what are you doing?"

Li Qinghe grabbed her tender neck directly and didn't let go, it seemed that he wanted to strangle her to death.

Kimura Shinmei thought, he, is he going to kill me?But I don't want to die!

Chapter 1 The Kaixa belt was taken away?

Under Kimura Shinmi's strong desire to survive, her whole body changed unconsciously.

Seeing the change in Kimura Shinmi, Li Qinghe also let go of his hand.She has become Orpheus Enoch, but it is a pity that she is not native.

Whether it is the original Orfienuo, you can feel it as soon as you meet Orfienuo.

Kimura Shinmi fell to the ground, looked at the white hands and legs, touched her face, and felt different from usual.

"There is a mirror over there, you can see for yourself what you look like now."

Li Qinghe pointed to the bathroom and said.

Kimura Shinmi strode to the mirror, and saw herself as the daffodil Orpheino.

"I, how could I become Orfienoch, I, I..."

After Kimura Shinmi lifted the transformation, she squatted on the ground, hugging her knees and crying.

"What's wrong with being Orfienoch? Why are you crying?"

Li Qinghe looked at Kimura Shinmi with tears in his eyes, and the flame that had just been extinguished in his heart rose up.

"Ah, what are you doing?"


three hours later.

Kimura Shinmi accepted the fact that she became Orfienuo, and also accepted some other things, such as a new identity.

"Have you thought about it? If you want to go back, you should leave with me."

Li Qinghe asked Kimura Shinmi.

"I, I want to go back. I want to be with other students."

Kimura Shinmi thought about it and decided to go back.She didn't know where she would go if she followed Li Qinghe.She is always afraid of the unknown.Moreover, she didn't know anything about Li Qinghe.

"You, are you also Orfienuo?"

Kimura Shinmi thought for a long time, but decided to ask.


Li Qinghe said briefly.

"Then why did you approach us? For the belt?"

Kimura Shinmi asked.

"Of course not, it's for you to approach you, of course."

Li Qinghe went up again.

"Why are you here again?"

"If you don't eat now, when will you wait? It will be too troublesome for you to go back to Abe Rina in the future."

Li Qinghe fell into the gentle village, and was reluctant to come out for a long time.

The next day, Li Qinghe sent Kimura Shinmi back to the caravan.It has to be said that Orfi Enoch's physique is good, and one kidney can be used as ten.

Of course, Kimura Shinmi didn't show any abnormality, just looking at Li Qinghe's expression, she seemed a little envious.

Fortunately, Abe Rina didn't think too much, and thanked Li Qinghe for saving Kimura Shinmi.

Li Qinghe noticed that the box containing the kaixa in the hands of Tokumoto Kyosuke who was following Abe Rina disappeared.

Such an important thing, they must have carried it with them, how could it disappear?

Li Qinghe pretended to be casual and asked: "Rina, you have to put away the kaixa belt, and you can call me in the future if you need anything."

"Hehe, you don't need to worry about it, the kaixa belt has been handed over to the Sogaya people, the belt is not in our hands, and Orfienuo will not attack us in the future.

OK, I'm going home.Abe Rina, don't you still want to find other classmates?I'll leave the RV to the two of you. "

Deben Kyousuke winked at Li Qinghe triumphantly.

You outsider, want a kaixa belt, dream about it.No matter how you say it, Cao Jiaya is someone I bullied before, although I can't bully him now.

"what happened?"

Hearing that the kaixa belt was in the hands of Cao Jiaya, Li Qinghe didn't understand, but he was staring at the kaixa belt closely.The belt that is almost at the mouth, why is it gone again!

The reason why I agreed with Kimura Shinmi to come back was to get the Kaixa belt faster, but in the end, you sued me that the belt was taken away by the actor Masato Sokaya! ! !

The anger in Li Qinghe's heart was rising steadily!

"Qinghe, not long after you left yesterday. The crocodile Orfienuo who was beaten away by you came to attack us with another Orfienuo.

In desperation, I was going to call you, but Deben has already called Truth.

Later, they rushed over by coincidence, and Cao Jiaya also came over. Unexpectedly, he could also use the kaixa belt without any side effects.

That's great, you don't have to fight anymore. "

Abbe Rina said happily, and told the story of Ganqiao and Caojia Yaren's destruction of the two Orfienuos.

Whether it was the person who slept with Li Qinghe in the same boat, Kimura Shinmi keenly sensed the unhappiness in Li Qinghe's heart.

A man's mouth is deceitful, if you believe everything he says, you are an idiot.

Kimura Shinmi knew that Li Qinghe had thoughts about the kaixa belt, and she came back with one purpose to help him hold the sword belt, but now the belt is gone.

Li Qinghe's mood at this moment is definitely not very beautiful.

Li Qinghe smiled and nodded,

"Well, that's right. Without the belt, those Orpheenos wouldn't attack you."

Li Qinghe didn't mention the Kaixa belt afterwards.

"Well, in the future, in the future, if you have time, you can come and find me."

After Abbe Rina finished saying this, he covered his face and returned to the RV.

"Go back too, and contact me if you need anything."

Now that the past is over, Li Qinghe didn't let Kimura Xinmei leave with him.Although the kaixa belt is no longer here, keeping her here may have some unexpected effects.

Li Qinghe couldn't take it anymore, it was not too late to take revenge on his gentleman.

Qinghe takes revenge day and night.

Before, I didn't want to kill Tokumoto Kyosuke so quickly, because I didn't want to show my flaws, but now, you have to leave.That's good, I'll give you a ride.

After Li Qinghe bid farewell to Xinmei, he followed Deben Gongfu all the way.

Li Qinghe walked out when he came to a small path where there was no place, did he use a trick to kill him?There is no need to look for Ophelia, isn't he a living Ophelia?

I've seen someone courting death, but I've never seen someone courting death like this.

"You, what are you following me for?"

Deben Kyousuke looked around and found no one, so he was a little scared.

"Of course it's the total account. I lost my belt, how could I let you go."

Li Qinghe said sinisterly.

"Sure enough, my intuition is not wrong. I knew that you wanted the kaixa belt. Unfortunately, I gave the belt to Soka. If you want the belt, you can find him. Get out of the way."

Deben Kyosuke was a little scared. He was cowardly by nature. He offended Li Qinghe before and choked to death because of profit. The more cowardly a person is, the more he wants to gain strength and let others recognize his strength.

"Kaixa belt, I will naturally get it back through my own means. But you..."

As Li Qinghe talked, he transformed into the unicorn Ophelia Enuo.

"I'm going to kill you! Kill you well."

Li Qinghe snorted coldly, his usual hypocrisy only needs to be shown in public.

For enemies?I will not forgive you, it is God's business to forgive you, and my task is to send you to see God and his old man.

Li Qinghe kicked and broke Tokumoto Kyosuke's right leg.

Deben Kyousuke cried, "Help, help."

This area, no matter how you say it, is a road, and someone will pass by after all.

Li Qinghe pulled out his ribs and pierced Tokumoto Kyosuke's throat.

"It's cheaper for you".

After Deben Kyofu was briefly revived, he saw Li Qinghe, screamed, turned into ashes, and passed away with the wind.

Chapter 1 Who is not born a good baby who can act?

After Deben Kyosuke died, Li Qinghe released his transformation, turned around and said to his back.

"Come out, as Orfienuo, my hearing isn't that bad."

"Brother, long time no see, miss my sister?"

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